Wednesday, February 20, 2019

political orientation and thought

It appears, according to recent personality research, that your political orientation is inborn. Your inclination to either political philosophy of "right" or "left" is a personality characteristic that is inborn. You do not slowly develop your political ideas after thoughtful deliberation. Your political views are a manifestation of your personality characteristics, which are inborn, and favor different priorities in different people.  Your political opinions are not a result of your logical thought.

Child psychology studies show that infants tend to be either "sameness seeking" or "novelty seeking" behavior.  Some infants get internally rewarded for finding familiar situations.  Other infants get internally rewarded by new and unusual situations.  As the child grows, the innate preference is manifested as political affiliation.  The conservatives tend to be babies that were "familiarity seeking"  infants.  And the Liberals tend to be babies that were "Novelty seeking" infants.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

The youtube aesthetic

From a comment on youtube

One of the exciting things about youtube is that we don't have to follow traditional rules and can experiment with new organizational forms.

For example. Motion Picture Film was invented in 1888.   For the first twenty years of motion picture production, nobody moved the camera.  The camera sat on a tripod and actors moved in front of it like a theater play.  It was not until 1909 and "The Great Train Robbery" that anyone even thought of parallel story lines, and camera pan and tracking. TWENTY YEARS before they started to understand the aesthetic of modern film. Similarly, youtube was invented in 2005 -- we have not yet seen the full impact of that event and we still have not seen the final accepted conceptual aesthetic form of the youtube video. Most everything that is produced on youtube looks like an example of the antiquated television programming aesthetic to me.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

gasoline and Carbon Dioxide

Notes on Global Climate Change:

Every gallon of gasoline you burn puts 19.2 POUNDS of Carbon Dioxide gas into the atmosphere where it will stay forever. The calculation is easy. A gallon of gasoline is mostly carbon atoms and weighs about 6.8 pounds. The combustion process removes about 12 pounds of Oxygen from the atmosphere and combines it with the Carbon in the gasoline and the resultant Carbon Dioxide is reintroduced into the atmosphere. If your mileage is about 19 - 20 miles per gallon, then every mile you drive puts about ONE POUND of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Saturday, February 16, 2019


Assembly Art
Foam Stickers mounted on small toy blackboard easel made of wood

'Father, Son, and Holy Ghost"

The human brain has three main structural components:
1. Cerebellum, Cerebrum, Amygdala
(or Neo-Cortex, Mid Brain, and R-Complex)

It is interesting to note that most significant theories of personality have three components:
1.  Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph   - William Herbert
2.  Id, Ego, Superego  - Sigmund Freud
3.  Adult, Parent, Child   - Erik Berne
4.  Verbal, Spatial, Kinesthetic   - Tony Robbins
4.  Me, Myself, and I  - 

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Field Notes

Field Notes
Assembly Art
Foam Stickers mounted on canvas board
8 x 10 framed

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Friday, February 15, 2019

Antarctica Ice Melt

from a youtube comment:

When all the ice melts in Antarctica, the oceans will rise by about 400 feet. The calculation is easy to do: 1. The ice in Antarctica varies from 0.5 mile to 1.5 miles in depth (thickness). Assume a uniform thickness of one mile (5280 feet). Antarctica land mass covers 5% of the surface area of the Earth. The oceans cover about 66% of the surface area of the Earth. So: 5280 x .05 = "Y" x .66 Where "Y" is the sea level rise in feet "Y" = 400 feet.

In Los Angeles, for example, Hollywood Blvd is consistently at 400 feet above sea level. Griffith Park is 800 feet above sea level. Most property between Hollywood Blvd and the ocean will be flooded.

 One interesting consequence of the ice melting in Antarctica is the entire continent of Antarctica will raise. The ice is so heavy that the crust of the Earth is deformed downward toward the center of the Earth by half a mile. When the ice melts, Antarctica will rise. Additionally, ten of the world's largest volcanoes are under the ocean off of Antarctica. The release in ice pressure will likely make those volcanoes erupt. This will cause further melting of ice and speed up the entire process.

 Here is a link for more info:

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Such is life

"It is always a surprise when you discover that you have no real relationship. That the communication was a farce and a facade and the person you thought you knew is really just another stranger and the heartfelt talks you shared were just a form of theater. Such is life." - Mr. Atwater

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

The Flower Child

The Flower Child
Assembly Art
foam stickers and google eyes on framed art print
10 x 6 framed

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

3-4-5 Triangle

3-4-5 Triangle
Assembly Art
found object playing cards on background, little plastic skull
7 x 5 framed

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

The Live Man's Hand

The Live Man's Hand
Assembly Art
found playing cards on a background
7 x 5 framed

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Weather Riddle

Q: Do you know what the worst thing about the rain is?

A:  The water.

copyright (c) 2019
William  Schaeffer

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Babylonian Calendar

Babylonian Calendar
Assembly Art
Foam stickers on Canvas board
8 x 10  framed

copyright (C) 2019
William Schaeffer

Surprise Party

Surprise Party
Assembly Art
foam stickers and google eyes on canvas board
8 x 10  framed

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Rooster Talk

Rooster Talk
Assembly Art
foam stickers and google eyes on canvas board
8 x 10 framed

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

addiction and homelessness

youtube comment: my opinion, it is the cruel and heartless nature of ordinary life in the USA that causes these people to become victims of alcoholism, meth, or crack. If we had a fair, humane, and decent moral economy, people would not be thrown in the garbage and left to die in the streets where the drugs are the ONLY consolation that exists, (besides the obvious delusion of popular religion). It is the heartless and judgmental people like yourself that are keeping the country cruel, mean, and inhospitable for many people. There is no LOVE in America because America is a prison.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Friday, February 8, 2019

The cure for the effects of child abuse

Linked in comment on child abuse:

In some way there never is a cure, just an effective coping mechanism and a lot of optimistic will power.

Even if you do learn effective coping mechanisms and are "successful" in life, you never will forget the harm you suffered and you never will have happy memories to replace to terrible ones. It just doesn't happen. You do not get a new childhood to remember.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Ethical responsibility for the welfare of others

facebook comment February 6, 2019:

We all have an intrinsic responsibility for the welfare of our friends and neighbors. If we are fabulously wealthy when people near us are homeless or impoverished, then we have a ethical and moral deficiency. We have an intrinsic ethical responsibility for the welfare of others.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Capitalism promotes Child Abuse

Capitalism inadvertently promotes child abuse, by separating parents from children for long hours and by creating an underclass of impoverished citizens.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Friday, February 1, 2019

A Polluted Earth and the Perfection of Heaven

Youtube comment:

"What you do not understand about born again Christianity is that they just want to go to Heaven. They are only interested in the "perfection" of Heaven. They assume that this world (the Earth) is hopelessly corrupt and polluted with demonic evil. They do not care about this planet Earth because they already "know" that they are going to Heaven for all Eternity and live in the Glory and Splendor of Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit. They ask themselves, " Why should us Holy, God-Minded people be the least concerned about an Earth that is hopelessly polluted with EVIL, when we know that we will spend Eternity in Heaven???"

 You and most of the rest of us practical science minded people just cannot understand the mindset that negates all of Earth and all of life itself as hopelessly corrupt and polluted with EVIL."

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer