Friday, December 27, 2019

Prepare for doom

since 1960: 75% of the ocean plankton population has died off, 60% of large marine life has died off, 75% of insect population on land has died off, 60% of large animal population has died off, 90 % of honey bee population has died off. Since 1960...   "Prepare for doom."

 since 1960: human population on Earth has more than doubled from three billion to over seven billion people. "Life out of balance"

 one third of all agricultural products are pollinated by the honey bee. When the honey be becomes extinct, there will be mass human starvation and social strife.   "Prepare for doom."

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the most rapid extinction events in the history of the planet. Scientists estimate there were five previous extinction events in the History of the Earth. This is event number six and it is caused by humans.
