Saturday, November 30, 2019

In America you are just a robot

In most other cultures in human history, your personal identity was a function of you family and social relationships.
Your "self definition" was a product of your family lineage and your clan identity.

 In the USA your personal identity is your job function.
 What you are employed to do 40 - 60 hours a week is who you are.

In the USA you are not a human. you are just a robot.
America is a prison.

copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer

1 comment:

  1. Specifically in Native American and other hunter gatherer societies, you were not viewed as a "job function", you were viewed as a member within a network of relationships. In contemporary America, you have no real relationship with most of the people you spend most of you time with at work. You know nothing about their family, their childhood, or their personal history. They are just a job function to you. They may be pleasant, friendly, helpful, and considerate, but they are STILL JUST A JOB FUNCTION in your life. You HAVE NO REAL RELATIONSHIP.
