Thursday, January 31, 2019

Clown Piano #11

copyright (c) 2019 William Schaeffer

Hugo Chavez UFO - R.I.P.

true story:

When Hugo Chavez died (ex-leader of Venezuela) I had a dream that I was riding in a Black Triangle UFO that was commanded by Hugo Chavez and we were leaving for another world. I wasn't chosen to go and was let off on a runway through a rear door; a trap door in the floor. I rarely remember my dreams.

The inside of the Black Triangle was a big open space the shape of a triangle. It was carpeted like an auditorium and dimly lit. It was spacious with no furniture of any kind. There was a viewing screen suspended in mid air toward the front of the craft. It was dark and we were all standing "at attention" ( but not saluting) in a line standing shoulder to shoulder. We were all wearing the same type of uniform and were facing the viewing screen. Hugo Chavez stood at the other end of the line from me.

copyright (c)2019
William Schaeffer

Monday, January 28, 2019

Clown Piano #8

copyright (c) 2019 William Schaeffer

Neanderthal Genetic Irony

It is a bitter irony, that after 400 years of Euro-centric racist thought in the USA, we find that the only true homo sapiens are the Africans. Europeans have sub human genetic heritage from Neanderthal man. There is a sad hilarity to the truth of that realization. touche.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Clown Piano #7

copyright (c) 2019 William Schaeffer

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Capitalism is Totalitarian

Capitalism is just as "Totalitarian" as Communism or Socialism:

 The government controls the rules of business.
You work the hours your corporation tells you to work.
You do the job your corporation tells you to do.
You live where your corporation is located, and not anywhere you want.
You conform to corporate culture, or you are fired.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Homelessness and personal responsibility

facebook comment on homelessness:

 ... The excuse of "personal responsibility" is just a reason to "let people die homeless in the streets" and it is an willful "personal blindness". Most homeless have experienced severe personal trauma and have never recovered, or cannot ever recover (as in physical injury). Nobody helped them when they needed help. evidence: In the 1980's most all the homeless were Vietnam Veterans. Their lives were so destroyed by WAR, that they could not adapt back into society and they died in the streets. Nobody helped them and nobody cared. It was NOT their fault. (Aside: More Vietnam Veterans have died by suicide than actually were killed in the war. There was nobody to help them either,and nobody cared. ) Your callous and cold-hearted appraisal shows your own lack of awareness and lack of genuine human concern. Sorry. 

copyright (c) 2019 
William Schaeffer

Music for "Twilight of the Idols Chapter 10

Facebook comment on a youtube video of a Books-On-Tape reading of "Twilight of the Idols" written by Friederich Nietzsche:

"I wrote and recorded music for the entire reading of the entire book. There are thirteen videos and each one is between 20 and 40 minutes long. This is the last video and the best one (because it wraps everything up). I also edited the videos, designed the graphics and found the audio recording of the reading. It took me three years to complete this entire project.

 The music is mostly very monophonic and minimal background accompaniment and more like sound effects than typical keyboard music. This video is an exception and the last 8 minutes are rocking good fun.. (and even more so, if you actually listen to the entire book first)"

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Your Deal

I found these cards thrown on the sidewalk in front of the building across the street.
You can see a photo in a youtube video: "The Living Tree"

I bought the frames at a discount store.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Best Friends Forever

I found this painting/collage in the recycling bin.  It was probably a school assignment.

I added all the little bright colored foam stickers.  It looks much better now, in my opinion.

"Best Friends Forever"
11 x 14 painting, collage and foam stickers on stretched canvas

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Zobo Mumbles

There has been an error in translation. Zobo the Clown mumbles when he talks. When it was thought that he said "Burn down," he was really saying "Bulldoze." We apologize for this mistake. We don't like to play with fire.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Sunday, January 20, 2019

NowThis Politics is live now. Jan 20, 2019

DAY 30: America's longest shutdown is now a month old. Here are 30 ways Americans are feeling the pain:

 1. 450,000 public workers are being made to work without pay, including members of the U.S. Coast Guard, TSA, Border Patrol, FBI, and Secret Service.
2. 350,000 public workers have been temporarily laid off.
3. Tens of thousands of federal contractors have been laid off for a month, including janitors, security guards, and cafeteria workers. They are losing up to $200 million a day. It is unlikely that they will ever receive pay for the time they have missed.
4. Nearly 10,000 companies that do business with the U.S. government are losing money, according to the Washington Post.
5. Pop-up food banks have opened up to feed unpaid government workers.
6. The four week shutdown is costing the U.S. $200 million a day, or almost $6 billion so far according to analysis by The New York Times.
7. Unpaid TSA workers have been calling in 'sick' or quitting, leading to longer security lines and missed flights. Some airports have begun closing terminals.
8. The FAA is inadequately staffed to perform safety inspections on a regular schedule.
9. Air Traffic Controllers, who were already suffering a 30-year staffing low, have been feeling the strain of going unpaid. Some have begun quitting.
10. With 41% of the FDA laid off, some food safety inspections have stopped.
11. With 5,000 staffers laid off, the FBI reports that investigations have slowed.
12. Food and health programs for Native Americans have lost funding.
13. National parks are overflowing with garbage and human waste. Trees at Joshua Tree national park have been vandalized or destroyed.
14. The backlog of immigration cases is growing.
15. Farmers are not receiving federal subsidies that were intended to help them cope with the impact of Pres. Trump's tariffs.
16. EPA pollution inspectors are not working.
17. Tax refunds may not be sent out on time.
18. The IRS is unable to answer taxpayers' questions.
19. Small businesses in Washington, D.C. are losing their customers.
20. NASA has stoped research.
21. The FTC's identity theft reporting system is shut down.
22. Student loans are being delayed as universities are unable to verify parents' income with the IRS
23. Small Business Administration loans have been delayed.
24. Domestic violence shelters that receive federal funds have been forced to cut services.
25. Highway and transit projects are being delayed or canceled.
26. Wildfire preparations in western states are delayed.
27. The National Hurricane Center's research has been delayed
28. The Smithsonian museums and National Zoo are closed.
29. Funding for Section 8 housing assistance has lapsed, placing low-income families at risk of eviction.
30. Civil cases in federal court have been delayed. Lawsuits against Donald Trump in federal court are on hold.

The Antichrist

artwork for a Books-on-Tape video of a reading of the book "The Antichrist" written by by Friedrich Nietzsche

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Good Government

Reply to a political comment:

"It logically natural that the different branches of government do not cooperate and will not communicate effectively. It is a sign of good government that the different members call each other names and misrepresent facts. It is proper that these distractions take priority over patient work to solve real problems. I am proud to be an American because America invented cheating and dirty tricks." - Zobo the Clown

william schaeffer 
copyright (c) 2019

Friday, January 18, 2019

Twilight of the Idols Artwork

background title card artwork for Books-on-Tape reading of
"Twilight of the Idols" by Friedrich Nietzsche

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Age of Reason

artwork for Books-on-Tape of "Age of Reason" by Thomas Paine

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

A Change is Gonna Come

"I asked my brother,
"Will you help me, please?"
And, all he did was knock me
back down to my knees"

- Sam Cooke in "A Change is Gonna Come"

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

The Promised Land

"Los Angeles, get me Norfolk Virginia, Tidewater four ten oh nine.  Tell the folks back home this is the promised land calling and Poor Boy is on the line." - Chuck Berry in song "The Promised Land"

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Walking Home in the Rain

Walking home in the rain, I heard a voice crying out.  I saw a homeless man under the porch of an abandoned business in an abandoned corner mall slated for demolition.  The entire property was fenced off, but he had sneaked in out of the rain.  He was crying out, "It's not my fault.  It's not my fault.  I did the best I could.  There was nothing I could do.  It's not my fault.   I did my best."

A woman walked by in the other direction.  She was dressed smartly in a professional business suit; carrying a briefcase.  She watched the man and appeared to smile quietly to herself.

I had to hurry to catch the WALK light.

copyright (c) 2019
William schaeffer

Working in the Rain

There is quite a bit of difference between working in the rain as a salesman, driving from site to site; and working in the rain as a security guard or construction worker.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Monday, January 14, 2019


Just for the record...

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Since 1960

Extinct Extinctions on Earth:

1. Human population on Earth has increased by 250%
     (from 3 billion to 7.5 billion people)

2. Animal population on Earth has decreased by 60%

3. Insect population on Earth has decreased by 75%

4. Bee population on Earth has decreased by 90%

5. All marine life has decreased by 60%

6. Plankton has decreased 75%

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Friday, January 11, 2019

"The Clown Room Chronicles"

featuring the imaginary, but tragic, story of surrealist clown
and media entertainer "Zobo the Clown" --
brought back to life in living color by journeymen type settlers down at the
Union Hall press room and civil rights laboratory; 
right here in beautiful downtown Burbank, California

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Boo Hoo

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

What's up with Jack? (a poem)









What's up with Jack?

William Schaeffer

Scientific Method

Facebook response to a post saying the Evolution theory is wild speculation:

 Science is NOTHING except plausible speculation. There is no hard and fast TRUTH in the practice of the scientific method. All truths are speculative approximations that work well to describe the data. This is appropriate because there are no hard and fast truths in real life and all knowledge is open to modification through greater understanding.

  copyright (c) 2019 
William Schaeffer

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Thoughts of Brexit

Nation States are fundamentally anti-human.    Remember the big advance of the USA?   "Humans have inalienable rights."  And for the two thousand years of civilization that preceded that declaration, humans had no rights?    How is it the power of Nation States to confer liberty, OR to take it away?    How is it the power of Nation States to determine your "value and worth" as a human being, or as a natural resource, or as an economic commodity?   You have been had.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

The Roman Senate

It is interesting to note that the Roman Senate was not convened to pass legislation, but to interpret signs. The Roman Senate had no legal power to coin money, raise an army, build roads, or purchase territory, these were all actions that were reserved for private individuals. The Roman Senate was primarily a "religious organization" that interpreted religious laws for society.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Politics and brain structure

It is entirely possible that the current political standoff that we are seeing in the USA is not an "ideological dispute" but instead a conflict between two groups of people with entirely different psychological brain neuron structures; i.e. two groups of people whose inherent physiological differences in brain structure connections have been been developed (by a life time of existence in the "same" environment) to be two entirely different kinds of "information processing engines."  One group seems to want to provide easy path for financial accumulation and hoarding.  The other group wants to ensure a safe and fair society for all members.  In this case, there can never be an amicable compromise, unless these inherent brain structure connection differences can be resolved.

Additional note:  There may be analogy with the process of taking "selfie's?"  (a selfie is a cell phone picture where the photographer includes their own image in the foreground of the scene).  People that regularly take selfies seem to do it all the time and that seems to be their favorite way of documenting an event.  Other people rarely take selfies and usually document an event with "regular photographs."  Perhaps the inclination to take selfie's or not, is similar to the political orientation?  These two positions might be 1. I am most concerned about my place in society (no matter what), or 2, I am most concerned about how society is structured for everyone and I will take my appropriate place.

Now the real question is:  Is the difference in brain structure connections inherently formed at birth, or is it influenced by environment and experience?

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

a Political Poem


copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Remember the homeless

The USA economic society has declared there is no place in USA American society for the homeless and has thrown them in garbage, the gutters, and the street; primarily to inspire the rest of us to work longer hours, for lower wages and less satisfaction without complaint. Homelessness is the responsibility of society at large and the Banks and the Corporate mgmt. There is no LOVE in America when so many cold hearted Americans hide in their gated communities, live off their inheritance, and drive right past the suffering in their new Range Rovers. Prepare for doom.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Funny thing about money

Facebook comment on monetary greed

...the funny thing is that the most rewarding, enriching, fulfilling, and joyful experiences rarely concern money: seeing a beautiful sunset, performing a skill perfectly "in tune", falling in love, seeing an old friend after many years, playing with a puppy, hearing a beautiful song, helping a friend in need, eating a delicious meal when you are really hungry, or the self satisfaction that no matter what, you really tried to do your best. People seem to use money and "buying things" as a substitute for real experience.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Comments on The Wall

Comments on The Wall:

1)   "Mr. Gorbachev, Tear down this wall." - President Ronald Reagan

2)    Why build walls when you can build friendship, cooperation, understanding, and community?

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer