Monday, July 30, 2018

Two Global Warming Facts

On the average, every mile driven in a car puts one pound of CO2 into the atmosphere. ONE POUND of CO2 for EVERY MILE driven. Gasoline is mostly Carbon atoms. A gallon of gas weighs 6.7 pounds. During combustion, almost 12 pounds of O2 is removed from the atmosphere and combined with the Carbon in the gasoline producing 19.2 pounds of Carbon Dioxide that is put back into the atmosphere. If you assume that your car gets 19, or 20, miles to the gallon, then EVERY MILE DRIVEN puts ONE POUND of CARBON DIOXIDE into the atmosphere -- forever.

 If all the ice on Antarctica melts, the the Sea Level will rise almost 400 feet. Antarctica is 5% of surface area of Earth. The ice averages one mile thick. The oceans cover 66% of the globe. If (Y) represents sea level rise then: 5% x 1 mile = 66% x (Y) or 0.o5 x 5280 feet = .66 x (Y) and (Y) = 400 feet. 

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Sunday, July 29, 2018

It all makes sense

(lunar eclipse?)

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Piano on Mondays

 Piano on Mondays at LAX Renaissance Hotel 6:00 P.M.

 I have moved to Monday Nights at LAX Renaissance Hotel
 9620 Airport Blvd., Los Angeles 6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. (or so)

 Hope you can swing by sometime.

 William Schaeffer Piano

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Friday, July 27, 2018

School is designed to destroy friendships.

Some day I'll explain the theory better.

For the lower classes of USA society, grade school effectively destroys the sibling relationships and the neighborhood friendships by isolating children away from the neighbors and siblings for most their waking hours for most of their childhood. Once you get to be 18 you have few real friends. After you go to college, or start work for a few years, you are effectively isolated from most long term friendships and personal bonds. THIS IS NOT AN ACCIDENT that the school system isolates you from your siblings.....This is in contrast to how most human children throughout time were raise. By the time you achieved maturity, you had many common memories with your neighbors and siblings. Your childhood friends were your friends for life.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Temple of Doom

Welcome to the Temple of Doom

Welcome to the Altar of Despair

Prepare for your Unraveling. 

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Why you are alone.

 The sad part is, we spend so much of our time at work, it is very hard to maintain friendships or relationships.

 C.D., "You are a GENIUS." That is EXACTLY the problem. The reason we work eight hours a day is not to optimize our work -- it is to prevent us from socializing effectively. The reason we went to grade school and were separated from our siblings and neighbors was NOT to teach us more efficiently. It was to effectively destroy our relationships -- to prevent us from having any shared memories with our siblings and neighbors as children . The purpose of school is to ISOLATE us from our social network so we could be exploited as "labor." THIS IS AMERICA.

copyright (c) 2018 
William Schaeffer

Homeless Woman Sweeping Garbage

I just saw a homeless woman sweeping garbage into the street.  She was old and weathered and skinny and had what appeared to be two shopping carts filled with bags of items.   She was screaming and yelling about how "Nobody is putting garbage on my sidewalk" and "Nobody even notices what I do" and "I don't care about your erections" and "The government doesn't do anything" and "The government won't help you keep your children" and loud, angry proclamations similar to that.  People walked by silently on the other side of the street, trying not to look.

I watched her for a while and thought about shooting a video or asking her for a youtube  interview, but I subconsciously convinced myself not to.  She swept a small pile of dirt into the road, screaming and yelling about the garbage and the work she does.

I said, "Bless you sister" and made the sign of a cross, like a Catholic priest might do.  Nobody else said anything, but just kept walking.  One woman looked me with a strange expression.

I thought to myself, "There is no LOVE in America."   Too bad.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Embrace the boredom

Want to fight an addiction?

Accept the facts:

Life is boring.

Embrace the boredom.

Accept it.

Don't fight it.

Be still and quiet and endure for as long as you can.

Life is boring.

Embrace the boredom.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

America is a prison

It is with some amusement that I say:  "America is a prison"

 Because if you are unhappy with my behavior, what can you do?

 Send me to prison ?!?    HAHAHA

 copyright (c) 2018 
William Schaeffer

Letter to youtube

I was excited to join youtube eight years ago. I like the open platform and the possibility to make money under the agreement we had. Then after net neutrality was repealed you unilaterally changed our agreement and took away the monetization. i was naturally sad and disappointed because I worked very hard and you changed the rules. I still love the opportunity to post video that youtube represents and hope I can get the monetization back.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, July 24, 2018



20 x 24 oil on stretched canvas

$100 SOLD

Football fades away

Football was promoted in this country so young men could be trained to be athletic while wearing a helmet and protective gear. This made them perform better as soldiers and infantry men when they were drafted. Now, the role of war and the army has changed. It is no longer necessary to have legions of soldiers invade another country, it can be done with missile attacks, computer satellite technology, and remote control drones. The infantry is less important. Therefore, football is less important. The rest of the world plays soccer. Football will fade away.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Politics as usual ?

This political name calling that has become characteristic of the USA politics is really inspiring and enlightening for the rest of the world. I am sure they admire the maturity and "leadership"of the USA.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Friday, July 20, 2018

The Self Help Group

The Self Help Group

Assembly Art

Stretched canvas on 8 3/4 x 10 3/4 frame
Plastic badge, ribbon, emoji stickers, smiley sticker, ziplock bag with assorted items
Wm Schaeffer 7-10-2018 copyright (c)2018 

Have some Fun

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer


copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

"May God have Mercy on the USA" - Zobo the Clown

It is kind of sad when you think about it. For the first time in TWO THOUSAND years the founding fathers of the USA proposed a political organization that acknowledged the basic human dignity and personal rights of ALL people. AND --almost everything the USA has done in the past one hundred and twenty years is to establish puppet dictatorships around the world that represent some of the the worst abrogation of human rights in recorded history. The USA has lost its way and lost its mission.

"May God have Mercy on the USA" - Zobo the Clown

copyright (c) 2018
 William Schaeffer

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

July 16 -- World Emoji Day

Happy World Emoji Day July 16!

 The emoji was created in Japan in 1999, but it was based on the smiley face image which was created by Harvey Ball from Worcester, Mass. in the 1960's. The smiley face became a universal symbol because it was intentionally not trademarked or copyrighted.  The idea of the smiley face was left in the public domain and thus inadvertently inspiring the creation of the emoji many years later...

 I once heard a radio interview with Harvey Ball and was impressed that he intentionally did NOT copyright the original smiley face image to promote more use.

copyright (c) 2018 
William Schaeffer

Monday, July 16, 2018

I found a nickle

copyright (c ) 2018
William Schaeffer

I found a dime

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Sierra Club motto

"Take nothing but pictures.  Leave nothing but footprints." - published motto of the Sierra Club

Not a bad philosophy for all the rest of life, either...

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Power to the People

Response to a comment on facebook about "having to work 8 hours every day" is good for society.

J. T. ---  I understand the basic premise of your argument to be: if everybody gets personal freedom and personal fulfillment then nobody will be available to do the "real work" and society as we know it will collapse. My response is that is not necessarily true. We only work 8 or 10 or 12 hours a day because that is the best way to extract the most profit from the worker -- it has nothing to do with building a better society. Maybe if people worked 4 hours a day, we could still provide goods and services and ALSO have a happy life. Maybe if people were able to self organize the work, there would be a more efficient and humane form of regulation or government organization. However, it would probably be more difficult to amass great stores of wealth and property. It might be more difficult for the obscenely rich to continue the practice, but in my opinion THAT itself would be for the betterment of all society. "Power to the People. Power to the people, right on." - John Lennon.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Clown Face

      ^ ^

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Idle Boast

"You CAN'T beat the shit out of me because I am so FULL of shit that there is always some shit left and that shit is going to come back at you with everything it got, and no matter what else happens -- you are then going to have a real shitty day.  I guarantee it." - MR. ATWATER

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Life in America

In USA America, nobody really cares if you are dead of alive...   In USA America, all that matters is money.  Human life is worthless.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Einstein and Newton

Reply to a facebook comment that Einstein proved Newton wrong

"Only at the extreme environmental conditions of speed of light, or molecular attractions are Newton's laws not sufficiently accurate to describe the physics of the interactions. However, at the environmental conditions of normal human existence, Newton's laws are perfectly accurate and consistent with observed behavior of nature. At the environmental conditions of normal human experience the quantum mechanical influences your reference are effective negligible. Newton was NOT "proved wrong" ... Sorry. His theories have been refined with the addition of quantum mechanical components to the equation. Even at the speed of light and in molecular attraction, there are still elements of Newtonian mechanics that influence the behavior of the system, but this influence is far superseded by the Quantum Mechanical effects."

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Effective Communication

"Effective Communication is sharing information with no emotional content attached." - Anon.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Friday, July 13, 2018

Democracy and Capitalism

In my limited understanding, the basic idea of democratic principles and the democratic process is this: "People with differing wants, needs, and opinions all meet together to make a decision that affects the entire group. Each person pleads their case and shares their viewpoint. Then, the group votes to establish a new rule, classification, or decision that all in the group agree to accept and abide by."

 In contrast, a capitalist enterprise is an organization where a small number of people "own" everybody and everything in the company. These are the shareholders. They elect a board of directors to run the company. The employees are hired to perform a specific task. The employees have almost no say in how the business is run, how the work is done, or what their own responsibilities will be. They do what they are hired to do and if they cannot perform the task adequately (or for any reason at all) then they are dismissed and released from employment. When the company dismisses them, then they have no legal relationship with the company, or their former coworkers at all. They are not a part of the group. They never were a part of the group (the shareholders). They were employed servants. They had almost no control over what tasks they would perform or at what hours these tasks would be required to be performed. The company has absolutely no obligation to the employees except to pay them the money for their services rendered.

Originally written in a youtube comment response to the comment "Capitalism is abstracted Slavery"

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Best of Times, Worst of Times

Response to comment that said in essence "these are the best times ever for mankind."


I do believe, what we have right now is... The Best That's Ever Been. Never before has global civilization reached this level of technological excellence. Never before have knowledge and communications advanced so rapidly -- so exponentially every day. True, I'm referring, to the moderately wealthy and up, residing in the wealthy nations of Earth. And, although we care about them, even Jesus said, "The poor will always be among us."

 As a Genealogist, I have investigated the lives of families going all the way back to the Middle Ages. Believe me, never before have human beings been so comfortable, so atmospherically controlled, so labor-saved by appliances, so widely educated, so entertained, so free to travel downtown or hundreds even thousands of miles from home. Never before has communication been so accessible, so widespread. Those things our great-great grandparents considered luxuries have become absolute necessities of today.

Consider this... the entire human race did not have air conditioning prior to 1950. So yeah... even with its blemishes, shortcomings and tyrants, this is the best that's ever been.


Never before have so many people in the USA lived right on the sidewalks, and in the gutters, with no home, no family, no job, and no society that even knows they are alive, much less cares about them, or tries to help them... Never before in the USA have so many immigrant children been taken from their parents and forced to live in barbed wire concentration camps. Despite the technological excellence that we congratulate ourselves on, we just throw people in the garbage and pretend it is not happening. 70% of Americans are overweight. 30% are grotesquely obeise. 50% of Americans have no savings. 20% of men will never marry. 18% of all Americans are taking anti-depressants. Sorry, we should do better than this given all the opportunity we have to actually improve EVERYBODY'S life (and not just the wealthy).


Thanks, William, for your thoughtful reply. You'll notice I did write: "True, I'm referring, to the moderately wealthy and up, residing in the wealthy nations of Earth." These wealthy are still a minority among the 7+ billion human beings occupying this planet. And I know and understand that many of them have no hearts or souls but I don't necessarily hate them. The human condition over all evokes pathos and vexation. It always has. Yet despite the social setbacks, great minds have continued to forge ahead... as they are so driven by their own ambition. William, if you had the power, how would you bring about the social change you envision? If you come up with a workable solution, I'll stand behind you in support.


I live in a room off of Hollywood Boulevard and nobody cares if I am alive or dead. I have no REAL friends and nobody is concerned about my welfare. After the stock market crash I was laid off and did not work for two years. I sent out a thousand resumes with no good result. Now I work several part time jobs. There are several homeless camps a few blocks from my apartment. Despite the supposed promise of this marvelous technology, I have not had a single employer in my forty years of work that has been honest and not misrepresented the wages and/or terms of employment. My brother stole my inheritance. This is my America: Lies, cheating, deceit, deception, and a lot of nice shiny new machines and math equations.

If I would bring about social change I would: 1. Eliminate the tax break for churches and religions, 2. Limit private home ownership to three properties. 3. Eliminate "corporate personhood" in the court system and make the board of directors personally liable for the crimes of their companies., 4. Bring back the one room school house and change the school organization so entire families of children are in the same classroom with their neighbors -- for their entire school day and entire school career 5. Eliminate national boundries (or borders) and allow uninhibited travel anywhere on earth for all people. 6. Stop personal income tax and substitute a wealth tax instead. 7. Stop "for profit" medical care and require medical practice to be a social service. 8. Restore net neutrality.

The internet will be the promise that could make this all occur because for the first time in the history of mankind, we can talk to someone around the globe and anyone who has something to say, can make his voice to be heard. And we don't have to ask the landlord, the over lord, or the overseer if we can publish a book, we can just upload a youtube video.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Men like silence at work

Unfortunately most men cannot talk, work, and think at the same time as easily and enjoyably as most women can. It is NOT about toleration and acceptance. It is about biology.. Most men prefer to work in silence. Women process language in different locations throughout their brain and they have a much thicker Corpus Callosum nerve bundle to handle the increased communication. Women can typically work and talk and think with no problem at all. Men, on the other hand, process language locally in the language center of their brain and have a much smaller Corpus Callosum nerve bundle. Most men prefer to work in silence and have difficulty talking, listening to conversation, thinking, and working all at the same time.

It seems that women evolved to pick fruit in groups and to clean vegetables around a fire in groups,  It seems that men evolved to be solitary, silent hunters stalking their prey in the wild.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Hot Weather -- Turn off the Gas

Hot Weather tip: Turn off the gas on your stove and stop cooking. I turned off my gas stove and it is amazing what a difference turning off the pilot light makes in the comfort level of the kitchen. The room is cooler and the air even seems "cleaner" (whatever that means)...

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Piano tonight

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Life is difficult

"If life wasn't difficult, it wouldn't be worth living." - Mr. Atwater

copyright (c) 2018 
William Schaeffer

Monday, July 9, 2018

Integrity of Mind

"Nothing at last is sacred but the integrity of your own mind." 
       - Ralph Waldo Emerson in the essay on "Self Reliance"

copyright (c)2018
William Schaeffer


copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

We think too much...

“We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity; more than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.” ― Charlie Chaplin


copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Look Happy

Two New Clip Art prints:

1. "Look"  4 x 6 clip art print, framed

2. "Taxonomy of Grief"  assembly art branches on 4 x 6 canvas board, framed

3. "Happy"  4 6 6 clip art print, framed

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

A Taxonomy of Grief and The Professor

Three assembly art pieces (left to right)

1. "The Word of God"  foam stickers, and google eyes on 4 x 6 canvas board, framed

2. "Taxonomy of Grief" dried tree branches on 4 x 6 canvas board, framed.

3. "The Professor" foam stickers, and google eyes on 4 x 6 canvas board, framed.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Save Yourself

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

To YOU today, Hathor

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

July 6, one hot day

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Intellectual property agreements

A. S. I have worked for an unnamed corporation, producing artwork for promotions and such, who forbids me from using their name or my own work even in my own promotional material or resume. I cannot put this work on my own (f'ing) resume or, according to their non-disclosure agreement with me, even tell my wife that I worked for them!

William:   Digital Domain tried to get me to sign a contract like that. It was modeled on a contract that Disney employees are forced to sign. I refused to sign the contract. Eventually I was sent home and we negotiated a revised contract where I crossed out the offending paragraph (that said they owned everything I created before or after my employment, in perpetuity, whether or not it was created at work or covered by my job description). Criminal.

William:  I was lucky they were so disorganized that when they gave me the intellectual property contract, I just kept forgetting it at home, and then the project ended. Then i was hired back a time or two. It was a couple years before a new H.R. person went through the personnel files diligently. Then I got abruptly confronted by my manager and sent home right in the middle of the day when I refused to sign the contract on the spot. ISN'T AMERICA A GREAT COUNTRY TO LIVE AND WORK.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Tao Te Ching Chapter 76 Tao Te Ching Chapter 76 J Legge Man at his birth is supple and weak; at his death, firm and strong. (So it is with) all things. Trees and plants, in their early growth, are soft and brittle; at their death, dry and withered. Thus it is that firmness and strength are the concomitants of death; softness and weakness, the concomitants of life. Hence he who (relies on) the strength of his forces does not conquer; and a tree which is strong will fill the out-stretched arms, (and thereby invites the feller.) Therefore the place of what is firm and strong is below, and that of what is soft and weak is above.

Assembly Art Series

Assembly Art Series (from Left to Right)

1. Spirit Tree #1
2. Spirit Tree #3
3. The Limit of Perfection #1
4. The Limit of Perfection #2
5. The Limit of Perfection #3
6. Spirit Tree #2
7. The Sounding Room #4 - Queen for a Day
8. The Sounding Room #5 - A Natural Chain of Events

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Freedom in a corporation ?

"It's ridiculous to talk about freedom in a society dominated by huge corporations.  What kind of freedom is there inside a huge corporation?  They're totalitarian institutions -- you take orders from above and maybe give them to people below you." - Noam Chomsky

"...and even worse: When you leave the employment of a corporation, there is NOTHING that you can take with you except money. No reputation (the corporation owns that), No work (the corporation owns that). No friends (the corporation owns them). No support teams or connections (the corporation owns those). When you leave a corporation, you are nothing. You will have memories, but even those memories are owned by the corporation. The only thing you have is money and the opportunity to make a "fresh start" at whatever advanced age you find yourself. Good Luck." - Mr. Atwater

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Angry looking automobile design

Anthropomorphic trivia: Car manufacturers in the 1980's recognized that the front headlights on a car can give the "look of the car" the impression of a face with an expression. They conducted marketing experiments with different automobile designs that suggested different common emotions (similar to how the emoji are used to represent emotion). They found that consumers overwhelming prefer automobiles with angry and threatening expressions and the happy face cars just did not sell very well (Volkswagen bugs or beetle cars being an exception). So today, most cars manufactured have an angry or threatening "expression" designed into the look.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

The Pentagon on 9/11

How is it that on 9/11 the air force of one of the greatest military organizations in the history of mankind, was unable to protect their own headquarters (the pentagon) from "attack?"

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

comment on Capitalism is slavery

Justin:   ...These people keep calling capitalism slavery. But in capitalism you have options, you can change your job, increase your wealth, get paid more for working harder.

William: Justin, you do not have options in Capitalism. You get thrown in the garbage. You cannot just "change your job" My career (VFX rotoscope artist) got sent overseas. I worked for twenty five years developing my skills. When the stock market crashed, I got laid off, I didn't work for two years. I sent out ONE THOUSAND RESUMES. I lost my condo. My life was destroyed. My entire career was outsourced to China and India.  CAPITALISM THROWS PEOPLE IN THE GARAGE. By every standard of quality of living, the lower classes in the European Union have a much better quality of life than in the USA. I do NOT care WHAT you call it, but EU capitalism does NOT throw people in the garbage like the USA throws people in the garbage. Just look at pictures of Detroit and East Cleveland. There is no city anywhere in the European Union that looks anything like Detroit, East Cleveland, or many other cities in America. Just look at videos of the homeless camps in California. THERE are NO homeless camps like this anywhere in Europe. There are 60,000 people living in the streets and gutters of Los Angeles. America is a prison. Capitalism is slavery. Sorry. I do not care what you call it, but when the combined wealth of the lower 50% of an entire USA society is equal to the combined wealth of the three wealthiest people, then you are describing a virtual plantation. These are the facts. Call it what you like, but I call it slavery.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

The New Collossus

The New Colossus Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I
 lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

 Emma Lazarus
November 2, 1883

Friday, July 6, 2018

First they came for the Socialists

First they came for the Socialists,
  and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist.

 Then they came for the Trade Unionists,
  and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

 Then they came for the Jews,
  and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew.

 Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

 - Martin Niemoller

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Talking about bees...

Bill: I just found five dead bees in the parking lot right now. Over the past fifty years the bee population has declined by 90%. If bees become extinct then one third of all human agricultural products will no longer exist.

Danny: They say to leave random spoon with sugar water in it in your yard or window and or deck of some sort

Bill: Oh is that to help the bees? Curious. I watched one of those bees die and I videotaped it (above in the comment string). It took about ten minutes for the bee to die and it was agonizing to watch. It was not like a malnutrition, it was like the central nervous system was convulsing in pain due to chemical attack. The eyes would shrink to pinpoints and the legs would violently wrap around the head in pain. Unfortunately the video I shot sucks because I was too close and could not see the screen in the bright noon day light, but the memory is excruciating and vivid. Personally, I think that bees are doomed (in the chemical bug poison fertilizer world we now live in) and when they die it will signal the beginning of WWIII and the commencement of next dark ages for mankind. I hope that I am wrong. Save the bees. Stop using chemicals.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer