Friday, March 31, 2017

Seventeen Facts

From an email to my friend Tom:

1. University of Illinois Engineering College has a planned 50% attrition rate for incoming Freshmen.  Many of these unsuspecting young boys have their lives ruined for no good reason except to maintain cost effective reputation of the school and the Professors.  This happened to some friends of mine.

2. The Christian Church burnt every single book in the Roman Empire that was not the Bible in 400 AD - 600 AD.  This was the beginning of the dark ages.  All science, math, literature, philosophy, and drama was lost. The only books that survived that were preserved OUTSIDE the Roman Empire.  The Renaissance was literally the rediscovery of Rome and Greece.  The hospitals were closed for 1000 years because the practice of medicine was "magic" and "devil worship".  Europeans did not bathe for 1500 years because being naked led to sexual behavior.
3. Engineering graduates lifespan is shorter than average.   Fewer engineer graduates get married than average.  Fewer engineer graduates are "truly happy" than average.

4. I have an engineering degree and could not get a job at Radio Shack.  What possible good is this engineering degree to me?  

5. During the Roman Empire even slaves were literate and could read and write.  The author and philosopher Epictetus, who wrote on the philosophy of Stoicism, was originally a slave.  Under Christianity, illiteracy was prevalent.  Not even Kings and Queens could read and write.  Only the priests and monks had the ability to read and write.

6. The concept of the Holy Trinity is designed to cause "Cognitive dissonance" in the human mind.  This technique is a form of brainwashing and renders the victim unable to discriminate between truth and falsity.  

7. The George Bush $700,000,000,000,000 bailout doubled the money supply and halved the purchasing power of each dollar bill. Check how the Obama $700 trillion bailout did the same thing by 50%. Your money now has 1/3 purchasing power that it did in 2007. This was an intentional and planned event.

8. 20 % of men in America will NEVER get married.

9. The USA spends more money annually on the military, than the next SIX nations combined

10. The average lifespan of a professional football player is less than 50 years

11. You need to eat 30 grams of fiber a day.

12. Almost 1/4 of ALL your reported EARNINGS goes directly to the military and you get none of it.   This means that one whole day a week, you labor just to give money to the military and you get nothing for it (except "protection").

13. It is no easier to get OUT of the USA and become a citizen of a different country, than it is to get INTO the USA and become a USA citizen.

14. Every mile you drive puts one pound of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere.

15. One third of agricultural crops are pollinated by the bee and bumble bee.  The bumble bee is an endangered species.  If there is a mass die off of bees, There will be a mass famine of humans.  Presently, in North America  the bumble bee territory is reduced to 10% of its original size.

16. When the polar Ice melts in Antarctica, the oceans will rise by 400 feet -- and stay there.  This will happen long after we are dead, but it will happen.

17. USA is the largest terrorist organization in the world.  This is not trivial


18. The number  of homeless in Los Angeles has quadrupled in the past 20 years.  Current estimates vary between 40,000 - 75,000 people living right on the streets in tents and sleeping bags and rain tarps and whatever.

19. Suicide causes more deaths annually in the USA than Car Accidents and Murder combined.  An average of 123 people kill themselves every single day in USA America.  Of these deaths, about 75% are men and about 22 are Active Service Personnel. 

20. "Going to the Hospital" is the third leading cause of death in USA America.

21. The USA America had a per capita incarceration rate that is ten times greater than the next industrialized country.  Almost one out of every one hundred people in the USA is presently incarcerated.

copyright(c) 2017
William Schaeffer

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