Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The ideal life?

A friend remarked that his ideal life would be to float on a raft in a lake, or swimming pool, and eat and drink and never have to do anything but eat and drink and lay on his raft. Curiously, this seems to be the ideal of many Americans and many people throughout the world: "To lay on a raft in the water and have their food and drink brought to them." I thought for a moment and then had this realization: that what he was describing was the life of an intestinal parasite -- a Tape Worm.  What this Human, with all his intellectual and spiritual potential, aspired to was a life that was essentially the same as a Tape Worm - an intestinal parasite. "To lay on a raft in the water and have his food and drink brought to him."  It was kind of sad, really: all he wanted to be was a Tape Worm and he could have been an authentic Human instead.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Difficult Life

"If life were not difficult, it would not be worth living" - Mr Atwater

Aren't the most difficult games the most rewarding? Aren't the most challenging accomplishments the ones that we are most proud of? Aren't the most unlikely successes the ones that we savor the most? Isn't the highest jump, or the farthest throw, the one that we remember the best? Despite our protestations we find:

"Your problems are your blessings." - Dr. Tony Bravado

Who do we remember from history the best? The Van Gogh, Jimi Hendrix, Tom Edison, Hank Williams, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Abe Lincoln, Frederick Douglas, George Washington, Andy Warhol, Henry Ford, Isadora Duncan, Mark Twain character that came from absolutely nothing and against unbelievable odds made something worthwhile of their life. Those are the people we salute. Not because of their wealth, power, intelligence, beauty, or natural gifts, but because of their spirit, guts, determination, honor, fairness, and pride.

The original comment was inspired by a friend who is experiencing difficult times. Sometimes life is very difficult and only an idiot, or a con man, will insist that life is simple, or easy. If you read the literature on chronic pain and disease, it helps when people can find some meaning or purpose to their suffering. The one thing that has helped me survive my most difficult times was this saying above.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Why we need NATO

We need NATO, because with only 6% of the world's population the USA cannot defeat the world. We could not even defeat North Vietnam, Iraq, or the Taliban. (Iraq was never successfully subdued or controlled and is still embroiled in the war the USA started).  How can the USA possibly defeat a major world power if we cannot defeat backward medieval peasant armies? No matter what our war machine and industrial capacity, we can never win, because we do not have enough population to hold the territory. We cannot control the world and we will ultimately be destroyed in any attempt (all major cities in North America will be destroyed) -- similar to the fate of the South in the American Civil War. Furthermore we cannot just exterminate all enemy peoples on Earth, because ultimately that will kill the Earth and ourselves along with it. We have no practical choice except to cooperate. Otherwise, we can prepare for doom. Good Luck.

Don't forget that the REAL WWII was the Eastern front. Germany had over ten times as many divisions on the Eastern Front as they had in Europe. i.e. Russia fought against about 120 German divisions, while the USA, England and France fought against only 11 German divisions. Unlike France, Germany, Russia, China, Japan, Spain, Turkey, Egypt, the Mid East, Indochina and England, the USA has not fought a WAR that involved the majority of the domestic population since it fought the America Civil War.
copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Monday, May 29, 2017

A meme a day

The advertising industry has recognized that people are irrational.  Despite their best intentions people have limited intellectual capacity and they rely on intellectual short cuts to effectively process all the information they receive from this overwhelmingly complex world.  The system works amazingly well and human society has made some incredible discoveries and inventions.  However, the system is flawed because it is optimized.

People's decision making processes are disproportionately affected by memes.  A meme is a memorable little summary of experience, or data that the mind can use as a shortcut for diagnosis, analysis, or classification.  Advertising exploits this tendency and gives us memes to influence our decision making.  This is what an advertising slogan really is :  a meme.  Unfortunately, a meme can be inaccurate, or not optimal for our own utilization.

I have developed a series of memes that reflect my social opinions.  I do not think that I can influence the world through intelligent debate or observation, but I CAN influence the world by creating memes that have lasting influence.

Here are some of my favorite memes:

1. One gram of fiber for every one hundred calories

2. Only drink water

3. America is a prison (a negative meme to challenge thought)

4. New Fascist Police State of America (a negative meme to challenge thought)

5. Prepare for Doom

6. There is no LOVE in America (a negative meme to challenge thought)

7. Life is short.  Got to have Fun.

8. It's ALL part of the Fun (when confronting disappointment or disaster)

9. Break two legs and fall off the stage (to a fellow performer)

10. Check the gate and don't be late (on a film set)

11. Nutty Fruitarian   (vegetarian)

12. Something is better than nothing.

13. Got to keep moving.

14. Life is rarely the way it ought to be.

15. Duty now for the future (from the band DEVO)

16. The more you do it, the better you get.

17, If life were easy, it wouldn't be worth living.

18. I wouldn't deny THAT experience to the One Mind. (Thaddeus Golas)

19. WHAT did you think it was that needed Loving? (Thaddeus Golas)

20. Your problems ARE your blessings.

21. Eat like a monkey.

22. One step at a time.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

The Express Line

I was at the store and noticed that one of the cash registers was marked:

 "Express Line - Express yourself."

They offered a 10% discount for the good delivery of an interesting monologue.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Friday, May 26, 2017

Five observations

1. Does the Godel Incompleteness Theorem apply to psychology? Can a system describe itself? Can we ever really be truly self reflective and fully understand ourselves?

 2. There is what I call a "fatal flaw" in the human mind. Because our minds are limited, we must optimize our decision making process. This involves assumptions that can be exploited, much like optical illusions can trick the vision, or visual processing.

 3. It is possible that the internet, video, cell phone, and personal computer has already made current government structures obsolete. What sorts of organizations will replace them?

 4. Eventually the Catholic Church will own all wealth on Earth. Currently it is the most wealthy institution in the world. Institutions never divest their wealth voluntarily, they just continue to grow. Humans and families divest their wealth when they die, but institutions never divest their wealth and they just continue to grow. Eventually a single institution will grow so large that it will own all the wealth on Earth. That institution may be the Catholic Church, or it may be some other institution.

 5. Depression is a social disease that manifests itself in the physical symptoms of individual people. Depression in individuals is caused by maladaptive social organization that exploits these individuals without any real social rewards like recognition, status, influence, comfort, touch, or nutrition. Babies in Romanian orphanages that get no attention will die for no reason at all, except lack of attention.

(from comments on the video:  )

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Clinical Depression

It is the structure of our society itself that causes Clinical Depression. We cannot cure Clinical Depression in America WITHOUT totally restructuring American society. This cannot be accomplished without totally dismantling the society, and THEN reassembling the social organization in a NEW and healthy configuration.

Clinical Depression does not exist in pre-literate societies. The current medications are NOT cures, they are "treatments." This means that they are used to treat the symptoms but not the cause of those symptoms.

 (from notes on this Ted Talk: v=drv3BP0Fdi8&google_comment_id=z13yh3e4kr2bv3k5e04cglvg4njmixa4jtk0k )

copyright (c) 2017 
William Schaeffer

Thursday, May 25, 2017

The Good Life

I'd like to have memories of a childhood where I didn't get whipped with a belt.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Where is my family?

Even if women are more professional, more intelligent, and more suited to perform professional occupations better than men, I have one question:  If women are busy working all the jobs, who is going to have the babies and raise the children?

Signed: Unemployed Man over 50

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


"If all men are created equal then I consider myself a citizen of the world" - Socrates

"All I know is that I know nothing" - Socrates

It is a little known fact that Socrates was an enormous man and phenomenally ugly. In addition he was a hero of the battle of Marathon. He was one of the men who lead the troops in the spontaneous charge of troops that not only routed the superior force of the Persian Army, but also changed military strategy AND changed the course of history.

Most of the rest of the life of Socrates is common knowledge as it was documented for all time by the author Plato. Curiously Socrates was illiterate, and had a spirit voice that talked to him. He advocated against reading and writing as he thought it would make the mind grow weak. He was acknowledged by the Oracle at Delphi, and popular acclaim, as being the most intelligent man of his era.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Current Events

Just remember: "Wars are won by boots on the ground and not by fancy machinery" More boots, more victory. The USA has 6% of the world's population. It cannot defeat the world. Once the entire infrastructure of the world is destroyed, it will still be "boots on the ground" that wins the war. The USA has no significant Allies except England and it cannot defeat the world by itself.

Let's hope that diplomacy can prevail.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Monday, May 22, 2017

Special Education

...that always happens to students like me. I thought I was studying world philosophy and really it was just a work study program. I thought I was in gym class and really it was just detention hall. I thought I was in the band room and really it was just the nurse's office. I thought I was getting a diploma and all I really got was bank debt. Oh well. That's "Life in the Working Class."

copyright(C) 2017
William Schaeffer

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Constant Entertainment

One good thing about crazy people:

They are not boring.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

The Beginning of Time

The creation of facebook and youtube marked the beginning of time. Technically, the beginning of time was June 24, 1994 when the internet reached critical mass, but for all practical purposes modern time did not start until the creation of facebook and youtube. Welcome to the future. We have arrived.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Future of Man

"...and all human interaction becomes reduced to just a monetary transaction." - Karl Marx (paraphrased)

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Friday, May 19, 2017

Democratic roots

Our "democratic" political system was copied from the organizing body of the Iroquois Confederacy, with one significant exception. The officials of the Iroquois Confederacy would debate and discuss an idea until there was a consensus of total agreement among the members. In contrast, the founding fathers settled on the idea of just voting to a simple majority.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

A Market Economy

One characteristic of living in a market economy is that almost all businesses are trying to get you to spend money any way they can. This leads to deceit and dishonesty in most all business transactions. This is why we have contracts, civil courts, and legal rights. Unfortunately, in time all your social relationships become reduced to primarily monetary transactions. Additionally, you must constantly monitor these interactions to make sure your are not being cheated, or fooled, because it is in the other businesses best interest to fool you and take your money any way then can get away with it. In time, a market economy destroys most all personal relationships and interpersonal connections because it encourages dishonesty and cheating.

For example: Detroit was once one of the wealthiest cities in the USA.  Today 75% of the single family homes are abandoned or destroyed.  Three quarters of the entire population of Detroit had their lives destroyed by the economy.  Nobody leaves a mortgage, or abandons a house, unless they are absolutely broke and "leaving in the middle of the night."  This is the legacy of capitalism: the total destruction of the entire lives of 75% of the population.

Of course, the one percent of the population that owned stock in the auto manufactures that left Detroit, made a profit from their business transactions.  This is also typical of a market economy, "money becomes increasingly concentrated in the hands of the few."

"Prepare for doom."

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The Pied Piper

"I can make children dance,
and I can make women sigh.

I can make lovers float,
and I can make grown men cry."

- The Pied Piper

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Aminita Muscaria

Aminita Muscaria mushroom grows on the Russian Steppes and in Asia.

It is red with white spots and grows in reindeer droppings under pine trees.  It is speculated that this mushroom gave rise to the Iconography of Christmas where "Red presents are left under green pine trees and they are brought there by reindeer."

The Siberian Shaman uses this mushroom for hallucinogenic magic.

The Scythian Warriors used to take this mushroom in an unusual way.  The priests would take the mushroom.  After they started "tripping" they would urinate in large bowls and the rest of the warriors would drink this urine to get high.  Apparently the active chemicals pass quickly through the body and are unchanged by the process.

Aminita Muscaria has recently been identified as the Soma [the drink of the Gods] from Vedic Literature.  The existence, or nature, of Soma had been lost and remained a mystery for numerous centuries.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Socks and Fleas


Europeans invented socks and stockings largely to combat fleas and flea bites.  At the time, they lived in the same rooms with their livestock and did not practice personal hygiene, or cleaning in general.  Therefore, the living spaces of commoners were mostly infested with fleas.  Wearing socks, stockings, shoes, and long pants helps prevent flea bites.

copyright (c) 2017

William Schaeffer

Sunday, May 14, 2017

At will hire

"At will hire" means you are a "one week servant." 

Nothing more, nothing less.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Suicide Statistics

In the United States of America about 3100 people attempt suicide EVERY SINGLE DAY. Of those 3100 people, about 125 will be successful. Who really cares?
copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Musical Harmony and Peace

If everyone on Earth had taken time to learn to play a musical instrument well enough to play recognizable music, there would be no world war, crime and violence. Everyone would live in rhythm and harmony. It is mostly non-musicians that cause all the social problems in the world today.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Consumer Review

Google Review for Shaman's Vision Sacred Arts 5222 Hollywood Blvd.

Bill Schaeffer · Five STARS ***** WOW. Couldn't be better. Superlative experience of total satisfaction and I don't even know what happened.

The Galactic Cathedral

From notes to video "Planet Earth in Outer Space, part 3"

The Galactic Cathedral is an interesting concept. Similar to the terrestrial, or planet bound, cathedral; it also is a temple of spiritual learning and knowledge.

 Located in the center of the galaxy the Galactic Cathedral is an intelligent construction the size of an average solar system. A gigantic structure of light and gravity, it is also the repository of the knowledge and intelligence of the Universe. A mathematically inspiring work of architectural beauty; the size and complexity of which defies human comprehension. It is said that just being inside the Cathedral increases your intelligence, compassion, and sense of inner peace and balance.

The Cathedral is maintained by "Eternals" who are pure energy beings that existed from before the Universe. Their very presence engenders peace, harmony, compassion, and empathy. People also experience spontaneous healing, longevity, and psychic balance in their spiritual life energy through contact with the "Eternals."

 Most of the knowledge of the Universe is preserved in the Great Library and Solar University that is part of the Cathedral Complex. Many who visit are moved to later do great things. No one wants to return to their own worlds once they start the learning process, but few are allowed to stay. Being admitted to the Solar University is a great honor. Most visits are short and perfunctory holidays of intellectual amazement and cerebral education. The glimpse of eternal knowledge is tempting to many and inspires wild speculations on the true nature of reality and life. But the secrets of the Great Library are unfathomable to the ordinary person and remain a tremendous mystery jealously guarded and protected for some future unveiling. It is said that here is written the guide to the true purpose of life and the complete plan for the unfolding of the Universe, but these are just fanciful ideas to many researchers.

copyright (c) 2014, 2017
William Schaeffer

Be the best you can be

"If I had followed the well meaning advice of most of the people closest to me, I never would have done the things that I am, in retrospect, most proud of." - Mr. Atwater

copyright(c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Friday, May 12, 2017

Listening to the sky

Look at airport time tables. Commercial air traffic does not begin until after 6 AM. Air space in LA is very quiet at 6 AM generally. Usually it is quiet all night except helicopters and high flying jet traffic. This is in East Hollywood observation. If there is jet air traffic at 4 AM it did not originate in Los Angeles, AND it is not a commercial flight -- unless it is a private jet (which is rare). In Los Angeles, it must be military air traffic, or military air freight.  A jet engine has a particular identifiable sound.

In December of 2002 I was constantly awakened in the middle of the night by jet air traffic. I lay there and listened to it rumble overhead at 3 AM or 4 AM. In time I figured out that this was not commercial air traffic, but must be military air traffic. As I lay there, night after night, I imagine huge caravans of steel planes flying military cargo to the mid East. Eventually I came to the conclusion that so much military cargo was being shipped to the Mid East that the USA was going to invade Iraq no matter what the diplomatic channels were trying to "work out".  Three months later that idea became a reality.

There are about 30,000,000 people living in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.  I find it curious that only one other person I know is even aware of this noise of air traffic in the middle of the night.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Thursday, May 11, 2017


"It is important to smile warmly when doing something that is totally bizarre, otherwise people will think that you are absolutely crazy." - Mr Atwater

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Myth of Mental Illness

p. 267-268


The principle arguments advanced in this book and their implications may be summarized as follows:

1. Strictly speaking, disease or illness can affect only the body; hence, there can be no mental illness.

2. "Mental Illness" is a metaphor.  Minds can be "sick" only in the sense that jokes are "sick" or economies are "sick."

3. Psychiatric diagnoses are stigmatizing labels, phrased to resemble medical diagnoses and applied to persons whose behavior annoys or offends others.

4. Those who suffer from and complain of their own behavior are usually classified as "neurotic"; those whoe behavior makes others suffer, and about whom others complain, are usually classified as "psychotic."

5. "Mental Illness" is not something a person has, but is something he does or is.

6. If there is no mental illness there can be no hospitalization, treatment, or cure for it. Of course, people may change their behavior or personality, with or without psychiatric intervention. Such intervention is nowadays called "treatment," and the change, if it proceeds in a direction approved by society, "recovery' or "cure."

7. The introduction of psychiatric considerations into the administration of the criminal law -- for example, the insanity plea and verdict, diagnosis of mental incompetence to stand trial, and so forth -- corrupt the law and victimize the subject on whose behalf they are ostensibly employed.

8. Personal conduct is always rule-following, strategic, and meaningful.   Patterns of interpersonal and social relations may be regarded and analyzed as if they were games, the behavior of the players being governed by explicit or tacit game rules.

9. In most types of voluntary psychotherapy, the therapist tries to elucidate the inexplicit game rules by which the client conducts himself; and to help the client scrutinize the goals and values of the life he plays.

10. There is no medical, moral, or legal justification for involuntary psychiatric interventions.  They are crimes against humanity.

The Myth of Mental Illness
Foundations of a Theory of Personal Conduct,
by Thomas S. Szasz, M.D.
Revised Edition
Harper and Row, 1974

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Music perfection

In playing music, you are either right or wrong. There is no middle ground. You play the right note, or you don't. You play the correct rhythm, or you don't. You play in tune or you don't. There is no middle ground. If you wish to perform beautifully, you must be absolutely correct. There is no compromise in music performance.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Monday, May 8, 2017


To all my Optimistic Friends,

If I only wanted to be a grinning idiot, then I would just take Heroin or some other Narcotic Drug.   From what I hear, Heroin works much better than any mental discipline, or spiritual exercise, ever will.

copyright (c)2017
William Schaeffer

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Belief in God

A "Belief in God" is an adult intellectualization and philosophical adaption of the real childhood memory, or infant experience, of having your needs met "miraculously," by merely crying loudly, or wailing at the top of your lungs, and then your mother or caretaker would attend to your needs.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Fibonacci Flower Petal Number

Surprisingly all flowers have a total number of petals that is one of the Fibonacci numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55...

 This is a fact that seems to defy common sense. All flowers on Earth follow this simple formula of Fibonacci numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55... There are no flowers that have 9, 16, 18, 25, 27 petals. That the number of all petals on all flowers in the entire world can be described by such a simple math relationship defies all expectations.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

What's a life worth?

In every single year since 2001
more people have died by suicide
than were killed in the 9/11 attacks.

Who remembers those people?
Who is outraged by that?

More than three thousand a year.
123 a day, in the USA.
Every single year.

Who remembers those people?
Who is outraged by that?

copyright (c) 2107
William Schaeffer

Listen to the Sky

If you are awake,
then listen to the sky.
Just listen.
Listen to the sky.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Found DADA poem

I found these words all cut out laying in the courtyard of my friends apartment complex courtyard.
I think the neighbor kids left them there on little scraps of paper.
So, I made a DADA poem called "L":






copyright (C) 2017
William Schaeffer

Friday, May 5, 2017

"efficiency" is the mortal enemy of "humanity"

"efficiency" is the mortal enemy of  "humanity"

To be more efficient in accomplishing a task requires the elimination of behavior and activity that defines us as being most human.  A good example would be the assembly line production model.  It is very efficient and economical, but the humans are reduced to machines and forced to behave like machines.  There is no philosophy, religion, art, music, learning, debate, meditation, contemplation, or speculation on the assembly line.  There is only machine like sub-human work.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer