Saturday, December 30, 2017

Forty Five Thousand Deaths in one year

If an average of 123 people kill themselves with suicide every day in the USA, then in the year 2017, almost 45,000 people will have killed themselves with suicide in the USA. FORTY FIVE THOUSAND PEOPLE killed themselves with suicide in one year. Think about it. "123 a day in the USA"

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer


  1. There were almost 50,000 American soldiers killed in the entire Vietnam war and it was considered an outrage by many people. Today, almost 45,000 kill themselves in a year and nobody notices. Is this not a curious fact?

  2. Since the end of the Vietnam War more than FORTY TIMES the number of american citizens died with suicide than soldiers died in Vietnam. In every year of the Vietnam war (1964 - 1972), more USA citizens died from suicide than soldiers died in battle. Where is the media outrage?
