Saturday, November 30, 2019

No Employer ever was concerned about me

I have never had an employer that was the least bit concerned about my health or my personal happiness.

The only thing any employer, in the USA, cares about is getting the best quality work, reliably, for the least expenditure of money.

I have plenty of performance reviews where employers were satisfied that I was doing my job adequately. Not ONCE in forty years, was any employer concerned about whether I earned enough to survive, or I earned enough to have a happy life. Not ONCE in forty years was any employer concerned about me as a human.

The employer is not concerned about my life. The employer is not concerned about me as a person. The employer is only concerned about what they get from me.

 America is a prison.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

In America you are just a robot

In most other cultures in human history, your personal identity was a function of you family and social relationships.
Your "self definition" was a product of your family lineage and your clan identity.

 In the USA your personal identity is your job function.
 What you are employed to do 40 - 60 hours a week is who you are.

In the USA you are not a human. you are just a robot.
America is a prison.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Friday, November 29, 2019

Thanksgiving at the Turkey Slaughterhouse

One time, when I was in YMCA Indian Guides, we took a Thanksgiving field trip to a Turkey Slaughterhouse. The assembly line was turned off, but we saw where they stripped the feathers off of live Turkeys. We saw where they hung the bodies on the conveyor belt to move to the room where they cut them up into portions. I was seven years old.

It was very bizarre. We were all first grade age boys. A group of ten men and fifteen boys tour a Turkey slaughterhouse, having fun. The factory was totally clean, except in the corners of the rooms on the floor were still some small tube like segments about 4 inches long and a half an inch in diameter. They looked like segments of some kind of organic tube like a trachea, or intestine, or "something." The facility was quiet and empty and clean and the guide enthusiastically described the manufacturing process of turning live turkeys into trays of meat. THEN, we went outside and took photos with the live Turkeys in the pen that escaped the slaughter -- just by luck. They were beautiful white feather birds and it was a cold Chicago weather day.

The thing I remember most vividly was the rotating tube that removed the Turkey feathers. It was about four feet in diameter and the walls were bristling with short wires pointed toward the axis of the cylinder. We were all first grade boys, so we could have easily fit into that tube ourselves. When activated the tube rotated and a high rate of speed. The turkeys were forced into the entrance of the tube and by the time they emerged screaming from the other end the wires had stripped all their feathers off their body. Then, the turkeys were killed and hung by their feet on hooks on the overhead conveyor belt so the blood could drain out. Happy Thanksgiving.

This occurred in 1963 or 1964 at Thanksgiving.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Psychiatric Drugs are Way more Dangerous than you think

Youtube comment on a video by Peter Breggin on the dangers of psychiatric drugs.

"HAHAHA... America is a prison that destroys your mind and deceives your family. There is no LOVE in America, just LUST FOR MONEY, and Too bad for you.

 Don't trust the doctors. Don't trust your therapist. They do NOT have YOUR best interests in mind. They only want to profit from you vulnerability. They don't even know what real health is themselves for the most part. Don't trust the Doctors.

You must learn how to trust your heart and trust your own mind. Look for simple truths. Do not trust the Doctors. Be patient and do not expect too much. Return to natural thought. Keep it simple and honest. Good Luck.

I know. I've been there. I took Lithium. I took tri-cyclic anti depressants. I took Prozac. and then I took control of my own life and I stopped "cold turkey". That was thirty years ago. I took back my own life. NOBODY was on my side. The medical profession tried to profit from my life situation and temporary emotional vulnerability. They counselled me that I could not trust myself and would be helpless forever.  When I had a bad reaction, their response was, "don't worry about it." 


 I did it and so can YOU.    FUCK the DOCTORS.   FUCK the DRUG Companies.   And mostly, FUCK the GOVERNMENT that legitimizes the whole process.    TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE AND FUCK THE PARASITIC CORPORATE GREED that is trying to kill you for money."

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

I remember Duke the family dog (from a facebook post)

When I was five years old, my father and mother decided our family dog, "Duke," was not behaving, and they did not want the dog. So my father drove the dog 20 miles away and just let the dog loose to run in the farm land and drove away again. That was the end of our family dog. Sometimes, my father was a jerk.

This dog, "Duke," was the second family dog we had. We got him as an adult, from people who could no longer keep him. The first dog, was named "Rusty." We trained him to bite a knotted rag for fun, but he got too aggressive, so my parents sold him in a want ad. A couple weeks later the people called and complained that the dog was biting too much. We did not have another dog until my youngest brother Scott insisted on a dog more than five years later (when he was in sixth grade and got everything he asked for). This dog was a female named "Boots."

Somehow, I think my father thought that was the best solution for Duke. The dog used to run away and he convinced himself that the dog would survive in the country, I guess. We rarely spoke about Duke again. I still remember we were saying our night time prayers (before bed time) and my father came home and told us it was done. He sat down and looked relieved and troubled at the same time. He was only 29 years old. I was only five years old and had no idea what was right or appropriate in our complex American "society", but I felt strange about the dog being gone that way...

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

There is no LOVE in Capitalism

Linkedin response to a post about relying on experts to help you in your career:

Unfortunately, in Capitalist economies, there are no honest or reliable experts. The entire system is designed to exploit your time and labor for as little compensation as possible. There is no honor or sense of responsibility in almost any employer in the USA (or any Capitalist Society). 50% of ALL the jobs in America are minimum wage jobs and you cannot survive on minimum wage. The entire system is a shell game that guarantees that thousands of unfortunate members of society will be forced to sleep outside in the rain. NOBODY CARES. NOBODY FEELS ANYTHING. 50% of the college graduates do not work in the field of their degree and their time in college was a useless exploitation by the education system. There is no honor or honesty in the government of the USA. You have been had and there is nothing you can do, except join together and fight back. Good Luck.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Imagine the Economy

50% of the jobs in the USA are minimum wage jobs.

 IMAGINE if 50% of the Grades in school were "F's" ... ?

 Imagine if 50% of the students flunked out each year...

We have been conditioned (by the use of "the bell curve" in grading) to a reality that does not exist. There is no bell curve in the distribution of wealth in America. There is no "fairness." There is just a short squat pyramid with a broad base in misery. Think about it.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

50% of all jobs in USA are Minimum Wage jobs

Fact: 50% of all the jobs in America are minimum wage jobs.

 If you analyze this fact statistically, you will come to the inescapable conclusion, that for at least half the men in the USA it is impossible to fulfill the legal responsibility of supporting a wife and family.

It seems that "America is a prison" or  " America is a con job." 

Aren't you glad you took out a $5,000 loan to pay for school? If you had just gotten a job, you might be promoted to a supervisor and you wouldn't have a student loan. Your life might have been better without going to college. Don't you feel stupid now?

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Monday, November 25, 2019

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Christmas has been cancelled this year

Christmas has been cancelled this year.
There is no brotherly love.
There is no peace on Earth.
There is no salvation.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Have a good day.

copyright (c) 2019 
William Schaeffer

Friday, November 22, 2019

Patriotism and Circumcision

It is amazing how many American Men genuinely love and support the government of the United States of America, when they themselves are victims of the American Medical Association recommended practice of painfully mutilating the genitals of infant boys when they are born.  The clinical term is circumcision.  These men love the country that mutilated their genitals and they do not even realize the contradiction (pun intended).

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Senator Ron Paul's Debt Bubble economy

Public comment on Senator Ron Paul video on the debt bubble economy and possible coming recession:

"As long as the combined wealth of just three citizens is greater than the combined wealth of half of the entire population of the USA, then NOTHING YOU SAY has any RELEVANCE to reality. USA America has the greatest concentration of wealth in the control of private citizens of any society in the history of mankind. Everything you say is irrelevant, if you do not address this simple FACT as being fiscally and morally WRONG."

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

New Art

New Artwork:

Emi Ichihara bought the skull stickers and gave them to me a while ago.

I found the 5 x 7 paintings in the dumpster.

I sprayed with clear gloss fixative, added the skulls and framed the art.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Personal Relationships and Grade School

If your personal relationships are the most important part of your life, why is Public Grade School designed to silence you and eliminate your personal relationships?

Why is there no practice or instruction on: building friendships, autonomy, self discovery, trust, caring, empathy, and love?

Public Grade School is a prison.

America is a prison..

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Life is too short...

"Life is too short to walk slowly" - Mr. Atwater

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Monday, November 18, 2019

Fruit and Nuts for life

Fruit and nuts fall off the tree by themselves and you pick them up off the ground to eat. Neither a fruit or a nut is still living when it is laying on the ground. The tree or bush is unharmed and you walk through nature without hurting anything. Fruit and nuts are manufactured in abundance by nature so man and animals can eat and there are still enough seeds to make new plants. Think about it.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

You do not own the work you are hired to complete

Remember: You do not own the work you are hired to complete. In twenty years, nobody will care that you were involved and you will derive no benefit from your participation. The only work that you will find personally satisfying in twenty years is the work that you do for yourself, on your own time, that nobody is hiring you to do. Even the the most amateur watercolor painting will bring you more recognition and joy than the "money shot" you spent three weeks working on for that blockbuster movie. You only own the work you do on your own time and that is the only work that will be meaningful in twenty years. Remember that I told you this, and get to work on your own projects. (nothing you are hired to complete will have any meaning or significance in twenty years no matter how time consuming it happens to be today)

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Hang in there

"Just ten more minutes"

Whenever you are at your wits end and do not possibly see how you can continue; when a solution or relief seems impossibly remote, then remind yourself, "Just ten more minutes." Hang in there for just ten minutes at a time and eventually you will find a solution and the 'problem' will yield a solution.

All you have to do is wait, "just ten more minutes"...

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Nobody got your back

In America
Nobody got your back

In Primitive times
Your Tribe, or your Clan
Got your back

In Agricultural times,
Your family and neighbors
Got your back

You got no family
You got no neighbors
Nobody got your back

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Monday, November 11, 2019

Sinister America

From a facebook post on "homelessness:"

America is one of the most sinister and cold hearted civilizations in the history of mankind. No other civilization has had as extreme disparity of wealth, ever. Do the research yourself. Do the math.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Faith in God

from a posting on

Jim M. post:
In God we trust. All others must bring data.

 William response:
There is no evidence for the existence of the “Soul,” “Heaven,” “Hell,” “God,” or the “Afterlife” that is admissible in a court of law or a contemporary scientific journal. These concepts must all be accepted on “Faith.” This idea of Faith is essentially “Belief without Evidence.” In any other realm of human existence, belief without evidence is considered to be “Delusional Thought.” The fundamental concepts that are basic to the mindset promoted by the Christian Church are essentially delusional beliefs and delusional thought. Usually a delusional belief is considered to be a kind of mental illness. Praise Jesus.

 Jim M. rebuttal 7mo
William, you are incorrect- everybody has a measure of Faith. You, for example have faith that these statements of yours are true., also must have faith that someone might believe what your assertions are and that they're true. The very fact, that you have thoughts, emotions, free will, knowledge, and some wisdom proves the very existence of God.

  William Response 7mo
Jim M. you twist the context of the real meaning of words so your comment is just deceitful. Religious Faith equals belief without evidence -- a delusional belief. What you are referring to is Trust. We trust that our car will work properly. We trust that we understand the meaning of what someone says. You, like most Christians, twist the meaning of words until nothing you say has any real meaning at all. It is only in the delusional universe of superstitious Christianity, that any Christian Theology makes sense at all. Otherwise it is just crazy talk and must be maintained by deception and force. Study the history of the Christian Faith. It is a blood bath of ignorance and superstition. You are repeating knowing falsehoods. The fact that I have thoughts, an illusion of free will and emotions tells us nothing about supernatural "hocus pocus." You are an idiot.

 William response 2mo
We don't need to hypothesize or claim to describe things that we do not understand. We just accept that "things are the way they are" and we "work with it."   We don't need to hypothesize the existence of an invisible super being that we will never directly see, encounter, or have documentary evidence of. We just have fun the best we can without causing problems for others.

If everybody on Earth followed that same philosophy, there would be no War, or social strife. It is simple, and you do not even need a "God" to make you do it. You just do it yourself.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Thursday, November 7, 2019


Memes are mind parasites.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


"A person's own propaganda skews his worldview so much that he can no longer assess reality." - S. J. Gooch

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Grade School Stole my Childhood

America stole my life,
because Grade School stole my childhood

There is no LOVE in America,
because Grade School is a prison

Who cares?
I care.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

Monday, November 4, 2019

Employment History

I have worked as a background actor and a VFX artist. As an actor, there is a lot of down time and you get to hang out in holding and talk with your friends and eat the food that is provided. You get haircuts and free meals. If you get hired for eight hour, you get paid for eight hours, even if you quit early. As a VFX artist, you sit in a dark cold room by yourself at a computer. You cannot talk to anyone, because they are busy working, The only breaks you get are the legally prescribed work breaks and your computer monitors your activity. You work constantly for the entire 12 or 16 hours. Nobody buys you food, nobody gives you a place to eat. Nobody talks to you, except your supervisor asking about your progress.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer