Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Wood pecker

copyright (c)2016
William Schaeffer

Sunday, August 25, 2019


In the ever dwindling universe of file cabinet task force and regurgitated social obligations, one thing stands out as being inexorably curious, there are no laundrymats on the planet Venus and modern postal codes make no allowance for extra terrestrial delivery. No wonder I am all alone without friends or giant reticulated promises of future employment. Sad really, there is no reason...

 Angular dialectics of circular reasoning provide all the legal excuses I am looking for. There is only one conclusion, science has betrayed the promise of mankind and sugar coated donuts have completed the deception. There are no chocolate chips cookies in the organic pantry and rubber chickens cannot fly to Mars. Nevertheless, I find myself without purpose or reason, sitting in my shorts contemplating why I am all alone.

Elbow macaroni never had it so good when you consider the alternatives. But it still seems too "flexible" for me. Remarkably, the DADA art movement was the only significant exercise in gastronomic art parodies, and as such has no equal, even to this day.

Nevertheless, nobody really cares if you are dead or alive, especially if the TV is turned on.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Why we drink coffee

Coffee drinking is an addiction. 80% of all the people on Earth are addicted to caffeine and drinking coffee. Why does capitalism "like" this addiction and promote the drinking of coffee? (so people wake up on time for get their fix and then report to the factory on time).

After 6 - 8 hours, your body needs caffeine.  If you drink caffeine on a regular (time clock) schedule, the caffeine will keep you on that schedule.

When I quit drinking coffee, I noticed that my sleep cycles became "disturbed."  I did not get tired at the same time each day.  Sometimes I was "awake" at night.  Sometimes I fell asleep during the day.  I realized that the human "internal clock" is not as regulated as the factory clock.  Drinking caffeine keeps me on a regular hourly sleep wake cycle that is good for business and good for the factory owner.

Humans do not have a regular sleep cycle because the light/dark cycles of night and day change so much during the year.  In the winter we have about ten hours of light and fourteen hours of darkness.  In the summer, those hours are reversed, with almost fourteen hours of light and ten hours of darkness.  In that constantly changing "light environment," there is no regular time clock reference to regulate the "internal biological clock."   The biological clock does not have the rigorous temporal accuracy of modern time.

This is why we drink caffeine:  It is good for business and keeps us going to work at the same time (on the clock) each day.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Thoughts on the Amazon Jungle burning

The land of infinite sadness returns. The barren landscape of the moon covers the poisoned heart of greed and larceny, choking with smoke and dust; crying for the promised land of their mother's forgiveness, which is long since dead and buried in the misery of regret.  There is no escape.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer


copyright(c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Friday, August 23, 2019

keep it light

copyright(c)2017, 2019
William Schaeffer

The Greatest Gift of Leadership

Response to a facebook post:
    "The greatest gift of leadership is a boss who wants you to be successful. - John Taffer"

 In most Capitalist oriented organizations that type of boss, or manager, just does not exist. The overwhelming priority of generating immediate economic results overshadows any concern your boss might have about your own personal development.  Instead he is most concerned about having you efficiently and satisfactorily fulfill the limited requirements of your job classification in a timely manner.  This "one dimensional" assessment of your own value and significance necessarily overshadows any concerns your boss might have about your own physical and psychological health. There is little real "leadership" in any Capitalist enterprise because the goals of the organization are limited in scope and duration.   Immediate financial profit is the only concern and you are not.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Mid East politics

This current political instability in the Mid East is largely the result of the activities of Britain and "Lawrence of Arabia" (of all people). After World War I, control of the Mid East was taken from Turkey and given to Britain. After the discovery of petroleum in 1926 by British corporations, Britain convinced Lawrence of Arabia to invite all the political leaders and tribal chieftains to a conference to agree to the division of the Mid East into the countries we know today (Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait, Palestine, Syria) At the time Baghdad was the richest city and Iraq was the wealthiest territory. Kuwait was a world class shipping port that traditionally belonged to Baghdad and Iraq. The map Britain drew of the modern countries we now know today was created by drawing national boarders through the middle of existing population groups. Kuwait was taken away from Iraq and made a Nation. All the other countries had the populations divided between natural enemies. The Kurds and the Armenians were denied a nation state, despite being ancient cultures with a language and history. THIS WAS DONE INTENTIONALLY -- TO PERMANENTLY DESTABILIZE THE MID EAST, so the British and America petroleum corporations would have an easier time extracting the petroleum from corrupt and unstable military dictatorships, feudal fiefdoms and chaotic republics. THIS WAS NOT AN ACCIDENT.

copyright (c) 2019
Willliam Schaeffer

Clown Piano

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Nonsense verse

Giant reticulated marshmallow feedbags imitate pleasurable wombats deciding on a lunch menu.  Never before have so many hyphenated postulates gathered to see a performance of literary suicide honoring the fallen heroes of the unemployment line.  Nevertheless, cigars taste like feather dusters in the warm luminous glow of amber colored Dung Beetles.  Fabulous memories.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer


Bill Schaeffer Piano
Saturday 8-24 7 PM - 9 PM
LAX Renaissance Hotel
9620 Airport Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90045

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Sunday, August 18, 2019


"The goal of Capitalism is to turn everything into garbage as fast as possible and extract as much gold as practical in the process." - Dr. Bomb Bay

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Egg Boy

copyright (c) 2015, 2019
William Schaeffer

Friday, August 16, 2019

Monday, August 12, 2019

Loneliness and public school

"Chronic Loneliness" is programmed and designed for society by the public grade school system. It is an intentional byproduct of your education so that you can be more effectively exploited by corporate capitalism as a dedicated employee working 60 hour weeks and never complaining about your lack of rights to your labor, or your lack of job security.

copyright (c) 2019 
William Schaeffer

Meat eating is an addiction

Surprisingly, it seems that meat eating is an addiction. Cooking meat breaks down the long protein strings into shorter strings that resemble casein (milk proteins). Human infants have an addictive response to drinking milk that causes both sedation and pleasure. Eating cooked meat triggers these same neural networks and causes a similar addictive psychological response of pleasure and sedation. Listen to the way people talk about eating meat versus other types of food. The "meat eating" dialog is mostly repetitive dramatic adjectives like talking about an extremely pleasurable physical experience. Nobody talks about eating an apple in the same descriptive manner as they use when talking about eating cooked meat..

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Max Fleischer, the rotoscope and Betty Boop

Max Fleischer invented rotoscoping and he invented the original rotoscope. He had just graduated from High School at the time, but World War I intervened and he had to wait three years before he could actually use the invention to produce the first KoKo the Clown "Out of the Inkwell" series. Dave Fleischer was the actor who portrayed the live action Koko that was rotoscoped for the cartoon animation. The first rotoscope animation ever produced by Max Fleischer took one year to complete and was one minute long. (...it took ONE YEAR to complete ONE MINUTE of rotoscope animation. On today's digital computer, that work could be done in a few shifts by a skilled operator)

 Betty Boop is the only Max Fleischer property that his estate managed to regain rights to years after his death.  In the early forties Max Fleischer was "forced" to sell his studio to pay a debt to Paramount.  The Book called "Out of the Inkwell" by Richard Fleischer and Gary Galone is a well written biography of Max Fleischer's fascinating life...

copyright (c) 2019 
William Schaeffer

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Show me the Money

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Hathor Plays Games

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

random phone clip art flying away

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Home Grown

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Serious Topic - "123 a day in the USA"

Serious topic. The suicide rate in the USA is an average of 123 people per day. 123 per DAY. Why are we worried about mass shootings when the real tragedy is suicide?   And, NOBODY talks about it. Strange and sad.  Always remember:  "123 a day in the USA"

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Nice Day...

responses to a facebook post on USA involvement in some international political event

USA America is dishonest and actively practices deception and deceit.

 For example: No employer I have had in forty years has been honest with me about pay, hours, and/or job responsibility.

 For example: Ronald Reagan promised to balance the budget and he increased the deficit.

 For example: George Bush jr. said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when it was known that Iraq did NOT. Tens of thousands were then killed when USA Invaded.

 USA withdrew from SALT 2 agreement

 The USA federal government broke every single treaty they made with Native American Indian tribes. This is a well known fact.

 Every single war the USA entered in the past 120 years was promoted to the American public with a "false flag" event. "Remember the Main" "sinking of the Lusitania" "bay of Tonkin" Even Pearl Harbor was a deceit and the US govt had foreknowledge and let the ships be bombed.

Journalist Who Went To Syria Schools Colleague On Syrian Realities YOUTUBE.COM

 any questions?

Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Life of a Bird Owner

Bird shit in the Kitchen,
Bird shit in the Hall,

Bird shit in the bathroom, and
Bird shit on the Towel.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer


Response to a facebook post:

 Fascism IS "The primary role of government is to insure corporate profit" Fascism has nothing to do with "the S.S.", prison camps, Nazism, or racism. Fascism "keeps the trains running on time." Fascism promotes a well ordered society that is economically productive for the benefit of business owners. How is the USA NOT like this definition of Fascism?

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer