Thursday, January 30, 2020


copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

when your mind is controlled

when your mind is controlled,
you think the thoughts that other people want you to think.

you are a robot.

   just do it

   the pause that refreshes

   you deserve a break today

   its the real thing

copyright (c) 2020 
William Schaeffer

Problem with Capitalism

Problem with Capitalism

The practice of working 40 - 50 hours a week in a capitalist employment means that all your human relationships for most of the day are with coworkers or clients.  Most all of your daily interactions are spent acting as a company employee.  In that context, all your relationships are based on some form of  economic competition.  All your associations are with commercial agents in a business network.

You spend almost no time that is not goal directed. You have no time for, or interest in, spontaneous activity or "goofy" ideas. You have no conversations that are not purposeful. You do not spend time idly musing "fantastic thoughts."  You do not just "hang out" with people whose company you find enjoyable for no purpose at all.

As a result, you have almost no genuine, altruistic, loving, mutually supportive, or authentic friendships at all. You do not engage in small talk with strangers. You do not goof off.

You live your entire life on the competitive edge of the economic playing field in modern business.  You never  relax or let down your guard.  You never stop playing the game.  You never stop performing a role.  You might not win.  You might lose the contest.  You might not get promoted.

You become so used to this manner of thought that you don't realize you have no real friends, no genuine neighbors, and no family to speak of.  You don't even realize that nobody cares if you are dead or alive.  You have been trained to be a robot and you perform the function very well.

You live an inauthentic life. Your real identity was almost thoroughly destroyed.  The real "you" was pretty much killed off a long time ago and nobody even cared.  It was all planned ahead of time, by other people, before you were even born.  You didn't have a chance.  Too bad.

Good Luck now...

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Monday, January 27, 2020

Psychiatric Drugs

Comment on video by Dr. Peter Breggin: "Psychiatric Drugs Are More Dangerous than you Ever Thought":

"America is a prison that destroys your mind and deceives your family. There is no LOVE in America, just money. Too bad for you. Don't trust the doctors. Don't trust your therapist. They do NOT have YOUR best interests in mind. They only want to profit from your vulnerability. They don't even know what real health is themselves for the most part.

You must learn how to trust your heart and trust your own mind. Look for simple truths. Do not trust the doctors. Be patient and do not expect too much. Return to natural thought. Keep it simple and honest. Good Luck.

I know. I've been there. I took Lithium. I took tri-cyclic anti depressants. I took Prozac. and then I took control of my own life and I stopped "cold turkey". That was thirty years ago. I took back my own life. NOBODY was on my side. The medical profession tried to profit from my life situation and temporary emotional weakness. They counselled me that I could not trust myself and was helpless forever. FUCK THEM. I did it and so can YOU. FUCK the DOCTORS. FUCK the DRUG Companies. And mostly, FUCK the GOVERNMENT that legitimizes the whole process. TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE AND FUCK THE PARASITIC CORPORATE GREED that is trying to kill you for money.

 And today 1/6 of the entire population of the USA is currently taking Doctor prescribed psychoactive drugs. Fifty million (50,000,000) people are willfully having their brains destroyed in the United States of America because they have been deceived by their Doctors. The medical profession is a criminal enterprise. America is a prison."

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Global Warming and Anti Depressant Medication

Interesting thought:

I wonder if there is a connection between the use of anti depressant medication and the overt passivity with which we are responding to global climate change?

Currently about one sixth of the population of the USA is taking doctor prescribed psychoactive medication. That is about fifty million people.  One main purpose of all these medications is to calm the patient, and prevent anxiety or worry.  In addition, many other people regularly consume alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, sleeping pills, or even illegal drugs, on a regular basis.

Perhaps the use of all these mood altering and emotion suppressing drugs are preventing the majority of the population from appreciating, or understanding, the scale of the danger they face.

A tragically humorous thought.

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Extinction Events on Earth for Everyone?

Since 1960, 75% of the insects on Earth have disappeared. Since 1960, 60% of the large land animals on Earth have disappeared. Since 1960, 75% of the ocean plankton has disappeared. Since 1960, 60% of the large marine life has disappeared. This is a phenomenally rapid change on a geological scale and is the 6th great extinction in the history of the planet (and you are there). Humanity is doomed. Sorry.  Get your affairs in order today.

Research the data yourself. I only recently learned these facts. Any sane person would be astonished and terrified at what the future will bring. I am astounded that these facts are constantly met with boredom and disinterest.

"Prepare for doom" - Zobo the Clown

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Good Luck today

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Dr. Peter Breggin talks about Marijuana

Comment rebuttal: 1. Every single employer I have had in forty years was dishonest and exploited my labor for immediate financial gain. There was no enduring human relationship. 2. My University of Illinois degree is worthless and the University lied to me about the value of the credential and the usefulness of the knowledge. 3. The school system continually lied to us about the most basic facts of life, while keeping us prisoner for the majority of our waking hours, for the majority of our childhood. For example: There are NOT four basic food groups (grain, meat, dairy, fruits and vegetable). Those are the four economic food producing sectors of the American economy and have nothing to do with health. "Four basic food groups" is a bold faced lie. 4. The USA American government practices dishonesty, assassination, war, murder, thievery, and arrogance of a global scale that is unimaginable to the ordinary human. 5. The Iraq war has continued for 17 years with no successful resolution. 6. The war is Afghanistan has continued for 17 years with no successful resolution. 7. 50% of ALL the jobs in the USA are minimum wage jobs. You cannot survive on a minimum wage job. 8. If a culture like the USA is THAT permeated with lies, dishonesty, lack of truth, hatred, and delusion WHY DO WE WANT TO BE FULLY CONSCIOUS? Life in America just sucks and we all know it.

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Monday, January 20, 2020

Happiness and Financial Prosperity

These new art pieces are designed to attract happiness and financial prosperity. (Seriously) They are for sale for $10 each plus $5 postage and handling. Fun idea AND aesthetic refinement for your home or office...

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Choosing a Career

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Friday, January 17, 2020


DADA is pretty
DADA is petrified
DADA is putrid
DADA is peppermint

copyright (c) 2020 
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Brush your teeth 25 minutes a day?

It takes about five minutes to brush your teeth properly, with flossing and mouthwash rinse. You should brush your teeth after every meal. If you eat just five meals a day, you could spend almost half an hour brushing your teeth each day. Does this sound reasonable to you? What can we do?

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Monday, January 13, 2020

DADA is Personal

DADA is personal
DADA is political
DADA is powerful
DADA is peculiar

copyright (c) 2020 
William Schaeffer and 
Atwater Publishing

Poverty causes Blindness

Fact: The medical cause of blindness is poverty.

If you have doubts, do a google search and research the literature. I was astounded to find even a mention of a correlation, much less a direct link. My grandfather was put in an orphanage at age 8 when his mother went blind three years after her husband (my great grandfather) died.

 The medical cause of blindness is poverty.

copyright (c) 2020 
William Schaeffer

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Science and Global Warming

 William Schaeffer:
Actually Phil H what I said was "We have no future on Earth at all" NOT that the Earth is doomed. Humanity is doomed by global warming. Just read some of the published scientific literature that is endorsed by the scientific community. Thanks.

 Phil H:
Don't believe everything you hear, just because "science" says it's true.

 William Schaeffer:
 Phil H HAHAHA.. That is the most idiotic thing I have heard. The practice of science built the entire environment you spend 90% of you waking hours. Science grows your food and builds your house. Science built Television, computers, the internet, electricity, refrigeration, and automobiles. Science has a very good track record of being consistent, repeatable, and an accurate predictor of future events on different scales of time and area of influence. If we did not use the scientific method to build and shape our world we would still be nakedly superstitious savages praying to the moon and killing rodents for food. HAHAHA And you think your blindly intuitive knee jerk reaction to unpleasant news is of any value to anyone anywhere?? HAHAHA THAT is idiotic.

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Friday, January 10, 2020

Visual Effects industry has no honor

I worked in VFX full time for fifteen years. Nobody that employed me seemed to be interested in my Computer Science degree. Also, after fifteen years of steady employment on projects at Digital Domain, Method, and Stereo D, my seniority and work experience meant nothing. All three companies preferred to outsource my job and/or hire workers that are twenty years younger. I am astounded that after working so hard and sacrificing so much for a graduate degree that it is virtually worthless to me except for the "joy" that the additional knowledge and understanding brings. In my opinion it does not matter. There is no honor or loyalty in the companies that do visual effects and you will be lucky to have any work resembling a forty year career. Take it from me -- I know. I have imdb credit in forty feature films, I never had a shot returned, and I now work for minimum wage in another industry. Digital Domain, Method, and Stereo D have no honor and no reliability. Most of the people that work in VFX are selfish, self centered, and not even human. Good Luck.

My computer science education was primitive by today's standards (and I studied artificial intelligence. I even wrote pattern generation algorhythms). The advances in automatic rotoscoping today are amazing. The advances in real time in-camera matte extraction and compositing are amazing. The industry has changed. Just being able to shoot a HD video in your cell phone is amazing.

 ALSO, in none of my previous work at Digital Domain, Method, or Stereo D was there any breech of contract and no illegal activity. The short term contract was honored faithfully and when it ended I looked for another assignment. Unfortunately, I assumed that since I always did good work, I would continue to get hired and that obviously was not the case. Outsourcing work, "lack of honor," and fttp: technology were the unanticipated market changes that destroyed my career. Oh well... good luck.

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Thursday, January 9, 2020


DADA is Powerful 
DADA is Perfect 
DADA is Precious 

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Monday, January 6, 2020

The New World 1520

Only three codexes (books) written in the Aztec script Nahuatl survived destruction by the Spanish priests and they are stored today in the Vatican.

 However, the Aztecs practiced ritual human sacrifice on an enormous scale. According to eyewitness reports, the temples were the site of this human sacrifice and smelled like slaughter houses in old Europe. The walls were caked with dried blood and the conquistadors were horrified at the revelation. At the coronation of Montezuma, 10,000 victims were sacrificed in one ritual and it took several days of assembly line like production to enact. The victims were marched up a pyramid. After the heart was cut out of the living person, the bodies were rolled out the back and down into the water of the lake.

Cultural relativism can be very difficult at times.

 Most of the Spanish priests and bishops in the New Word were also acting independently "above and beyond the call of duty" in order to enhance their own prestige and the power of the Church. If a significant number of priests today are pedophiles or sex criminals (up to 5%?), then you can only imagine what a creative and ambitious young priest might orchestrate in a forbidden New World where nobody else was watching.

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

January 6

Today is the twelfth day of Christmas. It is also the day that Christmas was originally celebrated before it became a Roman Holiday. Traditionally January Sixth is the day the three wise men arrived to pay homage to the Christ child. These wise men were from the Zoroastrian religion which was the traditional religion of the Persian Empire. Zoroaster lived around 1000 B.C. and was widely followed until Mohammed and his followers absolutely destroyed the culture and killed all the adherents. A few people were able to escape to India where they are known today as the Parsis. Most of the original texts were also destroyed and are now lost to history. Zoroaster was a learned and educated man that preached tolerance, wisdom, and personal responsibility. He is also know as Zarathustra and Friedrich Nietzsche wrote a famous book about him called "Thus Spake Zarathustra."  Merry Christmas... Happy New Year... Good Luck and have a nice day.

Curious footnote:
Satan was a deity in the Zoroasterian religion and is mentioned by name in surviving fragments of the Zend Avesta (Holy Scriptures of Zoroastrianism). Apparently, Satan was introduced into Judiasm during the Persian Exile. This was the same time that the concepts of life after death, the soul, Heaven, and Hell were introduced into Judiasm from Zoroastrianism. It is amusing to think that the deity Satan is in some ways "more powerful" than any "God" because he exists as the same personality in several entirely different religions.

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Vincent Van Gogh

It is somewhat odd that so many people spend so much time an energy reliving the life and thoughts of Vincent Van Gogh when he died over 120 years ago and nobody much cared what he thought when he was alive. There are many people alive today who have an inner life that is just as rich and fertile as Vincent Van Gogh but nobody even knows that they exist. Sad really. Why spend time getting to know a dead person when so many vital living people today are totally ignored and forgotten. Strange life...

I read Letters to Theo, and was inspired by Van Gogh's strength of character at one time. It is odd that he has attracted so much attention after his death. When the woman who posed for Manet in his famous painting Venus Exposed was also a painter. Curiously, not a single painting she created has survived to this day. Not one. Just an interesting thought.

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Saturday, January 4, 2020

What do you want?

Do you want to live in a world where bullies force subordinates to do their bidding through threat of forceful retaliation?

 Or do you want to live in a world where adversaries discuss their differences and arrive at a satisfactory compromise through mutual agreement?

Are you a lover or a fighter?
Are you a dancer or a boxer?
Are you a poet or a politician?
Are you a singer or a sergeant?
Are you a teacher or a bully?
The choice is always up to you...

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer


copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Read a Book

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Make a Wish

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer