Sunday, December 31, 2017

Thomas Payne "The Age of Reason"

 I have the first half of the book "The Age of Reason" by Thomas Payne as a books-on-tape on my youtube channel - atwaterpub. It is worth a watch and listen. He was one intelligent guy.  He also invented the first steel construction, or "box girder" bridge span and revolutionized the bridge construction industry. Prior to that invention, all bridges were made of stone and slow and expensive to build.

Thomas Payne built his box girder bridge in a cow pasture and it was of absolutely no use at all except "proof of concept," but they had bridges made of steel shortly after.

After this, he went to France to join the French Revolution, but was eventually imprisoned himself by the Reign of Terror.  Great Britain appealed for his release.

Thomas Payne narrowly escaped execution in the French Revolution by a miraculous comedy of errors of which he was totally unaware until his release. His cell door was marked with the execution symbol, but because it was a corner cell, the guard left the door open and nobody saw the execution symbol when the victims were rounded up. A day later the Order of Release from the British Government and the Revolutionary Government arrived and he was released. He narrowly escaped death.

Thomas Payne is most famous for writing the pamphlet "The Rights of Man" which helped inspire and give heart to the American Revolution in 1776.  At the end of his life he returned to the USA and published "The Age of Reason."  The book was not well received and went virtually unsold.  He died penniless and alone nearly ten years later.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Modern Times

Corporate Employment
Financial Obligations and Debt
Rigid Social Isolation

Trapped in a Matrix of Conformity

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Forty Five Thousand Deaths in one year

If an average of 123 people kill themselves with suicide every day in the USA, then in the year 2017, almost 45,000 people will have killed themselves with suicide in the USA. FORTY FIVE THOUSAND PEOPLE killed themselves with suicide in one year. Think about it. "123 a day in the USA"

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

The Birth of the Blues

According to W.C. Handy (popularly known as the father of the blues) all blues songs come from one song, "Joe Turner," that was popular in the 1870's among migrant workers and share croppers. Apparently the 12 bar form was unusual and many folk musicians copied it. During this "oral transmission" many new verses were created and slowly the song "Joe Turner" spawned all the blues music we are familiar with today. W.C. Handy himself was educated in the classics and had an orchestra that played at social functions. One day he heard a Mississippi River dock worker playing a blues song and was captivated by the unusual sound.

The first published blues song was "Memphis Blues," by W.C. Handy, 1909. It was a sheet music hit. (this was before record albums). Unfortunately the publisher stole all the profits and W.C. Handy actually lost money. In 1914 W.C. Handy published "St.Louis Blues" which became, in time, a legendary music standard.

Curiously, legend has it, that Gospel Music was "invented" by the trombone player in Bessie Smith's Orchestra after a religious conversion in 1927. He said that he wanted to have some "good music" for the faithful to listen to also. It could be concluded that he  "Saw the Light" and the rest is history.

And while we are on the subject, Born Again Evangelical Theology is a relatively recent phenomenon, being created in the "Tent Revivalist Meetings" that were very popular in Rural America starting in the 1830's. These meeting were a cultural phenomenon and somewhat of a reaction to the Transcendentalist movement started by Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and others.  Prior to that time, the philosophy of Born Again Evangelism, and the practice was virtually unknown.

Most educated Americans at the time of the American Revolution in 1776 were Protestants, or Deists - a belief that has fallen from favor and disappeared from history. Almost all the founding fathers including Thomas Jefferson ascribed to the Deist beliefs.   Thomas Jefferson even edited a "Deist" Bible.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Friday, December 29, 2017


If people say, "I don't do THAT," then you can bet that they do.

If people say, "I'm not like THAT," then you can bet that they are.

If people say, "I would never do THAT," then you can bet that they would.

If people say, "I don't talk about THAT," then you can bet that they do.

If people say, "I have lots of friends," then you can bet that they really don't.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Thursday, December 28, 2017

People are what they accuse others of

Strangely, many people actually are the same negative person type that they accuse another of being.

For example:

1. a Narcissist insists that everybody else is selfish and only concerned about themselves
2. a low I.Q. person calling everybody stupid.
3. an ugly person who is critical of someone else's appearance
4. a police officer that steals, and is involved with organized crime

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Nobody loves the homeless

We have 60,000 refuges living right here on the streets of Los Angeles and nobody really cares. We call them homeless, but there is little difference.

"Refugees from the bottom line (and corporate profitability)." - Zobo the Geek

The homeless are convenient scapegoat to distract us all from the real crimes of the real criminals who built the social system that made them, and so many others, homeless in the first place.

There are no homeless camps in the entire nation of Russia. Just try and find a photo on the internet. If Russia can find housing for the homeless, why cannot the USA?

I tell people there are no homeless camps in Russia; they say:

1.  Yes but life is so dreary in Russia.   The apartments are so drab and meager.
2.  Why don't you move there then.   If you are not happy, then more to Russia.
3.  That can't be true.  There are homeless everywhere.
4.  But there is no economic opportunity in Russia.  Everybody is poor.
5.  The USA is the greatest country on Earth and God Bless  America.

"When were you hungry and we fed you?  When were you naked and we clothed you?" - Anon

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Never Apologize (while performing on stage)

Although there are many occasions in ordinary life where it is appropriate and necessary to apologize for social errors and oversights, you should NEVER apologize when you are on stage.  NEVER apologize on stage.

The reason is simple. Most people are absolutely unaware what you are talking about, or what you are referring to, so why call this problem to their attention?  The people that ARE aware, are probably manifestly aware, and do not need to be reminded of your own errors and their own bitterly astute insights.   So, even if you absolutely bomb a performance and play your instrument like a wino operating a garbage disposal, take a bow and pretend that you just unveiled the cure for cancer and at the same time discovered an absolutely flawless diamond in your carry on bag.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The secret to being a Nutty Fruitarian

The act of eating itself is pleasurable, so even if you eat only plant based food containing dietary fiber, it will still be an essentially enjoyable experience.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer


Narcissist,  n.,    1. Someone who values their own opinions more than they value mine.    2. Someone who won't listen to my voice of reason.    3. Someone who is more obsessed with his own ideas than he is with mine.    4. A real jerk.    5. He is such a jerk that I really want to scream out loud and kick my feet.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Visiting the Dead Cousin

I ran into a man and woman in the hallway yesterday as I left. When I returned they were still there and asked about a neighbor in Apartment 4. When they described the man, I mentioned that I thought he died last year about this time. Then the woman said it was three years ago. The neighbor was found dead of a heart attack.

The man was the neighbor's cousin and had come to see the door to the room where his cousin was found dead. He was visibly moved when I described my few pleasant memories of talking to the deceased in the hall. The deceased was an animated an personable youngish man.

Three years later this cousin traveled all the way to Los Angeles to look at an empty hallway where his deceased relative once stood. Life is short. Take care.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Sunday, December 24, 2017

If you can think it -- it can be.

If it is conceivable -- it is possible.

If it is possible -- there are probabilities.

If there are probabilities -- they can be influenced.

If the probabilities can be influenced -- the outcome can be predicted.

If the outcome can be predicted -- it can happen.

If it can happen -- it can be made to happen.


If it is conceivable -- it can be made to happen.

If you can think it -- it can be.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Old People Complaining

"I am sick and tired of hearing these young people constantly complaining about old people without even thinking for a moment that we can complain louder and with more effectiveness than anyone else on the planet. We have been practicing for decades and refining our technique so it operates like a diamond tipped surgery drill -- tapping right into the most sensitive part of your teeth and jaw. So if you are going to start complaining about how much we complain when you clearly are not equipped to go the distance in complaining, then you got another thing coming there, Missy"  - Herman R. Gripe, Sr.

"When I was a kid we had to wake up before we went to sleep and walk five miles to school just to attend class the previous day. And you think you got it difficult?"
- bad paraphrase of an old Monty Python sketch

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Friday, December 22, 2017

Box Boy

I don't want to make myself into a box,
so I fit in a prepared box space shape,
on a prepared box item shelf.

I want to find a setting space
that fits my natural shape.

I'm prepared to keep looking
for a space that fits.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Religious Philosophy of Mankind

If you have time for reading and research, you might enjoy studying the history of theology and religions.   This would be a great way for you to fine tune your understanding and beliefs so you can better explain them to other people.

The study of the history religious philosophy is fascinating and I have spent much of my life pursuing this.  Just to start I might recommend "The Book of Enoch", "The Story of Civilization" by Will Durant, The "Nag Hamadi" texts, "Book of Five Rings" by Miyamoto Musashi, "Gospel of Thomas", and many others.    You might find the study of the concepts in Zen, or Zen Buddhism to be of interest.  You might like to read the Ramayana.  

Also, ordinary works of "self help" books are quite good.  "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie.  "Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment" by Thaddeus Golas, "Self Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Zen in the Art of Archery" by Eugene Herrigel

There are also many good videos on youtube on philosophy and also on health and nutrition.

I also recommend: "The Jewish War" by Josephus, "The Conquest of Gaul" by Julius Caesar, any essay by Michel de Montaigne, "Twelve Years a Slave" by Simon Northup, "Civilization and its Discontents" by Sigmund Freud, and "The Conquest of Mexico" by William Prescot.

Additionally, the "I Ching" and "Tao Teh Ching" are quite good. Ching means "book" in Chinese.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Live in the Present

The Universe is either Benevolent, Malevolent, or Indifferent.

In other words, the Universe is either:

1. Our Friend and wants to help us succeed and flourish.  The Universe is fair, just,  and predictable.

2. Our Enemy and wants to exploit us and steal our vital resources.  The Universe lies, cheats, steals from us.  It is contradictory and violent and unpredictable.

3. The Universe is Unconcerned about our presence in any significant way and behaves like a giant impersonal clockwork of such enormous complexity we can only occasionally predict future events.

In all cases, it is best to live in the present moment and make the best decisions you can based on your understanding of morality, justice, fairness, economic efficiency, truth, honor, and love.  You will make mistakes, and then you just work to "correct them" as best you can.

If you constantly are focused on the future or the past, then you discount your present experience and you are not really alive or aware.

Focus on the present moment and the thing you have to do and let the Universe take care of itself.

You do not know with any certainty what the future will bring, while you are alive, when you die, or after your death.  You never will know with any legal, scientific, or mathematical certainty what the future really brings, so concentrate on performing your best in the present time that you are certainly aware of and can actually predict to a reasonable degree.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

123 a day in the USA

Everyday in the USA, an average of 123 people kill themselves with suicide. This is more people than die by murders and car accidents combined. Every single month since 9-11-2001 in the USA, more people have killed themselves with suicide than died in 9-11. Almost 180 times as many people died from suicide since 9-11 than died in 9-11 itself. ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY TIMES MORE. And yet, we never hear the media report about the causes of suicide, suicide prevention, or social changes to fix this problem. "123 a day in the USA"

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Monday, December 18, 2017

Greatest Show on Earth

It is 53 degrees outside tonight and a man is "sleeping" on an abandoned couch by the side of the road. There is little I can do to help him and I am nearly overwhelmed with life myself. Is this really the greatest country on Earth with the highest standard of living and people are forced to sleep outside in the cold? Strange Universe. "There is no LOVE in America"

I walk past this guy curled up on the couch and it is freezing cold and there is nothing I can do. I imagine myself laying there and realize that nobody cares about anybody in the USA anymore. Too bad. Prepare for doom.

Most of my facebook friends are safe, warm, and comfortable and even THEY could care less. America is doomed.

The astounding thing to me is that most people I talk to do not even realize that they are callously unconcerned about anyone, and would just let the man die in the street without a second thought. Sadness.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Way of the Warrior (Bushido)

There are few men that can respond to the question, "What is the Way of the Warrior?" This is because they do not know in their hearts.  From this we can see they do not follow the Way of the Warrior.  By the Way of the Warrior is meant death.   The Way of the Warrior is death.  This means choosing death whenever there is a choice between life and death.  It means nothing more than this.  It means to see things through, being resolved.  Saying things like, "To die with your intentions unrealized is to die uselessly", and so on, are from the weak Kyoto. Osaka Bushido.  They are unresolved as to whether to keep to their original plan when faced with the choice of life and death.  Every man wants to live.  They theorize with staying alive kept in mind, "The man who lives on when he has failed in his intention is a coward" is a heartless definition. That to die having failed is to die uselessly is a mad point of view.  This is not a shameful thing.  It is the most important thing in the Way of the Warrior.  If you keep your spirit correct from morning to night, accustomed to the idea of death and being resolved on death, and consider yourself as a dead body, thus becoming one with the Way of the Warrior, you can pass through life with no possibility of failure and perform your office properly.

"The servant must think earnestly of the business of his employer.  Such a fellow is a splendid retainer.  In this house there have been generations of splendid gentlemen and we are deeply impressed by their warm kindness... all our ancestors.  This was simply abandoning body and soul for the sake of their lord."

"Moreover, our house excels in wisdom and technical skill.  What a joyful thing if this can be used to advantage."

"Even an unadaptable man who is completely useless is a most trusted retainer if he does nothing more than think earnestly of his lord's welfare.  To think only of the practical benefit of wisdom and technology is vulgar."

"Some men are prone to having sudden inspirations.  Some men do not quickly have good ideas but arrive at the answer by slow considerations.  Well, if we investigate the heart of the matter, even though people's natural abilities differ, bearing in mind the Four Oaths, when your thinking rises above concern for your own welfare, wisdom which is independent of thought appears.  Whoever thinks deeply on things, even though he may carefully consider the future, will usually think around the basis of his own welfare.  By the result of such evil thinking he will perform only evil acts.  It is very difficult for most silly fellows to rise above thinking of their own welfare.

"So when you embark on something, before you start fix your intention on the Four Oaths and put selfishness behind you.  Then you cannot fail."

"The four Oaths: Never be late with respect to the Way of the Warrior.  Be useful to the lord.  Be respectful to your parents.  Get beyond love and grief: exist for the good of man."

14 "Our lord" refers to the "daimyo", who retained numbers of samurai to fight for them.

From "Hidden Leaves" by Yamamoto Tsunenori

Reproduced as a footnote in:
"A Book of Five Rings" by Miyamoto Musashi, 1645
Translated by Victor Harris
The Overlook Press
Woodstock, New York, 1974

Saturday, December 16, 2017

The Social Contract

There is a basic humanity that supersedes the legality of commerce.  When the disparity of wealth exceeds  a certain instinctive amount then all social contract is inherently broken and there is no good will.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Homeless in Russia and Homeless in America

From a recent facebook post:

Post a photo of a "homeless camp" in Russia here on this post. It is my belief that there are no "homeless CAMPS" in Russia. There is a provision in the Russian constitution that all citizens are guaranteed housing by the government. This is similar to the guarantee in the USA of "freedom of speech." As a result, there are very few homeless people and no "homeless camps" in Russia at all. You are welcome to leave statistics, or your opinion on this matter, but what I really want you to do is to find is a photo of a "Russian Homeless Camp" and post it here. There are plenty of dash cams from Russia, but no "homeless camps." Effectively, there are no homeless people in Russia, that live the way the homeless people live in the USA.

Find me a photo and post it here. Just try to find a photo on the internet.

I like to bring up this comparison, because my whole life I was told that USA is the best country on Earth and Russian and communism is evil. My life in the USA is not that good. I have worked very hard and long hours and my life was destroyed when my career was outsourced. I struggle financially and most people I meet in the USA are cold, unfriendly, and hateful. The homeless problem in the USA is just my example of my perception of the basic lack of human feeling and compassion in most the USA people I meet. Most Americans I meet think the USA is the nicest and most friendly country in the world, but I find that very few are actually nice or friendly to me. This is my life.

Most of the background actors I talk with that have a house and retirement, do not seem to care about the suffering of the homeless. They seem very self satisfied that they "succeeded in life" and the suffering of the poorer classes means nothing to them. I meet hundreds of people every week in all walks of life, but almost none of them are very loving or compassionate. Competitive, Pushy, Selfish, Self centered, Narrow minded, not compassionate, unloving are the common personality descriptors that I encounter in USA America. I live in an apartment building with 80 units and when I broke my neck in an automobile accident two years ago, only one person offered to help - reluctantly. This is my America. Nobody cares about anyone. I think the homeless problem is just one manifestation of that cultural defect in America. Too bad.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Find your place

Nobody can do everything.
Everybody can do something very well.

Find out what that thing is that you excel at.

Don't worry about the jobs you did not get.
Think about the jobs that you are perfect for.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Friday, December 15, 2017

Feelings follow thought

Feelings follow thought in intelligent behavior.  Organize your thoughts and your feelings will follow.

Only in the delusional does thought follow feeling.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

The Spirit of Philosophical Debate

Two people each share their imperfect knowledge in a calm and honest manner.  Together they examine the facts and discuss truth, priority, probability, and results.  Together they arrive at a slightly greater mutual understanding of the issues involved and the essential questions.  Only very rarely is a definitive conclusion ever reached.

This not a competition and there is no winner or loser at the end of the discussion.  Either both parties "win" together with greater understanding, or everyone loses and there was no increase in understanding at all (and possibly only an increase in hostility and anger).

copyright (c)2017
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Document your Source Material

All things are viewed and understood in context.  The relationship to the environment gives meaning to the object.

Without an understanding of the context in which a statement is made, the statement is effectively meaningless.

You must know who said it, when it was said, and where it was said (or written).  Without these references for the authority of the statement, there is no way to verify the truth and it is not worth even trying.  The statement must be considered irrelevant.

If the statement is universally true and can be independently proved to be so, then it still should be referenced as a courtesy to the listener, unless it is so trivial that mention of it is just a "cute literary effect." 

This is why all non fiction work must have an known author, with authenticated credentials, a date of publication, and a reference section, or bibliography documenting source material and substantiating factual assertions.

You must record your source material and document your facts for your arguments to have merit.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Briggs Meyer and Religious Personality

I wonder if there is a Briggs-Meyer personality profile that predicts fanatical religious beliefs? If so, then it would appear that religious belief is an intrinsic personality characteristic and not necessarily a generalized description of how the Universe operates.

This idea would be fairly easy to test.  Get a large population of self-described serious devotees and see if there is any statistical grouping of the results.  It would be especially interesting to compare the personality profiles of the fanatically adherent and faithful members of several different religions to see if this personality characteristic is consistent in different social environments.

This is not trivial. There might be a certain personality type that is more susceptible to unsubstantiated propaganda with strong emotional content that helps to "satisfy" a specific intellectual or emotional "need" .

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Monday, December 11, 2017


Intelligence equals

The amount of accurate data (and formulas) that you have to work with.

The speed and accuracy with which you can process (or make practical sense of) that data, and correlate it with an accurate perception of your environment.

And then, the speed and accuracy with which you can communicate that information to another person.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

The American Dream

We live in a world of polite strangers,
surrounded by lonely people who we never knew, and they do not know us.

Nobody touches anyone. 
Nobody says anything meaningful.
We drift through life in this crowd of strangers.

There are no real connections to anything
except to money and debt.

THIS is the American Dream?

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Brain and Body as model for Government

If you look at human society and compare it to a living organism, then the government could be thought of as being comparable to the brain.  Even the simplest of organisms needs some sort of brain to coordinate and organize the activity of the different subsystems that make up the complete organism.  Without a brain to coordinate the activity the creature risks movement all "out of synch" and possible injury or death.   The more complex the organism, the larger and more complex the brain and nervous system must be to control and guide the different living processes that coexist within the organism.

Similarly, a human society must have a government, or ruling body, of some sort.  To advocate a society with minimal government restrictions is similar to advocating that a human being exist with no brain, or minimal brain function, to guide the various parts of the body.  This seems ridiculous in both cases.

A society with minimal government organization or guidance is almost guaranteed to have the basic fabric of society break down and dissolve as few will have the necessary determination or resources to actually fix the problems when they occur.  The strong will tyrannize the weak and soon any semblance of civil society will disappear.

This is similar to the destruction of Roman civil society after the devastating Plagues in the 4th century and the ascendancy of the Catholic Church.   In 100 AD even domestic servants and common folk could read and write and communicate via the written word.  By 900 AD even the Kings and Queens of Europe were illiterate and could not read and write.  The only people skilled in the practice of literacy were the Priests and Monks of the Catholic Church.  Scientific and Intellectual progress was halted for almost one thousand years.

Based on this cursory analogy, it seems to me that the only path to a rich and vibrant society full of genuine opportunity for the greatest number of people is with a society that is guided by a robust and honorable government of able bodied and educated men and women.  And that government must have the power to guide and regulate most of the basic functions of that society in some practical and efficient manner besides the use of brute force and selfish opportunism.

Therefore, anyone who advocates a smaller government and diminished government responsibilities in response to government error, is similar to one who would advocate a lobotomy for a person who makes an ignorant mistake.  In both cases the proposed solution causes more problems than it cures.

December 10, 2017
copyright (c)
William Schaeffer

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Spirit Writing

An unremembered email from myself to myself dated 7/25/16 

I am at 6, and I will
end of
day. I am a beautiful tttt, and I will be there. I am a beautiful person. T, and I will be there. I am a beautiful person. I am a beautiful person. I am a beautiful person. I am a beautiful person. I am  person. I

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Not infallibly true is Not the word of God

From an email to a friend:

Yes unfortunately the Bible is just a fascinating historical document.  It cannot be infallibly true.  Both the birth narratives and the death narratives in Mathew and Luke contradict each other and are not reconcilable.  The narratives of the centrally most important events of the centrally most important character in the whole story contradict each other and are not reconcilable.  These narratives would not be admissible in a court of law as evidence.   Regardless of its other merits, if the Bible contradicts itself, it cannot be infallibly true.  If it is not infallibly true, then it can not be the word of God.  Sorry.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Last Night as I was Sleeping

Last night as I was Sleeping
by Antonio Machado
(version by Robert Bly)

Last night as I was sleeping,
I dreamt -- marvelous error! --
that a spring was breaking
out in my heart.
I said:Along which secret aqueduct,
Oh water, are you coming to me,
water of a new life
that I have never drunk?

Last night as I was sleeping,
I dreamt -- marvelous error! --
that I had a beehive
here inside my heart.
And the golden bees
were making white combs
and sweet honey
from my old failures.

Last night as I was sleeping
I dreamt -- marvelous error! --
that a fiery sun was giving
light inside my heart.
It was fiery because I felt
warmth as from a hearth,
and sun because it gave light
and brought tears to my eyes.

Last night as I slept,
I dreamt -- marvelous error!
that is was God I had
here inside my heart.

from "Ten poems to change your life" by Roger Housden, Harmony Books, N.Y.,N.Y.,2001

Facts about the USA

1. One sixth of the entire population (about 17%) is actively taking psychiatric medicine like Anti-depressants, Mood stabilizers, and S.S.R.I.

2. There are an average of 123 suicides every single day.  This number includes suicides by an average of 22 active service personal.

3. There are an estimated 60,000 homeless people living on the streets and sidewalks of Los Angeles.

4. Functional literacy is estimated to be 85% of the Adult population.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Feel the Love


1. feel the love

2. really, really feel the love

3. now try and manifest that love in your own behavior

4. now try and manifest that love in the emails you write and the things you say

5. show a loving concern for all people and all living things at all times everywhere.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Bullying in Public School

Comment on a news article about a child who killed herself because of bullying in her public school.

Bullying is a natural and normal result of the structure of the public grade school classroom in the USA. The grade school system trains us to be selfish and self centered. Bullying is taught in the classrooms of America. Look at how we operate our foreign policy, our legal system, and our corporate hierarchy. These are all based on bullying, tyranny and oppression.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Monday, December 4, 2017

Honesty and Aging


The more honest you are, with yourself and with others, the more slowly you age.

The rate of aging and physical deterioration is correlated with honest thought and behavior.

If you are naturally honest and straight in your behavior, there is less mental stress, less inner physical tension, and a slower aging process than if you are deceitful, dishonest, and practice manipulative game playing strategies in your personal relations.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Metaphysical Theory of Luck

Metaphysical Theory of Luck:

If you focus on your good luck, this will help direct the Universe to provide more examples of good luck and more fortunate occurrences. And if not, it is just more fun anyway...

It sounds silly, but there is some precedent from physics. In wave particle duality, it is the observers action of observing that forces the reality of the subatomic entity in behaving as either a particle or wave. It is the actual act of measuring and looking that causes the "reality" to become. It is apparently NOT a case of that "we see what we are looking for," but instead that "the conscious act of looking influences the thing being looked at."

By an extension of this same reasoning, one could say that, "We think the Universe into being."

And then we say, "If I thought the Universe into being, then why did I think THIS?" Thaddeus Golas has the perfect response of, "We all love horror shows don't we?" (paraphrase from the book "The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment" by Thaddeus Golas).

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Getting whipped with a belt

My theory is that:

 No parent that really loves their child would ever psychologically torture that child, or whip that child with a belt.

 If they do whip their children with a belt, there can be only three explanations:
 1. They didn't love that child
 2. They themselves got erroneous and incomplete training in the proper way to raise children. They are mimicking what they have been taught, because they know no better.
 3. They are insane.

 Did the Native Americans whip their children with a strap of leather?
 Did the Egyptians whip their children with a strap of leather?
 Did the Chinese whip their children with a strap of leather?
 Did the Imperial Japanese whip their children with a strap of leather?
 Did the Romans whip their children with a strap of leather?
 Did the Spartans whip their children with a strap of leather?
 Did the Aztecs whip their children with a strap of leather?
 Did the Maya whip their children with a strap of leather?
 Did the Hebrews whip their children with a strap of leather?

 What do you think?

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Brain Molecules

1. Telepathy could be explained in physics by using up-down spin pairs of electrons.  An electron in your brain is a spin pair with an electron in another person's brain and your mind is using reverse polarity techniques (i.e. a type of Morse code signal encoding) to communicate with that other electron and "read" the response.

2. My friend Sherwin G. thinks that your memories are stored on molecules in your blood stream and that is why it takes up to 15 minutes to recall a detail.  Your brain is waiting to read that particular molecule when it comes filtering through the brain again on its journey around your body in the blood stream...

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Welcome to America

I have no family.
I have no friends.
Nobody cares
if I'm alive or dead.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Friday, December 1, 2017

I've been to the roof of the world...

"I've been to the roof of the world and I touched the sky" - Paraphrase of the original Star Trek TV show dialog

copyright (c)2017
William Schaeffer

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Why help anyone?

This is my answer to the question that was originally posted on the internet.

Q. Why is it anyone's responsibility other than themselves to fix their life? To do so would require public funds (taxes). Taxation is theft so in reality, stolen income from producing citizens would be taken under threat of force then redistributed to those not producing.

A. Because many people are incapable of fixing their own lives and need the assistance of someone else. A person in a wheel chair needs someone else to push it. A person who is deaf needs someone to sign for them. A person who is blind needs a shoulder to lean on. This is why we have a society so we can help each other. So the more fortunate can share their good luck with the less fortunate, or needy, and the entire group can prosper together.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Thought for the day

"Diligence leads to victory and truth." - The Answer Deck

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Pledge of Allegience

A pledge is only meaningful when it is voluntary. If the pledge is required, it isn't really a pledge, it is brainwashing and coercion. Sorry. And I have nothing personally against "The Pledge of Allegiance" but this realization is absolutely true, regarding the authentic nature of "The Pledge."

If a pledge isn't voluntary, it is coercion.  And in that case, the person repeating it isn't free and independent and in control of their own life.  They are controlled.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Monday, November 27, 2017

Peter R. Breggin, MD: How to Help Deeply Disturbed Persons—Fourth in the" Simple Truths" Series

Watch the video

Peter R. Breggin, MD: How to Help Deeply Disturbed Persons—Fourth in the" Simple Truths" Series

The thesis of this video is that the cure for mental illness is LOVE - Personal Relationship. That is exactly what is missing in America today -- LOVE.

 Watch the video and listen to what the video is saying. The cause of people suffering from psychosis, or schizophrenia is SOLELY a lack of trust in ANY of their human relationships. In some fundamental way these people were betrayed by every single person they knew and THIS IS WHY they suffer. The cure is NOT drugs, or institutions. The cure is LOVE. If they were LOVED, they would be cured. Simple. THERE IS NO LOVE IN AMERICA. This is why there are homeless, drug addicts, criminals, suicides, and psychosis --


copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Student Debt

Just imagine: In Europe, higher education is paid for by the state, and there is no student debt. These are the people that you will be competing against for economic success. Young adults without student debt, that speak two or three languages fluently, and have housing and medical coverage guaranteed.

Which work force do you think will be more likely to produce quality products?

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Saturday, November 25, 2017

November 25, 2015

Two years ago on this day I was involved in an automobile accident and severely injured. I broke my neck. Literally. I had a HALO screwed to my head. I spent ten days in the hospital and three months recovery time on disability. It was a life changing experience and one of the most challenging events of my life. The worst thing about the whole experience was the realization of how alone I was in the world and how little most anyone really cares about anyone at all in USA America. However, I was VERY FORTUNATE to have a couple close friends who helped me out and I experienced near total recovery. Many times I wished that I had just died and part of me still does.

 However, it has been a fantastic two years and I have had some amazing experiences. The one thing I learned that I would like to share, "Hang in there, you never know what the future brings."  Thanks to everyone -- just for being you and have a good day anyway.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Thursday, November 23, 2017


Most people in America do not realize how isolated they really are.

 In the history of humankind it was customary to have a rich web of lifetime associations, in whose company you all grew old together. These were your extended family, clan members, tribe members, childhood friends, neighbors, cousins, aunts and uncles. You all knew and supported each other for the duration of your entire life.

 Today, In America, we are largely isolated in small superficially associated economic groups where nobody really cares about anyone. We have all lost touch with our childhood friends, early work associates and even our own families. We may have a friend or two and an insurance card for emergencies, but we are mostly isolated in a regulated and licensed society.

 It may seem like family, but family never lets other people live and die in the streets. Family never steals everything and leaves you nothing. Family doesn't cheat and lie and gaslight your complaints with a police car and a deaf ear. Family doesn't try to take your money.

 Look at any anthropology text describing other cultures and read the descriptions of the social networks and family groups. Then reflect on your own life and the lives of the few people you really know.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer