Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Take a break

It is important to take a break sometimes.   We need to sleep to rejuvenate the mind and body.  Farmers should let the fields lay fallow [not planted] every seven years.  Ginseng should be taken for a duration and then abstained from.  The "stretching and cool down" rest time are an important part of the strength training workout. 

So, put down your work. "Give yourself a break."  "Relax."  

"Let go, and trust your instincts."  

It just might be time to:

"Take a nap"


William Schaeffer


Sunday, December 20, 2015

Universal Calendar

Simply overlay this grid on the calendar month of your choice.  Look at what symbol is aligned with your designated day.  That symbol is the "fortune" or "theme" for that day.  

Although designed intuitively with no specific purpose in mind, the calendar has proven to be remarkably accurate.  It works with any month in any year since 1980.  Try it yourself and see.  

(Remember - for entertainment purposes only!)

William Schaeffer

Friday, December 18, 2015

"Slow and Steady wins the race." - Anon

"Slow and Steady wins the race." - Anon

I remember hearing this as a child and hold the saying to be true.  All forward progress is comprised of many incremental movements toward the final goal.  Do not give up because you think you are not going fast enough.  Just make sure that you are always moving in the correct direction and slowing making ground.

"The longest journey is comprised of many small steps." - Anon

Do what you can do today and do it well and with integrity.

"Let tomorrow worry about itself." - Anon (paraphrased)

The important thing is to not give up.  Keep moving.  Keep trying.  Keep progressing.

And, remember:

"Slow and Steady wins the race." - Anon

William Schaeffer


Thursday, December 17, 2015

Banana Facts

Bananas are a good source of potassium.

Bananas are naturally organic.  The skin is so thick that pesticides and chemicals cannot penetrate through it to enter the fruit.

Bananas are sterile.  They must be reproduced by grafting a living branch onto a root stock.  The skin is so thick that the pollen cannot penetrate to fertilize the eggs.

Slipping on a banana skin was a comedy routine in Vaudeville.  It was later adopted by early motion pictures.  Apparently it is based on a “real life” concern of the 1870’s.

The banana was introduced to the United States as an imported fruit in the 1860’s.  There were protests in a number of cities over the public nuisance of banana peel garbage in the streets.

The Banana Boat Song (Day O) is a traditional Jamaican folk song.  It was first recorded by Edric Connor in 1952 and was popularized by Harry Belafonte in 1956.

Bananas and apples are common food items on movie sets for the crew to eat; from craft services.

Bananas are good medicine at regulating gastro intestinal processes.  Whether you are constipated, or have diarrhea, eating bananas help you become more “regular.”

The “Banana Splits” was a popular Saturday morning TV show from 1968 - 1970.

William Schaeffer

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Nurses sing Alto

I was in the hospital recently for a number of days and noticed an unusual correspondence:  All the nurses I spoke to had quiet low voices in the Alto register.  They all had a warm and beautiful tone in their voices.  Not one had a shrill, loud, or annoying sounding voice.

Although some of the experts and support staff had annoying, or shrill, voices, none of the nurses did.  All of the nurses had a pleasing low register timbre in their voice.

I wondered if there was a connection; as if women with lower register voices were more compassionate and empathetic and better suited for nursing.  Or perhaps the women with annoying voices just couldn't calm their patients so they found other work?  We may never know?

"Nurses sing Alto" is a curious coincidence that made my stay slightly more pleasant than it really was.

William Schaeffer

Monday, December 14, 2015

I like the Bowling Pin

I like the Bowling Pin.

I am not sure why, but I find the Bowling Pin image to be aesthetically appealing as both an icon and a sculptural element.  There is something fundamental about the Bowling Pin's shape; being sleek and streamlined and almost proportioned like a human.   I find the figure to be endlessly interesting and contemplative.

The odd thing is that I don't really enjoy bowling.  It is not that I dislike bowling, "per se."  I just never go bowling, and am never tempted to want to go bowling. I just don't bowl.

Perhaps if I was a "Bowler," I would not like the Bowling Pin.  I would always be wanting to knock them over and knock them down; with the remaining standing pins mocking me and preventing me from a Strike or a Spare.  I might learn to hate the Bowling Pin.

But this is not the case.  I like the Bowling Pin and have had little Bowling Pin toys in my collection. And yet, I have no desire to go bowling.

Perhaps it is my subconscious affection for the Bowling Pin that prevents me from consciously wanting to bowl.   But then again, perhaps I am just an idiot?  Who knows?

Nevertheless, I like the Bowling Pin.

William Schaeffer

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Ultimate Poor Boy Chile Recipe

Ultimate Poor Boy Chile Recipe

1 Can          Chile Beans in sauce
5 Cloves     Pickled Garlic
7 Stuffed    Green Olives

1 Dash        Dried Parsley flakes
1 Dash        Dried Basil
1 Sprinkle Black Pepper

1 Squirt      Mustard, Ketchup (optional)
1 Serving   anything else that might be good.

Heat in microwave at 60% for 5:55.
Serve with crackers.

William Schaeffer

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Poem for Joseph

Poem for Joseph

Hang in there.
Stay positive.
Have a good day.

William Schaeffer

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

If you hear a song enough times, you learn to like it.

"If you hear a song enough times, you learn to like it."

I first noticed this in high school.  I would hear a song I did not like on first listen, and then a month later would find myself enjoying the music.

It seems that as one ages, this phenomenon becomes more common.

"If you hear a song enough times, you learn to like it."

William Schaeffer


Monday, November 23, 2015

Expect the best. Plan for the worst.

"Expect the best.  Plan for the worst." - Mr. Atwater

Be optimistic, and well prepared for success, but always have a contingency plan in case the unthinkable happens.

William Schaeffer

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The best way to wake up early

"The best way to wake up early -- is to go to sleep early." - Mr. Atwater

You need a certain amount of sleep every night so that you feel rested and healthy.If you haven't yet gotten that number of hours of sleep, you will continue sleeping unless awakened by an alarm clock or other disturbance of your natural sleeping process.

If you allow yourself adequate time for sleep and do not cheat yourself, then you won't need an alarm clock to wake up on time and you won't feel tired.

It also helps to plan your sleep for 1 1/2 hour intervals so you can maximize sleep efficiency and always get a complete cycle of REM sleep.  Then you will wake up naturally without interruption.

People want to get extra hours in the day.  Because they are not consciously aware of the benefits of sleep they think that they can live with less sleep; staying up late and waking up early.  This cannot be done for any long period of time without penalty of health, mental alertness, or general well being.

The only way to regularly and reliably wake up early in the morning is to go to sleep early the night before.

William Schaeffer


Friday, November 20, 2015

"Don't think about what you can't have."

"Don't think about what you can't have. 
  Think about what you can do." 
   - Mr. Atwater

Think of what you do have, what you can do, and what you need to do.

Concentrate on the task at hand and let the future take care of itself.

Don't waste time in idle day dreams about what is not real.

Concentrate on how you can make it real right now.

"Don't think about what you can't have. 
  Think about what you can do." 
   - Mr. Atwater

William Schaeffer


It's a man eat dog world

"It's a man eat dog world." - Mr. Atwater

Many people feel they are forced to participate in unsavory activities that may compromise their own sense of dignity and moral correctness just so they can survive another day.

William Schaeffer


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

We tend to see connections where they do not exist

We tend to see connections where they do not exist.

When I was in 8th grade, I built a "light box" with materials purchased from a science company.  The box was blinking Christmas tree lights behind a lenticular screen that fragmented the light into patterns based on the geometry of the surface.  I had three different screens that produced three different patterns.

I noticed that when I would watch the screen, I would see animated connections between the blinking lights.  As one light would turn off, another would turn on, and the light would seem to move from one position to another.  This was purely a psychological phenomena because there was no relationship between the rates at which the different bulbs blinked.  My mind had perceived a relationship between the two events even though a relationship did not exist.

Anyone who has driven through a construction zone, where sawhorses with blinking safety lights are used to divert traffic, has noticed this.  Frequently when looking down the line of sawhorses, we see animated patterns of blinking lights.  We see the lights "move" from one sawhorse to another, even though nothing moves and the blinking is totally random.

In a similar way, we see patterns and connections in the random noise of real life.  Our brain is designed to see patterns and frequently "recognizes" patterns of connection that do not actually exist.  Some optical illusions are based on this idea.  This also create confusion in office and family politics, when we ascribe motives that do not exist.  This tendency can also be the cause of paranoia, fears, and anxiety.

This perceptual bias also leads to much superstitious belief and activity.  The "truth" and "accuracy" of such practices as Tarot Cards, Astrology, Palm Reading, and Numerology is frequently just a manifestation of this same principle that "we tend to see connections where they do not exist."  And once the mind makes such a connection, it is difficult to believe there is not a corresponding relationship in real life, but there is not.

There is nothing we can "do" about this phenomenon.  It is one of the features of having a human mind.  It is a small demonstration that perception is not passive, but intentional.  It is characteristic of what I call the "fatal flaw" of the human mind.  It is an inevitable result that "optimization of information processing schemes occasionally corrupts information itself."

But mostly, it is an amusing phenomenon that allows us to enjoy watching movies and TV and Saturday morning cartoons.

We hardly notice that

"We tend to see connections where they do not exist."

William Schaeffer


Friday, November 13, 2015

Rules exist for a reason

"Rules exist for a reason.  Everyone should follow them; 
except me -- because I have a good excuse." - Mr. Atwater

Most everybody seems to think this way, not considering the consequences of everyone else having the same thought.

"Rules exist for a reason.  Everyone should follow them; 
except me -- because I have a good excuse." - Mr. Atwater

William Schaeffer


There are five more sides to the dice

"There are five more sides to the dice." - Mr. Atwater

Doing Background Acting requires a fair tolerance of rejection.  When I see a job posted and apply for the role, I am only successful in about 1/4, or 1/3, of the times.  The rest of the time, I am rejected because I did not meet certain physical requirements; or I was 'too late" and the job was already filled.

This happens to everyone.

Some people take the rejection personally, thinking the casting director has a vendetta, or there is some negative rating associated with their name.  When this happens to me I am tempted to think the same thing.  However, I remind myself , "It is a numbers game."   The more times I play the game, the more times I am likely to win.  The more times I "roll the dice," the more times I will get a winning number.

Most of public sales, retail sales, commercial distribution, subscription sales, insurance sales, investment products sales, and other forms of street hustling are similar. There is a certain percentage of rejection that is inherent in the business.  A predictable amount of the time even the best salesmen get rejected.  But they keep going. They "roll the dice" one more time, because they know there is always another opportunity.


"There are five more sides to the dice.
Next time ~ it might be a winner." - Mr. Atwater

William Schaeffer

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

How to be beautiful, or handsome

For many of us, we did not learn to think well of ourselves and we do not try to present ourselves in the best manner possible. We have learned bad habits and have a negative self impression.

Appearance is mostly a manifestation of mindset and habit. Almost anyone can project attractiveness if they work at it. Change your diet and lose weight. Buy some properly fitting clothes. Get a good haircut. Learn to be interested in other people. Become a good conversationalist. Develop a skill or talent. Learn to conduct a humorous yet considerate dialog. Read a book. Be patient. Get rid of your negative and critical friends who just put you down. Be compassionate and considerate. Strive to be your best. Brush your teeth and bathe regularly. Many of the most attractive movie stars are not all that "good looking" if you analyze them in detail. What makes them attractive is their presentation and personality. For example, look closely at photographs of Marilyn Monroe (photos, not movie clips). She is not that attractive in the face OR the body. She is very average looking. What made her an irrepressible beauty was the character she portrayed and the manner in which she conducted herself on film and in life.

Stop ruminating on your inherited "physical flaws" and start trying to be the best person you can be. It is difficult and it takes constant vigilance, but the rewards are worth it. You will discover the real "YOU," and the best person, that you can really be. And you will discover that people find you are attractive and good looking.

Stay vigilant. Stay positive. Always work to look your best and you will succeed.

William Schaeffer

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Eight of Clubs

Eight of Clubs
Found just after midnight
Sunset blvd. at Kenmore
on the corner
November 7, 2015

William Schaeffer

Friday, November 6, 2015

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Just keep moving...

"Just keep moving... It is harder to hit a moving target." - Mr. Atwater

Frequently we are tempted by indecision and complacency to just sit and do nothing, assuming that if we don't know what to do -- it doesn't matter what we do, even if it is to just sit and do nothing.

This is the wrong attitude for several reasons.
First, wilderness survival courses teach us that the easiest way to "be found" when we are lost in the wilderness is to stop moving and stay in one place.

Search teams are more likely to locate a party that is stationary.  In the same way, "bad luck" is more likely to find you and cause you harm if you just sit there and do nothing.  Your enemies (both animate and impersonal) can more easily locate you if you are stationary, and they can more easily inflict their revenge when you are not moving. And then you will pay double for your inaction; paying both in lost opportunities and lost time, in addition to the loss that has been inflicted on you.
Second, the world is always aging and things are constantly falling apart on their own. If we do nothing, then the whole word will slowly fall apart around us.

There is always something to do that is important, no matter how insignificant.  Clean the car, clean the kitchen, wash the dishes, do the laundry, sweep the floor, organize the papers, or throw out the unnecessary possessions, are just a few examples.  In the process of working on these trivial tasks you might find something small to fix, that one day will cause big problems if not attended to.  An example would be, worn tires, low oil, dirty windows, burned out headlamp, dirty sink, dirty floor, dirty clothes, that could lead to auto accident, injury, infection, illness, debt, lawsuits, and worse.  Fixing these things helps to protect us and improve our statistical odds of survival and prosperity.
Thirdly, although bad luck is always looking for us, good luck rarely is.

We have to go find good luck or make our own good luck occur.  This can only happen if we are moving, animated, and involved, if only in some absent minded and mundane manner.  At least we are moving forward and interacting with the world.  Even day dreaming and fantasizing can lead to engineering breakthroughs, business invention, music composition, artistic creation, written books, and amazing discovery; if the the idea is compelling enough to realize through hard work.
Lastly, it really is more difficult to hit a moving target. If your neighbor has gone psycho and is playing sniper with live rounds on the roof of his garage, he is more likely to miss if you are washing your car than if you are sunbathing by the pool.  Remember this, if you ever ARE tempted to relax; choose a location that is out of the sight line of your neighbors and stay vigilant.
So no matter how confused, uncertain, or lost you might be in life; just find something constructive to do -- and do it right now.  Clean something, fix something, organize something, do something nice for someone else and see what happens?  At the very least, you will have forgotten your own worries for a while; being concerned with the work at hand.

And who knows?  You just might stumble across Dame Fortune taking a little nap just where you least expected?  And THEN, you certainly will be the lucky one being blessed once again by Providence and Fortune and Luck.

And the whole time, you just thought you were taking out the garbage...


"Just keep moving... It is harder to hit a moving target." - Mr Atwater

William Schaeffer

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Life belongs to the living

"Life belongs to the living.  
  Let the dead bury the dead." - Mr Atwater

Life is recreated every new day.  Life is the interface, or interaction, of potential metabolism with the process of time.  This is the mystery of life.
As some wise person once said.

"The past is a lie.
 The future is an illusion.
  Only this present moment is real." - Anon

Matthew 8:22 King James Version (KJV)

But Jesus said unto him, "Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead."

"Life belongs to the living.    
  Let the dead bury the dead." - Mr Atwater

William Schaeffer


Friday, October 30, 2015

What the Duck?

William Schaeffer


Ten of Spades

Found this card around 6:30pm on 10-29-2015 on 5th street near Los Angeles street in downtown Los Angeles.  I was returning from the used book store where I didn't find any books of real interest.

William Schaeffer


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Optimal Human Food

Monday, October 26, 2015

R.I.P. Sigitas Bigelis

My friend Sigi died a year ago from cancer.  We were roommates in college and he was the one who turned me on to smoking weed.  However, I just quit smoking weed a month ago because I was coughing too much.  It is the last vice that my body could tolerate and I'm doing ok.  

Sigi and I were roommates the sophomore year in college.  Then I got an apartment the junior year with some other friends.  Ironically, Sigi quit smoking a couple years after that, but we always stayed in touch and I went up to visit his house in San Jose a couple times.  He was a programmer for Lockheed and then a systems programmer for IBM.  He was a smart and hard working guy, but never really found happiness or love.  He liked to drink beer and eat BBQ.  One year he BBQ'ed a whole turkey on his grill for Thanksgiving. One Christmas he sent me a big box care package with numerous DVD copies and a funny robot clown.

About four or five years ago we stopped talking because he was drinking Vodka excessively. He called me from his mother's house after drinking nine shots of vodka.  He had smuggled a bottle in his suitcase on the plane.  I was pissed because his entire conversation was a waste of my time.  Even though I was angry, I still remembered him affectionately but did not call.  A few years later I called him "out of the blue" and found he had cancer.  He loved to eat meat and was 60 pounds over weight.  He had found some symptoms, of blood in his stool, but did not bother going to the doctor in time.  He finally quit drinking but it was too late.  He died a few months later.  I called a few times, but could not visit because I had a Hernia myself that was probably caused by coughing.

He thought about killing himself with his pistol, but I urged him to be a man, and am genuinely surprised that he did not take the suicide route.  He died like a man, in great pain, and great mental torment.  His brother took care of all the preparations as he had no family.   

I rarely spoke to his brother, because Sigi always described the brother as selfish, and egotistical.  He was a salesman in Chicago.  I STILL have not spoken with the brother since Sigi's death even though I wrote two letters.  

Sigi was only 57 when he died and he probably could have lived another thirty years if he had loved himself and taken care of himself, but he didn't.  We live in a world without love, being excessively concerned with corporate profits, big houses, and lots of neat material possessions.   This is especially true for men in America.   I am not sure if Sigi ever read a single book on philosophy, but he did read science fiction and fantasy on occasion. I remember he turned me on to the literature of Franz Kafka in college.

Now days, it is too bad that almost no one remembers him and no one really cares that he is dead.  He was a good guy despite being stubborn and opinionated.  He was honest and fair and his "word was gold."  He always followed through on his promises.   I miss him and think of him occasionally.

R.I.P. Sigitas Bigelis 10-13-2014

William Schaeffer


Sunday, October 25, 2015

How many VFX artists does it take to change a light bulb?

Q: How many VFX artists does it take to change a light bulb?

A: None.  They shipped all that work to India.

William Schaeffer


The Body is NOT a machine

"The Body is NOT a machine." - Mr. Atwater

We spend our entire life surrounded by inanimate single purpose machines that have been built to standards of high reliability.  Whenever we need to use one of these machines it invariably performs without error.  We flip a light switch and the light turns on.  We turn a key and the car's engine comes to life.  We press a button and the stove ignites, or the TV turns on, or the microwave starts cooking.  Only occasionally does a replaceable part break down and then we simply replace that part and the machine functions reliably once again.

These machines never need food.  They never need sleep.  They never need a rest, but are at our service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; and they never complain.  Some of us interact with our machines more than we interact with other people.  We come to expect everything in our life to behave flawlessly and without fail, and we are rarely disappointed.

Unfortunately, that same expectation comes to be put upon our selves and our bodies.   We take tireless performance to be the norm and not the exception.  We unconsciously expect the same thing of our bodies and our minds.  Unfortunately, our bodies are not machines.  They are living organisms and not subject to the same laws as machines.  They tire and they get worn down rapidly.  Their performance is variable and temperamental.  If a part of the body get worn out, we cannot easily replace it.  We must wait days or weeks for it to repair itself, or we may be damaged forever.  We may never heal.

All of these unconscious expectations cause us to despise the body instead of appreciating what a miracle it really is.  The body is really much more sophisticated and complicated than any machine, but we do not recognize it.  We are detached from life and only looking for a quick result because that is how we have been trained and conditioned.   All too often, this attitude causes us to despise our bodies and our minds for their weaknesses, instead of honoring them and appreciating the miracle that they are.

And then, we get chronically sick, carpal tunnel syndrome, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, tennis elbow, PTSD, arthritis, an infection, or some other malady.  If we do not recognize the problems we can even die long before our time.

Therefore, learn to appreciate the weaknesses and unique capabilities of your body.  Honor the body and the mind and take care not to work them too hard or wear them out too soon.

It is a marvel that we have so many real machines to help us perform our daily tasks, but let's always  remember that:

"The Body is NOT a machine." - Mr. Atwater

William Schaeffer


Follow your Heart

In Dear Abby, I read that a teenage girl was being pressured to believe in Christianity and join a Church even though she did not really want to:

My comment:

You must be true to yourself and your own feelings. Much of popular Christianity is dishonest and untrue, even if "the Love of God" is somehow true. Follow your heart and your mind and do not betray your own intellect and your own feelings. The only way you can be at peace is to be honest with yourself and honest with others (as much as it is possible). I left the Church at 15 years old, because I did not believe in the writing of Apostle Paul. I still do not and I am proud of myself for staying true to my convictions at such an early age. The Church teaches that Blind Faith is the highest good and this is just not true. Honest search for demonstrable (and repeatable) truth is the highest good and most honorable use of the intellect and the heart. Follow your deepest inner feelings and be true to yourself wherever it might lead you. It may not be easy, but in the long run it will be worth it.

Some replies:

  • bloodthirstyjesus 9 minutes ago
    Congratulations for escaping fundamentalist religion,

  • N
    New 5 minutes ago
    Why writing of Apostle Paul?
    So you believed in some of it but not other parts?

My comment:

William Schaeffer
This is not the correct forum for me to elucidate further on my beliefs. The important point is that everyone must follow their own heart and be true to their own sense of what is right and good. If you betray your own intellect, for any reason, you have lost everything and you will never be at peace.

Another reply:

William, people who disagree with others do it because it goes into contrast with their own humanly performance, believes and what they want to do in their own lives so they pick and chose. While you state that this blog isn't the correct forum to elucidate on your believes, you have done just that. It is easy to figure out why you chose to walk away from God over the teachings of Paul. Too bad, because without believing in Jesus foremost as the Son of God you will not see Heaven. Lost souls are very sad to the Lord and it is why God sent his only son to earth to save all of our souls.

My conclusion:

no: I said it isn't the place to fully elucidate my beliefs in great detail; only those that are necessary to the argument: "You must follow your heart and not betray your intellect." At some other time I may get into a theological argument on the merits of Paul's interpretation of the Original True Message of Jesus, but this is not the time or the place. Thank you for your comment.

"You must follow your heart and not betray your intellect." - Mr. Atwater

William Schaeffer


The Less Meat I Eat -- The Healthier I Am

"The less meat I eat -- the healthier I am" - Mr. Atwater

According to author T. Colin Campbell in the book "The China Study," results of the largest diet and nutrition study ever conducted show conclusively that:

The three diseases of modern society are:

1. Diabetes
2. Heart Disease
3. Cancer

These are CAUSED by:

1. Eating animal protein, or meat.
2. Not enough fiber in the diet.


"The three diseases of modern society are caused by eating meat and not enough fiber."


"The less meat I eat -- the healthier I am." - Mr Atwater

William Schaeffer


Saturday, October 24, 2015

All you need is Love

Deep Water wrote:

u choose Law instead of Grace, therefore u are subjected to the Harsh God, for no matter how hard u try to be righteous- u would always fall short of fulfilling the Law, and thus death would be ur ultimate destiny.

My response:

I choose love.  Love your enemies.  Love yourself.  Death is ALL of our ultimate destinies.  And so what?  If you have lived a full life, honest, true, loving, compassionate, hard working, and generous, when it comes time to die, you will be ready.  Who really wants to live forever anyway, THAT would be boring.  Besides, Deep Waters, you are a coward hiding behind some anonymous name.  Try being courageous.  Try being brave.  Try being a man.  You might like it.

Deep Water replied:

u cant love ur enemies and u at the same time period

My philosophy:

Deep Waters, maybe YOU cannot LOVE, but that doesn't mean it is not possible.  LOVE is infinite and unending.  LOVE knows no boundaries or limitations.  LOVE is the great eternal principle in the universe. Everything else may pass away, but LOVE will remain.  Think about it.  Meditate on LOVE and let your heart fill with LOVE. Peace.

William Schaeffer