Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The long and short of Suburban Streets in the Sun

1) Most housing subdivisions in the USA have a street layout with "long block" streets going north-south and "short end block" streets going east-west.

2) This was probably decided so that every house would have good light for a photograph (at some time of day)  to sell the house in the newspaper advertisements or "where ever"...

3) However, in this configuration, there is nowhere you can park your car so that it is most always in the shade.

4) If the subdivision "long block" streets went east-west and the "short end block" streets went north-south, there would almost always be shade between the houses to park the car in the shade.

5) additionally the houses would shade each other from the sun and elements more on a "long block" east-west street than on a "long block" north-south street, leading to additional energy saving in both winter and summer (most weather moves east-west)

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Loss of Arctic Sea Ice

Comment on a Paul Beckwith video on global warming and the loss of Arctic Sea Ice

"Paul, I appreciate the work you do and the information you share. However, I want to add a comment that most people have not thought of in regards to global warming. I am amazed that I am the first person to mention it. 1) If there is no Arctic Sea Ice, then the can be no North Pole. 2) If there is no North Pole, there cannot be a Santa Claus. 3) If there is no Santa Claus, there can be no real Christmas celebration. 4) If there is no Christmas, then there is no Western Civilization. Christmas has been celebrated for at least 2000 years and is a fundamental part of Western Culture. 5) If there is no Western culture, then the whole world is primitive and uncultured and we are all in big trouble. 6) "And I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight, No Christmas any more and no Christmas tonight" 7) Silly really, but I thought that someone should mention it."

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

These paintings are in the Chocolate and Art Show.

Copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer


Mr. Z.:   ...And so the differences between our two parties seem to have much the same flavor in the mouth, one of intimate vituperation, and so it seems do political caricatures and political characterizations of all kinds. Trump sure does seem ugly to me, he says some stupid things, his irrational social policies are a terrible setback, and his misogyny is pretty unforgiveable. But then look at what some of our people have done. What HRC did to Bernie Sanders, what Bill did to HRC, what the Obamas are doing to Jackson Park. It's all in the family.

Mr. S.:    Except Republican policies promote homelessness and social stratification.  Democrat policies target the rich to pay more taxes to help the suffering. Republican policy guarantees homelessness. Democrat policies reduce corporate profits. Where does your heart lie? I don't even vote because the USA is so corrupt and anti human. America just sucks. However, Republican party has changed since the Eisenhower days. Today the Republican party ideals are Fascist. Fascism IS primarily the government guarantee of corporate profits (and nothing else). The Democrat party has more socialist ideas to help the common people. Personally I am disappointed that most Americans are so brutally selfish they care nothing for the welfare of their fellow men and are "absolutely unconcerned" to see people become homeless and risk dying in the street.

 Public Works are socialist. Water and Power and sewage plumbing systems are a manifestation of "Socialist" ideology. The Police Department, Fire Department and Public Libraries fill a "Socialist" need in society. Standards and practices and government building regulations are all "Socialist" restrictions on the free market. In fact any public service or utility is "Socialist" so... "WHAT IS THE PROBLEM?"

 Mr. Z.:   No, I'm convinced that many if not most Republicans truly still believe the old saw that a rising tide lifts all boats. Only problem is, they'd never be willing to test it on themselves.

 Mr. S.:   No, I'm convinced that many if not most Republicans truly do not care about anyone but themselves and their own material wealth.

copyright (c) 2019 
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Homelessness is a Planned and Intentional policy

R.S:   ... the only person to blame is you. Not a single person out there is successful because somebody else is poor. That’s an economic fallacy. In fact, it’s quite the other way around. Do something for yourself.

 WmS:   R.S You are wrong, Sir. The stratification and distribution of wealth is guaranteed by the rules governing the transfer and possession of wealth in the USA. This is why we have an "Income tax" and not a "wealth tax". The economic structure of the USA GUARANTEES there will be 50% of the population that has no wealth and is on the verge of homelessness and economic disaster. THAT IS PLANNED AND INTENTIONAL. YOU ARE SELFISH AND DELUSIONAL IN YOUR IDEALISM.

15% of the population owns 85% of the stock. The economic system is guaranteed to leave 50% of the population in near poverty. The USA has a greater percentage of homelessness than any other industrial nation on Earth. The USA salutes the rich and throws the poor people in the garbage. There is no LOVE in America.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Monday, July 22, 2019

Piano Tonight

Piano Tonight
LAX Renaissance Hotel
9620 Airport
Los Angeles
6 PM - 8 PM

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Monday, July 15, 2019

Piano tonight

Piano tonight
July 15 6 PM
LAX Renaissance Hotel
9620 Airport

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Friday, July 12, 2019


copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

No future in VFX

If you are considering a career in VFX, ask yourself: 1) Will I be able to depend on this career for the next forty years? 2) How many "old people" are working for the company I am interviewing with? 3) Does the job honor seniority, or do they hire the youngest and least experienced workers? 4) Do you get recognition for your work? 5) Do you own your work?

 It is wonderful to do something you love, but you need to survive. I have imdb credit in 40 feature films as paint/rotoscoping, or digital compositing. I am an artist and regularly exhibit in art shows. I am 61 years old, in good health, and havn't worked a VFX job in two years.

 VFX throws old people in the garbage. When I was 30, I laughed to myself that screen writers cannot get work after 50 years old. Now I realize that VFX is the same. You will not have a VFX job after you are 50 years old. You better LOVE VFX, because that is all you will end up with, happy memories and no career. You have been warned.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Men's Quality of Life

By every standard of quality of life, men have a lower quality of life than women.
1) Shorter lifespan
2) Greater percentage of the prisoner population
3) Greater percentage of the homeless population
4) More incidence of mental retardation and insanity
5) 3 times more likely to be victims of violence. 

copyright (c) 2019 
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Death takes a Holiday

Death takes a Holiday

framed - $111.00

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Monday, July 8, 2019

Fastest way to drive a car is to "zig zag"

The fastest way to drive across town, with busy city traffic, is to "zig zag."

1) Go straight until traffic stops, the turn left on a clear street.
2) Follow that street until traffic slows and then turn right on a clear street.
3) Follow that street until the traffic slows and then turn left on a clear street.
4) Follow that street until traffic slows and then turn right on a clear street.

5) Repeat steps 3) and 4) of this procedure till you arrive at your destination.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Body Heat (and death)

One sobering realization: The body temperature is 98.6 degrees Farenheight. If the environmental temperature is above 98.6 degrees Farenheight then your body can overheat and you can die. Only 6 hours in one hundred degree heat without relief and you risk death. THAT is serious and that is REAL.

This is actually serious consequence of Global Climate Change. If the current models are correct, then the likely outcome of "Global Warming" will be a planet where the Equator is too hot for humans or mammals to survive. People will only be able to live in Antarctica, or Alaska. It has been that warm before (in the Mesozoic era) and it is not impossible for the Earth to return to that climate again relatively soon.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Friday, July 5, 2019

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

facebook post praising Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:

   I've read over three thousand books in my life. I have a BS in Engineering 1981 and a MCS in computer science 1985. I have my own youtube channel with 1534 videos that I edited myself ("atwaterpub"). I have read the entire text of the first four volumes of the Story of Civilization by Will Durant. I am qualified to be a member of Mensa. Based on those just mentioned qualifications, I say Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the most articulate, most intelligent and most relevant politician I have heard speak since J.F.K. or Adalai Stevenson. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez totally ROCKS THE HOUSE.

copyright (c) 2019 
William Schaeffer

Thursday, July 4, 2019

piano time

Earplugs at music concerts

Going to a concert where the music is so loud that you have to wear earplugs is a lot like going to a movie and the screen is so bright that you have to wear sunglasses to look at it.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

38 Million Homeless in America

There are 38 million homeless people in the USA. That is about 12% of the entire population is homeless.

If you had 25 students in your grade school class, then two or three of those students are now homeless today.  Do you care about your homeless former classmates?  (of course you do not)  What are you going to do about it?  (nothing, of course).  This fact alone that there are 38 million homeless in the USA is proof that "There is no LOVE in America."  Too bad.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer