Friday, July 24, 2020

Music for Nightmares by Bill Schaeffer

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Story of Atwaterpub, part 1.

Atwaterpub, N.
1.  Atwater Publications
2. "I'm drinking at the fountain of youth"
3. "Let's have a drink"
4.  William Atwater was my great Uncle.  He was a nice man.  He and Aunt Hazel were childless.  They were charming and nice people and I liked them.  When I was nine years old, we visited them.  For some reason, when I was in the bathroom, I decided that I should change my name to "William Atwater Schaeffer" to honor my Uncle Bill.   My name on my birth certificate is William Alan Schaeffer.  Apparently, I was named after my father's childhood friend Alan Rankin.  When I returned to the living room, I made the precocious announcement that,  "I am going to change my name to 'William Atwater Schaeffer'"

AND THEN (totally and absolutely unexpected by me)

William Atwater ran upstairs and returned with a Civil War Musket, A box of medals, and a Diary of his grandfather (William Atwater), who fought in the Civil War.   This was TOTALLY UNEXPECTED.  I was overwhelmed, and a little confused.  My mother was very jealous.

(Story to be continued...)

copyright (c) 2020 
William Schaeffer

Thursday, July 16, 2020

China and Russia

China and Russia 
Wed, Jul 15, 7:01 PM 
(10 hours ago) 
to Joe, atwaterpub, tom Joe, 

 What do you think about the concept of "Global Warming?" Do you think it is a real threat, or just a fabricated nonsense? 

 What do you think about the "homeless problem?" Do you think the the homeless want to be homeless drug addicts, or do you think the are victims of a cruel and inhuman economics?  


1. The Chinese language is over 6000 years old. English as a language is only 400 years old. The writings of Shakespeare are the start of the official "unified" English Language. 

 Chinese writing has no "tense." The "tense" (i.e. past, present, and future) is implied. 

2. The "I Ching" (Chinese Holy Book that I discovered at age 13) is five thousand years old. 

 Jews first appear (in the archaeological record) about 1100 B.C. (Mideast mountain camps with an unusual lack of pig bones in the garbage)

3. In China, the government GIVES YOU a place to live and your salary is just for food and expenses. Corporate salaries are typically 1/4 of what they are in the USA.

4. 50% of all Bankruptcies in the USA are for medical expenses

 In China, medical coverage is a right of citizenship. China has one of the lowest death rates due to Coronavirus.

 The USA is the world leader in percentage of deaths due to Coronavirus.

5, There are 60,000 homeless people living in tents on the streets of Los Angeles.

 There are NO "homeless people" in China.

  6. China has infinite patience.

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

 "Prepare for doom" - Zobo the Clown

Monday, July 13, 2020

Capitalism is inherently inhuman

Paradigm shift in progress. Capitalism is inhuman. In other words, Capitalism seeks to maximize profits by minimizing the human considerations as much as possible. Having workers in confined spaces, with no socializing, working for as many hours per day as possible maximizes profits. The more you can remove the human considerations from the equation, the more money you make. Too bad.

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Sunday, July 12, 2020


As of this writing, Vietnam has not had a single death due to Coronavirus.  The USA is the world leader in deaths due to Coronavirus.  The difference is due to the different government response.

Vietnam acted very fast.
They closed the boarder with China.
Wearing facemasks was manditory.
All immigrants were tested and had to be self quarantined for 14 days.
The government enacted a vigorous testing and tracking program.
All people that tested positive were quarantined in military barracks, college dorms, or hotels.
They were not allowed to leave.

Vietnam has no deaths due to Coronavirus, at this time.

USA is the world leader in deaths due to Coronavirus.
Why is this?
Is the government incompetent?
Is Capitalism broken?
Is Democracy hopelessly corrupt?
Is Donald Trump an idiot?
Are the USA citizens mentally retarded?
Is this the "will of God?"

What do you think?

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

USA America hates men

After the stock market recession in 2008, 30% of all the men in USA America were unemployed for two years. Check the facts yourself. Most of those men are now dead today and if you do a statistical check you will find that is true.

"America hates men" - Zobo the Clown

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

No LOVE in America

"There is no LOVE in USA America.  Nobody cares if you are dead or alive." - Zobo the Clown

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Class warfare

"The rich make their money upon the deaths of the homeless.  This IS America" - Zobo the Clown

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Global Warming email to my friend Steve

Global warming is just about Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere. This is the single important fact of the scientific model. Carbon Dioxide. The planet's mean temperature is directly correlated with the Carbon content in the atmosphere.

 700 million years ago the Earth was a tropical hothouse. There were no polar ice caps. Plankton in the ocean breathed Carbon Dioxide and used the Carbon to build the cell walls. When they died, the Carbon sank to the bottom of the ocean and was not returned to the atmosphere. The dead plankton turned into petroleum.

 200 million years ago, land plants appeared and breathed Carbon Dioxide out of the atmosphere to build the cell walls. When the plants died, the Carbon was buried in the Earth and did not return to the atmosphere. Eventually this turned into coal.

 For the past 200 years, humanity has dug this Carbon up out of the ground and has returned it to the atmosphere by burning gas and oil. In 200 years, humanity has reversed 700 million years of slow process of Carbon being buried in the ground.

 This is all science based. The Carbon content of the atmosphere has been measured continuously for the past 120 years and is dramatically increasing.

 These are the simple facts and the basic model. Science.


 As the Carbon was removed from the atmosphere, the planet's mean temperature lowered, until eventually we had an Ice age. As we burn fossil fuels, we return the Carbon to the atmosphere and the planet's mean temperature will rise in direct mathematical correlation.

 This is the scientific model, that seems to be mathematically accurate.

 Peace and Good Luck

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Thursday, July 2, 2020


There is no LOVE in USA America and NOBODY cares if you are dead or alive.

copyright (c) 3030
William Schaeffer

Homo Sapiens

There are no "Chosen People."

There is no "Word of God."


copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Feeding the pigeons

In USA America, feeding pigeons is a crime. In Japan, you are encouraged to feed the pigeons when you go to the Temple to pay your respects.

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

White Privlege

I'm tired of people looking at me and thinking "White Privilege." My life has been very difficult and I am lucky to still be alive. Almost nobody helped me in life and this society is mostly antagonistically hostile to my survival. My grandfather was an orphan. My father whipped the living shit out of me as a very young child and "NOBODY CARES." "THANKS FOR NOTHING USA AMERICA." Thanks for NOTHING...

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Public Education in the age of Covid-19

One positive thing about Covid-19 is that it will change the nature of public education.  Presently, public education is a prison system of keeping children in a crowded room for the majority of their day, so they cannot have free will.  This cannot continue in light of "social distancing."

Solution (in my opinion):  Make the school day half as long and divide the class size in half.  Divide the school children into two groups that alternately occupy the classroom.  The advantage of this is that children will get much more free autonomous time to determine their own fates.

My life was destroyed why I entered kindergarten.  I lost all control over my life and I lost all optimism about my enjoyment of life when I started school at four and a half years old.  Grade School in USA America just sucks.

The current political conflicts are directly attributable to the influence of "Public Education."  The concepts of individual academic achievement, with NO individual autonomous life direction, having top priority destroys the creative intellectual life of most children.  This is not accidental.

Public Education is designed to destroy the inner creative life of innocent children.  This system is designed to make "good factory workers" to be taken advantage of by the corporate powers.  Unfortunately, this ideology destroys the positive, self loving, generous, enthusiastic "love of life" attitude that any valid Democracy requires for long term survival.  America was doomed.

Maybe the pandemic will rescue USA America children from the oppressive "prison system" that we presently call "Public Education."  Maybe the pandemic will help us reexamine the priorities that the USA uses to "guide and harness" the intellectual life of young children in the Public Education system.

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Russian bounties

Why are people worried about Russia offering bounties on USA soldiers? The USA "created the Taliban" when President Reagan funded the establishment of Afghan "Revolutionary forces" to fight the invading Russian forces. In 1850 the government of California offered a $5 bounty on Indian scalps to defeat "Native American insurgence" against USA control. It seems that the USA established both precedents that Russia is currently following in Afghanistan...

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Covid-19 Federal response

During the entire Vietnam War, about 50,000 American soldiers were killed. After the end of the war, another 100,000 died of suicide, presumably due to post traumatic stress. 150,000 victims over the course of almost 20 years. And now, we have almost 40,000 people dying in a single day due to Covid-19. Maybe 100,000 will die per day in the near future. About 3,300 innocent victims died in the 9/11 attack and the event galvanized an entire nation for 20 years. Today 40,000 people die per day, and we casually politicize the event and ignore even a pretense of strategic attack on a Federal scale. Astounding.

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer