Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Spirit Writing

I was at work and waiting for the shift.  I was looking at things on my phone.  Then, I had to go and I stuffed my phone in my pocket.  At the next break, I found this message in the text editor.  Somehow, I had "pocket dialed" my phone and this was the result.  Strange true story.

I am at 6, and I will
end of
day. I am a beautiful tttt, and I will be there. I am a beautiful person. T, and I will be there. I am a beautiful person. I am a beautiful person. I am a beautiful person. I am a beautiful person. I am  person. I

copyright (c) 2016 by
William Schaeffer

The Economic System

Overheard in a bar:

"I worked for that company before.  It was like working with a bunch of people that were trying to stand on each others shoulders -- all at the same time."

copyright (c) 2016 
William Schaeffer

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Bird of the day - The Crane

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

The latest fad - The Ancient of Days

"I am ancient. Like the living dead. I remember the dawn of civilization and the invention of the computer. I was born before the mouse was invented. I was born before cable TV. I was born before Freedom and Democracy could be put into a bathtub and washed down the drain with total electric sump pump fascination." - facebook comment on aging

copyright (c) 2016 by
William Schaeffer

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Eleven Rules for Life

1. There are no tricks -- only absolute honesty as much as possible
2. Practice Empathy. Try and experience the world as other people do. Feel the room when you walk into the room.  In acting, don't look for the camera, just let the camera find you.
3. Live in the present moment,
       Remember the past but don't live in it,
       Plan for the future but don't plan on it.
4. No regrets.  Keep moving forward.
5. Total honesty.  Only honest actions yield true results.
6. No Shortcuts.  There are no shortcuts, only long cuts.
7. Get to work, The more you do it the better you get
8. Prioritize - you only have 20 more years.
9. Hydrate - only drink water
10. Eat healthy - one gram of fiber for every 100 calories.
11. Have fun.

1. No Tricks
2. Practice Empathy
3. Live in the Moment
4. No Regrets
5. Total Honesty
6. No Shortcuts
7. Get to work
8. Prioritize
9. Only drink Water
10. One gram of fiber for every 100 calories
11. Have Fun

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Save Yourself

Ultimately, it is you that must be the one that saves your own life. No one else can do this for you, even if they wanted to. Further investigation only reveals an academic, or possibly an anemic, exercise.  But, the fact remains: You must Save Yourself. No one else can.

Save Yourself

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Laundry Bad Luck

It is Bad Luck to do your Laundry first thing in the morning.

Ever since I got a call for a rush job in Anaheim just after I put in a load of laundry I have avoided doing laundry in the morning.  I waited till the laundry cycle was complete and moved it into a dryer. Then I left for the job site.  Traffic was terrible.  I was a half an hour late and they didn't need me. And I even paid a friend to take up the dry clean laundry to my room once it was finished.  Ever since that day, I have felt that:

It is Bad Luck to do your Laundry first thing in the morning.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Shooting Video

How to shoot a good video

1. Pick an interesting subject.
2. Turn on the camera.
3. Have the sun behind you.
4. Frame the subject in a pleasing manner against the background.
5. Put the camera on a tripod and hold it still.
6. Press the button and be quiet.
7. Don't move.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

get to work

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer


START your own YOUTUBE CHANNEL today -- Today! -- seriously -- check out www.youtube.com/user/atwaterpub and atwaterpub.blogspot.com I left demo reels "far behind" a long, long time ago... YOU should start your own youtube channel and start creating your own programming. Share your wisdom of your life, share little CGI modeling and animation secrets, document your own strange vision, preserve the life of your friends, make important philosophical concepts more accessible, and JUST HAVE FUN. Take back your planet. Take back your place in the public discourse. Take back your own mind. Start your own youtube channel TODAY.


copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Monday, July 4, 2016

Thought for the Day

Corner of Sunset and Hillhurst
July 2, 2016
copyright (c)
Wm Schaeffer

Sunday, July 3, 2016


copyright (c) 2016
Wm Schaeffer

Enjoy the Ride...

copyright (c) 2016
Wm Schaeffer

Is Reality an Illusion?

In a way that is true, because your brain constructs a model of the world based on sound and vision and other sensory information, but that model has small flaws because of the information transmission delays in the brain's perceptual processing system and the optimization techniques necessary to process a huge amount of data by a limited brain computing power which can lead to optical illusions and other effects.

In a way that is not true, because when you drive your car into a brick wall at seventy seven miles an hour, you are really injured and your body is really broken, and you will be lucky to survive. Your recovery will take a very long time and you will feel much pain. There seems to be very little illusion in the gut wrenching - jaw grinding agony that you experience. If you take opiate pain killers, at this time, you will experience an unusual sense of well being, nevertheless; but you will still feel much pain.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Teach Peace

Corner of Sunset Blvd
and L. Ron Hubbard Drive
Los Angeles, California
July 2, 2016

picture copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Friday, July 1, 2016

My New Religion

makes sense to me.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer


THIS is why DADA was invented and what it means to me.  If logic and rational analysis has brought the human world to the present state, where everyone feels trapped in a life they do not like and the threat of death is constantly in the air, WHAT GOOD IS LOGIC?  Why NOT embrace NON-LOGIC, IRRATIONALITY, and NONSENSE.  It cannot possibly make things worse, and might possibly make our life more enjoyable.  Besides, a duck has legs that spin in the air and whistles banana peals of laughing monkey gas, or possibly trolley cars cause indigestion.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Why Get Married?

Best to never get married in the first place. Then there is no legal risk to voicing your own opinion. She has a job. She can take care of herself. If you remain "not married" then your relationship can possibly be based on a genuine affection and an honest joy of being together. Marriage is a legally supported blackmail that benefits neither you OR her, but only the ruling classes that want to keep you in your place.

And the legal system, enforced by police officers with violence, is the strong arm muscle that enforces the terms of the blackmail obligation.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Deceit at Rhythm and Hues

The last time I worked at Rhythm and Hues I enjoyed the work.  They regularly had performance reviews every six months and I eagerly requested a performance review so I could more positively adapt to the company culture and more effectively do my job.  I worked there for two and a half years and my request was never acknowledged, or replied to.  Then one day on a Friday at 4:00 pm, my manager laid me off on THAT DAY with an email message.  It said, among other things, that if I wanted to talk about the lay off I could go to her office.  When I did, I found that she was gone for the week end.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Angry Fruit Car

It is curious how humans tend to prefer automobiles with a surface that is 1. shiny 2. smooth 3. curvy and roundish 4. a single solid color. WHY? There are hundreds of millions of different surface textures and colors that automobiles COULD have and we ALL tend to prefer cars with these features. It is almost as if we are choosing a ripe fruit to pick. Oh wait, maybe we are?

Marketing studies have revealed that most people prefer to drive a car where the headlights, grill, and bumper form a stylized face that is perceived as being ANGRY, HOSTILE and CONFRONTATIONAL. Most people overwhelmingly prefer that "face" to one that is perceived as being happy, pleasant, or friendly. Most automakers now produce car designs that have the front of the car conforming to that expectation of hostile anger. Volkswagen might be the singular exception.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer