Sunday, May 29, 2016

Happy Trails

 I played piano for the patrons at an assisted living home on Wednesday. I usually finish with the song "Happy Trails" because I like the message and the music. After my set, a little old lady came up to me and said that she enjoyed the song because she was an extra on the Roy Rodgers movie "Don't Fence Me In."  When she said that her whole face lit up with the memory. My personal advice: "Don't worry about what other people say, worry about the feeling in your heart." Thanks.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Dr. Memory

Why do Porridge Birds lay their eggs in the air?

Why do Porridge Birds lay their eggs in the air?

Clone ME, Dr. Memory.

Clone ME!

Monday, May 23, 2016

The Wages of Dietary Sin is Death

It has been said that, "The wages of sin is death."  For this discussion, the word "sin" can be thought of as a "wrong choice", "bad choice","destructive behavior", or "immoral".

In the book "The China Study" the author T. Colin Campbell describes the largest diet and nutrition study ever done in history.  The results were conclusive and statistically valid and could be summed up in the paragraph below:

The three diseases of modern civilization (Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease) are CAUSED by: 1. Eating animal protein, 2. Not enough fiber in the diet.

These results lead to guidelines for moral theory of dietary health.
There are two dietary sins:
1. eating animal based food products
2. not eating enough fiber on a daily basis

If you violate these rules (and thereby commit a "sin") then you will die.  In statistical terms: the more you violate these rules and eat food that does not meet these simple dietary restrictions then you are significantly more likely to die at a younger age.

In a very real way, when talking about diet and nutrition:


This appears to be an accurately impersonal, dispassionate and statistically valid description of the influence of dietary habits on our general level of health and well being..

Bon apetit

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

shaving is deception

shaving is deception
shaving is feminization
shaving is political
shaving is an addiction
shaving is a restriction
shaving is anti ecological
shaving is dishonest
shaving is age reduction
shaving is submission
shaving is subordination
shaving is de-personalizing
shaving is capitalism
shaving is a waste of time
shaving is propaganda
shaving is nice

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Philosophy text


Ontogeny recapitulates Phylogeny
God does not play with dice
All men are created equal
Man is the measure of all things
E = M  c**2
A**2 + B**2 = C**2
Workers control the means of production
There are no atheists in a fox hole
A penny saved is a penny earned
Duty now for the future
Cry, and you cry alone
Love your neighbor as yourself
Every man for himself
Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness
All I know is that I know nothing
A stitch in time saves nine
Survival of the fittest
Tune in, Turn on, Drop out
Turn the other cheek
Ashes, ashes we all fall down

It is better to give than to receive
Honesty is the best policy
Area = Pi times radius squared
Circumference = Two Pi times radius
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions

Copyright © 2016
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Friday, May 13, 2016

email blues

Twenty years ago, all the email I received was from people, friends and coworkers.

Today, all the email I receive is promotional literature from robots and automatic mailing programs.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Fifty Four Cut

When I went back to my car, I found these cards that I swear were not in the park earlier in the day.


copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Six of Spades

Found at Barnsdall Park on May 11, 2016:

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Sunday, May 8, 2016

On the Moon

Bing Bang Boom
Straight to the Moon

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Thursday, May 5, 2016

How to Quit Cigarettes

How to Quit Smoking Cigarettes

Good luck.  There is no easy way to quit smoking cigarettes, but here is the best methodology developed so far:

1. Decide to quit and think about it frequently.
2. At the appropriate time, just quit "cold turkey."

Good luck.  You will need it.  Trust me.  You will need it.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

How to get a Good Nights Sleep

How to get a Good Nights Sleep (using Sleep Cycles):

Fundamental Concept:

You must sleep an entire Sleep Cycle to get any benefit from the time spent sleeping

Three Basic Rules:

1. Don't use an alarm clock.
2. Plan enough time for sleep.
3. Go to sleep early enough.

How to play enough time for sleep:

A. Assume it takes .5 hour to fall asleep.

B. A complete sleep cycle is 1.5 hours, or 90 minutes long.
     You MUST complete an entire cycle to get any benefit.
     You MUST wake up naturally without alarm clock.

C. Suggested Sleep Duration:

     1 x 1.5 + .5 = 2.0 hours
     2 x 1.5 + .5 = 3.5 hours
     3 x 1.5 + .5 = 5.0 hours
     4 x 1.5 + .5 = 6.5 hours
     5 x 1.5 + .5 = 8.0 hours


Q: What is the best way to wake up early in the morning?
A: Go to sleep early the night before.

copyright (c) 2016
Wiliam Schaeffer

Crop Circles

Comments from video "Crop Circles are Malarky" by Terence McKenna on youtube/user/AMP3083

A friend thinks that crop circles are calibration tests for satellite mounted energy beam weapons and communication systems. The resulting pattern confirms the accuracy of the controls.

John Holmlund:
well they're for sure no aiming tests for beam weapons but did he say what kind of comm systems he meant? and it's a quite one-sided comm system :) i could imagine they could be some kind of range-finder know the one from Fallout NV, Euclids-C Finder, which harnesses the 24h output from a solar power-plant to a single point. but that would mean, the power from the guns wouldn't come from the satellites, but they'd be just like a GPS-system that collects power from the earth and shoot it at one point. :D idk this kind of tech would be pretty nice. it could also be some kind of forcefield thing, basically a fence that wouldn't allow tresspassing..invisible, unbreakable. movable!

These could be aiming test to triangulate converge two different energy sources onto single set of planar surface coordinates.  I am not a beam weapon expert so I am only speculating, but it certainly seems possible.  If you read other documentation, the stalks appear to be fuzed, or melted, and not bent or broken.  This could be consistent with highly focused energy beam weapons results.

John Holmlund:
Let's assume they found life on Mars.. Becuase if E.T life is possible. jeez-i just want to say, that even though your rhetoric isn't waterproof, you still have a point. sorry man. I got pretty inspired from Project Europa [movie]. okay, sorry, i'm pretty slow moving on these kind of subjects... I can't imagine, why satellite-mounted laserweapons would have to target home..? see where I'm going at? If there's life on mars, these idiots probably want to exterminate it

The USA spends more on military than the next seven nations combined. The USA spends a full half of its annual budget on the military and armaments, and has invested in the war machine at this annual rate for the past fifty years. The USA has about seventy international military bases. The USA killed 3 million Vietnamese in the Vietnam war and exterminated entire villages without a second thought. 47% of the population of USA America are self described Evangelical Christians. This population group is unique to the USA America and does not exist in significant numbers in any other country. The majority of these Evangelical Christians believe that there must be a final Armageddon before the "Kingdom of God" is established on earth AND it is their solemn duty to bring this destructive battle into reality. A significant number of the members of the House of Representatives currently want War at any cost. It is their solemn religious duty. Double check the numbers I quoted with other sources and get ready for a living Hell on Earth.

John Holmlund: nahh, i don't think so. the chinese got it all covered

Well, I would prefer to be wrong on this idea. Let us hope the future brings health and happiness for all.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Book review of "You will not taste death -- Jesus was an Epicurean" by Jack W. Hannah

on May 19, 2012:

Jack W. Hannah has researched and written an amazing book on the early history of the Jesus movement and the Christian Church. It is based on the Gospel of Thomas, found with the Nag Hamadi texts, and the extant writings of the Epicurean Philosophical School of Ancient Greece. He makes a convincing case that the teachings of Jesus were strongly influenced by the beliefs, and practices, of the Epicureans. After introducing the history of the Gospel of Thomas and a description of the philosophy of Epicurus, he analyzes each statement of the Gospel of Thomas along with analogies from the Synoptic Gospels (Mark, Mathew, and Luke) along with major Epicurean writings. His detailed analysis of the texts, ancient history, and literary translations are impressive and moving. This line by line analysis constitutes the majority of the book.

There are several reasons why I really enjoyed this book. 1) the description of the Gospel of Thomas as a kind of a "crib sheet" the Disciple Thomas used to remember some of Jesus's more enigmatic teachings, for later study, 2) the claim that the statements of the Gospel of Thomas are chronological and correspond to the major events in the Gospel of Mark is compelling and intriguing, 3) the description of the philosophy of Epicureanism itself is inspiring and astounding. Apparently, the Epicureans believed in direct observation, and experience, as verification of truth. This was in stark contrast to most of the other schools of Philosophy (including Platonism, Stoicism, and Aristotilean Logic) which proceeded from an a priori "truth" and deduced the implication without a "real world analysis." The Epicureans could be considered to use an early form of the Scientific Method which was developed by Galileo two thousand years later. Curiously, the Epicureans promoted the idea that the Universe is constructed of atoms, which has now been shown to be true. They also believed that the Universe was a product of the chance interactions of these atoms and there was NO "divine guidance" or "Intelligent Design" of individual events. Both of these ideas were ridiculed by the other schools of philosophy, but are now also fundamental assumptions of modern science. In fact, Jack W. Hannah's description of the ancient philosophical criticism of Epicureanism sounds very much like the current academic conflict between "Evolution" and "Creationism." It is nice to see that after 2,000 years the Scientific Method is finally getting some serious consideration and thought; even if it is still fighting an intellectual battle against much superstition and ignorance.

Finally, his interpretation of the teachings of Jesus, and supernatural events, in the context of this analysis is astounding and thought provoking and well worth much careful consideration. I encourage all philosophically minded and intelligent people to read this book.