Friday, October 30, 2015

What the Duck?

William Schaeffer


Ten of Spades

Found this card around 6:30pm on 10-29-2015 on 5th street near Los Angeles street in downtown Los Angeles.  I was returning from the used book store where I didn't find any books of real interest.

William Schaeffer


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Optimal Human Food

Monday, October 26, 2015

R.I.P. Sigitas Bigelis

My friend Sigi died a year ago from cancer.  We were roommates in college and he was the one who turned me on to smoking weed.  However, I just quit smoking weed a month ago because I was coughing too much.  It is the last vice that my body could tolerate and I'm doing ok.  

Sigi and I were roommates the sophomore year in college.  Then I got an apartment the junior year with some other friends.  Ironically, Sigi quit smoking a couple years after that, but we always stayed in touch and I went up to visit his house in San Jose a couple times.  He was a programmer for Lockheed and then a systems programmer for IBM.  He was a smart and hard working guy, but never really found happiness or love.  He liked to drink beer and eat BBQ.  One year he BBQ'ed a whole turkey on his grill for Thanksgiving. One Christmas he sent me a big box care package with numerous DVD copies and a funny robot clown.

About four or five years ago we stopped talking because he was drinking Vodka excessively. He called me from his mother's house after drinking nine shots of vodka.  He had smuggled a bottle in his suitcase on the plane.  I was pissed because his entire conversation was a waste of my time.  Even though I was angry, I still remembered him affectionately but did not call.  A few years later I called him "out of the blue" and found he had cancer.  He loved to eat meat and was 60 pounds over weight.  He had found some symptoms, of blood in his stool, but did not bother going to the doctor in time.  He finally quit drinking but it was too late.  He died a few months later.  I called a few times, but could not visit because I had a Hernia myself that was probably caused by coughing.

He thought about killing himself with his pistol, but I urged him to be a man, and am genuinely surprised that he did not take the suicide route.  He died like a man, in great pain, and great mental torment.  His brother took care of all the preparations as he had no family.   

I rarely spoke to his brother, because Sigi always described the brother as selfish, and egotistical.  He was a salesman in Chicago.  I STILL have not spoken with the brother since Sigi's death even though I wrote two letters.  

Sigi was only 57 when he died and he probably could have lived another thirty years if he had loved himself and taken care of himself, but he didn't.  We live in a world without love, being excessively concerned with corporate profits, big houses, and lots of neat material possessions.   This is especially true for men in America.   I am not sure if Sigi ever read a single book on philosophy, but he did read science fiction and fantasy on occasion. I remember he turned me on to the literature of Franz Kafka in college.

Now days, it is too bad that almost no one remembers him and no one really cares that he is dead.  He was a good guy despite being stubborn and opinionated.  He was honest and fair and his "word was gold."  He always followed through on his promises.   I miss him and think of him occasionally.

R.I.P. Sigitas Bigelis 10-13-2014

William Schaeffer


Sunday, October 25, 2015

How many VFX artists does it take to change a light bulb?

Q: How many VFX artists does it take to change a light bulb?

A: None.  They shipped all that work to India.

William Schaeffer


The Body is NOT a machine

"The Body is NOT a machine." - Mr. Atwater

We spend our entire life surrounded by inanimate single purpose machines that have been built to standards of high reliability.  Whenever we need to use one of these machines it invariably performs without error.  We flip a light switch and the light turns on.  We turn a key and the car's engine comes to life.  We press a button and the stove ignites, or the TV turns on, or the microwave starts cooking.  Only occasionally does a replaceable part break down and then we simply replace that part and the machine functions reliably once again.

These machines never need food.  They never need sleep.  They never need a rest, but are at our service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; and they never complain.  Some of us interact with our machines more than we interact with other people.  We come to expect everything in our life to behave flawlessly and without fail, and we are rarely disappointed.

Unfortunately, that same expectation comes to be put upon our selves and our bodies.   We take tireless performance to be the norm and not the exception.  We unconsciously expect the same thing of our bodies and our minds.  Unfortunately, our bodies are not machines.  They are living organisms and not subject to the same laws as machines.  They tire and they get worn down rapidly.  Their performance is variable and temperamental.  If a part of the body get worn out, we cannot easily replace it.  We must wait days or weeks for it to repair itself, or we may be damaged forever.  We may never heal.

All of these unconscious expectations cause us to despise the body instead of appreciating what a miracle it really is.  The body is really much more sophisticated and complicated than any machine, but we do not recognize it.  We are detached from life and only looking for a quick result because that is how we have been trained and conditioned.   All too often, this attitude causes us to despise our bodies and our minds for their weaknesses, instead of honoring them and appreciating the miracle that they are.

And then, we get chronically sick, carpal tunnel syndrome, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, tennis elbow, PTSD, arthritis, an infection, or some other malady.  If we do not recognize the problems we can even die long before our time.

Therefore, learn to appreciate the weaknesses and unique capabilities of your body.  Honor the body and the mind and take care not to work them too hard or wear them out too soon.

It is a marvel that we have so many real machines to help us perform our daily tasks, but let's always  remember that:

"The Body is NOT a machine." - Mr. Atwater

William Schaeffer


Follow your Heart

In Dear Abby, I read that a teenage girl was being pressured to believe in Christianity and join a Church even though she did not really want to:

My comment:

You must be true to yourself and your own feelings. Much of popular Christianity is dishonest and untrue, even if "the Love of God" is somehow true. Follow your heart and your mind and do not betray your own intellect and your own feelings. The only way you can be at peace is to be honest with yourself and honest with others (as much as it is possible). I left the Church at 15 years old, because I did not believe in the writing of Apostle Paul. I still do not and I am proud of myself for staying true to my convictions at such an early age. The Church teaches that Blind Faith is the highest good and this is just not true. Honest search for demonstrable (and repeatable) truth is the highest good and most honorable use of the intellect and the heart. Follow your deepest inner feelings and be true to yourself wherever it might lead you. It may not be easy, but in the long run it will be worth it.

Some replies:

  • bloodthirstyjesus 9 minutes ago
    Congratulations for escaping fundamentalist religion,

  • N
    New 5 minutes ago
    Why writing of Apostle Paul?
    So you believed in some of it but not other parts?

My comment:

William Schaeffer
This is not the correct forum for me to elucidate further on my beliefs. The important point is that everyone must follow their own heart and be true to their own sense of what is right and good. If you betray your own intellect, for any reason, you have lost everything and you will never be at peace.

Another reply:

William, people who disagree with others do it because it goes into contrast with their own humanly performance, believes and what they want to do in their own lives so they pick and chose. While you state that this blog isn't the correct forum to elucidate on your believes, you have done just that. It is easy to figure out why you chose to walk away from God over the teachings of Paul. Too bad, because without believing in Jesus foremost as the Son of God you will not see Heaven. Lost souls are very sad to the Lord and it is why God sent his only son to earth to save all of our souls.

My conclusion:

no: I said it isn't the place to fully elucidate my beliefs in great detail; only those that are necessary to the argument: "You must follow your heart and not betray your intellect." At some other time I may get into a theological argument on the merits of Paul's interpretation of the Original True Message of Jesus, but this is not the time or the place. Thank you for your comment.

"You must follow your heart and not betray your intellect." - Mr. Atwater

William Schaeffer


The Less Meat I Eat -- The Healthier I Am

"The less meat I eat -- the healthier I am" - Mr. Atwater

According to author T. Colin Campbell in the book "The China Study," results of the largest diet and nutrition study ever conducted show conclusively that:

The three diseases of modern society are:

1. Diabetes
2. Heart Disease
3. Cancer

These are CAUSED by:

1. Eating animal protein, or meat.
2. Not enough fiber in the diet.


"The three diseases of modern society are caused by eating meat and not enough fiber."


"The less meat I eat -- the healthier I am." - Mr Atwater

William Schaeffer


Saturday, October 24, 2015

All you need is Love

Deep Water wrote:

u choose Law instead of Grace, therefore u are subjected to the Harsh God, for no matter how hard u try to be righteous- u would always fall short of fulfilling the Law, and thus death would be ur ultimate destiny.

My response:

I choose love.  Love your enemies.  Love yourself.  Death is ALL of our ultimate destinies.  And so what?  If you have lived a full life, honest, true, loving, compassionate, hard working, and generous, when it comes time to die, you will be ready.  Who really wants to live forever anyway, THAT would be boring.  Besides, Deep Waters, you are a coward hiding behind some anonymous name.  Try being courageous.  Try being brave.  Try being a man.  You might like it.

Deep Water replied:

u cant love ur enemies and u at the same time period

My philosophy:

Deep Waters, maybe YOU cannot LOVE, but that doesn't mean it is not possible.  LOVE is infinite and unending.  LOVE knows no boundaries or limitations.  LOVE is the great eternal principle in the universe. Everything else may pass away, but LOVE will remain.  Think about it.  Meditate on LOVE and let your heart fill with LOVE. Peace.

William Schaeffer

Only drink water

There are no healthy liquids to drink except water.  We evolved in an environment where our evolutionary ancestors only drank water.  Our bodies are designed to take nutrition through eating and to drink water.  The more you drink other liquids besides water, the less healthy you are.

Only drink water.

William Schaeffer

The New Economy

I only shop at bargain stores or used product resale stores like GoodWill. I buy food at bargain stores and only buy what is available and do not worry about it. I buy a used car and only drive it to work. I do not take vacation, eat at restaurant, or go to entertainment events like movies or sports. I don't drink or go to bars. I am living a frugal existence so I can survive this economy. I only buy used books and never buy newspaper or new books. I do not buy CD or DVD or blueray. I avoid brand names and I avoid logos on my clothes. I do not watch broadcast TV and only watch youtube or internet news. Capitalism is dead. Conspicuous consumption is suicide.

William Schaeffer


Thursday, October 22, 2015

Empty Barrels

"Empty Barrels make the most noise." - Anon

Frequently, the people that talk the loudest, interrupt the most, and are most insistent that you listen to them, really have nothing to say.  They have no substance to their arguments and there is no logic to their opinions.  They are brainwashed by popular superstition and are like parrots repeating words they don't understand and have not thought about. They are like empty barrels clattering down a hill side after being nudged by accident.

The full barrels, that contain valuable cargo are heavy and do not move as easily.  If you strike them, they respond with a dull thud, and do not move.


I am reminded of a verse 56 from the Tao Te Ching atributed to Lao Tzu:

Those who know do not talk.
Those who talk do not know.

Keep your mouth closed.
Guard your senses.
Temper your sharpness.
Simplify your problems.
Mask your brightness.
Be at one with the dust of the earth.
This is primal union.

He who has achieved this state
Is unconcerned with friends and enemies,
With good and harm, with honor and disgrace.
This therefore is the highest state of man.

(translation by Gia Fu Feng and Jane English)

William Schaeffer


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

You can always earn more money...

"You can always earn more money,

But you can never earn more time."

- Mr. Atwater

All you have of value in life is time, and when that time is gone your life is over.  Life is shorter than you think and if there is something you really want, then do it now, because you may never get another chance.  Don't let money be a major consideration because it is always possible to earn money somehow and you cannot take money into the grave.  But when your life is over, you are out-of-time and you cannot buy any more time for all the money in the world.

William Schaeffer


Monday, October 19, 2015


be calm

be centered

and be at peace

William Schaeffer

Sunday, October 18, 2015

an apple a day

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away." - Anon

There are many reasons why apples are among the most healthy foods to eat and here are just a few:

1. Apples have fiber and fiber is necessary for healthy functioning of your body.  Most Americans do not get enough fiber in their diet.

2. Apples are "tree food."  Many traditions including Zoroastrianism hold "tree food" to be especially healthy and "divinely favored."

3. Apples help remove mucus from the body.  Excessive mucus promotes ill health.  Mucus coats and preserves bacteria and viruses in the body which can introduce sickness in the body's attempt to cure it.

4. In Taoist dietary classification, Apples are a very YANG food (active moving energy) and help counteract, or balance, the excessive YIN diet (sweet passive retiring) which is pervasive in the West.

5. Johnny Appleseed liked apples and spent his life planting apple trees.

6. Traditionally the Apple is the fruit of the tree of knowledge mentioned in the book of Genesis.  Since we have already left the Garden of Eden and must labor by the sweat of our brow, we need all the intelligence and knowledge we can find.

7. Apples stay fresh for a long time without refrigeration.  If you lead a busy lifestyle, it is difficult to use up fresh produce before it spoils.  Apples can stay fresh for weeks without refrigeration and always make a good snack.

8. Pigs and horses like to eat apples.

9. Aside:  If the Earth were the size of an apple, the crust of the Earth (the hard rock continents we live on) would be the thickness of the skin of the apple.  The rest of the Earth is made of spongy or liquid mineral and metal.  The Earth is NOT solid like a rock.  It is more like a drop of viscous liquid suspended in space.

10. Dried apples make a great snack and will last indefinitely.  Eat them with tree nuts (Walnuts, Almonds, Pecans) for an especially healthy snack.

11. William Tell had an apple shot off of his head and lived to "tell about it."  If that was a banana or a grape, he might not have been as lucky.

12. The expression "apple of my eye" indicates a special affectionate feeling for an associate and it not an accident that the apple is the symbol of that emotion.

13. Apples contain Pectin which is a naturally sweet soluble dietary fiber that is used in making jams and jellies.  Pectin is also used in medical preparations to cure either constipation or diarrhea, keeping the dietary process running smoothly.

14. Apples taste good.

William Schaeffer


History of Movies

History of movies (in 200 words or less):

The social and cultural role that movies fulfill has totally changed over the past 80 years. In the 1940's movies were the center of the media experience and people went to the movies to see newsreels, to watch cartoons and then to see a feature. It was a well rounded community experience and most people went almost every week. Then television appeared and people started watching TV for news and the movie reels (and cartoons) disappeared from the theaters. In the 1960's movies expanded into social realism and showed product that couldn't be show on TV like ultra violence and ultra sexy content. By 1980's cable TV and the video tape market started providing that content and movies became more like expensive roller coasters to keep the viewers interested. Today that is the niche market that movies fulfill - the Action packed adventurous roller coaster ride, because that is about all they can provide that makes it seem worth the cost of entrance. Things change. 

I predict that movies will become even more marginalized in the future because of internet content, but they will still be a viable art form in their own way; much like theater has become.

William Schaeffer

Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Rich Pageantry of Life

"The Rich Pageantry of life." - Mr. Atwater

The parade of idiots that pass through your life.

Don't get mad.   Relax and enjoy the show.

William Schaeffer

friends in Hollywood

Q. How do you know who your friends are in Hollywood?

A. They are the ones who stab you in the chest.

- Mr. Atwater

William Schaeffer

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Do it NOW!

Do it NOW!

Frequently the only thing that keeps us from solving the problems that face us is inaction -- not doing anything.  Therefore, if you see something that needs to be done, no matter how trivial, do it now.  It may be unrelated to the problem at hand, but if it needs to be done, then finishing the task will clear your mind and make you more able to solve the serious problems you face.  Often times a complex problem can be solved by "chipping away at it" and resolving little aspects of the problem one at a time.  And then, before you know it, the "big problem" is now a manageable task.

In any event, the best policy for successful living is to stop being lazy, stop avoiding difficult issues, stop hiding from the obvious.  Roll up your sleeves, find something that you can accomplish and then: Do it NOW!

You will feel much better about yourself and in the long run you will be successful.

William Schaeffer

Monday, October 12, 2015

You Can't Argue with a Rock

"You can't argue with a rock." - Mr. Atwater

Some people are so stupid, narrow minded, dogmatic, inflexible, or opinionated that it is not worth talking to them at all.  There can be no positive outcome from any interaction whatsoever.  When you find yourself in a conversation with one of these people, it is best to politely dismiss yourself as soon as possible and avoid any interaction in the future.  Be careful that you are not the rock yourself.

William Schaeffer

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Everything happens for the best

"Everything happens for the best." - Mr Atwater

It would be difficult to prove this is true, to the satisfaction of doubtful people that are in pain.  But it has been some small consolation for me when I have stumbled into bad luck and cannot find a quick or easy solution.

Thinking this way does help you look for alternatives and to be patient while you wait.

In hindsight, however, I cannot find an exception, and my worst luck has frequently led to my best circumstances.  I don't advise looking for trouble, because fortune is not guaranteed.

Relax and stay optimistic, while you work hard to find a solution.

William Schaeffer

a toast

"Here's to you
And here's to me
May we never

But if we should
F*** You
And here's to me."

-Sigitas Bigelis

Sigi was a roommate in college.  Although we did not always agree, I always respected him.

He died of cancer on 10-13-2014 and will always be remembered.

William Schaeffer

power equals information times connectivity

"Knowledge is power" - Francis Bacon

"Money is not power.    Education is not power.   Information is power.   And if they gave you bad information, you got bad power." - Dick Gregory, american comedian


In physics P = V * I  or  Power = Voltage times Current

If voltage is information,   and current is connectivity;   

then [in society]

"social power" P =  Information times Connectivity.   

P = I * C


This is the real power of the internet  -- it provides both information AND connectivity.    

We CAN change the world.   The question is HOW will we?

William Schaeffer

Friday, October 9, 2015


"The greatest crime in the history of mankind was the institutionalized support for faith and superstition instead of the practice of logic and reason." - Mr Atwater

The human mind is naturally superstitious because of memory encoding optimization. Institutions exploit this weakness for the enslavement of victims. Philosophy and science can understand this and help mitigate the negative effects.

Because the brain is limited in space and  size, the mind must use algorithms to encode memories and to recall memories.  These algorithms are based on optimization of brain resources in common environments and experiences.  Also, memories are compressed and then reconstructed upon recall.  All these simplification and optimization procedures introduce situations  where the compression algorithm introduces artifacts or "short circuits."  For example, all optical illusions are based on these type of "short circuits" of the brain's visual optimization schemes.

To my understanding, in Christianity the highest moral use of the brain is to believe in God, Jesus, Heaven, Angels, Salvation without any demonstrable evidence at all.  It is considered the greatest use of the human mind to believe something that you have never seen or experienced, with just faith and without any real evidence at all.  For example, a belief that God answers your prayers without any knowledge or proof of God's existence at all ever.

To me this idea is a betrayal of the intellect.  It is a betrayal of logic and rationality  and the self.  It is a betrayal of what it even means to be a human at all.   It is the greatest intellectual deceit, and deception in the history of thought.   

William Schaeffer

Feeling bad?

"Feeling bad is better than not feeling at all." - Mr. Atwater

If you are feeling ill, sick, depressed, worried, upset, concerned, have a stomach ache, head ache, or some other physical or mental malady it is easy to wish everything would just go away regardless of what was lost.  But remind yourself that even if your are in great pain, you are still alive, and being alive is better than not being alive at all.  Having sensation, even if most of them are bad, is better than nothingness, or having no sensation, or no conscious awareness at all.

William Schaeffer

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Straight and True

 "If you are straight and true; if you move with honest intent and have no desire to harm or deceive others, then no one can touch you. You will not be harmed." - Mr Atwater

You can walk through fire...

William Schaeffer

Professional Sports

"Professional Sports only exists so that ordinary men will not be involved in politics." - Mr. Atwater

William Schaeffer

This is the best of all possible worlds

"This is the best of all possible worlds, because this is the world that exists." - Mr. Atwater

In the novel "Candide" by Voltaire, the character of Dr. Pangloss is portrayed as an impossibly idealistic optimist, and people have accused me of this at times.

However, consider that this present world is the product of untold millions of small choices and alternatives, and in every case the option that was the most optimal was the one that has been chosen. Why waste your time imagining hypothetical worlds that never were, or imagining futures that are unlikely to exist?  Instead, look for the beauty and wonder that is right before your eyes that you do not recognize.

"This is the best of all possible worlds, because this is the world that exists." - Mr. Atwater

William Schaeffer

Monday, October 5, 2015

Life is better without booze

"Life is better without booze." - Mr Atwater

I quit drinking alcohol cold turkey over 13 years ago this month on October 21.  I drank a lot of black tea and laid on my bed looking at the ceiling for a month.  I lost weight, saved money, and got new friendships.  Alcohol is a poison.  Why kill yourself with poison, when you can live joyous and free?  All that is required is determination, patience, and a few small adjustments in your lifestyle.

"Life is better without booze." - Mr Atwater

William Schaeffer

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Imagine Nietzsche

Imagine Nietzsche going to a Therapist and discussing his view on society, women, and religion.

Imagine the content of the discussion as the therapist is continually thwarted intellectually at every turn by a penetrating and superior intellect.

What would be the result?

Nietzsche is declared depressed and given mind destroying drugs so he doesn't bother his neighbors any more. The medicine has little effect on his mood, but he makes less noise.   After a few months, the medication is increased and changed.  The results are inconclusive, but the doctor is convinced that progress is being made.

William Schaeffer

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Crazy Tonk

I invented a new form of music called "crazy tonk."   It is similar to psycho billy and a lot like "honky tonk" but twice as fast.   It is like poor white kids on speed -- "They got no rhythm, but they sure want to dance fast nonetheless."   It is like watching autistic robots wrestle in hyper space.  It is like fighting imaginary ghosts on a high speed treadmill while you are really just standing in one place.

"Play as fast and loud as you can, for as long as you can, 
  until your arms just give out." - Mr. Atwater

William Schaeffer

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Cowboys don't wear Cologne

Cowboys don't wear cologne
and Cowboys don't talk on the phone
They do what is right
and they're good in a fight
and Cowboys don't mind being alone

Cowboys don't have an "ex"
and Cowboys won't send you a text
They stand up straight
and they're never late
and they know that their life is blessed.

Cowboys drink in a bar
and Cowboys cook out in the yard
They work all day
and at night they will play
and tomorrow they'll be back working hard.

(instrumental break)

Cowboys don't wear cologne
and Cowboys don't talk on the phone
They do what is right
and they're good in a fight
and Cowboys don't mind being alone.

William Schaeffer
