Monday, September 25, 2017

Listening to Football

1. If you examine the history of football and the history of military technology, there is only one reason why football is promoted at the grade school and high school -- so boys will be used to being physically active and coordinated while wearing pounds of protective gear and a helmet.  This is so that when they go to boot camp, they will more easily adapt to being a soldier.

The rest of the world chose soccer and only the USA chose football (except Australia and England that choose rugby).  This is primarily because of local government funding in the grade schools and high schools. 

The entire reason that football even exists is because of government support at the grade school and high school levels.  If people did not play football in high school and college there would be no professional football.  Football was created by the very government it now protests.

2. To my understanding, the national anthem is a symbol of the USA Government and the basic principles of "Democratic Process."  To protest the National Anthem is a protest against ALL of the USA and EVERYTHING is stands for.

3. To protest against the USA because you are unhappy with the President Trump policies or personal statements, is misguided for several reasons:

A. It assumes that Trump is the USA and that democracy is already dead.  It assumes we are already in a totalitarian form of despotic political government run by a single person.

B. It exposes their own lack of political involvement or political understanding.

C. If continued it will lead to the end of football itself.  Local communities, under economic pressure will start to discontinue their sports and especially football programs.

D. If you are really unhappy with the political process, then work to change the political process itself using the tools that have been provided.

4. As warfare become more mechanized and automated, the necessity for large number of ground troupes wearing heavy protection and armament will be less necessary.  Football itself will seem less necessary to be used to train young and innocent boys for their role in warfare.  It is likely that school programs will start de-funding football and sports programs for "economic considerations."  This has already started happening at the grade school and high school level in limited cases.

5. I am not a big football fan but I appreciate the public spectacle.  I am not very interested in football personally and this essay is just an intellectual exercise.  It will be interesting to see what happens to football in 20 years.  Los Angeles gets along just fine without a football team and nobody here misses the game.

copyright (c) 2017
William A. Schaeffer

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