Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Year 2020

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Discussion on Wealth 2019

William A Schaeffer "Wealth never divests itself voluntarily"

 Silvana G. William A Schaeffer so let's force them like a communist country.Or like Cuba when Castro took all top business .Or like Venezuela .Are you serious?Jealousy is a bad thing!!!

 William A Schaeffer Yes, let's do that. The rich have been stealing from the rest of us since the Nixon administration It is time to restore some balance. I have no love for the rich or the gated communities. They had their chance to "improve" America and they just took everything for themselves.

 William A Schaeffer I am not jealous. I don't want to be filthy rich and mindlessly selfish. I want to give the homeless a place to live  I want to fix the Infra structure. I want healthcare for everyone. I want to build more parks and libraries I want to take away the tax exempt status for religious organizations. I want to help ALL the less fortunate that have been displaced and dispossessed by the greed of the corporations and the ultra wealthy. I want to limit property ownership to five properties. I want to open up the "gated communities" to the whole world.

 William A Schaeffer Wealth is inherently selfish, hateful, and greedy. I want to help them open their hearts to the world and rejoin the community of man instead of sitting aloof and feeling superior. Yes == that would be a good thing.

 Silvana G William A Schaeffer If you dont have any money that is dispensable income you cant help anyone not even yourself.If trickle down economics is bullshit to you how does trickle up economics sound Here come the poor to rescue us.Help yourself then help others

 Aron S William A Schaeffer ... Go make your own money thief!

 John S William A Schaeffer that is not entirely true! Plenty of wealthy people invest in communities voluntarily.

 William A Schaeffer John S The wealthy obviously do not invest enough. Just look at the homeless sleeping in the street. And the wealthy should not think of it as an investment. They should think of it as an "obligatory loss" because they are not doing it for themselves, they are contributing just for the other people with no thought of personal gain.

 Todd Tho Q. Why do all the nuts🥜🤪 come from California?

 William A Schaeffer Todd Tho Q. How is California like Granola? A. Take out all the fruits and nuts and all you have left is flakes.

 Todd Tho Q. California doesn’t pay out welfare? How about the State funded heroine dens?

 William A Schaeffer  The Rich do not help anyone. The GOVERNMENT helps people. The government creates and guarantees the money value. We should NOT rely on the wealthy to help society, we should rely on the government to help society. THAT IS WHAT GOVERNMENT IS FOR. The wealthy never really helped anyone except themselves.

copyright (c) 2019 William Schaeffer


"The principle goal of Capitalism is to turn everything into garbage as fast as possible and to extract as much gold as practical in the process." - Zobo the Clown

 This truism is a little bit of a joke, but consider this: When you build a house, you cut down trees, dig up dirt, crush rocks, make cement, melt sand to make glass, spray poisonous chemicals to add color and ship all those various products all over the country in semi trucks that burn gasoline. The raw weight of waste products from all that industrial activity far exceeds the weight of the house. So, from a global perspective, the process of building a house actually creates twice as much destruction and waste products that we as humans are mostly unaware of. In our understanding however: "The goal of manufacturing is to generate profit by selling products made." In the process, we create even more garbage and destruction that we totally ignore and generally forget about.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Homeless woman "timed out" from a homeless shelter and now lives in a te...

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Cybernetic Crank Mechanism No 11

Russia's new hypersonic weapon could be unstoppable

Sleeping Rough

VFX in Canada

response to a post in social media encouraging Canadian VFX workers to unionize:

HAHAHA It is illegal for unions to organize across national boarders. That is why nation states, immigration, passports, and citizenship were invented in the first place (in 1870). AND more importantly, THAT is why VFX even exists in Canada. ALL the VFX companies were afraid of unionization in the early 2000's, so they opened up branch offices in other countries, laid off their unionized workers in the USA and outsourced the majority of work to Canada and India. The improvement in "fttp: technology" that made it possible to transmit an entire movie through a phone line in 2006, facilitated the practicality of this economic and political business development. 

Conclusion: "Capitalism is fundamentally Anti-Human"
 (research the history and facts yourself to confirm)

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

LOVE is Everything

R. Sullivan:  if love is everything, then ?

W. Schaeffer:   you are in luck... You can still find meaning and value in the most trivial things. No matter how lousy your life is, or how dishonest your friends were, or how much bad luck you experienced, you can STILL choose to live in the moment and act with empathy and love. Idealistic, but practical at the same time.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Movie Review of "A Trip to Bountiful"

I watched the movie "A Trip to Bountiful" last night on KCET at 8 PM. -- and I think that EVERYONE should see this movie. It is probably my favorite movie of all time. It is a little ensemble piece that you never see any more. The format was popular in the early 1960's. The movie is shot beautifully and every frame is a painting. I saw the movie in the theater in the early 1990's and was impressed. I still think it is very good. It is a quiet and touching little movie about dysfunctional relationships, the love of life and the memories of childhood.

 See this movie. Peace.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Friday, December 27, 2019

Prepare for doom

since 1960: 75% of the ocean plankton population has died off, 60% of large marine life has died off, 75% of insect population on land has died off, 60% of large animal population has died off, 90 % of honey bee population has died off. Since 1960...   "Prepare for doom."

 since 1960: human population on Earth has more than doubled from three billion to over seven billion people. "Life out of balance"

 one third of all agricultural products are pollinated by the honey bee. When the honey be becomes extinct, there will be mass human starvation and social strife.   "Prepare for doom."

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Lost, Found, Clowning Around

copyright (c ) 2019
William Schaeffer

The Promised Land

It is really difficult to even find "The Promised Land"

And then, it is near impossible to actually enter "The Promised Land"

But what is most difficult of all:

Is to leave again, once you have gotten used to living in "The Promised Land"

Now, THAT is really difficult and almost impossible.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Great Employment Numbers: 44% of Fully Employed Make $18,000 a Year or Less

Great Employment Numbers: 44% of Fully Employed Make $18,000 a Year or Less


 Most Americans were trained to be afraid of mathematics and this FACT makes no impression on them, because they do not think mathematically. Too bad, because they have been made into perpetual fools by the school system. You cannot understand life without understanding mathematics.


 If almost HALF the jobs in the USA are minimum wage jobs, then the system is rigged against you and you are too stupid to realize it. You will NEVER have a happy life. America is a prison and you are too stupid to notice. Too bad for you.

America is a prison.

copyright (c) 2019 
William Schaeffer

Friday, December 13, 2019

Happy St. Lucy's Day

copyright (c) 2016, 2019
William Schaeffer

Saint Lucy

Today is the feast day of Santa Lucia, or Saint Lucy. She is the Patron Saint of artists and is commonly shown holding two eyeballs on a plate. Apparently, in the early days of Christianity, she was asked to renounce her Faith and she plucked out her own eyes instead. Before the Gregorian calendar date changes in 1582, her feast day fell on the winter solstice and she was associated with that event also.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Bad and the Beautiful

If the weather is bad,
The sky is beautiful.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Thursday, December 5, 2019

There is no LOVE in America. Nobody cares if you are dead or alive.

Four years ago today, I returned from ten days in the Los Angeles County Hospital with a broken neck. I broke three vertebrae in a car accident on 11/25/2015.  My head was wired into a "Halo" neck brace and I was all alone in the world. Only two friends and three neighbors even helped me out, or even cared. Jack Kerouac once described Los Angeles as "the most brutally lonely city in America" -- I say "There is no LOVE in America and nobody cares if you are dead or alive"

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

You did the best you could

You replied to Adam's story

Good, except there is nothing to forgive. Life just sucks and you did the best you could. Nobody cared and nobody helped you. It is amazing you survived as well as you did in such a hate filled, unloving society we call America. You did a magnificent job to survive the hatred, the beatings, the punishment and the absolute lack of love or empathy. You have nothing to forgive. Life sucks and the world is shit. You are the pure and beautiful child of creation itself. Hold onto that Beauty. Life is shit.

You are the pure and beautiful child of creation itself.  Hold onto that Beauty.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Nietzsche's Blues

no use in trying
no use in crying
no use in dying
just keep frying

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Sunday, December 1, 2019


Comment on a youtube video on "lonliness in middle age men"

Atwaterpub: I have no real friends. Nobody is concerned if I am alive or dead. This is America.

Mr.Purser: This is the world...learn 2 things irony and indifference.

 Atwaterpub: This is not the traditional history of humankind. For most of our existence in pre-literate societies, you belonged to a family, a clan, AND a tribe. People actually cared about you as a person. The people you spent you day with were your friends. Today, I work in a factory with total strangers. I ride the bus with total strangers. I eat in a restaurant and shop in a store with total strangers. All my childhood friends are long gone. I am isolated by society. My experience is not unique. Most people in USA America have no real friends and NOBODY really cares if they live or die. Is THIS the WORLD that YOU think is best? Do you really think that USA America is the vision of the lonely isolated income tax future that humanity really wants?

Bad Santa Impersonator: Oh well. If you get more material things, then you'll have more people in your life.

 Atwaterpub: HAHAHA But are those the type of people I want or need in my life who are just attracted to the material things anyway?

copyright (c) 2017, 2019
William Schaeffer

What women don't understand about men comment

Women don't understand about men: Women have a sense of intrinsic value and are treated as if they have intrinsic value by humanity. Men have no sense of intrinsic value. A man has to prove himself to have value by his accomplishments. A man with no accomplishments or ability is worth nothing. THAT is why we send men to war to be killed if need be. A man is essentially without value to society and it is no real loss if that man is dead. THIS is the difference: Women have intrinsic value to society. Men have no intrinsic value.  And THAT is all the difference in the world.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Why Women are ALWAYS cold


For most all of human history, women were mothers in families. For most all of human history, women spent most of their adult life holding infants in their arms. Women have evolved to be cold, so that they WANT to hold and infant in their arms for warmth. If women were not always cold, they would leave the infant on the ground and it would die.

Women are "evolved" to be constantly cold, if they do not have an infant to hold. sorry -- THIS IS A FACT OF LIFE.

 Men, on the other hand, evolved as hunters. Men evolved to sleep on the floor of the jungle with no warmth and no companionship while on a hunt. If they did not do this, they would not get food, and they would not survive.

 Men evolved to be self sufficient body temperature.

Women evolved to need a baby to hold to stay warm.

ALSO:  For all of human history, it has been the woman's primary duty to cook food.  This means that the woman was usually near a cooking fire source of heat.  A woman did not need to preserve her body heat if she was most always standing next to a fire, cooking food (and holding a baby).

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer