Wednesday, November 11, 2015

How to be beautiful, or handsome

For many of us, we did not learn to think well of ourselves and we do not try to present ourselves in the best manner possible. We have learned bad habits and have a negative self impression.

Appearance is mostly a manifestation of mindset and habit. Almost anyone can project attractiveness if they work at it. Change your diet and lose weight. Buy some properly fitting clothes. Get a good haircut. Learn to be interested in other people. Become a good conversationalist. Develop a skill or talent. Learn to conduct a humorous yet considerate dialog. Read a book. Be patient. Get rid of your negative and critical friends who just put you down. Be compassionate and considerate. Strive to be your best. Brush your teeth and bathe regularly. Many of the most attractive movie stars are not all that "good looking" if you analyze them in detail. What makes them attractive is their presentation and personality. For example, look closely at photographs of Marilyn Monroe (photos, not movie clips). She is not that attractive in the face OR the body. She is very average looking. What made her an irrepressible beauty was the character she portrayed and the manner in which she conducted herself on film and in life.

Stop ruminating on your inherited "physical flaws" and start trying to be the best person you can be. It is difficult and it takes constant vigilance, but the rewards are worth it. You will discover the real "YOU," and the best person, that you can really be. And you will discover that people find you are attractive and good looking.

Stay vigilant. Stay positive. Always work to look your best and you will succeed.

William Schaeffer

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