Thursday, May 31, 2018

The meaning of Jet Air traffic at 4 AM

(modified from a facebook response):

Here is the game:
1) Air traffic between 12 AM and 6 AM is military air traffic.  Except for emergencies, civilian airspace is closed at those times.
2) There is a correlation between the volume of military air traffic and the "activity" of the military. 
3) I am involuntarily awakened by these jet plane convoys early in the morning. I assume this is because I have a "good ear."
4) I have noticed a correlation between this air traffic and the likelihood of large scale military conflict in other parts of the globe.  In December of 2002 I was similarly awakened on numerous occasions and the Invasion of Iraq in 2003 was of no surprise.
5) Large scale military conflicts are of concern to me.
6) Every single time in the history of mankind, when there has been an escalation of military armaments and military activity, there has eventually been a conflict.
7) The next large scale conflict could be unimaginably global and would affect all our lives, even if it was "localized" to the other side of the globe.
8) As a predictive game, I am trying to enlist others to play along and observe and see if the assumption of a correlation is in fact valid.
9) The advantage to these types of predictive games is survival and escape.
10) It may be a fun summer?

 As an aside, by a similar predictive game, I "knew" the stock market would crash in 2008. Several months earlier I had moved all my investments into a regular savings account. I lost nothing (except my career). Little did I know that advances in technology, made it advantageous to have computer work performed in India and the results be sent to the USA. My entire career was shipped to India and China and I did not work for two years. I sent out one thousand resumes with no good result. I needed those saving to live on. My life was destroyed, but I survived.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Political Facebook post

April Bxxxxxxxxx --  We applaud you for not interacting with angry Democrats, but do you interact with reality challenged DADA poster board artists? THAT is the real question. Because if you do -- then the birdbath in your stovepipe needs an altitude adjustment and I have just the monkeyshine that can perform the operation better than any sand hill crane in East Texas or even a basket of slightly used pomegranates left in the sun. You can bet your bottom "flim flam" petro dollar on that marginally acceptable proposition. For sure...

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Violence in society

"Violence in society is directly correlated with the degree of stratification of wealth." - Mr. Atwater

Violence increases -- as wealth becomes concentrated and isolated in fewer and fewer hands (portfolios).

Violence decreases -- as equality of status increases and wealth becomes more evenly distributed among all members of society.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer


Capitalism is a self cannibalizing form of social organization that has no stability or longevity. Most of the business and social institutions in existence today, did not exist just one hundred years ago. Most of the business and social institutions in existence just one hundred years ago, no longer exist. When profit is the only measure of success, then everything else suffers.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Noah's Ark

Amazingly, the Noah's Ark story is almost word for word identical to the same story in the epic of Gilgamesh written by the Sumerians almost three thousand years earlier. Even the dimensions of the boat are the same. Just the names of the primary characters are different. Amazing, but true. The bible was writte around 800 B.C. The exodus from Egypt occured around 1100 BC (right after kind Tut). Abraham was about 2000 BC. The Epic of Gilgamesh is dated around 4000BC. The copy that exists was dated around 1500 BC.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Jet air traffic at 4 AM in Los Angeles

Commercial air space is "closed" over Los Angeles between 12 midnight at 6 AM. If you hear jets before 6 AM it is military air traffic. I first noticed this correlation before the Iraq War in 2003. That winter I was constantly awakened by jet air traffic at 4 AM or 5 AM (I am a musician and have very acute hearing). I KNEW there was going to be a major military operation based on the volume of air traffic at 5 AM. When the USA invaded Iraq in March 2003, I was not surprised. It had been planned for months despite the pretense of negotiations. Similarly, I believe we are going to see a major military operation this summer, and the increased air traffic is a predictor. It is my belief that "the war with Russia" is just starting. Be prepared. It will really suck.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Thursday, May 24, 2018

I have built bombs


1.  I work full time for thirty years

2.  One third of my salary is paid as income tax to the Federal Government

3.  One half of the Federal Government's budget is spent directly on Military spending


I have spent an entire FIVE YEARS of my life where ALL my income went directly to finance and build weapons of war.  I had "no choice" and "no say."  I have built bombs.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Fifteen hour work week

It is interesting to note: The bushmen of the Kalahari desert (living in the traditional manner) only spend about 15 hours a week on food and sustenance (hunting, gathering, cooking, and tool making). The rest of the time they spend singing, dancing and having fun. Now the question is: If the Bushmen can live in one of the most inhospitable environments on Earth and they only spend 15 hours a week on food and sustenance using a stone age level of technology: WHY ARE WE WORKING SIXTY HOURS A WEEK IN THE USA?

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Live to be 120 years old

It is the human birthright to live 120 years. With correct nutrition and a good attitude and good luck, you can reach that age also. Australian Aborigines, living at stone age technology in one of the most inhospitable environments on Earth, occasionally reach the age of 110 or 120. In other places on Earth, people routinely also reach 110 - 120 years. It is only laziness, bad information, bad nutrition, uncleanness, and environmental stress that causes us to die sooner.

1. Only drink water.
2. Fruit and nut from tree and vine.
3. Get enough sleep.
4. Live honestly.
5. Honor your friendships.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Piano in June

Just got picked up for June.  Hope you can swing by

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Tinkling the Ivories

Gives new mean to the expression "Tinkling on the Ivories."

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Fake News explained

One of the more mystifying aspects of Donald Trump’s presidency may have been explained, by a team of economists and psychologists from Yale University in the US.
Throughout the latter period of his election campaign and during his incumbency, Mr Trump has enjoyed consistent support from the US evangelical community – a religious and socially conservative group who should, on the face of it, be repulsed by the president’s admissions of extra-marital affairs and lewd conduct.
In a paper posted on the university’s Social Science Research Network (SSRN), and still awaiting peer-review, researchers led Michael Bronstein from Yale’s Department of Psychology present evidence to suggest that people prone to delusion, dogmatists and religious fundamentalists all share a propensity to believe fake news.
The three, sometimes overlapping, communities are also more willing than the general public to accept absurd explanations for events, to entertain conspiracy theories, and to believe in paranormal phenomena.
The researchers suggest that “individuals who endorse delusion-like ideas … as well as dogmatic individuals and religious fundamentalists” believe untrue things because they exhibit “reduced engagement” with two methods of thinking.
Bronstein and colleagues define the first of these as “active open-minded thinking”, which involves the search for alternative explanations to explain phenomena and the use of evidence to revise conclusions. The second is “analytic thinking”, which, they write, “involves deliberate thought processes that consume memory resources”.
“Reduced engagement in these forms of thinking … fully explained increased belief in fake news among dogmatic individuals and religious fundamentalists,” the researchers conclude.

To make the findings, Bronstein’s team used Amazon’s Mechanical Turk system to recruit two cohorts, each containing 500 volunteers.
Each volunteer was first shown 12 fake news stories, constructed to look like social media posts, and asked to assess whether they were accurate, dodgy, or a load of bull-pucky.
After that, the participants undertook a battery of psychological questionnaires, designed to measure dogmatism, depth of religious belief, and delusion. In the last category, they were asked also whether any delusion they experienced was regarded as convincing, and whether it caused distress.
In two final tests, volunteers undertook a range of “cognitive reflection” tasks (in which intuitively obvious possible answers to questions needed to be set aside in favour of reason-derived alternatives) and were assessed for “postdiction” habits – the tendency to revise a prediction once the evidence is in, without acknowledging the fact.
After analysis, the researchers found that people who whose worldview involves delusions were more likely than average to believe fake news. The same conclusion was reached regarding “dogmatic individuals and religious fundamentalists”.
“The vulnerability of these individuals to belief in fake news was fully explained by their tendency to engage in less analytic and actively open-minded thinking,” Bronstein and colleagues concluded.
The team strongly recommended further investigations into “potential interventions” to encourage analytic and active thinking, thereby reducing the likelihood of susceptible individuals falling for fake news. Such an approach may bring important social benefits, the researchers noted, among them the reduced likelihood of false information inciting violence (or, perhaps, emboldening presidents).

Monday, May 21, 2018

Sunday, May 20, 2018


copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Advantages to working as a security guard, or "event security staff"

Consider "security work" as a second low paid career option.

1) There is ALWAYS work .
2) If you can remember two to five important things -- you got it made.
3) You stand on your feet all day and never sit at a desk.
4) The hours are flexible.
5) The uniform is simple.
6) People do what you tell them to do.
7) You see things you would never see otherwise.

copyright (C) 2018
William Schaeffer

The function of School

The function of the school system is to attempt to destroy your basic humanity and convert you into an efficiently programmed "worker robot" that shows up to work reliably "on time" and happily performs mundane repetitive tasks until told to quit. There is no other function of the school system. At no time in your education does anyone care WHO you are or WHAT you think or HOW you feel. You, yourself are irrelevant to their plans.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

"Capitalism has no heart." - Zobo the Clown

Capitalism is a self-cannibalizing form of social organization that has no stability and no longevity. These videos are proof:

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Blah, Blah Blah

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

High School Shootings

In reference to high school "terrorist" shootings:

Has anyone stopped to think that High School itself might be the problem?

The inherent nature of the social structure that is imposed in Public School leads to personal alienation that in extreme cases causes a murderously violent reaction.

Should the basic nature and structure of Public Schooling be changed? 
What is school really teaching?  Murderous hatred and intolerance?

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Friday, May 18, 2018

The Zombie Speaks

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

The Man Behind the Curtain

Assembly Art on painted 1/4" plywood.
This is a painters rag from my painter friend at Venice Beach
This is a drum stick from the drum circle at Venice Beach
You can lift the curtain with the drum stick and there is an image behind it.
15.5" W x 21" H

Name inspired by the line from The Wizard of Oz "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"


copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Still Life with Shrunken Head

Still Life with Shrunken Head
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas with magic marker and found objects.
I bought this unfinished unsigned canvas at Goodwill and I completed it with magic marker.  
I finished the plant, statue and shrunken head.
I only worked on the painting while my friend Emi was visiting in the other room and she did not know this.  
I never worked on it when I was home alone.  
19" W x 24.5" H


copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer



Oil on stretched canvas with magic marker, sticker, and flashing light
I bought this unsigned and unfinished painted canvas at Goodwill and I completed the art with magic marker
20" W x 17" H


copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

The Proud Tower

The Proud Tower
painted 9-12-2001
Acrylic on Canvas board framed
I actually found the frame laying face down on the sidewalk one block away from my apartment.
24" W x 21" H


copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Last Neanderthals

The "racial characteristics" of fair skin and red hair in humans appears to be the genetic legacy of Neanderthal Man.  Many human Homo Sapiens have some Neanderthal DNA and in Europeans it is as much as 5% of the DNA Genome is inherited from Neanderthal Man.  Red hair and fair skin appears to be inherited from Neanderthal man by ancient interbreeding.

So in a way you could say that:  "Europeans are the last of the Neanderthals"

Despite the pejorative interpretation of this statement, it may actually be an advantage. 

For example:   Popular wisdom holds that interbred "mixed breed" dogs tend to be healthier with a better disposition, that pure bred dogs.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Man in the Moon

1.  How he sees himself:

2.  How others see him:

3.  What he really is:

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Metaphysical stoplight

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

got to have fun

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Life without coffee

I recently totally quit caffeine with great reluctance for health reasons. Somehow drinking coffee was making my teeth hurt terribly bad.. I went cold turkey three weeks ago. I am astounded at the subtle difference the change has made in my entire physiology and lifestyle. Caffeine is a more powerful drug than we give it credit for being. I miss the coffee rituals and I miss the taste of chocolate. Oh well... I sleep better and am more relaxed, but I make more mistakes and forget things more.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Religion itself is a delusional belief

Religion itself is a delusional belief.

Science is not.

Philosophy is not.

Ethics are not.

Art is not.

Sociology is not.

Poetry is not.

A code of behavior is not.

Magic is a delusional belief.

Religion is also a delusional belief.

There is no evidence to support religious beliefs that would be admissible evidence in a court of law.


copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Route 666

Get your kicks on Route Six Sixty Six

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Piano Forte

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

123 a day in the USA - notes on suicide

Note on a linkedin post about a distraught father who has a suicidal daughter:

 It is the fundamental structure of capitalism and the economic organization of the USA that throws people in the garbage and destroys their lives. It is also the structure of Public Education that works to destroy natural human relationships with neighbors, siblings, and classmates. USA breeds suffering intentionally for profit. Sorry. Your daughter is very beautiful and articulate and she deserves to have a great life. I wish you the best.

 The problem is NOT a chemical imbalance. The problem is the structure of American society itself. And don't bother worrying about those teenagers alive today. Almost half of them will be killed in military action in the next world war that just started yesterday with the murder of scores of unarmed Palestinian protesters by Israel special services.

 ALSO 5150 - 72 hour hold is being used by Hospitals to imprison patients for three days and then force THEM to pay the costs. hospitals exploit the vulnerable for their own profit. For-profit Hospitals are as corrupt as the rest of America. I myself was charged $9,000.00 for an Emergency room visit because they thought I had no insurance and the Daniel Freeman hospital reduced the fee to $890.00 when I told them I was insured. I went the Presbyterian Hospital with a 102 degree fever and they tried to keep me on a 72 hour hold in the Emergency room, but I escaped. FOR PROFIT MEDICINE IS CORRUPT and CRIMINAL.

 This is a "nice little study" but evades the subject of WHY? Nobody in America and none of the one thousand coworkers I worked with in Visual Effects at Digital Domain, Method, CentropolisFX, Rhythm and Hues, or all the other projects I worked on has the least interest in whether I am dead or alive. This IS America. Nobody gives a flying fuck whether you kill yourself or not.

 An average of 123 people commit suicide every single day in the USA. This is more people that die by automobile accidents or murder combined. There are more people that commit suicide in every month of every year since 9-1-1 than actually died in 9-1-1 and yet we almost never hear about this. Why is THAT?

Remember:       "123 a day in the USA"

copyright (c)2018
William Schaeffer

USA and Iraq

Why would anyone who lives in Iraq be partial to the USA? 1. The USA subverted their democracy and helped install Saddam Hussein as dictator. 2. Fifteen years later, the USA attacked their army in Kuwait and established an economic embargo that lead to the deaths of 1.5 million children (due to lack of medicine and unsanitary drinking water). 3. Ten years after that the USA invaded their country, destroyed the infrastructure, and disbanded the army. We arrested almost every man of military age and subjected them to torture and waterboarding in prison. 4. Then the USA covertly supported ISIS that helped destroy the country even more and targeted other minority groups for genocide. 5. The USA made military bases on archaeological landmarks and actively destroyed archaeological treasures.

It is interesting to note that for the cost of the Iraq invasion in 2003, we could have built a brand new home for every single family in Iraq at the time. Which strategy do you think would make better allies - Destroy the country, or build everyone a home?

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Monday, May 14, 2018

World War Three just began today.. Did you notice?

World War Three just began today. Did you notice?

I expected a catalyzing event today (the day after a Holiday) and I wasn't surprised. When Germany invaded Austria, nobody thought it was World War II. When Japan invaded Manchuria, nobody thought it was World War II. When Archduke Ferdinand was killed, nobody thought it was World War I. Just wait and see if I was wrong.

England has no Natural Resources. France has no Natural Resources. USA has a little petroleum and a lot of coal. In Siberia, Russia has petroleum resources equal to the entire mid east oil fields. It is as if three friends who live in splendidly big houses have no food and they live next door to people living in tents, with LOTS of food. What do you think would happen?

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

NOT the Word of God

The Christian Bible cannot be the perfect, infallible word of God because it contradicts itself in the birth, and death narratives in Mathew and Luke.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Sunday, May 13, 2018

The daily grind

I am tired of being an anonymous part of a faceless machine where nobody has any interest in whether I am dead or alive except to the degree that they can exploit my life for their profit.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

How to write a book in five easy steps

1. Get a pencil and paper.
2. Write a word.
3. Write a second word.
4. Repeat steps 2. and 3. several thousand times.
5. Edit the mistakes.

Voila -- a book.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Monday, May 7, 2018

Party time

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Mushroom Island

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Too many broken people

Response to a facebook post that says "Behind every strong woman is a broken little girl...":

There are too many broken people in America. Too bad that anyone has to be broken at all. In other societies at other times, almost nobody was broken. The community worked together. For example, in China in the 1900's there was almost no petty crime (burglary, theft, vandalism, graffiti) The community members all knew each other and were frequently related. Who wants to commit petty larceny against a friend?

USA education system and employment is designed to break your will and destroy your spirit.  This is so you make an obedient corporate servant and then go quietly to die when it is your selected time.  It is more efficient and profitable (in the short run) for the owners this way.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Travel Agency

Travel is a preoccupation in the lives of the petty bourgeoisie, so they can escape or ignore the misery and despair that they are creating within their own countries, by their own corporations and their own selfishness.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer     

The NEW anti-depressant

Now we can get people to genuinely enjoy living in a society that is fundamentally exploitative and unrewarding, a society that treats people like robots and throws them in the garbage. This is a big advance for science.

copyright (c) 2018

William Schaeffer

Statue of Liberty

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Friday, May 4, 2018

State of the Union

One sixth of the entire population of the USA is taking anti depressant medication. Seventy percent of the population is more than twenty pounds overweight and thirty percent are considered by medicine to be grotesquely obese. More than half of the marriages end in divorce and eighty percent of these are initiated by the women. Over twenty percent of the male population will never marry.

Almost fifty percent of the population is infected with Herpes or another venereal disease.

An average of one hundred and twenty three citizens kill themselves every single day.  Of these 22 are active service personel and 95 are men.  That is more people than the number who die by murder and car accidents combined; on every single day.

"123 a day in the USA"

Almost half the population has no savings at all.  The three richest men have as much wealth as the lowest fifty percent of the entire population combined.

3 = 160,000,000   The NEW math (only in America).

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

The Easter Bunny Died for Your Sins

The Easter Bunny
Died for Your Sins #1
Assembly Art
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
The Easter Bunny
Died for Your Sins #2
Assembly Art
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Looking for LOVE

Reconstructed due to damage during exhibition

"Looking for LOVE"
Assembly art on index card
5 x 7, framed

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Get Ready to Roll

Steve, don't give up on the music.  Send me the lyrics and we'll see.  Pursue your dreams and don't give up.  Here is a poem I wrote a long time ago called "Get Ready to Roll:"

Get Ready to Roll...

If you can't run, then walk
If you can't walk, then crawl
If you can't crawl, then inch forward on your elbows
If you can't inch forward on your elbows, then roll like a log
If you can't roll like a log, then just lay there and wait.
Just lay there and wait, and plan for the time when you can roll.
Don't worry about it, but don't give up.
Just wait, and "get ready to roll..."

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Public School System in USA teaches lack of empathy

It seems to me that Americans have been trained to be cold hearted and unfriendly by the public school system which is based on educational philosophy developed in East Prussia before World War One. The Educational System teaches personal coldness and lack of empathy by the structured ranking and grading procedures.  The Education System isolates a student from his friends and siblings and prevents sharing and companionship between friends.  The Education System teaches inclusion and exclusion and prevents sharing resources.

The public school system works to destroy the underlying fabric of society -- human relationships.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer