Thursday, September 27, 2018

word salad II

Water Slide
Frying Pan
Boxer Shorts
Apple Core
Gold Fish Bowl
Sledge Hammer
Potato Chip
Rocket Ship
Septic Tank
Toilet Bowl
Winner's Circle
Racing Car
Light Bulb
Neck Tie
Button Hole
Semi Truck
Hot Dog Bun
Car Wash
Dill Pickle
Change Purse
Tennis Ball
Window Frame
Panda Bear
Wrist Watch
Oak Tree
Driver's License
Magic Marker
Birth Certificate
B.B.Q. Chicken
Tuna Fish Sandwich
Diving Bell
Sail Plane
Door Stop
Fence Post
Ice Cream Cone
Black Bird Feather
Fire Hydrant
Gravel Pit
Sandwich Tray
Heart Valve
Dinner Mints
Dog Fight
Lower Bowel Obstruction
Poker Game
Laser Beam
Girl Scout Cookie
Peanut Butter Sandwich

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

word salad

Dog track
Mustard seed
Leather glove
Fish Tank
Base Ball Bat
Race Car
Parking Voucher
Pencil Lead
Frying Pan
Penalty Box
Lug nut
Gold Fish
Peanut Butter
Salmon Run
Terrorist Bombing
Lace Doiley
Hex Wrench
Work Boot
Mustache Wax
Fresh Water
Spider Legs
Horse Mane
Mercury Rising
Ant Hill
Swimming Pool
Bus Ride
Palm Tree
Pup Tent
Zip Line
Drum Solo
Cricket Chirp
Marsh Gas
Coyote Howl
Rock Band
Fire Hydrant
Window Blinds
Styrofoam Ball
Weather Vane
Deviated Septum
Leather Jacket
Diving Bell

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Violence against women

Response to a facebook post on rape allegations against political candidate

Aside: Men in the USA are socialized to violence and to regard that they themselves and their lives are worthless and valueless. The very first experience all American men have as an infant is to have their genitals mutilated. It is no wonder that violence is so common in the USA when there is so little respect for any sort of life at all. If you have been brutalized your whole life and you are worth nothing, then it is an easy "next step" to enjoy perpetrating violence yourself. It is no accident that the USA has TEN TIMES the rate of incarceration, and TEN TIMES the murder rate, as any other country on Earth.  This violence in the USA is "by design."   It is inherent to the economic structure of the USA. Sorry. One day we may form a more loving and empathetic political union in America. Until that day, we must all suffer.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Warren Buffet

Response to Warren Buffet quote about being calm and dispassionate and not reacting emotionally to things people say:

If you have no emotional reaction to things that are said to you, you are not human. To be wealthy and successful is to be not fully human. Our country is run by people that are not fully human. Warren Buffet is not fully human. He is a fat bald little man that cannot dance, cannot do sit ups and cannot sing in tune. How on Earth is Warren Buffet qualified to speak to basic "humanity" ? He makes more money in one hour than I will make in my entire lifetime and he is perfectly happy to sit and watch people live and die in the gutters of America. Too bad he is the ideal. Warren Buffet has a heart of stone and he has fooled you all.

 but if you are playing high stakes poker, his advice is valuable. Too bad all of life in America is just a high stakes poker game, and not a dance, not a comedy, not a romance, and decidedly not a celebration. Too bad.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Sunday, September 23, 2018

The Plan

The plan:

1. Eliminate Tax exemption for churches and religious organizations
2. Limit personal property ownership to five properties
3. Reorganize public education to allow more student self direction and fewer attendance hours per week. Eliminate Grade Schools and bring back the one room school house.
4. Eliminate corporate "personhood." Make corporate officers personally liable for crimes committed by the corporations they lead
5. Return currency to a stable standard like the gold standard
6. Eliminate inflation of currency. Use the Federal Reserve to guarantee standard unvarying value of currency without a planned inflation rate
7. Health care for everyone
8. Make infant circumcision illegal and immoral.
9. Guaranteed Housing.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Grade School NAZI

We must remember that our thought is largely a product of our schooling. The Grade School system in the USA was consciously modeled on the Grade school system in East Prussia in 1890. Prior to that, we had one room school houses in the USA. The grade school system is designed to eliminate any personal relations between siblings and neighbors and isolate children with other children their own age. The grade school system of East Prussia in 1890 was to a large extent responsible for the thought constructs that led to NAZI Germany. Similarly, the influence of the grade school system in the USA leads to the increasing "totalitarianism" that we see in the USA. Prepare for doom.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Sunday, September 16, 2018

No Justice in America

I was paid audience member today and the woman I sat next to spent the entire show talking to me, hitting my leg to get my attention. Apparently she is post menopausal and had a "hot flash" at two different times. It strikes me as curious that I got terminated from Central Casting because I "touched" or "tapped"  a woman's leg, and here this woman was hanging all over me and touching me  and hitting my leg all day.

 There is No Justice in America.

America sucks.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Emptiness and Non-being


We join the spokes together in a wheel,
but it is the center hole
that makes the wagon move

We shape the clay into a pot,
but it is the emptiness inside
that holds whatever we want.

We hammer wood for a house,
but it is the inner space
that makes it livable.

We work with being,
but non-being is what we use.

"Tao te Ching" by Lao Tzu
translation by Stephen Mitchell
Harper Perennial Books, 1988

Friday, September 14, 2018

Andre's Door to Infinity

Andre's Restaurant is a favorite Italian cafeteria style restaurant at 3rd and Fairfax Ave. in L.A.

It is slated for demolition because of a new construction project.

I took this photo the most recent time that I took my friend Emi there to eat lunch.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer


Honesty promotes longevity

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Something is better than Nothing

Feeling bad is better than no feeling at all.

A life of suffering is better than no life at all.

Paraphrase of an idea in "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl:  "Even in the most desolate and hopeless circumstances of the Nazi Death camps in World War Two, there was still occasionally a beautiful flower or a magnificent sunset."

You have all eternity to be dead and only a few short seconds to partake of the horror and the glory of creation.  Which would you rather choose?

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Student Loan Debt

Comment on a video on student loan debt:

Similarly, 50% of the incoming freshmen at the University of Illinois College of Engineering (years 1950 - 1990) were eventually flunked out by the process of grading on the curve. This was an intentional and planned way to make money off of innocent and trusting students. If you grade 5% F 10% D 50% C 35% B 10% A then 85% pass each year .85 x .85 x .85 x .85 = .52 Only 52% of incoming Freshmen eventually graduate and the college keeps the money from the other 48%. Another academic con job.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Monday, September 10, 2018


An intuitive estimate:

"Every single day, youtube uploads and stores an amount of data that is equal to the the amount of data produced and saved by the whole world in the entire 19th century (1800's)"

This idea depends on a definition of data that is not yet fully formulated, but it is interesting to think about.

copyright (c) 2018

William Schaeffer

Grade School = Homelessness

The grade school system was designed so that children would be trained to be accustomed to working in the factory environment.

The day begins and ends with a bell or a whistle
There is a break for lunch that is signified with a bell or a whistle
You are told were to sit and what to do
You have little or no decision about or control over your behavior -- you do what you are told to do
You are attentive and involved and do not speak

Unfortunately, people can never be successfully trained to behave in this manner unless you destroy their basic empathetic and caring sense of humanity.

When you produce efficient factory workers, you destroy society because you inculcate and teach an absolute lack of responsible, caring, group behavior, altruism, empathy, or love.


There can be no society if there is no social network.

There can be no social network if there are no whole and complete caring and empathetic people

There are no whole and complete, caring and empathetic, people produced by the public grade school system -- just factory workers.

If there is no real society, then eventually the society will destroy itself and there will not even be factories to work within.


copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Academic con job

youtube comment:

Similarly, 50% of the incoming freshmen at the University of Illinois (years 1950 - 1990) were eventually flunked out by the process of grading on the curve. This was an intentional and planned way to make money off of innocent and trusting students. If you grade 5% F 10% D 50% C 35% B 10% A then 85% pass each year .85 x .85 x .85 x .85 = .52 Only 52% of incoming Freshmen eventually graduate and the college keeps the money from the other 48%. Another academic con job.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Isolation and emptiness

We are trained by the grade school system to primarily value our grade, or numerical score. We are trained by the grade school system to devalue all our friendships with neighbors and concentrate solely on our own score. We are removed from the community and put in a room with people our own age. We have little real contact or shared experience with our siblings and next door neighbors. We reach maturity in an isolation bubble of solitary existence and little connection to anything real.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Work for Justice