Thursday, November 30, 2017

Why help anyone?

This is my answer to the question that was originally posted on the internet.

Q. Why is it anyone's responsibility other than themselves to fix their life? To do so would require public funds (taxes). Taxation is theft so in reality, stolen income from producing citizens would be taken under threat of force then redistributed to those not producing.

A. Because many people are incapable of fixing their own lives and need the assistance of someone else. A person in a wheel chair needs someone else to push it. A person who is deaf needs someone to sign for them. A person who is blind needs a shoulder to lean on. This is why we have a society so we can help each other. So the more fortunate can share their good luck with the less fortunate, or needy, and the entire group can prosper together.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Thought for the day

"Diligence leads to victory and truth." - The Answer Deck

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Pledge of Allegience

A pledge is only meaningful when it is voluntary. If the pledge is required, it isn't really a pledge, it is brainwashing and coercion. Sorry. And I have nothing personally against "The Pledge of Allegiance" but this realization is absolutely true, regarding the authentic nature of "The Pledge."

If a pledge isn't voluntary, it is coercion.  And in that case, the person repeating it isn't free and independent and in control of their own life.  They are controlled.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Monday, November 27, 2017

Peter R. Breggin, MD: How to Help Deeply Disturbed Persons—Fourth in the" Simple Truths" Series

Watch the video

Peter R. Breggin, MD: How to Help Deeply Disturbed Persons—Fourth in the" Simple Truths" Series

The thesis of this video is that the cure for mental illness is LOVE - Personal Relationship. That is exactly what is missing in America today -- LOVE.

 Watch the video and listen to what the video is saying. The cause of people suffering from psychosis, or schizophrenia is SOLELY a lack of trust in ANY of their human relationships. In some fundamental way these people were betrayed by every single person they knew and THIS IS WHY they suffer. The cure is NOT drugs, or institutions. The cure is LOVE. If they were LOVED, they would be cured. Simple. THERE IS NO LOVE IN AMERICA. This is why there are homeless, drug addicts, criminals, suicides, and psychosis --


copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Student Debt

Just imagine: In Europe, higher education is paid for by the state, and there is no student debt. These are the people that you will be competing against for economic success. Young adults without student debt, that speak two or three languages fluently, and have housing and medical coverage guaranteed.

Which work force do you think will be more likely to produce quality products?

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Saturday, November 25, 2017

November 25, 2015

Two years ago on this day I was involved in an automobile accident and severely injured. I broke my neck. Literally. I had a HALO screwed to my head. I spent ten days in the hospital and three months recovery time on disability. It was a life changing experience and one of the most challenging events of my life. The worst thing about the whole experience was the realization of how alone I was in the world and how little most anyone really cares about anyone at all in USA America. However, I was VERY FORTUNATE to have a couple close friends who helped me out and I experienced near total recovery. Many times I wished that I had just died and part of me still does.

 However, it has been a fantastic two years and I have had some amazing experiences. The one thing I learned that I would like to share, "Hang in there, you never know what the future brings."  Thanks to everyone -- just for being you and have a good day anyway.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Thursday, November 23, 2017


Most people in America do not realize how isolated they really are.

 In the history of humankind it was customary to have a rich web of lifetime associations, in whose company you all grew old together. These were your extended family, clan members, tribe members, childhood friends, neighbors, cousins, aunts and uncles. You all knew and supported each other for the duration of your entire life.

 Today, In America, we are largely isolated in small superficially associated economic groups where nobody really cares about anyone. We have all lost touch with our childhood friends, early work associates and even our own families. We may have a friend or two and an insurance card for emergencies, but we are mostly isolated in a regulated and licensed society.

 It may seem like family, but family never lets other people live and die in the streets. Family never steals everything and leaves you nothing. Family doesn't cheat and lie and gaslight your complaints with a police car and a deaf ear. Family doesn't try to take your money.

 Look at any anthropology text describing other cultures and read the descriptions of the social networks and family groups. Then reflect on your own life and the lives of the few people you really know.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

What's for Dinner?

Metaphysical Pancake
Donut Sandwiches
Fried Cheese Bagpipes
Sanitary Basketball
Refried Banana Peel
Ramen Noodle Pipe Weed
Sun Dried Tomato Ice Cream
Hot Cross Boxing Match
Fireplace Screen Butter Stick
Dietary Apple Churn Pizza Roll
Seedless Grape Skin Lamp Post
Unabridged Dictionary Pear Sauce
Hydrogenated Peanut Snaps
Twice Baked Loaves of Regurgitated
     Corporate Propaganda

copyright (C) 2017
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Nature overrides Nurture

From a comment on a video review of the book Ecce Homo by Nietzsche

Current psychological research seems to indicate that humans are born with their personality fully formed and their "true nature" already determined by their inheritance. Based on this idea, it is my opinion that it is your task in life is to find out "your own true inner nature" and to do "what you were born to do."

This idea was "proven" by comparing the results of two studies on: "Identical twins separated at birth" and "Unrelated adoptive children raised their entire life in the same family."

Using the Briggs Meyer personality profile, they found that the Identical Twins had a much "greater than random" similarity in personality. On the other hand, the adoptive children showed no more similarity in personality than total strangers. The results of these two studies seems to indicate that our personality is largely determined by our genetic inheritance. Therefore, you are born already knowing who you are and your job is to just convince your parents and the world of that fact (or else succumb to their continual mind numbing propaganda to become an obedient robot zombie)

This idea is explained more completely in the book
"The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature"
 by Steven Pinker, 2002

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Monday, November 20, 2017

The Colorization of Citizen Kane

Inside the colorization of ‘Citizen Kane’


A full-color version of Citizen Kane was nearly a reality in 1989.
In late 1988, a team at Color Systems Technology Inc. in Marina del Rey, California, secretly colorized a portion of Orson Welles' landmark black and white film.
CST was formed in 1983 to convert black-and-white films and television shows into color to attract a wider, younger audience. Among its clients was cable TV mogul Ted Turner.
William Schaeffer, who worked at CST from 1986 to 1996, was an assistant art director there when color was added to the closing minutes of Citizen Kane as a test prior a planned full transformation.
"The footage was 10 minutes (ending with) the warehouse at the end of the movie and included the sled," Schaeffer said. "It was very difficult to do at the time because of all the crates and boxes. It was done primarily by the artists using the 'real time' coloring systems, if I remember correctly ... The test footage was done on the digitally controlled analog color adder and was done in 640 x 486 NTSC resolution, because that is the resolution the system was designed for. "
Four planes of color were used in a process that Schaeffer describes as quite labor intensive.
Before adding color to a black and white feature film, CST would produce up to 700 reference stills, based on color photographs taken on the set or production artwork, he said.  "For a lot of movies, there were no color stills, so you had to use your common sense."
In the late 1980s, CST had a staff of 150 working three shifts a day, seven days a week.
Schaeffer, whose 40 or so colorization credits include Night of the Living DeadAll About Eve and A Night at the Opera, had a chance to see the Citizen Kane test footage produced by a CST team headed by art director Bruce Jones.
"At the time I saw it, I had never seen Citizen Kane," Schaeffer said. "I thought it looked fine."
Turner Entertainment Company, which had obtained the home video rights to Citizen Kane in 1986, announced with much fanfare on January 29, 1989 its plans to colorize Welles' first Hollywood movie.
There was an immediate backlash with the Welles estate and Directors Guild of America threatening legal action.
Filmmaker Henry Jaglom, a friend of Welles and member of a DGA committee opposed to colorization, went public with a conversation he and Welles had in late September 1985 when the colorization of classic films was still in its infancy.
"Orson said to me, about two weeks before he died — I remember this vividly — 'Please do this for me: Don't let Ted Turner deface my movie with his crayons,'" Jaglom recalled.
The furor was short-lived, as Turner backed down on February 14, 1989 after a review of Welles' 50-year-old contract with RKO Pictures revealed he had been given absolute artistic control over his first Hollywood film, which it specified would be a black-and-white picture.
"There was a tape vault with all the projects and I had access to the vault," Schaeffer said.  "After a few weeks, the tapes just disappeared and nobody knew what happened.  There were other things to do."
He added, "It was customary for us to give the colorized master 1-inch tape to the client."
The test footage has remained largely unseen, except for a minute-long fragment contained in the 1991 BBC documentary The Complete Citizen Kane.
"After seeing that documentary, I would assume that the tapes were given to Ten Turner.  I do not know," Schaeffer said. "They may have been bulk erased, but it is doubtful."
The control Welles enjoyed over Citizen Kane did not extend to two of his subsequent  movies,  The Magnificent Ambersons and The Stranger, both of which were colorized.
After leaving CST in 1996, Schaeffer worked as a rotoscope artist for Digital Domain, only to see roto work outsourced to  Vancouver, China, and India when the recession hit a dozen years later.
Schaeffer, 60, remains a proponent of adding color to classic black and white films. He said he is glad that at least a portion of the colorized Citizen Kane footage created by his colleagues has survived and can be seen.
"Philosophically, I have no problem with colorizing a movie," Schaeffer said. "I don't like black and white photography or movies anymore. I prefer color. It provides more information. Black and white looks flat to me."
When harassed by purists, Schaeffer said with a laugh that he tells them he would like to see Ansel Adams' photographs colorized.
Schaeffer noted there is little fuss when classic films appear on television with scenes cut, edited for a time slot or the image panned and scanned.
"People are watching a brutalized, edited and distorted version of a movie," Schaeffer said. "That's not what happens with colorization."

© Wellesnet | Orson Welles Web Resource • All rights reserved

Population on Earth doubles in fifty years.

Interesting point of reference: There are more than twice as many people living on Earth today than there were just fifty years ago. In my lifetime the population of the Earth has more than doubled. This is unprecedented in either the history of mankind or the history of the Earth. What more surprise will the future bring?

In 1960 there were 3.0 Billion people on Earth. Today there are over 7.5 billion. In 1900, there were 2.0 Billion people on Earth and in 0.1 A.D. there were only One Billion people on Earth. The population of Southern California today is greater that the population of the entire Roman Empire in 0.1 A.D.

 We are approaching the rate where the Earth population doubles every twenty years. This obviously cannot go on indefinitely and the "correction" will be painful (to say the least).

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Why people still like vinyl.

My theory:

To me the people that love vinyl, love the hiss and noise. And in that hiss and noise, they hear harmonies and resonances that were never in the music in the first place. We all hear ghost intervals and such things anyway, but the noise just amplifies this phenomenon. After all, "noise" is just a combination of ALL frequencies, so whatever your ear wants to hear, it is already "in there."

 Perhaps people that love vinyl are better at filtering out auditory noise and distractions than most people? Maybe they just like the large format art work and cannot hear a thing anyway?

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Friday, November 17, 2017

The Fruits of Capitalism

In 1960, Detroit was one of the wealthiest cities in America.

Today 75% of the Single Family homes in Detroit are abandoned or destroyed.

Nobody abandons a mortgage, or leaves their house in the middle of the night, unless their life is absolutely destroyed.

75% of the lives of the people living in Detroit in 1960 were absolutely destroyed.

This is similar to the story of my life also.

These are the fruits of capitalism : Death and Despair and ultimate Destruction.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

The Opioid Epidemic

It is the structure of our society and the nature of our relationships with our neighbors and coworkers, that kills us. Opioid pain killers, alcohol, and sleeping pills are just the symptoms of a society that is sick. They are not the cause, but just a particular manifestation of a much deeper problem. You'll never fix the addiction till you fix society first. We are all isolated from each other by design.  We were programmed to be this way by the public school system.  Nobody cares about anyone to any appreciable degree.

We are trained by the public school system to be selfishly concerned about our own score, to NOT help anyone else, to NOT be concerned about anyone else's score, to sit silently in our desks and do nothing until we are told. This behavior underscores all the current social problems we experience -- selfish, self centered, and uncaring behavior. THIS IS AMERICA.

When I broke my neck in an automobile accident November 25, 2015, I lay on my bed for three months getting well. There were only two people that helped me to any appreciable degree. During the entire three months, nobody I know called to inquire about me, except the few people I told. On Christmas day 2015 I lay on my bed all day and I got two phone calls. One was from a homeless guy and the other from a friend saying she made other plans. This is my America.

 Nobody really cares about anyone to any appreciable degree.  In my opinion, this is the cause of the "Opioid Epidemic" in America.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Some Old Friends

Some Old Friends
Assembly Art
5 x 7 framed
4 - 4 - 2004 copyright (c)
William Schaeffer

Professional Career is 20 years long

Prepare for the fact that your "career" will only last for 20 years. After 20 - 25 years your knowledge and your life understanding will be obsolete. College grads that are 20 years younger than you will take your work and exclude you from their social networks. This IS LIFE IN AMERICA. Your "career" will only last for twenty years. And then you will need to find other employment and it will be very difficult.  You will compromise your standards, or you will lose everything.  No one will be sympathetic or even particularly interested.  Now you know. Plan ahead.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Generalized four color theorem

This is a proposal, not a proof.

The four color theorem has been proved.  It takes only four hues to color any 2 dimensional map of any kind.  No matter how the area is subdivided, you can color the resultant map with four hues so that no two hues of the same type are touching.

I have noticed that in one dimension, such as my check ledger, it only takes three hues to color any one dimensional "map," or configuration of subdivisions.  This is an anectdotal observation.

It seems that the number of hues required to color any type of subdivision of a space so that no two sides are touching with the same hue is  (Number of dimensions + 2)   For a two dimensional space it requires four hues.  For a three dimensional space, it requires five hues.  For a five dimensional space it requires seven hues to color any configuration of subdivisions.  Note: the different dimensions should all be on orthogonal axes.

Number of hues = Number of dimensions + 2

Note: I have used the term "hue" to refer to the noun of "tint, shade, or color."   I reserve the word "color" to be used as a verb describing an action taken.   This is just to avoid literary confusion and make the ideas more clearly described.

Note: The check ledger example for one dimension allows discontinuous countries (i.e. one country can be surrounded by another country).  If we disallow discontinuous countries, then the equation becomes Number of hues = Number of dimensions + 1.  However, it seems that in the real world there are discontinuous countries, so the original equation is still good.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

"Child Abuse" or "Beating and Whipping" ?

I prefer the description of "Beating and Whipping" instead of the phrase "Childhood Abuse" when describing my personal experience.  The phrase "Childhood Abuse" seems too mild sounding and soft.  I suspect the term "Child Abuse" is chosen subconsciously to minimize the awareness of the extreme unpleasantness of the experience.

I prefer the term "Beating and Whipping" because it more fully describes the experience of horror, screaming terror, absolute fright, humiliation, disgrace, begging, pleading, crying, silent conformity, nakedness, and ultimately -- a burning hatred for the perpetrator.

People who say, "Oh were you abused as a child?" or "Did you experience child abuse?" are subconsciously trying to minimize your experience, shame you and ultimately "gas light" you to preserve their own delusional impression of reality.  They are NOT sympathetic.  They have absolutely no understanding at all.  They just want you to stop talking about unpleasant things.

Anyone who uses the term "Child Abuse" exclusively instead of "punishment", "discipline", "hitting", "beating", "paddling", "whipping" is trying to minimize your experience and minimize your life.  They are trying to negate you as a person.

Most "Child Abuse" is psychically, and psychologically, analogous to getting both your legs broken by your parents and you are no longer able to walk.  You must be in a wheel chair for the rest of your life.  Even though other people cannot see it, the wheel chair is still there and you must operate it every day of your life.  People tell you to "Not think about it", or "Think pleasant thoughts instead" are not really interested in your life or your struggle at all.  They do not care if you live your life in a wheel chair.  They just want to use you, and your relationship, to their own advantage.  They are only interested in themselves.   Perhaps, they may be so blissfully ignorant of real life they cannot imagine what it is like to have both your legs broken by your own parents...

But, your history does not go away.  The effects of the trauma are real and are never completely healed.  You will never be entirely whole ever again.  You have to learn to accept this, so why cannot anybody else?

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Take care of your hair.

Many people report balding and thinning hair as they age.  This is largely due to genetic inheritance, but I have to think that behavior plays a large part also.  If you use chemicals on your hair, bleach it, tease it, dye it, get a perm, use a hair dryer, or any other stressful activity, you may be killing your hair and causing it to die and fall out sooner.

You hair is a living organism.  It needs to breath.  It needs a healthy environment to live and grow.

Here are some tips for "long term" hair care:

1. Wear a hat outdoors.  This protects your hair from the elements sun, wind, and from blowing around too much. The sun can burn you scalp and dry your hair.  Blowing around can stress and damage your hair.

2. Don't use chemicals on your hair.  Don't use hair spray.  Don't use hair dye.  Don't get a perm.  Leave your hair to be chemical free as much as possible.  Alcohol based styling gel seems to be an exception to me and judicious use of styling gel is probably OK.

3. Don't blow dry your hair.  Don't expose your hair to hot dry air from a hot electric air blower.

4. Don't wash your hair too frequently.  Only wash your hair once or twice a week with detergent.  On other days, you could try just rinsing your hair with water if you take a bath or shower.

5. Don't comb your hair too frequently.  Comb it once in a simple style and let it be.

6. Eat healthfully, high fiber mostly vegetarian diet.  Take vitamin supplements.

7. Don't style your hair too vigorously.  Leave it in a comfortable and natural style.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Birds in the Butter

Birds in the butter
Poetry in the gutter
Nerves will flutter
Lips will sputter

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Blue Flame

Blue Flame
Acrylic on canvas with assembly art
12 x 16
copyright 2012 (c)
William Schaeffer

Monday, November 13, 2017

Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Garden of Peace

The Garden of Peace
Found object Assembly Art
and Oil Paint
11 x 14 Canvas board framed
2016 copyright (c)
William Schaeffer

- These two "sticks" were found by a friend and given to me to use for "some art project."

- The oil paint was squeezed out of the tube and took over two years to dry.

- I put it on a shelf for two years (or three years) to let it dry.

- I almost added other objects to the painting.

Memories of Christmas

Memories of Christmas
Assembly Art 8 x 10 framed
2007, 2016 copyright (c)
William Schaeffer

- originally this was two nails and a pine branch, but
the pine branch disintegrated in time.  So I removed the remanants and added the feather branch and turtle.

What's for dinner? #2

What's for dinner? #2
Assembly Art 5 x 7 framed
2017 copyright (c)
William Schaeffer

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Military training and "gun violence"

In all the debate on "gun violence" and "mass shootings" in the USA, there is one opinion I never hear:

Why don't we blame "military training" for influencing gun violence events?

Military training teaches an easy familiarity with firearms, proficiency with use, effectiveness at planning, and the cool calculation necessary to carry out the mission.  If anything could be blamed for these gun violence events it really could be military training.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, November 7, 2017


God did not invent mathematics.

Mathematics exists outside of time and space.

Mathematical concepts pre-existed before the universe came into being and will continue to exist after the Universe has gone away.

Mathematical concepts are immutable and unchanging.   Two plus two will always equal four.

Not even God can make two plus two equal five.  This is meaningless.

Mathematical concepts exist independently of the brain that is thinking them.

Mathematics is eternal (whatever that really means).

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Monday, November 6, 2017

What's for dinner? #1

What's for dinner? #1
Assembly Art 5 x 7 framed
11-6-2017 copyright (c)
William Schaeffer

Peace of mind when there is no soul

From an unsent letter to my cousin:

1. This world and this life is not meaningless.

This is the only world we are aware of (can measure, photograph, and locate) and the only world that we know exists.

For example: There is no scientific, or photographic evidence of "The Soul."  Where is it?  What is it attached to?  How does it work?  Why can science not find "The Soul" anywhere?  How can we take a photograph of "The Soul?"   Every other part of the body can be identified, cataloged, photographed, and measured, in a repeatable and predictable way.  But where is "The Soul?"  Where is "The Soul" attached to the body?  How is "The Soul" attached to the body?

2. The best way to have "peace of mind" that I found is Opiate pain killers.  When I was recovering from a broken neck in a car accident, I was prescribed Norco - a controlled substance - an opiate pain killer.  I took Norco every day for two months and nothing really bothered me.  When I quit, I was angry for three weeks.   But if one holds "peace of mind" to be most important value in life, then I suggest opium, or opiate pain killers.

3. "enjoy the suffering" - Mr. Atwater

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

19.2 lbs CO2 = One gallon of gasoline burned

Every gallon of gasoline you burn puts 19.2 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 19.2 POUNDS. A gallon of gasoline weighs 6.8 pounds. Burning gasoline removes 12 pounds of oxygen from the atmosphere and replaces it with 19.2 pounds of carbon dioxide. On the average, every single mile you drive puts one pound of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

What are you going to do about it?

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Still Life with Pebble

 Still Life with Pebble
Assembly Art 5 x 7
2013 (c) copyright
William Schaeffer

I collected these items when I worked at Stereo D.  We were forced to work 12 hour days, six days a week, for five consecutive months (March - July).  I worked from 9 AM till 10:30 PM six days a week.  In June, I had only two days off.  I had no life.  I developed back problems that took a year to go away.

The Nutty Fruitarian

Instead of calling myself a "Vegan" or "Vegetarian" I tell people that I am a "Nutty Fruitarian" ... It sounds silly, but is actually quite healthy and FUN.

 A "hardcore Vegan" once criticized me for occasionally eating meat or having a leather coat, and told me how moral the Vegan cause was. And then I reminded her that the "Nutty Fruitarian" doesn't even kill a plant. The "Nutty Fruitarian" waits for the fruit and nuts to ripen and then harvests them without hurting the plant host. The "Vegan" has to kill plants and cook them to eat. All vegetables have to be killed and then boiled alive before human biology can extract nutrients from the food.

"Fruit and Nut from Tree and Vine." - Dr Infinity

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Saturday, November 4, 2017


1. I'd rather be a doer than a viewer

2. Keep moving.  It is harder to hit a moving target.

3. It's all part of the fun.  (especially appropriate after an unfortunate event, or experience, because life is fun and accidents, or mistakes, are part of life)

4. "Duty now for the future." - Firesign Theater

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Attitudinal Healing

At the museum, I saw an exhibit of large sculptures of logs cut from tree trunks that were bent and tied in knots.

When we work wood to bend it to a form (for rocking chairs and other wood working crafts) we steam the wood. After soaking with hot steam, we bend it a small amount and fix the wood to a peg board and let it dry. After a while, we steam the wood again and bend it a little more and fix the new shape to a peg board and let it dry. Over time, we can bend the wood into a right angle. If we had tried to force the wood into a right angle all at once, the board would snap in two.

 "Slow and steady wins the race." - the turtle

This really is an inspiration I use to plan change in my own life. Make the changes you can and when those changes are a part of your daily life work on something else. Make slow steady progress toward your goal "One step at a time."

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

King of the Road

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

The Undiscovered Country

The Undiscovered Country
Acrylic on Canvas board
Framed 11 x 14
2014 copyright (c)
William Schaeffer

I painted this for my mother the day she died.  I called her three or four times a week. I usually called in the morning before lunch.

She had Alzheimers and with me being unemployed, I had no money to visit.  NO MONEY.  The day she died on August 10, 2014 I had a hernia and could not travel anyway.  I called that morning and was told she was in a coma and might die, so I painted this painting for her.  She died later that afternoon.

The painting is a bird's eye view of flying into heaven.  If you squint your eyes, and blur your focus, you can see a landscape come to life.

Let's be Friends

Let's be Friends
Assembly Art 5 x 7
2017 copyright (c)
William Schaeffer

Cow Abduction

Cow Abduction
Assembly Art 5 x 7
2017 copyright (c)
William Schaeffer

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Turtle Soup

Turtle Soup doctrine of Freedom and Dignity

Assembly Art
2017 (c) copyright
William Schaeffer

Poem for America

Sometimes, things get better

Comment from a video:

This was recorded on a motorola cell phone MOTO. It is absolutely incredible that a small handheld device could record audio and video with as much fidelity as this recording has.

"Sometimes, things get better." - Mr. Atwater

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

The system must be changed


You cannot change people
to adapt to the system.

The system must be changed
to adapt to the people.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

You do not hit the things you love

Message to parents:

"You do not hit the things you love."

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Letter to India

Passports and the concept of citizenship was invented in the late 1870's to prevent workers and union organizers from moving from country to country. This was intentionally done to keep wages down and prevent skilled workers from having any professional leverage in the marketplace. Your success is my funeral. It has all been planned by the English bankers a hundred years ago. Good Luck. Thanks for nothing.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

It will only get worse

No matter how bad you think it is, and how angry or disappointed or disillusioned  you feel, always remember that eventually, and without fail:

It will only get worse.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Politics of the Future

Well, here then:

Political agenda of the future:

1. Make CEO's and company officers personally responsible for the crimes of their corporations. This is the way the law originally was until it was changed in the 1850's.

2. Put a limit on personal home ownership of 5 buildings per adult citizen.

3. Offer guaranteed medical care for all citizens of the country.

4. Offer guaranteed housing for all citizens of the country.

5. End the tax exemption for religious institutions.

6. Limit the corporate work day to eight hours maximum.

9. Cut compulsory school time in half per day.

10. Reorganize Grade school classrooms by geography and family and do NOT group by age.

11. Discontinue the practice of "controlled inflation" and work for a stable steady-state economy with no inflation at all.

12 Discontinue practice of "boom bust" cycle of economic change.

13. And then, call it whatever you want.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Got "Talent" ?

"Talent" is a word we apply to other people to excuse ourselves for not working more diligently.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Home of the Free?

The USA today has the highest per capita rate of incarceration of its own population of any industrial nation on Earth. The rate of incarceration in the USA is ten times the rate of the next highest country.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Freedom from Want?

In every communist country, compare the standard of living of the peasants before the revolution to ten years after. Prior to the Bolshevik revolution 60% of the factory workers were homeless peasants -- sleeping under their work benches (with their families). Today there is no homeless in Russia. Just try and find a photo of a single homeless camp in Russia on the internet. There are plenty of dash cams, but no homeless camps anywhere. Which system is best? The system that lets people die in the streets, or the system where everybody has a home?

Prior to the Cuban Revolution over 90% of the peasant population was illiterate. Today, Cuba has a higher literacy rate that the USA.Prior to the cuban revolution there was no medical care for the peasants. Today Cuba has better pre-natal care and a higher rate of infant survival of premature babies than the USA.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Project Cybersyn by Stafford Beer

Compared to the Feudal economies of Europe three hundred years ago, the profit driven industrial economies of today are robust and dynamic, but the present system is not the best possible conceived or devised.

Research the nature and structure of project Cybersyn developed by Stafford Beer. Using primitive teletype machines he developed and artificial intelligence control system for the economy of Chile. It was based on five layers of feedback loops to fine tune the efficiency of the economy. Typical free market capitalism only has one crude feedback loop. You need some basic understand of control theory, computer programming, and artificial intelligence principles to understand the revolutionary idea this represented ...

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

No Shortcuts

There are no shortcuts 
       -- only long cuts.

The more you try to cheat the system, the longer it actually takes.

The more you try to get something for nothing, the more you actually pay in the long run.

copyight (c) 2017
William Schaeffer