Saturday, September 30, 2017

Real Poetry

As event security guards, we are not allowed to have our phones out at all and that can be a cause for immediate dismissal if we are caught "on our phones." I leave my phone in the car so I am not even tempted. We are required to keep a small notebook of paper and pen in case of emergencies or to write down important instructions or names. I find, that I can stand at my post and write poetry, or philosophical ideas, or wacko memorials, for hours at-a-time in that little notebook and it never arouses any suspicion, or curiosity. But if I was texting on my phone I would immediately get dismissed, or fired. "Perceptions..."

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Friday, September 29, 2017

Presbyterian Hospital Horror Story

Sarah - This almost happened to me when I went to the emergency room with a high temperature for the FLU. I was coughing incessantly, with a temperature of 102 degrees and no insurance. I was very upset and distraught at the out-of-pocket cost and yelling. After three hours, I was told that I couldn't leave and I was being held till morning for evaluation by the Staff Psychologist. There was nothing I could do. I only escaped by discretely putting on my street clothes UNDERNEATH my hospital gown (in the bathroom during the nurse's shift change). Then I got back into bed and pulled up the covers. -- THEN a half hour after night shift, when the night nurse was making her rounds, I leaped out of bed and tore off my hospital gown (revealing my street clothes AND shoes) and challenged the night nurse with my legal rights and demanded to be let go. 

This happened at the Presbyterian Hospital in Los Angeles on Vermont St. a couple years ago.

The other interesting thing about this story, is that when the Doctor saw me, they gave me an injection and I immediately felt better and my fever went down. However, they put me in a hall way with another fellow who regularly got committed for a week at a time and saw it as a good thing -- a good way to have a warm place to sleep and regular meals. It was by pleasantly talking to him in the hall way between the ER Nurses rounds that I found out how the system worked. We had a few hours to chat affably. True story

and I still have the release documents in my files.

" "For Profit" medicine is profoundly anti human" - Dr. Infinity

copyright (c) 2017

William Schaeffer

I just ACT like a Piano Player

"I'm not REALLY a piano player.
  I am an actor.
  I just ACT like a piano player."
  - Zobo the Clown

Because a REAL piano player can hear it in his head and just play it and I have to practice and practice and practice to figure out what doesn't sound quite right.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Anyone who uses the word "libtard" as a debating term, or an explanation of fact, only exposes their own lack of intelligence and understanding. When you hear the word "libtard" you know that everything else said is divorced from fact and reason, because the speaker is not intelligent enough to make a series of sound logical arguments and must resort to cheap sophistic tricks to try and make a point.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Bliss and Joy?

There is no way I want to live a life of endless bliss and joy. That is a selfish and delusional goal. Why would I want to be in a continual state of bliss when so many are suffering? Why would I want to be in a state of perpetual joy when I walk by the homeless vagabonds sleeping right on the sidewalk every night? Anyone that wants THAT mindset has my absolute and utter disrespect. Why?

I want to struggle greatly for a goal that is worthwhile. I want to climb the difficult mountain and curse my very existence the entire way to the top. I want to wade into the heat of battle with my broadsword and cut off the heads of the enemy and exhausted relax afterwards.

 To only be concerned about ones own peace and happiness is extreme selfishness.

This is just my opinion, but it is my life -- take it or leave it.



The logical fallacy of this argument is, perhaps, that you are still insisting on your own way; instead of just doing whatever it is that needs to be done, regardless of your desire.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Grade School is destroying America

If you compare American society to most cultures and societies n the past, people are more isolated and have fewer real friends than in most other cultures of human society. This is primarily because of the grade school system that trains us to be selfish and uncaring. Grade school in the USA trains children to NOT help others, NOT be concerned about others if they are failing, to sit motionless and silent for hours on end unless you are given permission to talk.

Grade school is destroying everything good in American Society.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Monday, September 25, 2017

USA sucks

I know why 1/6 of the American population is on anti-depressants. I know why 70% of the American population is more than 20 pounds overweight and 30% are grotesquely obese. I know why 480,000 people die from cigarette smoke every year. I know why 88,000 people die from alcoholism and 2.5 million have their lives shortened by 30 years due to alcohol. I know why an average of 123 people kill themselves EVERY SINGLE DAY IN THE USA. 123 people kill themselves every single day in the USA because the USA sucks and nobody cares. Nobody cares, and thanks for nothing.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Thank for nothing

When I broke my neck in an auto accident on November 25, 2015 -- I spent ten days in the hospital and three months recovery. I have had a near miraculous recovery to return to health. This was unexpected. During the entire three months, not a single blood relation contacted me by phone or mail. Not a single friend called to inquire how I was during that entire three months. Not one. The only people that helped me were paid with money for their efforts. This is my America -- Nobody cares if I am alive or dead. I have been honest, have not cheated anyone, or stolen from anyone. Thanks for nothing.

If you talk to my blood relations, you can ask THEM why they haven't contacted me in five years.

Remember there is no LOVE in America and nobody cares.

Aside:  The lack of love in America is conditioned by the nature of grade school education which works to destroy real social bonds between children. Read the history of the philosophy of education all the way back to 1880 and the Prussian School system.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Listening to Football

1. If you examine the history of football and the history of military technology, there is only one reason why football is promoted at the grade school and high school -- so boys will be used to being physically active and coordinated while wearing pounds of protective gear and a helmet.  This is so that when they go to boot camp, they will more easily adapt to being a soldier.

The rest of the world chose soccer and only the USA chose football (except Australia and England that choose rugby).  This is primarily because of local government funding in the grade schools and high schools. 

The entire reason that football even exists is because of government support at the grade school and high school levels.  If people did not play football in high school and college there would be no professional football.  Football was created by the very government it now protests.

2. To my understanding, the national anthem is a symbol of the USA Government and the basic principles of "Democratic Process."  To protest the National Anthem is a protest against ALL of the USA and EVERYTHING is stands for.

3. To protest against the USA because you are unhappy with the President Trump policies or personal statements, is misguided for several reasons:

A. It assumes that Trump is the USA and that democracy is already dead.  It assumes we are already in a totalitarian form of despotic political government run by a single person.

B. It exposes their own lack of political involvement or political understanding.

C. If continued it will lead to the end of football itself.  Local communities, under economic pressure will start to discontinue their sports and especially football programs.

D. If you are really unhappy with the political process, then work to change the political process itself using the tools that have been provided.

4. As warfare become more mechanized and automated, the necessity for large number of ground troupes wearing heavy protection and armament will be less necessary.  Football itself will seem less necessary to be used to train young and innocent boys for their role in warfare.  It is likely that school programs will start de-funding football and sports programs for "economic considerations."  This has already started happening at the grade school and high school level in limited cases.

5. I am not a big football fan but I appreciate the public spectacle.  I am not very interested in football personally and this essay is just an intellectual exercise.  It will be interesting to see what happens to football in 20 years.  Los Angeles gets along just fine without a football team and nobody here misses the game.

copyright (c) 2017
William A. Schaeffer

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Amen - Amun Ra

When Hieroglyphics were finally translated by Champollion -- scholars were nonplussed that the correct pronunciation of the name supreme high deity of the Egyptian pantheon was pronounced "Amen". It was agreed that the proper English spelling would be Amun - Amun Ra - so as to not be "disrespectful" of the one true religion that was popular at the time. Amen.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Saturday, September 23, 2017

All Things

"All things come to those who wait." - Anon

copyright (c) 2017
William A. Schaeffer

The Future

"Nobody knows what the future will bring" - Mr. Atwater

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Friday, September 22, 2017

Persistence of Memory

"What he lacks in awareness,
  he more than compensates for --
  with persistence and determination."
   - Mr. Atwater

copyright (c) 2017
William A. Schaeffer

"rolling the dice"

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

The fruits of Capitalism

"The fruits of Capitalism: deceit and deception" - Zobo the Clown

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Urban Planning and CO2 emissions

Comment on an article on "entitled drivers" and reducing CO2 emissions.

The problem is really the nature of urban planning, gated communities, suburban living, inner city factory zones and stratified hierarchical thinking. If you read the history of urban planning, you will see that our cities were DESIGNED for gasoline and automobile use (and consumption). Urban planners were "heavily influenced" by the needs of the oil industry and the automobile industry. The cities were designed to necessitate driving automobiles to a separate job site and a separate entertainment zone, thereby selling more cars and gasoline. THIS is not an accident.  Before we can seriously reduce CO2 emissions we will need to radically redesign the nature of living and working in the city and fundamental principles of Urban Planning.

copyright (c) 2017

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Advice on Central Casting:

1. Assume that you will only "connect with work" on one of four phone interviews.

2. Assume that you will dial 100 - 200 times per Central Casting posting until you
    get results (i.e. work or "sorry can't use you").

3.  Relax. Take a deep breath. Dial again.  Repeat.

4.  Learn to LOVE the busy signal.

copyright (c) 2017
William A. Schaeffer

Monday, September 18, 2017

Note to a Realtor

Thank you for inviting me to play piano for the open house at XXXXX in Pasadena. It was quite enjoyable and would love to participate in another similar event in the future.

I had an interesting thought on Saturday night and a funny experience on Sunday that I thought I would share. I was practicing some songs on Saturday night that might be appropriate, like Strangers in the Night and Hey Big Spender and I had a thought: The open house is kind of like an exorcism, where we are inviting the departed spirit to "leave their house" and "let go of the earthly attachment" for the last time. They loved the house and they don't really want to leave any more than any of us want to die. But the spirit has to move on and let go of the house, just like we have to move on and let go of our own attachments to the past. The open house is a way of "cleansing the house" of the old spirit and restoring it to an unattached state so someone else may live there. The piano music helps the process, because all human activities are accompanied by music.

Now here is the funny part:

In this case, playing the familiar Frank Sinatra Music makes the spirit feel comfortable and relaxed like their home is being properly respected, but the new 1960's pop music is unfamiliar and encourages the spirit to "not hang around". After all -- there is all eternity for the spirit to live in and it doesn't need to hang around an old house any more. (Aside: This habit of spirits hanging around is kind of like snakes and lizards hanging around their old skin when they shed their skin.)

On Sunday, when I was playing "Folsom Prison Blues" a little tiny bug or gnat kept flying in my face and flying around my hands. Now don't laugh, but I got the distinct impression that this bug was the former owner and she was not happy about being dead or having strangers in her house. During the entire song this stupid bug kept flying in my face and I had not seen any bugs all day except a few dragon flies outside. Emi noticed the bug also, but she doesn't particularly like Johnny Cash music, so she thought it was funny. And THEN when I played "Leaving on a Jet Plane" the bug was gone and there was a lightness and openness in the room that everyone felt. I got two compliments on that particular song. I had the distinct impression that the old woman spirit finally let go of the house and she is gone. She is now off to the happy spirit land wherever that is and the house is ready to be sold.

Anyway it is kind of a silly story, but I thought I would share it with you.

Good luck with the sale.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Prepare for doom

Response to comment on the expense of Union membership

AND, if the Union really represented job security and safety we would all join. However, the problem is not the Union, but the society we live in that wants to destroy worker rights and make us all economic slaves once again.

It is not a trivial observation that the United States of America has less union representation of any industrialized nation on Earth. Only 15% of the work force has Union Representation. About 5% are self employed. The rest are virtual slaves in the USA with no control over their time or their schedule and almost no legal rights to their continued employment. "Read 'em and weep"

In addition, you have been robbed blind by the Federal government and you do not even know it. You are educated to be incompetent in math so you cannot tell. Since the end of the Bush administration, the currency was devalued TWICE. The dollar today has about one fourth the purchasing power of a dollar in the year 2002. This was done by doubling the money supply to prevent bank failures. The possible bank failures were a result of government backed bank loans that were known to be uncollectible before they were made. The banks profited wildly and in the end we ALL lost. Capitalism rules.

"Prepare for doom."

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Good Character

Your character is built by the habits you practice. In the long run, bad habits yield their own bad fruit. This may not be immediately obvious, or noticeable, upon first examination.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

9 - 16 - 2017

Today should be declared Pythagoras Day.
September 16, 2017
Remember Pythagoras Theorem
A**2 + B**2 = C**2
For the 3,4,5 triangle this is
3**2 + 4**2 = 5**2
or 9 + 16 = 25

copyright 2017 (c)
William Schaeffer

Friday, September 15, 2017

Piano Open House

Piano Performance:
9/16 Saturday 2 - 4 PM
9/17 Sunday 2 - 3:30 PM
1290 Club House Drive, Pasadena, CA 91105
South of the 134 off of Avenue 64
This is a Real Estate Open House and I will be playing piano between the times mentioned. There will be refreshments and snacks and the Real Estate Agent would love it if some of my friends could stop by. Bring a friend with you. The more the merrier.
PM me for additional details, but please stop by if you are in the neighborhood.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer


copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Antidepressants are a Crime against Humanity

Antidepressants are a crime against humanity.

When one out of six people (out of a population of 210 MILLION in the USA) are actively taking antidepressants that don't really work,  THEN the problem is NOT the people but the structure of society itself.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Thursday, September 14, 2017

There are NOT Two Sides to a Story

There are NOT two sides to a story.

There is only ONE side to a story: i.e. what actually happened.  There is only one single past that we all share.  When "something happens" there is in reality only one single event narrative or sequence of events that "really happened."  Now the TRUTH of what actually happened my be obscured by lies, forgetfulness, deceit, confusion, or error, but underneath and behind it ALL, there was only one single event that occurred and ALL parties involved were part of the same experience.

People confuse their opinions with reality and insist that there are two sides to the story when in TRUTH, THERE IS ONLY ONE STORY.

What people generally mean, (if they are honest and not willfully deceitful) is that there are two opinions as to correct response,  correct interpretation of events, and the causes of contemporary events.   This is all arguably true, but a little irrelevant to the original actual claim.

There are NOT two sides to a story.  There is only a single correct event narrative of the past.  It may be lost, obscured, distorted, or confused with something else, but originally there were not two different things that happened.  There was only one event.  There was only ONE story.  You cannot change reality, you can only forget to remember it accurately.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

One Room School House

Bring Back the One Room Schoolhouse.

"In theory and in practice."

Instead of stratified classification according to age in grades 1,2,3,4,5,6  that separates all children from their peers, find a classification that keeps children with their friends and family.

Have classification by family group and geography.  All children of the families living on one block or one half a block will all be educated in the same room so older children can help younger children and younger children can listen to older children's lessons.  Then ALL children will work WITH the same fellow children that they LIVE WITH and LIVE NEAR, instead of being instructed in a room full of strangers that just happen to be their same age.

The current American Public School system is designed to destroy the natural friendship bonds that form between children and are intended to last the entire life.  By isolating children in their youth, we insure that they are isolated as adults and more easily manipulated and "disposed of."

The social organization of the One Room Schoolhouse helps preserve family relations and childhood friendships.

I know.  As an adult, I have no friends and no family and I think that my going to public school as a youth is largely the reason and the cause.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Sunday, September 10, 2017

just another day

Living on the edge of chaos and uncertainty 
breathing the infinite possibilities of the moment
Watching the mystery unfold
Letting it all go in a heartbeat

Beating my head on the wall 
pounding my fists in frustration 
and then just going to sleep

copyright (C) 2017
William A. Schaeffer


Friday, September 8, 2017

The American Public School System Results:

I think the public school system is responsible for training USA citizens to be selfish, self-centered, uncaring, unloving, not empathetic, not sympathetic. This is by design as an inadvertent by product of the Prussian School style of instruction.

Men are the worst victims of this because nobody trusts men in America.  Most men are totally isolated in this society and have no real friends or community.  The problems we face in society can all be tracked BACK to this fundamental anti-human, anti-social, anti-friendship, anti-life method of instruction in the American Public School System.

copyright (c) 2017 
William A. Schaeffer

four triangular meals a day

"Instead of three square meals a day, I am going to eat four triangular meals a day for health and wellness and a lot more fun." - Mr. Atwater

copyright (c) 2017
William A. Schaeffer

Thursday, September 7, 2017

solar eclipse

fry monkey dog brain with salted philosophical worm wood and a pinch of ironic hem line

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Healthy Diet

Diet for disease recovery

1. NO meat or animal products
2. NO dairy
3. NO alcohol
4. fruit and nut from tree and vine
5. only drink water

copyright (C) 2017
William A. Schaeffer

World War Three

When we look at the ancient past of Homo Sapiens interactions with Neanderthal Man in the  archaeological record, we know that modern man is a murderous and violent little hominoid.  Based upon this evidence alone, we can infer that there will be another World War that will be genocidal and totally destructive in nature.  We are HOMO SAPIENS and THIS IS OUR LEGACY:  Murder and War.  This is just our Human Nature.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Nobody really cares if you are dead

Nobody really cares if you are dead.  Life goes on.  The planet still spins.  People need to eat, and work, and sleep.  You will not be missed by the busy planet.  Even those few who cared to know you somewhat, will just keep going.  They have no choice.  Life goes on.  It will be as if you never even existed and no one ever even cared.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Change the World

"All you can do to change the world is learn to breathe correctly." - Anon

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

God's Truth

 A dissenting view:

In USA America, "deceitfulness and lying" is an effective negotiating tool in business and is always respected if it produces monetary results. Our lives are measured on quarterly business reports and if we can show a profit in America -- it does not matter HOW we got it. THIS is why Donald Trump is dishonest --- BECAUSE IT WORKS. This is how American business is run -- dishonestly. I HAVE NOT HAD AN EMPLOYER THAT HAS NOT LIED TO ME (misrepresented willfully) ABOUT WAGES, HOURS, or WORKING CONDITIONS in the entire 40 years I worked professionally.

 copyright (c) 2017 
William Schaeffer

No room like a Mushroom

There is no room like a Mushroom

copyright (c) 2017
William A. Schaeffer

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

$15 an hour minimum wage

There is no LOVE in America. We are trained by the public school system to be uncaring and selfish. We do not care if our friends and neighbors can get a living wage because we are trained to be self centered and only worry about our own achievement. In reality, most of us have no natural human feelings of love, sympathy, empathy, caring, family, or community at all.

Facebook comments on a protest to get $15 minimum wage:

Jeff Davis Yep and need to fire all that walked out! They don't deserve 15 an hour. Majority of them get your order wrong,have bad attitudes and are rude as hell. Earn it!! You have to get an education or skill or trade to get that type of money. Idiots

Benny Mothershed Benny Mothershed And these folks in Memphis chanting "Hands up, don't shoot".... I think they were confused.

Susan Bell Susan Bell Doesn't TN offer free community college to those over a certain age with no degree? You have to earn that $15

Mallary Ashton Paseur Mallary Ashton Paseur Yep they do offer free college...I'd love to have free college! The opportunity is there but they'd rather protest than get a degree.

Krista Marie Tyler Hockman Krista Marie Tyler Hockman They would rather holler social injustice and have it handed to them instead of working hard. I honestly feel like they just want it handed to them. You have to work hard and earn that kind of money. Even if you do go to school and learn a trade or ski...

Bethanie Caldwell Bethanie Caldwell Susan Bell yes you're exactly right

Sean Whitten Sean Whitten They wipe their butts with soft tortilla shells and laugh and let the sweat drip into the meat they talk and spit blurts out of their mouth after they haven't brush ed their teeth in a week. Keep eating your fast food you sick people you have no idea...

Caala Lewis Caala Lewis Yeah so they can leave and file unemployment.

Sharolyn Byers-Guy Sharolyn Byers-Guy I agree! $15 is a little steep.

 copyright (c) 2017 
William Schaeffer

Monday, September 4, 2017

Best of all Worlds - another meme

"This is the best of all possible worlds because this is the world that exists." - Mr. Atwater

copyright (c) 2017
William A. Schaeffer

a meme

"Everything Happens for the Best"

This goes without saying for several reasons:

1. The most likely outcome is the one that actually occurred.  All other possibilities are less good.

2. Despite our limited personal preferences the Universe operates on an unerring principle of optimization of energy and effort.  Whatever happens is always correct.

3. It is a challenge to our complacency and personal character to accept "what is" regardless of our preferences and not look back in regret or dismay, but with knowledge and greater understanding.  And then just keep moving toward our goals as we best understand them.

4. A way to excuse our previous lack of effort or understanding as another necessary learning experience in life, and learn to live with our misakes.

5. How can it not be?

copyright (c) 2017
William A. Schaeffer



copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Pyramid Builders

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Sunday, September 3, 2017

facebook persona

Renegade bandages hide blistering crystal nightmare of possibility, optimistically fabricated for joy

copyright (c) 2017
William A. Schaeffer

Most of us are really from nowhere

In America, most of us people end up being from nowhere.

To be from somewhere, you really have to spend your time there; to soak it up, sink in, and belong.  It takes years to develop real friendships and professional relations.  If you are constantly moving around, there is no time for these relationships to develop and you have none.

If you are from everywhere, then you are from nowhere.  If you travel around a lot, you see many things and get a general feel for everything everywhere, but you are not really a part of anything anywhere.  You are from nowhere.  You are an observer, and not a participant.  You are an outsider, and not a structural component.

In my case, I have lived in Los Angeles for thirty years, but I have lived in ten different apartments and seven different neighborhoods.  I haven't really belonged to any of them even while I lived there.  Prior to that I spent almost ten years in Champaign-Urbana, but lived in 13 apartments in the time that I lived there.  I'm not really from anywhere.

You are either from somewhere and you rarely travel.  Or, you are from nowhere and you travel a lot.  To be honest, there is some middle ground, but if we really analyze the truth, few of us ever manage to stay there very long.

Most of us are really from nowhere.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Public Education = Homelessness

The reason we have homeless in this society is because of public education.  This is not a goal of  public education but an inadvertent by-product.

We are trained in the school system to be autononomous units for grading and evaluation.  We are trained that another person's performance does not affect us and is not our concern.  If a fellow student is flunking out and their life is being destroyed, it is not our concern.  If a fellow student actually flunks out, then he is no longer our friend.  He no longer exists in any real way.  THIS is what public school teaches us.  We sit at our desk and worry about our own performance and the behavior or performance of everyone else is not our concern.

It is not a surprise that as adults we find it perfectly acceptable to let our friends and neighbors fail in life and we feel no obligation to help them.  If they cannot find a job it is their own fault.  If they lose money, make a bad contract, or become bankrupt, that is still just their problem.  If they disappear and die, then it is just too bad, but it does not really concern us.

THIS is why there are 70,000 homeless people living right on the streets of Los Angeles. We are trained by the school system to NOT CARE.  We are trained by the school system to let other people suffer and die and it is no concern of ours.

America has become one of the most heartless and cruel civilizations in the history of mankind and we do not even recognize it because we are trained to NOT CARE by our own public school system.

Most people who read this short essay are so indoctrinated by the public school system and have so little knowledge of other cultures that this statement sounds ridiculous.  But if you do an honest evaluation of you own life you will find very few real trusting love relationships and a LOT of usury business oriented friends that will just let you crash and burn if life get too difficult.  There is very little LOVE in America any more.

This is America.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Saturday, September 2, 2017

You have been lied to

You have been
lied to and
trained to deny
your own instincts

You can no
longer tell what
 is right and
what is wrong

Good luck sucker

copyright (c) 2017
William A. Schaeffer

Cybernetic DADA Haiku

1. As previously discussed, a Cybernetic Haiku is a new and simple poetic form characterized by three lines, each consisting of a single noun.  Other types of words (i.e. adjective, or verb) may be used, but a noun is preferred.

It is aesthetically optimal, and conceptually desirable that the words in the Cybernetic Haiku have no practical, or conceivable relationship with each other.


Laundry chute
Birthday cake

2. A new poetic form has been discovered.

The Cybernetic DADA Haiku

This is just the same as the Cybernetic Haiku except all the words are deliberately misspelled or just a made up conglomeration of letters.  It is most desirable if these alphabetic word fragments can be pronounced, but even that is not strictly necessary.  DADA rules.   DADA





(This is not strictly speaking a true Cybernetic DADA Haiku, but I include it to show the extreme flexibility of this fake inspirational tool and the awesome gullibility of the general public  -- even in times of hardship and desire.)

Keep making art.  Keep writing poetry.  PEace.  DADA

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer