Saturday, December 23, 2017

Old People Complaining

"I am sick and tired of hearing these young people constantly complaining about old people without even thinking for a moment that we can complain louder and with more effectiveness than anyone else on the planet. We have been practicing for decades and refining our technique so it operates like a diamond tipped surgery drill -- tapping right into the most sensitive part of your teeth and jaw. So if you are going to start complaining about how much we complain when you clearly are not equipped to go the distance in complaining, then you got another thing coming there, Missy"  - Herman R. Gripe, Sr.

"When I was a kid we had to wake up before we went to sleep and walk five miles to school just to attend class the previous day. And you think you got it difficult?"
- bad paraphrase of an old Monty Python sketch

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

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