Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Not infallible

This is probably the wrong place to mention that the New Testament cannot be the infallible word of God, because it contradicts itself. The events of the birth and death narratives of Jesus in Mathew and Luke are contradictory and not reconcilable. A curious and logical fact.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Economics Lesson

 Capitalism = Poverty.

 Maximum profit = Maximum despair.

 Healthy Economy = Mental Disease.

 Success = Notoriety

 Truth = Personal Reward

 Ethics = Successful Outcome

 Career = Slavery

 copyright (c) 2018 
 William Schaeffer

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Two men and a bear

Two men are out hiking and they see a bear across a huge clearing in the woods. The bear notices the hikers and starts charging them. One man takes off running and the other sits down, takes off his boots, and starts opening his backpack. He takes out a pair of running shoes.

The first man stops and says, "What are you doing? We got to outrun that bear."

The second man is lacing up his sneakers and says,
" I don't have to outrun that bear. I just have to outrun YOU."

copyright (c)2018
William Schaeffer

Listen or Talk ?

"We spend too much time telling people what to think and not enough time listening to what they have to say." - Mr. Atwater

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Monday, August 27, 2018

Hiker's tip

If a bear is chasing -- you run down hill.

A bear's back legs are so long in comparison to the front legs that they cannot move very fast and will start rolling head over heels. If you run uphill, their long back legs give them extra stability and they will be sure to catch you. Running down hill to safety is counter intuitive and seems to be a good strategy in this case.

 I have no practical experience either way and just repeat what I read in a hiking book.

  copyright (c) 2018 
William Schaeffer

Your Vote counts ?

Whenever someone talks about voting I remember:

In the entire 600 year history of the Roman Republic there is not one instance where a candidate that was favored by the Plebes class (and disfavored by the Patrician class) defeated a candidate that was favored by the Patrician class.  Not once.

Roman citizens were divided into two classes: The Patricians and The Plebes.  The Patricians were the wealthy ruling class.   All Roman citizens got to vote on Senate candidates, but the voting order was rigidly proscribed by class.  The Patricians class voted first.  Even though the voting was secret ballot and the rules were strictly observed, there was never a case where a candidate favored by the Plebes class defeated a candidate favored by the Patrician class.

Curious fact.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Football protests and the Roman gladiatorial games

Historical note: In the entire history of the Roman gladiatorial games there is known to be only one competition that was recorded for posterity. The gladiators were considered to be culture heroes and had many fans and followers, BUT their feats were not considered important enough to document in any significant way. The gladiatorial games were considered to be a good way to keep the population amused, entertained, and off of the sidewalks of Rome during the day -- BUT they were not important enough to remember or document.. Professional sports fills the same function in contemporary American society.

copyright (C) 2018
William Schaeffer

Sunday, August 26, 2018



Color deaf--  1. an inability to distinguish the subtle variations in hue, shade and value that trained painters and artists have an aptitude for.   2.  Lack of visual awareness of the emotional feelings of different colors and tints and shades.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Thursday, August 23, 2018

72. Tao Te Ching


When they loose their sense of awe,
people turn to religion.
When they no longer trust themselves,
they begin to depend on authority.

Therefore the Master steps back
so that people won't be confused.
He teaches without teaching,
so that people will have nothing to learn.

Lao Tzu
Tao te Ching
translated by Stephen Mitchell
Harper Perennial

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

College dorm room decorations

Response to a facebook post about college dorm rooms:

"50% of the incoming freshman at University of Illinois school of Engineering for every semester of the 1970's did not graduate and did not receive a degree. This was a planned "educational strategy" of the school of Engineering. 50% of the incoming freshmen students were intentionally flunked out by a system of grading on the curve. They even told us this fact in Freshman orientation, but none of us were really paying attention. They encourage you to decorate with fluffy, happy colors so you don't notice the "executions" going on all around you all the time. "

 copyright (c) 2018 
William Schaeffer

Football is stupid

Football is stupid. The only reason the sport of football was promoted is so young boys can be trained to be athletic while wearing a helmet and body armor. This makes basic training and performance in the army as a soldier more successful. Professional sports is just an accidental byproduct of this government policy. As warfare becomes more automated and there is less need for ground troops, then football will diminish in cultural importance.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Saturday, August 18, 2018

What price Victory?

1.  Over 100,000 Vietnam Veterans have committed suicide since the end of the war.  This is more than double the number of soldiers that actually died in the war. (source: John Judge lecture circa.1987)

2. Every single day in 2018, an average of 22 active service personal kill themselves in suicide. 

What price Victory?

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

D.'s mother called me an idiot

D., I am 60 years old. I was never married. I am working for minimum wage. I am not in debt. I have two college degrees. I work very hard. I am in real danger of being homeless. I have no contact with anyone in my genetic family at all. I was an abused child and regularly whipped and beaten by my parents. Both my parents are dead an my brother stole my inheritance. There was a 50% attrition rate in my college. 50% of the undergraduates were intentionally flunked out. My college degree is worthless and I still paid my student loan. I worked with 500-1000 people over 25 years in VFX and not one of those people is a friend in any real way. I do the best I can and try to be generous and thoughtful and give people free gifts. This life is very difficult for me and I have few friends or allies. America is a fascist economy and the USA is a prison. Sorry. THAT IS MY LIFE. I will not apologize for being alive.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Thursday, August 16, 2018

America just sucks

As long as you are lucky to have health and employment you can believe that the USA is a great country. But if you lose your health or your job, you will realize that there is nobody to help you and nobody in America cares if you are dead or alive. Fact.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Do you have a future?

How to determine if you have a future with a prospective employer.

1. Find out when the company was started. What is Company Age?
2. Find out the average Worker Age of the employees. Look at a group photo.
    average Worker Age = (average Employee Age - 20 years)
3. If there are few employees that are of an appropriate age to have worked for
    the company from the beginning then you have no future with that company.
    They will eventually replace you with a young college graduate.

Company Age > 2* (average Worker Age ) = No future

This is actually a pretty good algorithm.

 In English terms: Working age = Employee Age minus twenty years. If the average Working Age of the employees is less than half the Company Age, then you have no future. If the average Working Age is less than half the Company Age, you know there is planned attrition and firing of older workers to hire younger ones. You have no future with that company.

 So Remember:

 Company Age > 2* (average Worker Age) = No future

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Agenda for social change

Agenda for Social Change:

1. Limit property ownership to five buildings, or properties, per citizen,
2. Eliminate special tax status for churches and religious organizations.
3. Reorganize grade school class membership by geography instead of age.
    Make each class a one room schoolhouse per block or apartment building.
4. Eliminate personhood status for corporations.
5. Stop inflation and maintain a stable currency.
6. Eliminate tax breaks for property ownership.
7. Reduce the hours per day of compulsory schooling to four hours.
8. Reduce the days of compulsory schooling to three day per week.
9. Universal Health care for all citizens.
10. Housing for all citizens.
11. Internet access for all citizens.
12. Stop infant circumcision.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Protesting the War

Response to a facebook post on a homeless man's body found a year after he died.

Reminds me of the story of the man who burned himself alive to protest the Invasion of Iraq in 2003. He lit himself on fire at 8:00 AM right on a freeway access ramp in Chicago Illinois. This was at the height of rush hour traffic and hundreds of drivers were witnesses. Nobody called the authorities and the body was found a week later by a city street cleaning crew. After the body was identified, they found a note in his apartment that indicated his intentions.

copyright (c) 2018 
William Schaeffer

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Grading on a curve is immoral and is not an accurate measure of knowledge

Grading on a curve is immoral and is not an accurate measure of knowledge

When I was in Engineering School at the University of Illinois, all my classes were "Graded on a curve."  This practice was used by all instructors and professors because it was said to be "impartial," "more fair," and "methodically unbiased."  Unfortunately, it has taken me almost forty years of contemplation to realize that it is not an accurate measure of knowledge.  In fact, it is exploitative.  Let me explain.

In an education curriculum that is designed to impart a specific knowledge or skill, your progress is monitored by a series of tests.  If you master the skill being tested, then you move on to the next skill.  If you learn all the skills and facts, then you get a certificate.  The performance of other people is absolutely irrelevant to your ability or knowledge.  If you have the skill and know the facts, you get a certification.

This is an honest system of knowledge testing which is in stark contrast to the experience I had in Engineering school at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.  All my classes were "graded on a curve" where the distributions were something like: 5 % got an F,   10% got a D,   50% got a C,   25% got a B and   10% got an A.  This was explained to be the most fair system.  THAT explanation was a lie.

When I was in graduate school I worked for the University Broadband Cable TV station.  I was a station operator, and occasionally I would help video tape events.  It was during the videotaping of a graduation ceremony that I realized:  For every college in the school of Engineering the graduating class was about half the size of the incoming Freshman class.  This seemed like an odd statistical event.  Years later, I checked the class size numbers "on line" by checking student registration and graduation data.  I came across an astounding realization: for almost every year from 1950 to 1985 the graduating class at the School of Engineering was about HALF the size of incoming freshmen.

When I mentioned this to my friend "Mr. S. G.",  he remembered being told in Freshman Engineering Orientation of this fact.  One of the professors stood up in front of the class and said, "Look to your left and right.  When you graduate, one of those two students will not be there."  This 50% flunk out rate was a planned event.

And then it occurred to me: 0.85 x 0.85 x 0.85 x 0.85 = 0.52   If only 85% graduate each semester, then only about HALF of the total number of Freshmen will get a degree.  This was efficiently planned, so no individual professor could be held accountable; and they ALL went along with it.

Here is WHY:

It is much more economical to just flunk out the students that you cannot teach, than actually try to ensure that they achieve specific skills and knowledge.  This is especially true in a discipline as complicated and rigorous as Engineering School mathematics and modelling.

The grading on the curve conveniently obscures specific points of knowledge and is used to spread the student scores far enough apart so the least likely candidates can be flunked out of school.  The advantage to this system is money.  You can advertise that it will cost X dollars to get a degree and invite families to compare cost.  What you don't tell them is that half of the new students will never get a degree, but they will still pay significant money towards maintaining your college system.  It is a great way to scam or fleece innocent and trusting lower class students and no one will ever know.  The few that succeed will be forever grateful and a shining example of the quality of the education.  The many that fail, will just be ignored and forgotten, and blamed for their own failure.

Grading on a Curve is a mockery of an authentic educational practice.  It is a scattershot way to efficiently separate students from their money and find the ones who can learn by the most brutal and coast effective manner possible.

It is too bad that it destroys as many lives as it helps while it is pretending to be philanthropic.  There is no real measure of specific skills and knowledge learned, but a broad spectrum of intelligent students that are statistically determined to be good employees.  Too bad it destroys so many optimistic young students that "never saw it coming."   Too bad the University of Illinois pretends to help you better yourself, when really they are just "weeding you out."

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Grade School causes loneliness

This loneliness is caused by public grade school. Only in America are children made prisoners in a hard brick building. The children have their autonomy and self control stripped away from them. They are told where to sit and when to talk. When they do speak they are only allowed to say what they are told to say. You are trained to behave as if your grade achievement is the only thing that matters. Grade school is designed to destroy your relationships so you will make a good corporate employee when you graduate. You are alone and you have no friends and you are ready to be exploited by industry. This is in stark contrast to how children have been raised throughout history. Children played in a communal band of friends and family. By the time you were 18 you have a small group of close friends that were like brothers. They would "die for you" and you would do anything to help them. This childhood was consciously erased by the public school system in America. You have no friends today because Wall Street doesn't want you to have any friends.

copyright (c) 2018 
William Schaeffer

Totally alone

Yesterday was the anniversary of my mother's death 8-10-2014 R.I.P. My brother stole my inheritance. I am totally alone in the world and I have no real friends. There is no LOVE in America today.

copyright(c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Friday, August 10, 2018

Remember Dr. Gachet

Why do people remember Dr. Gachet?

Is it because of his skill as a doctor?

Is it because of his success at diagnosis and treatment?

Is it because of the lives he saved?

Is it because of his memorable personality and style?

Is it because he was the attending physician to Vincent Van Gogh?

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

America stole your childhood

America stole  your childhood

They stole you body and they stole your mind.

They forced you to sit silent and motionless on a metal chair at a metal desk in a brick building with cold tile floors.  There was nothing you could do except obey.

They stole your brother and sisters and took them away.  You rarely saw them except on weekends.

They fed you lies and hatred and told you it was truth and love.

They beat you and whipped you and sent you to bed without any porridge.

You learned the lessons well.

You worked as a productive employee your whole life.

You got the certificate. 

You got the diploma.

Now you have nothing and nobody cares about you.

You have no friends.

You have no family.

You have no faith.

You have no future.

You have been had.

copyright (c)2018 
William Schaeffer

The wedding piano

There is a paradoxical irony to the fact that I play piano for wedding receptions. I have played piano for maybe one hundred weddings or more. I genuinely enjoy being the best I can and helping famlies to enjoy themselves. I feel honored to help these lucky people celebrate the festive beginning of a life together. And yet, I myself am absolutely alone. I have no family and no real friends. No one on Earth really cares if I am dead or alive. This is my life. Curious.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Thursday, August 9, 2018

August Assembly Art

Both for $25

1) "Marvelous Moose" Assembly Art -- unframed $15        

              2) "Kidney Lungs" Assembly Art -- unframed  $15

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

More Money

I need the Martians to bring more money.  More money.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Black Canvas Assembly Art

Black Canvas Assembly Art
5.75" x 7.75" unframed
2015 Wm S

$15 each

copyright(c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Background Actor Clothing Choices

Background actor (or BG actor) clothing choices are determined by appearance on camera.

Because the camera has limited dynamic range compared to the human eye, the colors at the extreme ends of the color spectrum should be avoided.  These colors do not reproduce well on film, or video, and are reserved for the Main Talent.  Background should avoid these colors: Black, White, and Red

Choose colors that are in the mid range of value (i.e. gray level 50%, or medium gray).  Choose colors that are NOT overly saturated or brilliant day-glo colors.  Pastel and neutral colors are best.  Choose colors that are solid, mid tone colors with no inherent pattern or texture.

Remember you are only on camera to make the main event look good.  You yourself are NOT the star.  You have a supporting roll to make the real STAR look good.  Do NOT try and "stand out"   Do NOT try and "be noticed"   Seek to be a good actor and play a role where you yourself are unimportant, just the character that you play is important.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Sunday, August 5, 2018

The New Morality -- Personal Space

If your life takes up more than 600 square feet of the surface of the Earth, then you are consuming too many resources.  You are consuming more than your "fair share of planet space" and you are being "planet selfish."  You need to be re-educated in empathy and community responsibility.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

number 44 - Tao Te Ching

Fame or Integrity: which is more important?
Money or happiness: which is more valuable?
Success or failure: Which is more destructive?

If you look to others for fulfillment,
you will never be truly be fulfilled.
If you happiness depends on money,
you will never be happy with yourself.

Be content with what you have;
rejoice in the Way things are.
When you realize there is nothing lacking,
the whole world belongs to you.

- Lao Tzu
Tao Te Ching
number 44
translated by Stephen Mitchell
Harper Perennial

Friday, August 3, 2018

Funeral Clown Drum

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

I want it now!

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Corporate Capitalism has no stability or longevity

Corporate Capitalism is an inherently unstable form of social organization that has no stability or longevity. It is characteristic of free market economies to continually experience a series of boom bust cycles as the market crudely and slowly adapts to the economic environment. There are no Corporate Capitalist institutions that last more than one hundred years. All Corporate Capitalist institutions are destined for corporate takeover, bankruptcy, divesture, and consolidation. The result of these financial activities is that there are no corporate capitalist institutions that have long term stability or reliability.

Your career is only 20 years long. There are no 40 year careers any more. You must have three part time jobs to survive. You will not find a full time career that will last 40 years. If you have a full time career and you get laid off, then you will not find any suitable work at all for a long time and you are most likely dead.

There are 60,000 homeless living right on the streets of Los Angeles. The number has doubled in the past ten years. There is no suitable work for those people. They are useless to the corporate economy. Their lives have been thrown in the garbage. Human life is just garbage in the USA these days.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Anti depressants are not medicine

Anti depressants are not "medicine."   Anti depressants cure nothing at all because nothing is broken to begin with.   Even the diagnosis are subjective.  There is no objective measure of any structure or mechanism of the body that can be shown to be broken by any medical test.

 Research the data yourself.

 Of ALL the patients that take anti depressants, one third get better, one third have no change, and one third get worse.  This is statistically no more significant than doing nothing at all.  Math doesn't lie, pharmaceutical companies do.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Noah's Ark

The Noah's Ark narrative in Genesis is almost word for word identical to the Flood narrative in the Sumerian "Epic of Gilgamesh" that was written around 4,000 B.C. The best copy found was dated to being buried around 1,500 B.C. Read them yourself. Put the two narratives side by side and go word for word. Notice the numbers are all the same and correspond to each other. The Noah's Ark narrative in the Bible must be a copy. The oldest date for Abraham is 1900 B.C. and nothing "Biblical" could have been written before Abraham.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Corporate Capitalism

Gxxxx Cxxxxx -- Corporate Capitalism is the best way for a small number of people to lift themselves to levels of unbelievable wealth; largely to the disadvantage of many members the rest of society. If there were no homeless in the USA, I would believe your claim. If all members of society were lifted along with the "noble elite" of corporate capitalist institutions I might agree with you, but that patently is not the case. There several homeless camps within blocks of my apartment. There is no economic incentive that will help these people achieve on the treadmill of fiscal success. They have been "thrown in the garbage." In the past ten years, the number of homeless living on the streets and sidewalks of Los Angeles has doubled from 30,000 to 60,000. THESE ARE THE VICTIMS OF CORPORATE CAPITALISM and for most of them -- their lives will never be whole again. It is curious to note the the Bolshevik Revolution started because 60 percent of the factory workers in Moscow were homeless at the time. One of the cornerstones of the Bolshevik Revolution was "housing for everyone" and they largely succeeded. There are no cities in Russia, China, or Europe that look anything remotely like Detroit, or East Cleveland. These cities represent the fruits of corporate capitalism for the masses (not the elite).

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer


Most people do not yet realize that youtube has changed the world. For the first time in the history of humanity it is possible for a individual person to transmit audio and visual information to almost everybody else on the planet. This tremendous communication connectivity will have untold quantum effects on all the basic structures of society: Government organization, scientific understanding, economic relationships, personal growth and fulfillment. There is no segment of thought or society that is unaffected. I consider it a tremendous opportunity and great responsibility to generate video and audio content. I am humbled by the opportunity and only wish I have enough time and equipment to use the opportunity more. The future of humanity and the future of the planet hangs in the balance. We are standing on the doorstep to the future. This is the beginning of the next era of mankind. I feel lucky to be able to make my mark and leave my contribution.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

A the feeling of a personal God

We all remember the awesome "supernatural power" our mother represented when we were just days old infants. We map these submerged memories onto the repressed wish to return to the "security" of infanthood and invent our personal relationship with God based on this real experience.

copyright (C) 2018
William Schaeffer



copyright (c) 2018
Willliam Schaeffer

Laughter in USA America

A funny thing about USA America is most people laugh at the misfortune of others. They have no concern for the homeless that are sleeping and dying right on the sidewalks. They mock the disadvantaged and they ridicule the victims of crime. And then when they suffer misfortune themselves, they wonder why nobody has the least concern. Think about it.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Failing and Faltering in USA America

Unfortunately, life in the USA America has become too difficult for many of us and WE CANNOT SURVIVE ON OUR OWN. We number almost 20% of the entire population and we need a viable social network to help us survive. Otherwise we fail and falter and live and die in the streets and gutters of USA America. Sadly, the USA American society is set up to honor and idealize the individual and disparage any communal, group, or collective organization. This leaves us, the most disadvantaged and unfortunate, to fend for ourselves and literally die in the gutter while you wring your hands in a genuine pantomime of despair. There is no LOVE in USA America and most everybody cares more about their own fiscal survival than the health and well being of their friends and family members. Too bad. This is only the beginning. Prepare for doom.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer