Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Gangster and the Geriatric

The Gangster and the Geriatric

Sadness in September

May God save us all

copyright (c) 2020 William Schaeffer

#50 Tao Te Ching - Translated by Stephen Mitchell


"The Master gives himself up

to whoever the moment brings.

He knows that he is going to die.

and he has nothing left to hold on to;

no illusions in his mind,

no resistance in his body.

He doesn't think about his actions,

they flow from the core of his being.

He holds nothing back from life,

therefore he is ready for death,

as a man for sleep after a long days work."

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu

Translated by Stephen Mitchell

Pocket Edition Harper Perennial published 1992

ISBN 0-06-081245-1

Friday, September 25, 2020

Wages in China

 Response to a youtube comment denigrating China's low wages:

 @nowthatsjustducky  As I worked as a VFX artist in 2011, I negotiated moving to China to work on a VFX contract. I was astounded to read their correspondence telling me that the wages were 1/4 of the wages in the USA, because you did not have to pay rent. The government GIVES you an apartment as a right of your citizenship. As a contract worker, I would be given and apartment and not have to rent an apartment.

Your wages in China are just for living expenses. Also, China has free medical care, so you do not have to buy medical insurance. Does that answer your question? In USA America you rent an apartment and pay for medical care; in China those are given to you as a right of citizenship. In the USA 50% of ALL bankruptcies are for medical expenses. Which social system sounds like a superior environment for the average citizen to you?

copyright (c) 2020 William Schaeffer

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Every mile you drive

"Every mile you drive your car puts one pound of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere -- where it will remain forever. 

Short Summary:

1. Petroleum is just long strings of Carbon atoms.

2. A gallon of gasoline weighs about 6 pounds.

3. Combustion removes 12 pounds of Oxygen from the atmosphere and replaces it with

18 pounds of Carbon Dioxide.

4. The average car gets approximately 18 miles per gallon (plus or minus 5 miles per gallon).

5. Do the math yourself.

copyright (c) 2020 William Schaeffer

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Global Climate Change

 Global Climate Change is real. Hurricanes and forest fires are the result. 

"Keep burning fossil fuel, then keep watching forest fires." - Zobo the Clown

copyright (c) 2020 William Schaeffer

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

3125 square miles burned

As of this writing, more than 2,000,000 acres of California have been burned in wild fires. This equals 3125 square miles, or a geographical territory that is 31 miles by 100 miles in size. 

copyright (c) 2020 William Schaeffer

Capitalism destroys human society

Capitalism is fundamentally exploitative and not generative.  Capitalism isolates people and exploits their labor to create the most profit for the least expense.  Slowly, this influence in society destroys any natural, generous, and social human relations.  Capitalism destroys human society. 

copyright (c) 2020 
William Schaeffer

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Good Government

All activities of an honorable government should be totally transparent and completely documented.

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer