Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Personal Relationships and Grade School

If your personal relationships are the most important part of your life, why is Public Grade School designed to silence you and eliminate your personal relationships?

Why is there no practice or instruction on: building friendships, autonomy, self discovery, trust, caring, empathy, and love?

Public Grade School is a prison.

America is a prison..

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer


  1. I remember being four years old and the excitement I felt at the prospect of being able to go to school at five years old. I never imagined the great depressing disappointment the experience would become and how it took all the joy from my life. I LOVED LIFE as a four year old boy and was excited to learn about everything. I have few pleasant memories after the age of five years old. Truth.

  2. When I listen to the impeachment proceedings, political speeches, corporate advertising, or even my coworkers personal opinions, I tend to think we all had our brains destroyed by Public Grade School and nobody in America is capable of logical, empathetic, or practical "human" thought.

    The downside of this "Grade School social engineering" is a tremendous loss of money, joy, love -- and possible risk of total social collapse. Why does Grade School exist? So anonymous factory workers are 5% more efficient over their lifetime, before they get eventually replaced by younger slightly more efficient workers?

  3. I was primarily talking about the functional design of the Grade School curriculum and the Grade School "social environment." In my experience, we were forced to sit at the desk we were told to sit at. We were not allowed to talk unless given permission, and THEN we were only allowed to say what we were told to say. For the majority of our waking hours as children, we were forced to sit silent and motionless (unless we were given permission to talk) in Emerson and Jefferson Grade school in Wheaton, Illinois. How does this possibly help to educate responsible and emotionally mature adults?
