Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Practical observation

 The basic infrastructure of the USA, consisting of suburban communities populated with single family homes, is not a sustainable economic reality.  Its existence depends on the use of gasoline to perform every social function (like shopping, buying supplies, social visiting, or entertainment).  In contrast, old European style apartment complexes built in urban centers allow one to walk everywhere and no gasoline consumption is required.

copyright (c) 2020 William Schaeffer

Thursday, October 22, 2020

I urge you to get very drunk tonight

I urge you to get very drunk tonight;
Don't talk of tomorrow in front of the wine jar
I greatly appreciate your sentiment;
The wine is deep, but my feelings are even deeper!
Only grieve that the spring night is so short;
And don't complain that your cup is full!
When there is wine we can laugh
How long does human life last?"

Verse #4 from
Lyrics for "Deva-like Barbarian"
by Wei Chung (836-910)
From "Sunflower Splendor
Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry
Co-edited by
Wu-chi and Irving Yucheng Lo
copyright 1975
Anchor Books
Anchor Press/Doubleday
Garden City, New York

Monday, October 12, 2020


1. "Something is better than nothing" 
2. "Enjoy the moment" 
3. "Nobody knows what the future will bring" 
4. "Always Choose Death" (courtesy Miyamoto Musashi author of "the Five Rings" and the greatest Samurai Warrior ever) 
copyright (c) 2020 William Schaeffer

Friday, October 9, 2020


"Having tried and failed is still better than never having tried at all."

"You never know what the future brings"

"Something is better than nothing"

"Listen to your brain, but follow your heart."

"Life is short"

copyright (c) 2020 William Schaeffer

California Forest Fires

Reality Check. News reports that 4,000,000 acres have burned in the California wildfires this year. There are 640 acres in a square mile. 4,000,000 / 640 = 6,250 square miles of forest fires in California in year 2020. 6,250 square miles.
The state of Rhode Island is only 1,212 square miles.
The California wildfires burned a territory that is five times larger than the entire state of Rhode Island.
copyright (c) 2020 William Schaeffer

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Rules of success

 Rules of Success:

1. Show up on time.
2. Do what you are told.
3. Don't piss people off.
(I am really good with the first two)
copyright (c) 2020 William Schaeffer

Thursday, October 1, 2020


 "Throw out something important every day" 

(how to simplify your life)

copyright (c) 2020 William Schaeffer