Sunday, September 3, 2017

Public Education = Homelessness

The reason we have homeless in this society is because of public education.  This is not a goal of  public education but an inadvertent by-product.

We are trained in the school system to be autononomous units for grading and evaluation.  We are trained that another person's performance does not affect us and is not our concern.  If a fellow student is flunking out and their life is being destroyed, it is not our concern.  If a fellow student actually flunks out, then he is no longer our friend.  He no longer exists in any real way.  THIS is what public school teaches us.  We sit at our desk and worry about our own performance and the behavior or performance of everyone else is not our concern.

It is not a surprise that as adults we find it perfectly acceptable to let our friends and neighbors fail in life and we feel no obligation to help them.  If they cannot find a job it is their own fault.  If they lose money, make a bad contract, or become bankrupt, that is still just their problem.  If they disappear and die, then it is just too bad, but it does not really concern us.

THIS is why there are 70,000 homeless people living right on the streets of Los Angeles. We are trained by the school system to NOT CARE.  We are trained by the school system to let other people suffer and die and it is no concern of ours.

America has become one of the most heartless and cruel civilizations in the history of mankind and we do not even recognize it because we are trained to NOT CARE by our own public school system.

Most people who read this short essay are so indoctrinated by the public school system and have so little knowledge of other cultures that this statement sounds ridiculous.  But if you do an honest evaluation of you own life you will find very few real trusting love relationships and a LOT of usury business oriented friends that will just let you crash and burn if life get too difficult.  There is very little LOVE in America any more.

This is America.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

1 comment:

  1. For historical perspective on this argument, I suggest reading the essay "On Cannibals" by Michel de Montaigne.
