Thursday, September 14, 2017

There are NOT Two Sides to a Story

There are NOT two sides to a story.

There is only ONE side to a story: i.e. what actually happened.  There is only one single past that we all share.  When "something happens" there is in reality only one single event narrative or sequence of events that "really happened."  Now the TRUTH of what actually happened my be obscured by lies, forgetfulness, deceit, confusion, or error, but underneath and behind it ALL, there was only one single event that occurred and ALL parties involved were part of the same experience.

People confuse their opinions with reality and insist that there are two sides to the story when in TRUTH, THERE IS ONLY ONE STORY.

What people generally mean, (if they are honest and not willfully deceitful) is that there are two opinions as to correct response,  correct interpretation of events, and the causes of contemporary events.   This is all arguably true, but a little irrelevant to the original actual claim.

There are NOT two sides to a story.  There is only a single correct event narrative of the past.  It may be lost, obscured, distorted, or confused with something else, but originally there were not two different things that happened.  There was only one event.  There was only ONE story.  You cannot change reality, you can only forget to remember it accurately.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

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