Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Year 2020

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Discussion on Wealth 2019

William A Schaeffer "Wealth never divests itself voluntarily"

 Silvana G. William A Schaeffer so let's force them like a communist country.Or like Cuba when Castro took all top business .Or like Venezuela .Are you serious?Jealousy is a bad thing!!!

 William A Schaeffer Yes, let's do that. The rich have been stealing from the rest of us since the Nixon administration It is time to restore some balance. I have no love for the rich or the gated communities. They had their chance to "improve" America and they just took everything for themselves.

 William A Schaeffer I am not jealous. I don't want to be filthy rich and mindlessly selfish. I want to give the homeless a place to live  I want to fix the Infra structure. I want healthcare for everyone. I want to build more parks and libraries I want to take away the tax exempt status for religious organizations. I want to help ALL the less fortunate that have been displaced and dispossessed by the greed of the corporations and the ultra wealthy. I want to limit property ownership to five properties. I want to open up the "gated communities" to the whole world.

 William A Schaeffer Wealth is inherently selfish, hateful, and greedy. I want to help them open their hearts to the world and rejoin the community of man instead of sitting aloof and feeling superior. Yes == that would be a good thing.

 Silvana G William A Schaeffer If you dont have any money that is dispensable income you cant help anyone not even yourself.If trickle down economics is bullshit to you how does trickle up economics sound Here come the poor to rescue us.Help yourself then help others

 Aron S William A Schaeffer ... Go make your own money thief!

 John S William A Schaeffer that is not entirely true! Plenty of wealthy people invest in communities voluntarily.

 William A Schaeffer John S The wealthy obviously do not invest enough. Just look at the homeless sleeping in the street. And the wealthy should not think of it as an investment. They should think of it as an "obligatory loss" because they are not doing it for themselves, they are contributing just for the other people with no thought of personal gain.

 Todd Tho Q. Why do all the nuts🥜🤪 come from California?

 William A Schaeffer Todd Tho Q. How is California like Granola? A. Take out all the fruits and nuts and all you have left is flakes.

 Todd Tho Q. California doesn’t pay out welfare? How about the State funded heroine dens?

 William A Schaeffer  The Rich do not help anyone. The GOVERNMENT helps people. The government creates and guarantees the money value. We should NOT rely on the wealthy to help society, we should rely on the government to help society. THAT IS WHAT GOVERNMENT IS FOR. The wealthy never really helped anyone except themselves.

copyright (c) 2019 William Schaeffer


"The principle goal of Capitalism is to turn everything into garbage as fast as possible and to extract as much gold as practical in the process." - Zobo the Clown

 This truism is a little bit of a joke, but consider this: When you build a house, you cut down trees, dig up dirt, crush rocks, make cement, melt sand to make glass, spray poisonous chemicals to add color and ship all those various products all over the country in semi trucks that burn gasoline. The raw weight of waste products from all that industrial activity far exceeds the weight of the house. So, from a global perspective, the process of building a house actually creates twice as much destruction and waste products that we as humans are mostly unaware of. In our understanding however: "The goal of manufacturing is to generate profit by selling products made." In the process, we create even more garbage and destruction that we totally ignore and generally forget about.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Homeless woman "timed out" from a homeless shelter and now lives in a te...

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Cybernetic Crank Mechanism No 11

Russia's new hypersonic weapon could be unstoppable

Sleeping Rough

VFX in Canada

response to a post in social media encouraging Canadian VFX workers to unionize:

HAHAHA It is illegal for unions to organize across national boarders. That is why nation states, immigration, passports, and citizenship were invented in the first place (in 1870). AND more importantly, THAT is why VFX even exists in Canada. ALL the VFX companies were afraid of unionization in the early 2000's, so they opened up branch offices in other countries, laid off their unionized workers in the USA and outsourced the majority of work to Canada and India. The improvement in "fttp: technology" that made it possible to transmit an entire movie through a phone line in 2006, facilitated the practicality of this economic and political business development. 

Conclusion: "Capitalism is fundamentally Anti-Human"
 (research the history and facts yourself to confirm)

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

LOVE is Everything

R. Sullivan:  if love is everything, then ?

W. Schaeffer:   you are in luck... You can still find meaning and value in the most trivial things. No matter how lousy your life is, or how dishonest your friends were, or how much bad luck you experienced, you can STILL choose to live in the moment and act with empathy and love. Idealistic, but practical at the same time.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Movie Review of "A Trip to Bountiful"

I watched the movie "A Trip to Bountiful" last night on KCET at 8 PM. -- and I think that EVERYONE should see this movie. It is probably my favorite movie of all time. It is a little ensemble piece that you never see any more. The format was popular in the early 1960's. The movie is shot beautifully and every frame is a painting. I saw the movie in the theater in the early 1990's and was impressed. I still think it is very good. It is a quiet and touching little movie about dysfunctional relationships, the love of life and the memories of childhood.

 See this movie. Peace.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Friday, December 27, 2019

Prepare for doom

since 1960: 75% of the ocean plankton population has died off, 60% of large marine life has died off, 75% of insect population on land has died off, 60% of large animal population has died off, 90 % of honey bee population has died off. Since 1960...   "Prepare for doom."

 since 1960: human population on Earth has more than doubled from three billion to over seven billion people. "Life out of balance"

 one third of all agricultural products are pollinated by the honey bee. When the honey be becomes extinct, there will be mass human starvation and social strife.   "Prepare for doom."

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Lost, Found, Clowning Around

copyright (c ) 2019
William Schaeffer

The Promised Land

It is really difficult to even find "The Promised Land"

And then, it is near impossible to actually enter "The Promised Land"

But what is most difficult of all:

Is to leave again, once you have gotten used to living in "The Promised Land"

Now, THAT is really difficult and almost impossible.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Great Employment Numbers: 44% of Fully Employed Make $18,000 a Year or Less

Great Employment Numbers: 44% of Fully Employed Make $18,000 a Year or Less


 Most Americans were trained to be afraid of mathematics and this FACT makes no impression on them, because they do not think mathematically. Too bad, because they have been made into perpetual fools by the school system. You cannot understand life without understanding mathematics.


 If almost HALF the jobs in the USA are minimum wage jobs, then the system is rigged against you and you are too stupid to realize it. You will NEVER have a happy life. America is a prison and you are too stupid to notice. Too bad for you.

America is a prison.

copyright (c) 2019 
William Schaeffer

Friday, December 13, 2019

Happy St. Lucy's Day

copyright (c) 2016, 2019
William Schaeffer

Saint Lucy

Today is the feast day of Santa Lucia, or Saint Lucy. She is the Patron Saint of artists and is commonly shown holding two eyeballs on a plate. Apparently, in the early days of Christianity, she was asked to renounce her Faith and she plucked out her own eyes instead. Before the Gregorian calendar date changes in 1582, her feast day fell on the winter solstice and she was associated with that event also.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Bad and the Beautiful

If the weather is bad,
The sky is beautiful.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Thursday, December 5, 2019

There is no LOVE in America. Nobody cares if you are dead or alive.

Four years ago today, I returned from ten days in the Los Angeles County Hospital with a broken neck. I broke three vertebrae in a car accident on 11/25/2015.  My head was wired into a "Halo" neck brace and I was all alone in the world. Only two friends and three neighbors even helped me out, or even cared. Jack Kerouac once described Los Angeles as "the most brutally lonely city in America" -- I say "There is no LOVE in America and nobody cares if you are dead or alive"

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

You did the best you could

You replied to Adam's story

Good, except there is nothing to forgive. Life just sucks and you did the best you could. Nobody cared and nobody helped you. It is amazing you survived as well as you did in such a hate filled, unloving society we call America. You did a magnificent job to survive the hatred, the beatings, the punishment and the absolute lack of love or empathy. You have nothing to forgive. Life sucks and the world is shit. You are the pure and beautiful child of creation itself. Hold onto that Beauty. Life is shit.

You are the pure and beautiful child of creation itself.  Hold onto that Beauty.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Nietzsche's Blues

no use in trying
no use in crying
no use in dying
just keep frying

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Sunday, December 1, 2019


Comment on a youtube video on "lonliness in middle age men"

Atwaterpub: I have no real friends. Nobody is concerned if I am alive or dead. This is America.

Mr.Purser: This is the world...learn 2 things irony and indifference.

 Atwaterpub: This is not the traditional history of humankind. For most of our existence in pre-literate societies, you belonged to a family, a clan, AND a tribe. People actually cared about you as a person. The people you spent you day with were your friends. Today, I work in a factory with total strangers. I ride the bus with total strangers. I eat in a restaurant and shop in a store with total strangers. All my childhood friends are long gone. I am isolated by society. My experience is not unique. Most people in USA America have no real friends and NOBODY really cares if they live or die. Is THIS the WORLD that YOU think is best? Do you really think that USA America is the vision of the lonely isolated income tax future that humanity really wants?

Bad Santa Impersonator: Oh well. If you get more material things, then you'll have more people in your life.

 Atwaterpub: HAHAHA But are those the type of people I want or need in my life who are just attracted to the material things anyway?

copyright (c) 2017, 2019
William Schaeffer

What women don't understand about men comment

Women don't understand about men: Women have a sense of intrinsic value and are treated as if they have intrinsic value by humanity. Men have no sense of intrinsic value. A man has to prove himself to have value by his accomplishments. A man with no accomplishments or ability is worth nothing. THAT is why we send men to war to be killed if need be. A man is essentially without value to society and it is no real loss if that man is dead. THIS is the difference: Women have intrinsic value to society. Men have no intrinsic value.  And THAT is all the difference in the world.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Why Women are ALWAYS cold


For most all of human history, women were mothers in families. For most all of human history, women spent most of their adult life holding infants in their arms. Women have evolved to be cold, so that they WANT to hold and infant in their arms for warmth. If women were not always cold, they would leave the infant on the ground and it would die.

Women are "evolved" to be constantly cold, if they do not have an infant to hold. sorry -- THIS IS A FACT OF LIFE.

 Men, on the other hand, evolved as hunters. Men evolved to sleep on the floor of the jungle with no warmth and no companionship while on a hunt. If they did not do this, they would not get food, and they would not survive.

 Men evolved to be self sufficient body temperature.

Women evolved to need a baby to hold to stay warm.

ALSO:  For all of human history, it has been the woman's primary duty to cook food.  This means that the woman was usually near a cooking fire source of heat.  A woman did not need to preserve her body heat if she was most always standing next to a fire, cooking food (and holding a baby).

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Saturday, November 30, 2019

No Employer ever was concerned about me

I have never had an employer that was the least bit concerned about my health or my personal happiness.

The only thing any employer, in the USA, cares about is getting the best quality work, reliably, for the least expenditure of money.

I have plenty of performance reviews where employers were satisfied that I was doing my job adequately. Not ONCE in forty years, was any employer concerned about whether I earned enough to survive, or I earned enough to have a happy life. Not ONCE in forty years was any employer concerned about me as a human.

The employer is not concerned about my life. The employer is not concerned about me as a person. The employer is only concerned about what they get from me.

 America is a prison.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

In America you are just a robot

In most other cultures in human history, your personal identity was a function of you family and social relationships.
Your "self definition" was a product of your family lineage and your clan identity.

 In the USA your personal identity is your job function.
 What you are employed to do 40 - 60 hours a week is who you are.

In the USA you are not a human. you are just a robot.
America is a prison.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Friday, November 29, 2019

Thanksgiving at the Turkey Slaughterhouse

One time, when I was in YMCA Indian Guides, we took a Thanksgiving field trip to a Turkey Slaughterhouse. The assembly line was turned off, but we saw where they stripped the feathers off of live Turkeys. We saw where they hung the bodies on the conveyor belt to move to the room where they cut them up into portions. I was seven years old.

It was very bizarre. We were all first grade age boys. A group of ten men and fifteen boys tour a Turkey slaughterhouse, having fun. The factory was totally clean, except in the corners of the rooms on the floor were still some small tube like segments about 4 inches long and a half an inch in diameter. They looked like segments of some kind of organic tube like a trachea, or intestine, or "something." The facility was quiet and empty and clean and the guide enthusiastically described the manufacturing process of turning live turkeys into trays of meat. THEN, we went outside and took photos with the live Turkeys in the pen that escaped the slaughter -- just by luck. They were beautiful white feather birds and it was a cold Chicago weather day.

The thing I remember most vividly was the rotating tube that removed the Turkey feathers. It was about four feet in diameter and the walls were bristling with short wires pointed toward the axis of the cylinder. We were all first grade boys, so we could have easily fit into that tube ourselves. When activated the tube rotated and a high rate of speed. The turkeys were forced into the entrance of the tube and by the time they emerged screaming from the other end the wires had stripped all their feathers off their body. Then, the turkeys were killed and hung by their feet on hooks on the overhead conveyor belt so the blood could drain out. Happy Thanksgiving.

This occurred in 1963 or 1964 at Thanksgiving.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Psychiatric Drugs are Way more Dangerous than you think


Youtube comment on a video by Peter Breggin on the dangers of psychiatric drugs.

"HAHAHA... America is a prison that destroys your mind and deceives your family. There is no LOVE in America, just LUST FOR MONEY, and Too bad for you.

 Don't trust the doctors. Don't trust your therapist. They do NOT have YOUR best interests in mind. They only want to profit from you vulnerability. They don't even know what real health is themselves for the most part. Don't trust the Doctors.

You must learn how to trust your heart and trust your own mind. Look for simple truths. Do not trust the Doctors. Be patient and do not expect too much. Return to natural thought. Keep it simple and honest. Good Luck.

I know. I've been there. I took Lithium. I took tri-cyclic anti depressants. I took Prozac. and then I took control of my own life and I stopped "cold turkey". That was thirty years ago. I took back my own life. NOBODY was on my side. The medical profession tried to profit from my life situation and temporary emotional vulnerability. They counselled me that I could not trust myself and would be helpless forever.  When I had a bad reaction, their response was, "don't worry about it." 


 I did it and so can YOU.    FUCK the DOCTORS.   FUCK the DRUG Companies.   And mostly, FUCK the GOVERNMENT that legitimizes the whole process.    TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE AND FUCK THE PARASITIC CORPORATE GREED that is trying to kill you for money."

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

I remember Duke the family dog (from a facebook post)

When I was five years old, my father and mother decided our family dog, "Duke," was not behaving, and they did not want the dog. So my father drove the dog 20 miles away and just let the dog loose to run in the farm land and drove away again. That was the end of our family dog. Sometimes, my father was a jerk.

This dog, "Duke," was the second family dog we had. We got him as an adult, from people who could no longer keep him. The first dog, was named "Rusty." We trained him to bite a knotted rag for fun, but he got too aggressive, so my parents sold him in a want ad. A couple weeks later the people called and complained that the dog was biting too much. We did not have another dog until my youngest brother Scott insisted on a dog more than five years later (when he was in sixth grade and got everything he asked for). This dog was a female named "Boots."

Somehow, I think my father thought that was the best solution for Duke. The dog used to run away and he convinced himself that the dog would survive in the country, I guess. We rarely spoke about Duke again. I still remember we were saying our night time prayers (before bed time) and my father came home and told us it was done. He sat down and looked relieved and troubled at the same time. He was only 29 years old. I was only five years old and had no idea what was right or appropriate in our complex American "society", but I felt strange about the dog being gone that way...

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

There is no LOVE in Capitalism

Linkedin response to a post about relying on experts to help you in your career:

Unfortunately, in Capitalist economies, there are no honest or reliable experts. The entire system is designed to exploit your time and labor for as little compensation as possible. There is no honor or sense of responsibility in almost any employer in the USA (or any Capitalist Society). 50% of ALL the jobs in America are minimum wage jobs and you cannot survive on minimum wage. The entire system is a shell game that guarantees that thousands of unfortunate members of society will be forced to sleep outside in the rain. NOBODY CARES. NOBODY FEELS ANYTHING. 50% of the college graduates do not work in the field of their degree and their time in college was a useless exploitation by the education system. There is no honor or honesty in the government of the USA. You have been had and there is nothing you can do, except join together and fight back. Good Luck.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Imagine the Economy

50% of the jobs in the USA are minimum wage jobs.

 IMAGINE if 50% of the Grades in school were "F's" ... ?

 Imagine if 50% of the students flunked out each year...

We have been conditioned (by the use of "the bell curve" in grading) to a reality that does not exist. There is no bell curve in the distribution of wealth in America. There is no "fairness." There is just a short squat pyramid with a broad base in misery. Think about it.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

50% of all jobs in USA are Minimum Wage jobs

Fact: 50% of all the jobs in America are minimum wage jobs.

 If you analyze this fact statistically, you will come to the inescapable conclusion, that for at least half the men in the USA it is impossible to fulfill the legal responsibility of supporting a wife and family.

It seems that "America is a prison" or  " America is a con job." 

Aren't you glad you took out a $5,000 loan to pay for school? If you had just gotten a job, you might be promoted to a supervisor and you wouldn't have a student loan. Your life might have been better without going to college. Don't you feel stupid now?

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Monday, November 25, 2019

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Christmas has been cancelled this year

Christmas has been cancelled this year.
There is no brotherly love.
There is no peace on Earth.
There is no salvation.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Have a good day.

copyright (c) 2019 
William Schaeffer

Friday, November 22, 2019

Patriotism and Circumcision

It is amazing how many American Men genuinely love and support the government of the United States of America, when they themselves are victims of the American Medical Association recommended practice of painfully mutilating the genitals of infant boys when they are born.  The clinical term is circumcision.  These men love the country that mutilated their genitals and they do not even realize the contradiction (pun intended).

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Senator Ron Paul's Debt Bubble economy

Public comment on Senator Ron Paul video on the debt bubble economy and possible coming recession:

"As long as the combined wealth of just three citizens is greater than the combined wealth of half of the entire population of the USA, then NOTHING YOU SAY has any RELEVANCE to reality. USA America has the greatest concentration of wealth in the control of private citizens of any society in the history of mankind. Everything you say is irrelevant, if you do not address this simple FACT as being fiscally and morally WRONG."


copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

New Art

New Artwork:

Emi Ichihara bought the skull stickers and gave them to me a while ago.

I found the 5 x 7 paintings in the dumpster.

I sprayed with clear gloss fixative, added the skulls and framed the art.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Personal Relationships and Grade School

If your personal relationships are the most important part of your life, why is Public Grade School designed to silence you and eliminate your personal relationships?

Why is there no practice or instruction on: building friendships, autonomy, self discovery, trust, caring, empathy, and love?

Public Grade School is a prison.

America is a prison..

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Life is too short...

"Life is too short to walk slowly" - Mr. Atwater

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Monday, November 18, 2019

Fruit and Nuts for life

Fruit and nuts fall off the tree by themselves and you pick them up off the ground to eat. Neither a fruit or a nut is still living when it is laying on the ground. The tree or bush is unharmed and you walk through nature without hurting anything. Fruit and nuts are manufactured in abundance by nature so man and animals can eat and there are still enough seeds to make new plants. Think about it.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

You do not own the work you are hired to complete

Remember: You do not own the work you are hired to complete. In twenty years, nobody will care that you were involved and you will derive no benefit from your participation. The only work that you will find personally satisfying in twenty years is the work that you do for yourself, on your own time, that nobody is hiring you to do. Even the the most amateur watercolor painting will bring you more recognition and joy than the "money shot" you spent three weeks working on for that blockbuster movie. You only own the work you do on your own time and that is the only work that will be meaningful in twenty years. Remember that I told you this, and get to work on your own projects. (nothing you are hired to complete will have any meaning or significance in twenty years no matter how time consuming it happens to be today)

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Hang in there

"Just ten more minutes"

Whenever you are at your wits end and do not possibly see how you can continue; when a solution or relief seems impossibly remote, then remind yourself, "Just ten more minutes." Hang in there for just ten minutes at a time and eventually you will find a solution and the 'problem' will yield a solution.

All you have to do is wait, "just ten more minutes"...

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Nobody got your back

In America
Nobody got your back

In Primitive times
Your Tribe, or your Clan
Got your back

In Agricultural times,
Your family and neighbors
Got your back

You got no family
You got no neighbors
Nobody got your back

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Monday, November 11, 2019

Sinister America

From a facebook post on "homelessness:"

America is one of the most sinister and cold hearted civilizations in the history of mankind. No other civilization has had as extreme disparity of wealth, ever. Do the research yourself. Do the math.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Faith in God

from a posting on linkedin.com

Jim M. post:
In God we trust. All others must bring data.

 William response:
There is no evidence for the existence of the “Soul,” “Heaven,” “Hell,” “God,” or the “Afterlife” that is admissible in a court of law or a contemporary scientific journal. These concepts must all be accepted on “Faith.” This idea of Faith is essentially “Belief without Evidence.” In any other realm of human existence, belief without evidence is considered to be “Delusional Thought.” The fundamental concepts that are basic to the mindset promoted by the Christian Church are essentially delusional beliefs and delusional thought. Usually a delusional belief is considered to be a kind of mental illness. Praise Jesus.

 Jim M. rebuttal 7mo
William, you are incorrect- everybody has a measure of Faith. You, for example have faith that these statements of yours are true., also must have faith that someone might believe what your assertions are and that they're true. The very fact, that you have thoughts, emotions, free will, knowledge, and some wisdom proves the very existence of God.

  William Response 7mo
Jim M. you twist the context of the real meaning of words so your comment is just deceitful. Religious Faith equals belief without evidence -- a delusional belief. What you are referring to is Trust. We trust that our car will work properly. We trust that we understand the meaning of what someone says. You, like most Christians, twist the meaning of words until nothing you say has any real meaning at all. It is only in the delusional universe of superstitious Christianity, that any Christian Theology makes sense at all. Otherwise it is just crazy talk and must be maintained by deception and force. Study the history of the Christian Faith. It is a blood bath of ignorance and superstition. You are repeating knowing falsehoods. The fact that I have thoughts, an illusion of free will and emotions tells us nothing about supernatural "hocus pocus." You are an idiot.

 William response 2mo
We don't need to hypothesize or claim to describe things that we do not understand. We just accept that "things are the way they are" and we "work with it."   We don't need to hypothesize the existence of an invisible super being that we will never directly see, encounter, or have documentary evidence of. We just have fun the best we can without causing problems for others.

If everybody on Earth followed that same philosophy, there would be no War, or social strife. It is simple, and you do not even need a "God" to make you do it. You just do it yourself.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Thursday, November 7, 2019


Memes are mind parasites.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


"A person's own propaganda skews his worldview so much that he can no longer assess reality." - S. J. Gooch

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Grade School Stole my Childhood

America stole my life,
because Grade School stole my childhood

There is no LOVE in America,
because Grade School is a prison

Who cares?
I care.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Monday, November 4, 2019

Employment History

I have worked as a background actor and a VFX artist. As an actor, there is a lot of down time and you get to hang out in holding and talk with your friends and eat the food that is provided. You get haircuts and free meals. If you get hired for eight hour, you get paid for eight hours, even if you quit early. As a VFX artist, you sit in a dark cold room by yourself at a computer. You cannot talk to anyone, because they are busy working, The only breaks you get are the legally prescribed work breaks and your computer monitors your activity. You work constantly for the entire 12 or 16 hours. Nobody buys you food, nobody gives you a place to eat. Nobody talks to you, except your supervisor asking about your progress.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Thursday, October 31, 2019


"I had a great realization just now, but then I totally forgot what it was..." - Mr. Atwater

copyright (c) 2019 
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


"Discipline is freedom" - Mr. Atwater

Copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Sunday, October 20, 2019


From 1986 - 2008 I worked elbow-to-elbow with over one thousand people in 2-D VFX work. We worked ten hours a day, six days a week most of the time. We spent most of our waking hours working together. Today, almost none of those people are a friend in any way whatsoever. I have no idea where they are and they have no interest in my life. I thought we were friends at the time, but obviously I was wrong. Too bad. There is no LOVE in America.  There is no LOVE in the VFX industry.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Sunday, October 13, 2019

prescription for peace

stop watching broadcast television.
stop listening to the radio.
stop reading magazines.
start taking walks.
start talking to your neighbors.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Friday, October 11, 2019

Stereo D

I recently saw a Linkedin post from company "Stereo D" promoting mental health day.  This is my response:

"HAHAHA. When I worked for Stereo D it was the most oppressive work schedule I ever had. In 2013 we worked over seventy two hours a week for five months. We worked a minimum of twelve hours a day for six days a week for five months. We worked on six movies in that time and once I got laid off, they never called me back. I never got a shot rejected, I never missed a day of work, and they never called me back. We worked from 9 AM to 10:30 PM, six days a week for five months straight. HOW ON EARTH DOES THAT CORPORATE BEHAVIOR PROMOTE MENTAL HEALTH??"

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Political instability in the Mid East

Lawrence of Arabia and the British politicians constructed the modern Nation states in the mid East in 1927. They purposely made the nation states divide the major population groups to make the entire area politically unstable. This was done intentionally because oil was discovered the year before in 1926. Research your history. There will NEVER be peace in the Middle East and THIS WAS INTENTIONALLY DONE to make the oil easier to remove.

And remember: ALL of the middle East once belonged to Turkey just one hundred years ago. The entire territory was part of the Ottoman Empire for over six hundred years. The present nation state of Turkey is the political remnant of The Ottoman Empire after the defeat in World War One.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Friday, October 4, 2019

Peoples is just peoples

Peoples is just peoples
There is no master race
There are no chosen people
Nobody is better than anyone else
Peoples is just peoples

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Be a Good Employee

Spend your entire waking life playing a role and pretending to be someone other than who you are. This is good for productivity and increases your job security. Unfortunately you find yourself living an inauthentic life. Nobody knows who you are and you have no real friends. Nobody cares about your problems. Nobody cares if you are dead or alive, because they do not even know who you are. You are totally alone and isolated in a world of fake friends and pretend relationships. When you get in trouble, there is nobody to help and everyone you are associated with is surprised that they never knew you. Keep pretending to be a good employee and you will live an empty, friendless life of despair in a fake society we call America

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Monday, September 30, 2019

Life is Tough


 "Sorry life is tough. It just gets worse. Hang in there. Have a good day."

 "Embrace the suffering."

 "Give the old barrel cactus a big bear hug." - Zobo the Philosopher

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Good Luck

Have a Good Day

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Difficulties with coworkers

Sorry you are having difficulties with coworkers. That is the most challenging situation and there is no easy answer. the only thing you can do is take the high moral ground and be patient. Frequently that is not satisfying.

Here is my advice:

Keep your head down and remember your priorities:
1. earn money
2. behave ethically
3. be honest.
4. work responsibly
5. let it go

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Two 8 x 10 assembly art pieces

Party !!
8 x 10 canvas board with found objects
Framed  $20

One of Those Days
8 x 10 canvas board with found objects
Framed  $20

Copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Build it and they will come

Inspiration for the day

Copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Sunday, September 22, 2019

America is a Prison

response to a facebook post

GJ Neal I have not had an employer that has been honest in forty years of professional work. There are 60,000 homeless people living in the gutters of Los Angeles and nobody cares about them. With a G.E.D., you can learn all you need to know in High School in 6 months of night school. WHY are children forced to attend High School for four years EXCEPT to remove them from society and destroy their independence? The citizens of the USA work longer hours for fewer real benefits of health care, job security, vacation pay, or real retirement savings than the people in any other industrial country. The divorce rate in the USA is over 50%. The murder rate in the USA is three times the next country. 9-11 was an "inside job" and building 7 was a controlled demolition. One out of six people in the entire USA are taking doctor prescribed anti-depressant drugs. After the stock market crash in 2008, 30% of ALL the men in the USA were unemployed for two years. The USA has the highest rate of per capita incarceration of any nation on Earth. Even though the USA has only 4% of the world population, the USA houses 23 % of all the prisoners in the world. In the 1960's, 90% of all prisoners in the USA were in for violent crimes. Today only 10% of the prisoners are incarcerated for violent crimes and over 50% are in prison for drug possession (mostly marijuana possession). Compared to most other nations on Earth, USA IS A PRISON.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Friday, September 20, 2019

Flying Proof

copyright (c) 2017, 2019
William Schaeffer

Piano in October

The corporate manager heard my show on Monday and I got hired for October. Lucky me. It was a good performance in a great room. Thanks for your support.

copyright (C) 2019
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

your own thought

“To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, — that is genius. Speak your latent conviction, and it shall be the universal sense; for the inmost in due time becomes the outmost,—— and our first thought is rendered back to us by the trumpets of the Last Judgment.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance and Other Essays


“Misunderstood! It is a right fool's word. Is it so bad then to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance and Other Essays

copyrght (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Whoso would be a man

“Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist. He who would gather immortal palms must not be hindered by the name of goodness, but must explore it if it be goodness. Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind. Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have the suffrage of the world.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance and Other Essays

Monday, September 16, 2019

Star Ball and Waves

copyright (c) 2017, 2019
William Schaeffer

I play piano

I started playing piano over fifty years ago. My father grew up in a poor family and he did not get to take music lessons despite having great natural ability. When I was in fourth grade I had to take piano lessons. I never had much ability and I learned slowly. After three or four years, I got the idea that I could "make my own music": I could write and perform music that I made up myself. Slowly I sat at the piano and tried to listen to how notes sounded together and I tried to keep a steady rhythm. I learned the blues progression. I never thought I would ever be good enough to be a professional musician because my father was so much more talented than me. But I loved playing music and I kept trying to play music. To me that is the definition of "love": To do something because it is good to do and regardless of the reward the action might bring. If we love a person, we help them whether or not they can pay us back. At some point in my life, I realized that my perception of life and love is different than most of America: most people are selfish, ignorant, short sighted, mean and opportunistic. I just do not understand those people because I play piano. I know what love really is.  I play the piano.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Saturday, September 14, 2019

When things get difficult

1. Step by step

2. Day by day

3. Wait one more hour

4. Just ten more minutes

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Thursday, September 12, 2019

9/11 was a controlled demolition

9/11 was an inside job. Blame President Bush.

1. Never in the history of steel construction has a building ever fallen of its own weight due to fire. NEVER. It does not happen.  The world trade center is the only time a steel construction building is claimed to collapse due to its own weight during a fire.   However, it is thought by some that the buildings were pre-wired with explosive charges and it was a controlled demolition.  The evidence seems incontrovertible.

2. A semi truck with gold bullion was found in the rubble trying to leave but it got trapped. The people that owned the truck had foreknowledge of the attack.

3. State Representative Willie Brown in San Francisco received a phone call the morning of 9/11 warning him to "NOT get on the plane" because it will be hijacked. He did not get on the plane and it was hijacked.

4. Building 7 was not hit, and yet collapsed like a controlled demolition. You can hear a fire department, or police officer, on news footage giving the order to "pull it" down.

5. Every single military action the USA has been involved in in the past 130 years has been preceded by a "false flag event": The Main, The Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, Bay of Tonkin... etc.  At Pearl Harbor, USA military had intercepted and translated Japanese communications and the USA knew Pearl Harbor would be attacked.  The USA moved the Air Craft Carriers out of Pearl Harbor a few days in advance and left the destroyers to be attacked and raise public indignation.  All the soldiers on the Battle ships were left to die in the known attack, just to stimulate public outrage.  Pearl Harbor was only one of 8 coordinated attacks by the Japanese military on that day.

6. Every single airplane in the USA Army and Airforce was pre-scheduled that day for military exercises or for maintenance. There was not a single military plane in the entire USA that was available to be scrambled to intercept the threat. There was not a single military plane in the entire USA that was available because of advance scheduling.

7. You can see the explosive charges going off floor by floor as the building collapses in one of the news videos.

8. There is evidence of cordite at the site, which is used in building demolitions.

9. There was no civil engineering analysis of the cause of building failure in violation of State and Civil building codes. All the evidence was removed and destroyed and no analysis was even started.

10. The entire wing of the Pentagon that flight 77 crashed into was "closed" and evacuated for "renovations" ahead of time.  There were no casualties.  There is little evidence of the type of fireball that occurred when the planes hit the World Trade Towers.  Additionally, that was the only wing of the Pentagon that was ever entirely closed for renovations, ever.

11. There is almost no wreckage of flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon and the entry hole is too small. 

12. Photos of the crash site of flight 93 look nothing like other 747 crash sites. There is no debris to speak of and only a single deep trench that looks like it could have been made by a bulldozer. Check the photos yourself and do some research.

13. Fire department fire fighters can be heard on the radio, during he rescue, saying that "there are explosions going off in the corners of the buildings."

14. For two days in the weekend preceding 9/11, the elevators at the World Trade Towers were "closed for maintenance."  During that time, security officers and their dogs were not allowed on site.

15. In the months before 9/11 the building owner changed the insurance policy for accidental damage to "several times more" than the previous amount.  He was able to collect on the increased sum on the new policy.

16.  The Security and Exchange commission had its investigative offices in one of the buildings.  Documents and evidence for ongoing investigations of securities fraud being conducted were kept at the site.  With the destruction of that office several investigations were halted.

17.  Several international banks kept stores of gold bullion in their offices at the site.  Some of that gold bullion was found on a semi truck in the rubble that had gotten trapped trying to leave during the attack.

18. News reporters and photographers were barred from entering the site for two months after the attack, while the debris  was being trucked away and destroyed.

19.  All surveillance camera records of the day, for businesses surrounding the Pentagon,  were confiscated by Federal Agents in the days after 9/11 and have never been released to the public.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Future of Capitalism

75% of all the single family homes that were built in the city of Detroit, Michigan are now abandoned or destroyed.  Fact.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Saturday, September 7, 2019

90% of the internet will eventually vanish

90% of ALL movies made before 1929 are now lost forever... The history has vanished.

 Theda Bara made more than 40 films between 1914 and 1926, but most were lost in the 1937 Fox vault fire. After her marriage to Charles Brabin in 1921, she made two more feature films and then retired from acting in 1926, having never appeared in a sound film. only four of her forty films have survived to this day.

I am not entirely convinced that this destruction and loss of history is entirely accidental. Also, it highlights how narrow and prejudiced our impression of history really is, because of the lack of good documentation.

I worked on the PLATO computer system from 1977 - 1984. This was the first multi-user interactive computer system with a graphic interface.It was developed before the mouse was invented. We were convinced that we were programming for the future and that our creations would last forever in the heart of the machine. And then in 1989 funding stopped, the project was ended, the "plug was pulled" and the PLATO system shut down. 15 years of work disappeared overnight.

 90% of what you see on the internet today will vanish without a trace and nobody will even know it was ever there.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Play Ball

copyright (c) 2017, 2019
William Schaeffer

Time to go...

copyright (c) 2017, 2019
William Schaeffer

The history of servitude

6. "Serf" is the French word for "Slave". During the Middle Ages (800 A.D. to 1400 A.D.) 90% of all Europeans were "serfs". These "serfs" were tied to the land and required to work for the land owner (royalty). The "serfs" were not allowed to travel, read and write, or leave the property. They were punished for transgressions by public flogging, or whippings. Many Europeans who first came to America were fleeing this oppressive social order...only to set up a more oppressive and more violent system in the new colonies in America.

copyright (c)2019
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Monday, September 2, 2019

Disparity of Wealth

The USA today has more "Disparity of Wealth" between the members of this society than almost any society in all of human history. In my opinion, the "Disparity of Wealth" is the only significant indicator of social violence, or divisiveness. The USA has as much "Disparity of Wealth" as Imperial Rome, the France of Louis XVI, or Imperial Russia. For example, there are 60,000 homeless people in Los Angeles alone that have been thrown in the garbage and forced to live in the street. There are no "real" social services for them. At the time of the Bolshevik revolution, 60 per cent of the factory workers in Moscow were homeless and slept underneath their workbenches. It was THIS "Disparity of Wealth" that fueled the Bolshevik Revolution. The Russian Constitution to this day still guarantees a place to live for every member of that society. You do not see homeless camps in Russia.

Unfortunately, "Wealth never divests itself voluntarily."   There is probably no resolution to this current problem of "divisiveness" except Civil War and the redistribution of Wealth in a more equitable manner. I hope I am wrong.

copyright (c) 2019 
William Schaeffer

You ARE your job function

"In America, you have no value as a human being. Your only worth is as a job function, or an expense account. You have no soul." - Zobo the Clown

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

same old story

copyright (c) 2017, 2019
William Schaeffer

Sunday, August 25, 2019


In the ever dwindling universe of file cabinet task force and regurgitated social obligations, one thing stands out as being inexorably curious, there are no laundrymats on the planet Venus and modern postal codes make no allowance for extra terrestrial delivery. No wonder I am all alone without friends or giant reticulated promises of future employment. Sad really, there is no reason...

 Angular dialectics of circular reasoning provide all the legal excuses I am looking for. There is only one conclusion, science has betrayed the promise of mankind and sugar coated donuts have completed the deception. There are no chocolate chips cookies in the organic pantry and rubber chickens cannot fly to Mars. Nevertheless, I find myself without purpose or reason, sitting in my shorts contemplating why I am all alone.

Elbow macaroni never had it so good when you consider the alternatives. But it still seems too "flexible" for me. Remarkably, the DADA art movement was the only significant exercise in gastronomic art parodies, and as such has no equal, even to this day.

Nevertheless, nobody really cares if you are dead or alive, especially if the TV is turned on.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Why we drink coffee

Coffee drinking is an addiction. 80% of all the people on Earth are addicted to caffeine and drinking coffee. Why does capitalism "like" this addiction and promote the drinking of coffee? (so people wake up on time for get their fix and then report to the factory on time).

After 6 - 8 hours, your body needs caffeine.  If you drink caffeine on a regular (time clock) schedule, the caffeine will keep you on that schedule.

When I quit drinking coffee, I noticed that my sleep cycles became "disturbed."  I did not get tired at the same time each day.  Sometimes I was "awake" at night.  Sometimes I fell asleep during the day.  I realized that the human "internal clock" is not as regulated as the factory clock.  Drinking caffeine keeps me on a regular hourly sleep wake cycle that is good for business and good for the factory owner.

Humans do not have a regular sleep cycle because the light/dark cycles of night and day change so much during the year.  In the winter we have about ten hours of light and fourteen hours of darkness.  In the summer, those hours are reversed, with almost fourteen hours of light and ten hours of darkness.  In that constantly changing "light environment," there is no regular time clock reference to regulate the "internal biological clock."   The biological clock does not have the rigorous temporal accuracy of modern time.

This is why we drink caffeine:  It is good for business and keeps us going to work at the same time (on the clock) each day.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer