Friday, March 30, 2018

Proof of the existence of GOD

The veracity of the proof of the existence of GOD is not measured by the degree of your own incredulity at the magnitude of the size and age of the Universe.

William Schaeffer
copyright (c) 2018


Response to a post saying that "public transportation causes gentrification by making it easier to move out of the city":

That is what public transportation is designed for. Similarly the highway system is designed to benefit homeowners in Orange county and Ventura county who wish to commute to work (at the expense of locals who actually live here in Los Angeles). Years ago I sat on the entrance ramp on the 405 at 7 AM watching cars from Orange county speed by and my stop light slowly let local traffic on the the freeway one-car-at-a-time. If you read urban planning textbooks from the 1960's they frequently mention designing a space for urban factory workers to live that is separate from the "middle class" living areas. (kind of like how our airplanes are divided into first class and coach).

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Piano in April

Hope you can swing by

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Best wishes for success

Contrary to what may popularly be wished:

It is the absolute strangers, who know us not, that are the most enthusiastic for our success and animated by a spirit of genuine zeal at our accomplishments.

Curiously, it seems to be the people who are closest to us that are the least interested or supportive in our efforts and the least sympathetic with the spirit that animates us.  We would think them the most sympathetic and interested; perhaps the common affairs of just staying alive obscure the vision.  It is they that will experience the greatest change should our success continue and maybe subconsciously they already anticipate this.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Perpetual War

Reply to a comment in a facebook group that -- "almost nobody participates":

We are all conditioned by the public school system to be quiet and do as we are told. We are all such good students that even as adults we are afraid to speak up, or rock the boat. We tolerate all sorts of professional injustice and have almost no real friends. THIS is the legacy of Public School: only ten out of two thousand have any real guts to say what they think. The other one thousand nine hundred and ninety just sit there an hope to not get in trouble. Not just in this group -- this is pervasive in all of America Life. THAT is why we allowed the USA to invade Iraq and invade Afghanistan and after fifteen years WE ARE STILL THERE AND HAVE NOT ACCOMPLISHED A SINGLE THING. Too bad for America. Too bad for art and music.

 The USA involvement in WWI lasted two years. The USA involvement in WWII lasted four years. The USA involvement in Korea lasted four years. The USA involvement in Vietnam lasted for seven years. The USA involvement in Afghanistan is 15 years. The USA involvement in Iraq is 15 years and we are still there. The Spanish America war only lasted for two years. The American Civil War only lasted four years. The Revolutionary War only lasted four years. The War of 1812 only lasted two years. We have been in Iraq for fifteen years and nothing has been accomplished.

In the book "Brave New World" author Aldous Huxley discusses the concept of "Perpetual War"

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

B.S. University of Illinois 1981

I went to college because I hoped to work hard for a better life.

Instead it was largely a waste of time and money and was little benefit to me at all.

I probably wold have been better off just working a minimum wage job instead.

Because, after 40 years, I am just working a minimum wage job right now.

And who even cares?

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

fear and hatred ?

How would you organize a society based on love, and trust, and empathy instead of fear, exploitation, and supression?

Is it even possible?

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Public School Shootings

It is curious that with all these public shootings of children, not one person has remarked on the unusual statistical oddity that they ALL occurred on school property. Of all the public spaces and buildings in which such a horrible event could have unfolded, it was always inside a school. And yet, I can remember nobody making reference to that fact. This is a very strong correlation of data that suggests a possible causal link.

 copyright (c) 2018 
William Schaeffer

Monday, March 26, 2018

I suppose that I am NOT surprised that there is still debate on this subject and most popular interpretations are NOT the version below from Wikipedia. Strange.

Read Josephus "The Jewish War" yourself.
Read the "Slavonic Josephus" English translation for an even greater understanding of the history -- the "raw news, legal fact, way-it-was" story of history.

Josephus attributes the Jewish Uprising in 66 A.D. specifically to the stoning of "James the Just" in 62 A.D.  This was James, brother of Jesus, who is most likely to be the same person as St. James the  ascribed author of the Epistle of James.  James was a priest in the Temple at Jerusalem AND the head of the organization of the followers of Jesus for over thirty years until his death.

At the time of "The Jewish War", Josephus was an officer in the Jewish Army.  During the war he was one of the first officers captured by the Roman Army.  He later wrote the book "The Jewish War" and "The Antiquities of the Jews" to preserve the memory of his people and as a favor for the Emperor.  The books were very popular in the Roman Empire, until the mass book burning episodes organized by the Christian Church in the fifth and sixth centuries A.D.   Not a single written work of the entire legacy of Greece and Rome survived these burnings (in the entire area covered by the Roman Empire).  The only works that survived to this present day were preserved outside the boarders of the Roman Empire and were reintroduced into European culture during the Renaissance.  This book in particular "The Jewish War" was among the first and most popular of the ancient texts that was re-introduced in the late 1300's.

 "1) Josephus refers to the stoning of "James the brother of Jesus" (James the Just) by order of Ananus ben Ananus, a Herodian-era High Priest.[24][25] The James referred to in this passage is most likely the James to whom the Epistle of James has been attributed.[25][26][27] The translations of Josephus' writing into other languages have at times included passages that are not found in the Greek texts, raising the possibility of interpolation, but this passage on James is found in all manuscripts, including the Greek texts.[25] The context of the passage is the period following the death of Porcius Festus, and the journey to Alexandria by Lucceius Albinus, the new Roman Procurator of Judea, who held that position from 62 AD to 64 AD.[25] Because Albinus' journey to Alexandria had to have concluded no later than the summer of 62 AD, the date of James' death can be assigned with some certainty to around that year.[25][28][24] The 2nd century chronicler Hegesippus also left an account of the death of James, and while the details he provides diverge from those of Josephus, the two accounts share similar elements.[29][14][28]"


Someone should market a "Do-it-yourself-Hollywood-STAR" with gold vinyl "stick on letters" so you can make your own Hollywood STAR, on Hollywood Boulevard, and take a photo to document the proof for your friends.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Vision Problems

1. In the book "The Art of Seeing" Aldous Huxley explains that the cause of eyesight problems requiring corrective lenses is Public Education and schooling.  In societies without organized schooling, children do not have vision problems requiring corrective lenses.

2.  Hellen Keller was deaf and blind.  Because of her ability to overcome these difficulties and to learn to communicate through speech and the written word, she earned a scholarship to college.  While studying in college she was astonished to learn that: "The cause of blindness is poverty."  And it is still true today : The medical cause of blindness is poverty, or lack of monetary resources (i.e. no money).  Because of this, she became an ardent social activist and well known public speaker until the advent of her death nearly twenty years later, publicly agitating for the socialist cause and advocating economic equality for everyone.  After her death, the play "The Miracle Worker" was written and published in nearly every school textbook in America.  School children became so familiar with her childhood that no one seemed curious to know the rest of her life story.  Her bravery and courageous political activism for social justice and universal health care has just vanished from public memory.  Her historical importance has been reduced to a blind school girl saying, "Wah Wah" and almost nothing more.

3. My great grandfather was a travelling musician that died when my grandfather was five years old (in 1905).  When he was eight, his mother went blind and he was put in an orphanage.  At age fourteen, he ran away from the orphanage and slept on a milk wagon, where he worked during the day, until he saved money and found better circumstances.  He never really learned to read and write.  While living on the milk wagon he saw his own brother fall to his death and get run over.  He eventually got a job in a Steel Mill where he worked until he retired.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Friday, March 23, 2018

Seth's suggested Prime Belief

I am a worthy, deserving person.

I have a right to my life in this universe.

I have a right to be because I am.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

The Idea just won't die

I have no friends
I have no family
I have no future
I have no hope
I have no brain

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Just for Love

Just for Love

Found object on 8 x 10 board

I found the rose while walking the dog Tinkerbell with my friend Emi.  It is coated with acrylic.

I found the playing card at Barnsdall Park

I bought the frame at GoodWill

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Good Morning Sunshine

Assembly Art - Found Art

"Good Morning Sunshine"

8 x 10 canvas board Framed
paint and rubber sticker.

The sticker is from 99 Cents only store

I bought this frame and painting at GoodWill.   The painting was painted on the "wrong side" of the canvas board and the "correct side" was dirty.   I had originally bought the board to use the dirty side for another conceptual art piece, but ended up saving the painting instead.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Riddle me This...

Q: Why would someone without a car, without a steady job, and without any substantial savings support the Conservative political agenda?

 A: Because he is a fool?

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

It's just Good Business Practice

Do you see any of the moral behaviors we were taught in Grade School in evidence in either business or government in the USA: i.e. no cheating, no lying, no stealing? Curious, it seems to me to be common wisdom and a "rule of thumb" in America today that you HAVE to lie and cheat and steal to get ahead in life. Too bad.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Monday, March 19, 2018

I have no brain

Throw it away, NOW
Don't touch it.
It's a poisonous snake
It's a Demon from HELL
Write neatly and legibly
There is no mercy in HELL
Song and Dance Man
I was "home schooled"
I never get hungry
I am the Mummy's Curse
I have a big heart
I like to travel by rail
I like to play Badminton
My arm fell off
I'm looking for a job
I used to play the tuba
I can play the bassoon
I can bark like a dog
Why do you hate me?
Why do you hurt me?
Nobody loves me
I want to die, again
Stuck on Earth, again

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Sunday, March 18, 2018

How many?

How many of you were lied and cheated by every single authority you had as a child? How many of you were conned into getting a student loan for useless degree, or invested in a career that was just outsourced ten years later? How many of you were lied to by your bosses and company of employment about pay and responsibility? How many have been terminated without warning and yet you are always required to give two weeks notice? How many of you find that you have absolutely no friends from grade school or junior high now that you are an adult? How many of you find that you do not even know the names of the neighbors in your own apartment building, on the same floor? How many of you have been cheated and lied to by your own parents or siblings, or aunts and uncles and cousins? How many of you see no evidence of the moral behavior you were taught in grade school in actual practice in government or business?  How many feel that petty dishonesty and fudging the numbers is only good business and an unfortunate necessity of life?  How many of you feel any responsibility for the homeless people living and dying right on the sidewalks of your cities? How many of you have adequate medical care? How many of you are taking anti-depressant medicine for which there really is no workable theory of how they function? How many care about anything anymore except maintaining the barest necessities of survival, because even that is almost too difficult?

Additionally, How many of you are more than twenty pounds over weight?  How many of you smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, eat cheeseburgers, smoke marijuana, or abuse prescription drugs?  How many of you eat junk food, candy and drink carbonated beverages?   How many of you find it is "necessary" to cheat at work, and in life, just to get by?  Cheating is a requirement?  How many of you feel like you have no real friends and only polite, or fun, associates?  You are absolutely alone?   How many of you are actually living the life you thought you would be living today when you considered the question  twenty years ago?   How many of you are quietly self fulfilled and satisfied, yet still challenged enough to be willing to struggle for worthwhile goals?   How many of you are working for the common good?    How many of you can't wait to wake up every morning and eagerly go to bed at night in preparation?   How many of you are generally physically fit with no major pains or limitations?  How many of you have good eyesight without glasses?  How many of you can sing, and dance, and recite poetry from memory?   When was the last time you had a good laugh, a hearty chuckle, or held a genuine sense of comradery with any group?  Do you remember your dreams?   

When was the last time you felt truly alive?

Just curious...

Why do you think that might be?

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Lubricate zippers with lip balm

Chapstik (or a similar lip balm) can be used to lubricate zippers to operate smoothly.   I just could not find the 3-in-1 oil so I thought of this.  Any petroleum jelly based lip balm will work fine.   I used a knock off brand lib balm.

William Schaeffer

Change of Attitude

One good way to help change attitudes: Refuse to admire people for owning large homes, automobiles, or other possessions. Refuse to visit their homes unless it is a business necessity. Admire people for their talent, abilities, and cultural awareness, but not for their houses or extraneous possessions.

 copyright (c)2018 
William Schaeffer

Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Undead Drummer returns

Have a Good Day
Happy Birthday
Can't beat that
Eternally Fantastic...
Good Work, I suppose
You are "mentally ill"
You intestinal parasite
Explode with anger
You were lied to...
It will never happen...
Praise Bob...
Life is meaningless...
Everything is a lie...
Keep smiling...
Practice anal health
Do something stupid
Read more books
Build imaginary cities
Travel to other galaxies
Tie your shoes.
Embrace the suffering
Hug the cactus
We're all BOZOs anyway
Heard any good jokes?
I love playing music
Vegetables suck
I hate carrots and peas
Duty NOW for the future
Shine your shoes
Howl at the moon
Bark like a dog
Don't take no shit
Mind your P's and Q's
Practice not practicing
Seize the day, just once
Run around in circles
Do the same thing
Practice Conformity
The virtue is in the repetition
Be simple minded
Stupidity isn't stupid
Don't question anything
The pig has wings
Everything is just stupid
Repeat repeating Right
Give me your money
Wiggle your toes
Can you fart real loud?
I have no stomach for it
Do you smell something?
The game is rigged.
I am Angry.  Very Angry.
I have a shiny penny.
I wish I could dance
I can spell my name
I can fart bubbles
I like chocolate with nuts
I have super powers
Keep your hands off
Look -- over there...
Scratch my back
Can't get there from here
My nose itches
I'm thinking of a number
I sleep in the nude
I try to be patient
I just brushed my teeth
I don't listen to reason
I'm irrational and stupid
A Trivial Nightmare
The comical dance begins
I think not and I vanish

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

An old joke

A group of philosophers were sitting around having lunch at a restaurant.  The waitress returned to the table and asked if anyone would like dessert.  Descartes said, "I think not," and promptly disappeared.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Insider tips for background actors

How to get the good food and PRODUCTION Craft Services -- Insider tips for background actors.

1. If you walk backwards into Production Craft Services, or "crafty," nobody will ever notice -- because they will think that you are really leaving. 2. Alternatively, wait till the director calls "action" and then make a beeline to the food items that you can quickly stuff into your pockets, travel bag, and hat. 3. The Beginners Method is to stand forlornly near the entrance and ask a friendly person if you think it is OK if you get one small cup of coffee. If they say "yes," you are good for coffee, but be quick. If they say, "No;" you had better leave quickly and walk toward the bathrooms on your way. To look sad, it helps to remember that you are earning less than minimum wage with no job security at all. The rest of your life is a shambles and you are lucky to even have one day of work this week to pay for half the overdue gas bill. Concentrate on past injuries and the present pain you feel. Focus intently on your student loans, high school memories, and past political candidate's broken promises. 4. Eventually you will want to achieve the talent of a "true actor" who can go virtually anywhere they want, whenever they want, without a second thought and even security agents wave them through check points... It can be done.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

The Undead Drummer says

Beat it down
Open the door,  Now
Put down the weapon
Stand back from the desk
Hands in the Air
Freeze.  Drop it.
Say your prayers.
Say “Good Night.”
Prepare for Doom
123 a day in the USA
Save Yourself…
Be in the moment…
Open your Eyes…
Feel the LOVE…
Empathy and Compassion
Take a deep Breath
Count to Twenty.  Again.
Just keep moving…
Be a Good Monkey…
Only drink Water…
Do it Now…
Be polite and courteous
1 gm Fiber for 100 Cal…
Get enough Sleep…
Go to Sleep…
Be Quiet…
Conform to the Group
Be Yourself…
Eat More Fiber…
Find a different drummer
Be your own Self…
Be your own boss.
Knock one out.
You talking to me?
Take no prisoners.
Expect no mercy.
Abandon all hope.
Ends justify the means
By any means necessary
Keep the beat
Don’t rush
In the pocket
Laying it down
Tearing it up
Rock Steady
Join the club
Setting the pace
Beating till you scream
Philanthropic Nightmare
Too late for that
Surrender, Dorothy
Play it again, Sam
Beam me up, Scotty
I’m a Doctor, Jim
That’s very logical
There is no third thing
My brain hurts
Go cat.  Go.
Time to sleep.
How much?
When?  Where?  Why?
Let them eat cake.
Think about it.
You deserve better.
Everyone is jealous…
Left them in the dust…
Better Luck next time…
Rub the monkey…
Make a wish…
Now, just calm down…
I hate this life…
I need a new body…
Break time…  Take 30

“Undead Drummer statements”

Copyright © 2018
William Schaeffer

Monday, March 12, 2018

The revenge of DADA

I declaim, "Can switching to foundation wax really promote whirled peace in the bacterial culture of my kitchen sink? Is there a basic sanitary philosophy of scouring powder application? I wonder if political theory can handle these simple microscopic hydrocarbons and their fundamental desires?"

Danny Thompson says, "Ajax"

I repeat to myself, "The scrubbing bubbles will triumph over all."

Chris Doug says, "Comet, before they downgraded the scouring ability."

"OK," I say, "No more DADA on facebook."

Chris Doug replies, "I like DADA."

"OK, well then," I caution, "Crystal door knobs like the one displayed on your articulated grandmother clause are starting to irritate my better sensibilities and there is no telling what they will do when they find someone put sedimentary rocks in the children's bread basket. So beware!! DADA will rule nothing once it is unleashed and you will stand in utter confusion in the face of the hilarious nonsense. WHY DO INTELLIGENT MEN WASTE THEIR TIME??? Door knobs? Used Encyclopedia sets? A slice of bread?"

I stare at an empty room.

Bugs crawl in my sink.  Friendly and small.

Where is the DADA?

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Let's beat it down

"Keep the tempo"

copyright (C) 2018
William Schaeffer

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Hot Dog

"Hot Dog"

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Capitalism promotes mental illness

1. Capitalism promotes mental illness because Capitalism and Capitalist societies work to destroy all social relationships that are not related to profit making and employment.  To spend time on activities that do not generate profit is inefficient and represents a loss of money.  Since Grade School, when you were taken from your families and isolated in a room with strangers your own age, Capitalist societies are designed to make you a good corporate employee that has no significant outside allegiances in life to conflict with the work schedule.

As a result -- all your relationships are inherently competitive.  In Grade School, you compete with other students for a grade.  Even your hobbies are competitive -- competitive sports, competitive games, and group contests.   After college, you compete with other graduates to get a job.  As an employee, you compete with your coworkers to achieve promotion and sometimes to just keep your job.  As an employee, you compete with other companies for market share.  At no time in your entire life is competitive thought and competition itself, considered to be anything other than "good" and "right."

As a result -- you have no relationships that are not competitive.  You have no relationships based on love, trust, empathy, and concern.  All your relationships are exploitative and competitive.  In this environment it is nearly impossible to be mentally healthy and happy or filled with love.

Occasionally, you will declare a "truce" and work cooperatively with other people if you all discern that it is in your own best interest to do so.  But this is nothing like real empathy, love, or caring.  Even your marriages are based on a similar "cooperative truce."

But at no time in your entire life in a Capitalist society is any real cooperative, empathetic, generative, generous, selfless giving, personal sacrifice. or genuine love actually rewarded or considered valuable.   At no time in your life are the concepts of love, empathy, joy, peace, stillness, meditation, and non-violence emphasized or rewarded except for their accidental appearance in the family of origin and even there it is extremely rare.

You live in a network that is almost totally devoid of loving interactions. The primary social exchange is a financial transaction.  Everyone you talk with is a competitor and you must be constantly vigilant.  It is almost impossible to be "mentally healthy" in this type of watch-your-back, business person, legal contract environment.

There is no LOVE in America, only competition...

Capitalism promotes competition.

Competition promotes mental illness.


Capitalism promotes mental illness.

2. Capitalistic societies are inherently unstable -- filled with self cannibalizing institutions and organizations that are always competing for top dollar and market share.  There is no reliable permanence of any feature of Capitalist society.  Beware.

Even the value of the basic currency of interaction, i.e. "money," changes over time and is not dependably stable.  Nothing is predictable, or reliable, in a Capitalistic society.

How can you find any stability in a world that changes suddenly and is inherently unpredictable?

For example:

When was the last time you used a pay phone?  a public bathroom?  a personal check? 
a newspaper?  a briefcase?  a cloth napkin?  a comb?  a soft drink bottle?  a bath? 

When was the last time you went to a restaurant?  the library? the doctors office?  the dentist?  a lawyer?  the automobile mechanic?  a church?  a political function?  a voting booth?

How many children from your childhood do you remember?  How many friends do you have?

Capitalism promotes mental illness.

3. Curious note: If you read the blog Mad-in-America, they make a convincing case that the entire field of Psychiatry and the concept of "mental illness" itself is nothing but a huge corporate fraud.  According to their well reasoned arguments -- there is no mental illness, just cultural conditioning. Real physical illnesses have an identifiable component of the body that is "broken" or not working properly.   This can be verified by objective test.    However, in "mental illness" there is no objective test.  In "mental illness" there is no identifiable component of the body that is broken -- "mental illness" is a subjective assessment based on the "experts" personal opinion of your behavior.  THERE IS NO OBJECTIVE TEST OR MEASUREMENT OF ANY COMPONENT OF YOUR BODY THAT IS BROKEN.  IT IS JUST AN OPINION.

One sixth of the population of the USA is currently taking powerful psychoactive drugs and anti depressants for a condition that has no objective means of identification or classification.  In other words, "nothing is actually broken" -- except the relationships the person experiences.  People are taking powerful psychoactive drugs for a condition that does not really exist.

Capitalism promotes mental illness, because mental illness itself does not really exist.

The classification of mental illness and the resulting voluntary, or involuntary, treatment is cultural definition and not a scientific description.  There is nothing observable that is actually broken.  There is no part of the body, or brain, that is observably dysfunctional or broken.   It is only the behavior that is classified as "sick" or "ill" by subjective observation of a trained professional familiar with the standard protocol of the industry.

Therefore it seems that:

The classification of mental illness is a process that is used to enforce conformity of behavior and obedience to the normative instructions that are necessary to maximize profit in a "free market" economy.  This classification of personalities, or "stigmatization" of people is used to control people and behavior.  This is done because excessive diversity, or divergence from the norm, is disruptive to the process of maximizing profit (...and therefore should be discouraged).

In order to conform, and even prosper, we are forced to pretend to accept false behaviors as being natural.  Eventually we do not really even know who we really are or what is our authentic and original own true self.  We wake up and realize that we have been had.  We are connected to nothing.  We are nothing.  We are lucky if we have money.

Capitalism promotes mental illness, because mental illness itself does not really exist.  Mental Illness  is a concept that is used to enforce conformity of behavior without possibility of dispute with authority.

Capitalism promotes mental illness.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Public Grade school stole my childhood and stole my life

Public Grade school stole my childhood and stole my life.
Public Grade school stole my childhood and locked me up in my own left hemisphere.  I cannot escape.
I don't even know that I am a prisoner of thought.

Automatic professionals march lock-step in "permanent press polyester" business suits to inevitable destruction of disassociated traffic light nightmare and ordinary suburban banality beneath existential robot desperation while always displaying matching carpet with drapes.

Nonsense, laziness, and DADA Art are the epistemological keys to unlock the mental door that holds adults prisoner in the solitary confinement of left hemisphere brain activity.

What did you say?
Public Grade school stole my childhood and stole my life and now I want it back.
I thought so...

(Inspired by a talk by David Icke on education and left brain adults)

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Withdrawal from psychiatric medicine

Comment on a news article about withdrawal from psychiatric medicine"

"You stupid fucks," I said.  I was prescribed "Lithobid", a lithium drug, thirty years ago. It made no difference in my life, but when I stopped taking it three months later (against ALL reasonable advice), I had horrible reactions. My face "broke out" in huge deep acne pimples. I started drinking alcohol and that was much better. I quit drinking alcohol fifteen years ago, but still remember the deceit and deception of Psychiatrists trying to pretend like they know what they are talking about.

"Psychiatry is a crime against humanity."

copyright (C)2018
William Schaeffer

Libertarian philosophy

Thoughts on Libertarian philosophy: There is no virtue in selfishness.

Maybe a pragmatic necessity? Maybe an unfortunate reality? Maybe a Freudian slight-of-hand? Maybe a laudable hypocrisy? But never, never "a virtue..."

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Friday, March 9, 2018

One block at a time

A long time ago in 5th grade, I got left at the playing field after a little league game with no ride home.  Everyone else just drove off and left me.   I had no idea exactly how to get home but I knew the general direction, so I started walking. It took a few hours but I made it home and nobody missed me. Along the way I got extremely tired and discouraged. I played a game with myself -- I only had to walk to the next corner and then I would reevaluate my situation. And then at that corner, I would decide to only walk to the next corner. In that manner I finally made it home -- by walking one block at a time.

I have used this technique to accomplish goals for the rest of my life.  It could be summarized as:

"One block at a time" 

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Self driving Trucks

I studied Artificial Intelligence in graduate school (in the early 1980's).  I find it difficult to believe that safe driving cars will ever be practical or safe.   It is frightening and interesting to see how this develops.  It will be fascinating to see how the legal responsibility for loss of a human life in  an accident with self-driving truck will be handled by the legal system -- and especially what implications that has for the rest of society -- not just the trucking industry.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Lonely woman wonders how to make friends

A woman writes to a gossip columnist and asks, "...I can’t believe that in a city as big as New York City, it’s so hard to make a friend with so many lonely people out there. What do people in my shoes do? I need people in my life! Can you give me ideas?"

 My response:

 This is fundamental characteristic of a free market capitalistic society. There is no cooperation. The entire society is based on personal competition necessary for maximizing profit. The downside is that nobody is really friends with anybody. We just try and use others to get satisfaction and there are few permanent social bonds even within families., We are all left totally alone by corporate, and governmental, design. Look at the homeless camps by the side of the road and you will realize that "Nobody cares about anybody in America" and sadly -- nobody cares about you. (just wait till you experience a life threatening disaster and wait to see how the world rallies to your assistance and you'll see)...

Nobody who reads this will remark, "Oh no -- I've got at least five good friends that would 'take me in' and 'take care of me' if I was in serious trouble." And yet, in many other cultures in other times in history, that idea was the standard and it would be unthinkable to leave people starving and dying by the side of the road. This IS America and nobody cares about you. Most of you are so ignorant of history and culture that you think this is a great cultural advancement to live in a big single family home while other people are sleeping in the street.

copyright (c) 2018 
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Authentic Grief

In ancient Greece it was a sign of strength and manhood to be able to express your grief authentically and to cry in public. In America we are surrounded by polite automatons that never show any emotions except the scripted behaviors that we are instructed are appropriate. Most people in America are out of touch with their genuine emotions and live in a plastic world acting like the polite little citizens they are told to be. For most of us, our real selves have been submerged into the subconscious and we are "sleepwalking" through life.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Stand up straight

If you have to stand on your feet for an extended length of time - like eight or twelve hours without a break, there are two "tricks" that are extremely helpful:

 1. Practice good posture. Stand up straight with you head held straight above the top of your spine. Think of your spine as a stack of dishes and try and keep the dishes in a straight vertical line. If you have bad posture, your small muscles will have to constantly work to keep you standing and this will fatigue you faster. If you have good posture, you will work much less to stay standing.

 2. Put your weight primarily on one foot or the other. Masai tribesmen can stand for days while herding cattle and the trick they use is to stand on one foot and place the other foot on top of the primary foot. They keep their balance by using the spear. This posture can be adapted to modern environments and jobs by remembering to keep your weight balanced primarily on one foot or another.

 Of course it helps to be generally healthy, and have strong, comfortable shoes, but if you keep these two ideas in mind, you can stand on your feet for days with little ill effect.

copyright (c) 2018 
William Schaeffer

Monday, March 5, 2018


My effort is to help change awareness by constantly reminding people of the reality as I see it. I also create "memes" to help form the thoughts into social reality. With music, art, and the blog, I try to create more empathy in the listeners. Empathy is the birthplace of LOVE.

"If people feel strong empathy for their friends and neighbors, then we will all arrive at the best possible solutions for social problems. But until we have empathy, we will never have anything except WAR -- WAR on a personal, regional, cultural, and especially POLITICAL level. This is my opinion." - Mr. Atwater

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Concentrate on Process not Progress

Response to a comment that "it appears the Universe is conspiring to prevent my advancement or progress."

1. Concentrate on the journey, not the destination.
2. Go a different way.
3. Live in the moment.
4. "Look -- over there..."

Give up on wanting progress. Seek health and happiness and let progress take care of itself.

Example) If you watch the surface of a coffee cup while you are walking, you will be very unstable and might spill the coffee. If you just carry the cup normally (without watching the surface of the cup), you are much less likely to spill.
Another Example) If you watch the screen of your cell phone while videotaping, your framing will be more unstable than if you just watch the subject of the video and concentrate on stillness and stability.
Look beyond the video to the subject, and let the video take care of itself.

"Concentrate on process, not progress."

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Friday, March 2, 2018

A boy and his dog

 A boy and his dog
Assembly Art with nuts
5 x 8 canvas board

Not housebroken.

Copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Finding a Penny

Thoughts on finding a penny and reporting it on facebook:

This is an exercise in programmed attention and luck. It has only a little to do with pennies per se (although I do like pennies and collected them as a child). The idea is: " If I am more conscious about finding pennies and 'things of value' on the ground, then I will be more likely to find pennies and 'things of value' in the future" The basic concept is not scientific at all, but the analysis is. When I find something of value on the ground I report it on facebook. This conscious activity helps direct my awareness toward finding more things and perhaps influence the likelihood of those events in the future.

 This is similar to the idea Terrence McKenna has about the Eschaton (or end state of the Universe)... Instead of being pushed forward in time away from the Big Bang, he thought we are being pulled foreward in time towards the Eschaton. So, to adapt this model to our lives, we are pulled toward the goals and thoughts and unconscious desires we hold in our mind. Perhaps, if we can direct the content of our thoughts, we can modify the direction of our life, both on a practical level and perhaps even on a supernatural level. In other words -- if you "feel lucky" you just might be more likely to actually GET LUCKY. The results are inconclusive, but I do find a lot of pennies and dimes and strings of beads and playing cards on the ground (if I am in the zone and aware)

Since I have been consciously doing this a close friend has started finding money and things of value and she never finds anything. It is all about attention. Sometimes I will be standing in a group of people (at a bus stop, or in a store) and I will see a penny on the ground and I wonder WHY nobody else even noticed it. Awareness and Attention? Luck? Magic?

Once, at the bus stop at Jefferson and Vermont I was very distracted thinking about dental surgery and lamenting my fate, and someone else found a penny on the ground right in front of me.  I was very irritated and disappointed at that.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Thursday, March 1, 2018

A Rude Surprise

"A Rude Surprise"

Assembly Art 5 x 7 framed

Copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Looking for LOVE

Looking for LOVE

Assembly Art 5 x 7 framed

Copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Get Lucky

Get Lucky

Assembly Art 5 x 7

"I found the cookie on the sidewalk outside  at midnight."

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer