Monday, December 31, 2018

Mass Earth die off goes unnoticed

Up until 1960 the animal population of the Earth was relatively stable at a constant level. Since 1960, 60% of the animal population on Earth has been lost, 75% of the insect population has been lost, 90% of the bee population has been lost. The Earth is experiencing one of the worst animal die offs in the history of the planet and most people are unaware, or unconcerned. This is directly attributable to human activity. Prepare for doom.

What's for dinner?

Four new installments in the "What's for Dinner?" series #4 - #7

Order yours today.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Friday, December 28, 2018

Millennial Madness

In 1960, it was possible to pay an average house mortgage with 25% of one average take home pay. There was no student debt. Today it takes 100% of one average salary to pay off the average house mortgage. Average student debt today is $30,000, or more than the cost of an average house in 1960. THAT represents all the difference in the world. America is a prison.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

We will never forget

Few people realize that during the last recession in 2008, the unemployment numbers for men was similar to the Great Depression: "30% of all men in the USA did not work for two years" The big difference was that in 1929, there were few women in the labor market, and in 2008, women's unemployment was MUCH less dramatic, so the TOTAL unemployment figures were around 10%. But the 30% of men whose lives were absolutely destroyed, will never forget. We will never forget.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Don't Believe Everything You Read

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Happy New Year

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Have a Good Day

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Burn baby Burn

Response to a comment on a youtube video on wealth that said"Burn down the gated communities..."

The stratification of wealth and concentration of wealth in the USA is greater than almost anytime in human history. The concentration and stratification of wealth is possibly greater than in the France of Louis XVI. The lower classes in the USA will eventually determine they have nothing to lose and there will be a mass revolution and rioting. Eventually, the rich enclaves will all be targeted in another reign of violence similar to the reign of violence that ended the career of Louis XVI. Since "Wealth never divests itself willingly" I do not see another likely scenario. One can only hope...

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Thursday, December 20, 2018

You are expendable

When I first started in computer graphics in 1988, I laughed -- because at that time it was common knowledge that "you cannot get a script writing job if you are older than fifty" and I was in computer graphics. I had a technical skill. Well, thirty years later, I find that the same thing happened to me after fifty years old. Look at the VFX work crews you know: How many people are older than forty years old? How many people are older than fifty years old? How many people are older than sixty years old? Why do you think you will still have a career when you are 55 years old? You won't... This is America. You are expendable.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Cell Phone priorities

Comment on facebook on prevalence of texting and lack of "real" phone calls in modern society:

 " Actually, I think it is corporate manipulation. "Texts" are WAY less expensive to facilitate than a REAL phone call is. Corporations ONLY care about profit. The phone companies are actively discouraging phone talking for the past twenty years: 1. Answering a cell phone call requires several operations and is not simple. 2. Audio fidelity is lousy. It is not pleasant, and barely workable for plain speech. The cell phone cannot transmit music over an ordinary conversation connection. 3. Good vocal communication encourages good relationships and populist political action. The more we can prevent good communication, the easier it is to keep people in corporate slavery."

 copyright (c) 2018 
William Schaeffer

Disfunctional Society

Comment on a youtube video about childhood abuse and PTSD:

HAHA.. We are all the descendants of "Slaves, prostitutes, prisoners, alcoholics, religious fanatics, and criminal opportunists" because those were the only people that migrated to America in the first place. America IS a toxic society.

 "Mental Health is a fantasy of the wealthy in America" - Zobo the Clown

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Love and Empathy

from December 19, 2017

A old, and close family associate is obsessed with the idea that I am not a born again Christian and he is sending me critical and accusatory emails.
This is my response to him, below. Any comments in facebook land?

All ideas and comments are welcome...?

 "Sorry you are obsessed with this simple idea. It occurs to me that it is perfectly possible to have loving relationships based on nurturing, caring and mutual support without the same understanding of how the world works or even the same code of behavior. A good example would be with an animal.

 We can have a loving, trusting, nurturing relationship with a dog, horse, cat, or most mammals that is genuine and has true emotions. These animals will even behave in ways we find unacceptable, but we still love and care for them. Why is it so difficult to love and care for humans? Why is it so difficult to feel compassion and warmth with someone who does not have your same priorities, or goals in life? (for example -- an artist, or musician instead of an auto mechanic or mail carrier)

 Most mammals feel love and affection unconditionally, why is it so difficult for so many humans to feel love?

 Concentrate on the love and empathy.



If you build mansions...

"If you build mansions, then you'll create the homeless." - Zobo the Clown copyright (c) 2018 William Schaeffer

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Half Life

The half life of Nuclear fuel is 500,000 years. During that entire time it is hazardous, radioactive poison. According to science, that is at least twice as long as Humanity, or Homo Sapiens, has even existed as a species (about 200,000 to 300,000 years) And -- according to Archbishop James Ussher, that is almost eighty three times as long as the entire Planet Earth has even existed (because Planet Earth was "created" on October 23, 4004 B.C.).

William Schaeffer

Cybernetic Philosophers


copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
It is 4:30 Am and a man outside in the street is screaming bitter anguish at the world.  "It's not fair" he screams with a voice raw from screaming.  He stops and yells again.  I cannot make out the words.  No one responds.  Nobody hears.  He is all alone in the heart of the night.  So am I.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Street Wisdom from Zobo the Clown

"There is no LOVE in America"
"America is a prison"
"Nobody cares if you are dead or alive"

- Zobo the Clown

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Another Cybernetic Haiku


copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

I saw a woman screaming

I saw a woman screaming in broken hearted agony, sitting on a bus bench with a back pack and a duffle bag. Everyone, including myself, just walked by and pretended not to see her. I walked across the street a half a block away and stood and listened to her for a while. It was very sad to hear her give vent to her loss and her torment.  I wish there was something I could have done, but there wasn't. I continued walking home.  Nobody cares about anybody in America any more.

 I saw a man asleep right on the sidewalk in the rain without a blanket.

 I saw the sun rise this morning and nobody noticed.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Friday, December 7, 2018

Grade School Bullying

Response to a facebook post on Grade School Bullying:

Grade School concept and environment inherently promotes bullying, ostracization, and works to destroy your family and social relationships BY DESIGN... This is a planned feature of grade school. Grade School concepts were invented in East Prussia in the 1880's - 1890's and were adopted by Thomas Dewey and American educators at the behest of the manufacturing industry. Grade school is not designed to make you a complete and fully functioning adult human. Grade school is designed to make you a factory slave. FACT. Additionally, it was the Grade School system that helped make NAZI philosophy so appealing to German citizens in the early 20th century.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Ants have Two Stomachs

I bought a children's book on insects figuring it would be enjoyable, easy reading, and I would probably learn something new anyway.  I did.   I learned that ants have two stomachs.  One is for digesting food for nutrition.  The other stomach is used to store food to share with other ants.

I told this fact to my friend Emi and she said, "Oh.  Ants are more advanced than humans."

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Politics as usual?

"The only way that we are going to get out of this situation is by choosing to be courageous." - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

I Hate This Life

I never had any choice about coming into it.
And I don't have much choice going out.

And I am not so sure how much choice
I have about anything else in between.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Standing Out in a Crowd

Question:  Do you celebrate uniqueness, or punish individuality?

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Monday, December 3, 2018

Yankee Doodle Dandy

I painted this painting "Yankee Doodle Dandy" in the early 1990's but it seems even more appropriate today. I sold it to an old friend this past summer.  I painted the stripes with a pallet knife like wiping off a bloody knife in a bed sheet. The stars are puffs of smoke, like an overhead view of a carpet bombing campaign. Prepare for doom.

Copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Answers to questions

1. If people ask your Religion, tell them that, "I'm a Philosopher."

2. If people ask if you are a Vegetarian, tell them that, "I'm a Nutty Fruitarian."

3. If people ask if you are Conservative or Liberal, tell them that, "I'm an Artist."

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

The Ten Thousand Year Dark Ages of Mankind

At the end of the ten thousand year dark ages, the world will be quite different. All the polar ice caps will have melted and humans will live at the South pole. Caucasian white people will have disappeared. The surviving peoples will live in harmony with the environment and there will be no big cities or great concentrations of population. Technology will be so advanced that people do not use fossil fuels or burn wood, but get energy directly from the sun and magnetic and gravitational fields. People will fly small crafts instead of driving on the surface of the planet. People will be more telepathic.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer


William's Prediction:

Donald Trump will lead the world into WWIII within the next five years. The USA will get destroyed after a long grinding nuclear showdown and a massive scale land invasion on the West Coast. The "heartland" will be absolutely destroyed.


There is no way the USA could win a protracted war against an alliance of Iran, Russian, Turkey, and China. With 6% of the population against 35% of the world population, we do not stand a chance, no matter how sophisticated our weapon systems are.

Remember: the North American continent has been successfully invaded and captured. Neither Russia or China has ever been successfully invaded and held. The Mongols had about 80 good years in both countries, but that was it. Even they could not last.

If even India Launched their nuclear arsenal at Pakistan or another neighbor it would cause all life on earth to perish within 6 months and the earth would be enshrouded in gases making it unlivable by oxygen or carbon dioxide breathing life for at least tens of thousands of years! These gases would also block out ALL sunlight for at least tens of thousands of years.

That won't stop the "born again Christians" from trying the same tactic. They pray for the end of the world so they think there will be a "Heaven on Earth" afterwards. HAHAHA

46% of the entire population of the USA is self described as "Born Again Christians" There is no other nation on Earth that has a sizable, or in most cases even a countable population of Born Again Christians. It is a uniquely American distorted delusion of thought. Too bad. It will bring about the end of the world as we know it and launch what I call "The Ten Thousand Year Dark Ages of Mankind" It is already TOO LATE to prevent.

Adolf Hitler was told before WWII that Germany did not have the resources to win a protracted war against its neighbors. Hitler dismissed the idea and maintained that the "German fighting spirit" would prevail. Apparently the Confederate States thought the same thing before the Civil War. And in both cases the early years of the war seemed to confirm that thought.

 And in 16 years of fighting in Afghanistan, there has been absolutely no progress or achievement whatsoever. Our enemy The Taliban is still a powerful influence and politically controls at least half of the land territory. The USA cannot even destroy a rag tag medieval army of terrorists and mercenaries effectively, how can they possibly destroy China?

This isn't politics, THIS IS MATH.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Friday, November 30, 2018

Why eat Beets anyway?

facebook response to a post concerning eating beets:

Monkeys never ate beets or most vegetables. Our physiology is not really designed for green vegetables. Stick with fruits and nuts and leave the vegetables to the gourmands. 

I have to laugh, because I think that when most people quit eating meat, they say, "Well, WHAT shall we cook NOW? Vegetables?" I say -- Why cook anything? Just eat fruit and nuts and be as healthy as you can be. Don't even sit at a table or use a plate. Just eat, and get back to your fun life.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

For the lonely, the lost, and the forgotten

Youtube comment on the video "Silent Night"

For the lonely, the lost and the forgotten. There is no justice, peace, or love on Earth except that which you hold in your own heart. The world will always disappoint you, but you can learn to not disappoint yourself. In the end, all that matters is if you yourself treat others the way that you yourself wish to be treated. Don't be stupid. Don't be mean. But try to be true and authentic. Follow your heart. Peace. 

copyright (c) 2018 
William Schaeffer

Saturday, November 24, 2018

America is a Prison

Facebook comments on the prison system in the USA:

With only 6% of the World's population, the USA houses 25% of the prisoners. An average of 10% of the population is in prison, the legal system, or on parole.

There was a "for profit" prison for juvenile offenders in Wisconsin that was closed due to corruption. The prison officials were bribing the local judges to hand out extremely long prison sentences for trivial offences. Children were getting eight to ten years for shoplifting and similar crimes. This is the truth. "Capitalism is anti human"

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

4% inflation rate is planned

Facebook response to a comment on consumer debt:

This is also why we have a 4% inflation rate. This inflation rate is designed and planned by the Federal Government and the Central Bank. The reason is that ordinary people cannot make accurate "back of the envelope" calculations of cost and return, if there is an interest rate AND the currency is being devalued due to inflation at the same time. Ordinary people are bound to make mistakes and the banks with the computers can take advantage of those errors. This is not an accident. The inflation rate is planned so that ordinary people can be more easily taken advantage of. TRUTH.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Thursday, November 22, 2018

What's for dinner?

I am surprised that when I rarely eat animal food products my sense of smell and taste actually change. I was astounded when, a number of years ago, I went to play piano at a Christmas party and when I arrived, the house stunk like some unholy death. Being naturally polite and sociable, I didn't say anything but chatted politely until I started playing piano. The whole event struck me as very peculiar until I finally realized that what I was smelling was the turkey cooking in the oven. I was astounded that I remembered the smell of turkey as pleasant and yet this was ghastly and putrid. And yet everybody seemed to be pleasantly enjoying themselves, so the food wasn't poisoned. To this day the smell of cooking turkey is unpleasant to me. Strange.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

The ten thousand year dark ages of man

youtube comment on global warming prevention:

It is already too late. Prepare for doom and be thankful for the good time you had so far. You will probably die before the worst repercussions become obvious, but we are entering the ten thousand year dark ages.  Global warming will continue and the Earth will be returned to the state of a  "tropical hothouse" in once was in Pre Cambrian times.  The Equatorial regions will become uninhabitable for humans and there descendants will have migrated to Antarctica. All the polar ice will be melted and the oceans will rise four hundred feet. Every major city on Earth today will be flooded and destroyed. Agricultural and plant extinctions will continue at such a rapid rate that mass starvation and famine will follow. Life will be returned to the stone age with a few technological additions like automatic weapons, electricity, and computer drones. The ocean storms will make nautical travel virtually impossible. The destruction of the ozone layer will make the sunshine exposure deadly and Caucasian light skinned people will become extinct. Centralized government and planning will disappear and the society will reorganize on a tribal level. At the end of ten thousand years, society will have reorganized into a distributed network of cooperative autonomous groups working in harmony with the environment. Urban planning will be localized and based upon the circle and sphere. People will live in circular huts and fly instead of drive.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Happy Thanksgiving - sleeping in the rain

Last night after work, I walked four blocks home from the Metro station in the rain. On my way, I walked past FIVE people sleeping right on the sidewalk under an overhang or tree. Five homeless people sleeping out in the rain in just four blocks. This IS America. Happy Thanksgiving..

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The Cock Crowed Thrice

"The Cock Crowed Thrice"
Assembly Art  foam stickers on 3 x 5 note card
11/21/2018 WmS

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

T.V. Friends #3

"T.V. Friends #3"
assembly art foam stickers on 3 x 5 notecard
11/21/2018 WmS

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Homelessness and scholastic competition

youtube comment: In fact, it seems that we as a society are trained by grade school to be unconcerned about our neighbors well being because we are all in a scholastic competition and cannot help each other. This behavioral ideal is so well inculcated in American children that as adults, they could care less about anyone who is suffering or impoverished. That is the only possible explanation why several million people live in affluent single family homes and own several automobiles while 60,000 of their compatriots are living and dying on the homeless sidewalks of Los Angeles. There is no LOVE in America.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Monday, November 19, 2018

17 Feb Giordano Bruno was charged with Heresy

Facebook response to a comment that:

"17 Feb 1600, Giordano Bruno was charged with Heresy by the Catholic Church for:
1. proposing that stars are distant suns
2. these suns could have planets of their own
3. these planets could possibly harbor life
4. communion can't possibly transform wine into the blood of Christ
For these he was burned at the stake and became the first Martyr for science."

This event occurred before Galileo was also accused. He was tried for Heresy by the Catholic Church for proposing the force of Gravity (among other things). Having full knowledge of the execution of Bruno was an influence in Galileo's reaction to recant all his discoveries and live under house arrest for 17 years. At the time of the trial, not one single academic in all of Europe was courageous (or intelligent) enough to testify in behalf of Galileo's theories. The Catholic Christian Church is the enemy of truth. Academia is not much better.

 Jesus loves you so much he commands you to be burned alive at the stake for your sins. Amen.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Sunday, November 18, 2018

T.V. Friends #2

T.V. Friends #2
DADA assembly art
foam stickers on 3 x 5 note card
11/17/2018 Wm S $468.00

copyright(c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Saturday, November 17, 2018

I like Bananas

Banana for breakfast.
Banana for dinner.
Banana for lunch,
and you're a winner.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Time Goes On

"Time goes on no matter what you do." - Zobo the Clown

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

T.V. Friends

T.V. Friends
assembly art
foam stickers on 3 x 5 card
Half price only $357.00

copyright (C) 2018
William Schaeffer

Tao Te Ching #12

Colors blind the eye.
Sounds deafen the ear.
Flavors numb the taste.
Thoughts weaken the mind.
Desires wither the heart.

The Master observes the world
but trusts his inner vision.
He allows things to come and go.
His heart is open as the sky.

"Tao Te Ching"
A New English Version
by Stephen Mitchell
Harper Perennial, 1988

Friday, November 16, 2018

Remember the Bee, part 2

List of foods that will not be pollinated if bees become extinct 

from website:

Kiwi Fruit
Rose Hips
Black and Red Currants
Prickly Pear
Passion Fruit
Lima Beans
Kidney Beans
Adzuki Beans
Green Beans
Orchid Plants
Custard Apples
Acerola – used in Vitamin C supplements
Macadamia Nuts
Sunflower Oil
Goa beans
Palm Oil
Star Apples
Brazil Nuts
Mustard Seed
Brussels Sprouts
Bok Choy (Chinese Cabbage)
Congo Beans
Sword beans
Chili peppers, 

Red peppers, 
Bell peppers, 
Green peppers
Black Eyed Peas

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

I found this painting/collage in the recycling bin and I "spruced it up a little bit" with foam stickers.
11 x 14 stretched canvas
"Best Friends Forever" WmS $50

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Remember the Bee

Since 1960, 90% of the bee population worldwide has died off due to "toxic hive syndrome."  Bees pollinate about one third of all agricultural products on Earth.  If bees become extinct then these plants will not be pollinated.  There will be mass human starvation and suffering.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Monday, November 12, 2018

Prescription for longevity

Prescription for longevity:

1. Get enough sleep.  Plan for complete sleep cycles.
2. Take anti-oxident vitamins B & C.
3. Only eat food that has "one gram of fiber for every one hundred calories."
4. Only drink water.
5. No alcohol or cigarettes.
6. Practice honesty and truth.
7. Play music.  Make art.  Have fun.

copyright (C) 2018
William Schaeffer

Detroit today

comment on a facebook documentary on Detroit:

Today, 75% of the single family homes in Detroit have been abandoned or demolished. NOBODY abandons a house mortgage unless their life has been utterly destroyed and they are leaving in the middle of the night, or they are evicted. This is the future of capitalism: 75% of our lives will be absolutely destroyed to provide for the enrichment of the 1% who "moved the factories" out-of-town. Just wait and see. 

"Three out of four will perish." - Zobo the Clown

copyright (c) 2018 
William Schaeffer

Bible is not infallibly true

The birth and death narratives of Jesus in Mathew and Luke contradict each other and are not reconcilable. It is not possible to make a single timeline for either the birth or death that can logically include all the events mentioned in both Mathew and Luke. If the birth and death narratives of the centrally most import character in Christianity are contradictory then the Bible is not and cannot be infallibly true.

If the Bible is not infallibly true,  it is NOT the Word of God.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Happy Birthday

My birthday today 11/11/1957

61 years old,
444 videos on, 11 subscribers. 
1,436 videos on, 1,112 subscribers, 799,774 views.
1,493 posts on

Don't eat the cake:

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Zobo the Clown

Sayings from Zobo the Clown:

"There is no LOVE in America."

"America is a Prison"

"Nobody cares if you are Dead or Alive"

"Prepare for Doom"

"Capitalism is a Crime"

"Have a great day"

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Modern Chemistry

A new chemical equation.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Shoe model

My "personal comment" for an "online" audition form for an actor to model shoes, and specifically cowboy boots, for a commercial spot.

"My legs are too short and I cannot ride a horse.  I like cowboy hats."

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

My childhood was stolen

"My childhood was stolen from me by Grade School and I'll never get it back." - Mr. Atwater

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Live frugally

Stop going to restaurants. Stop going to movies. Stop buying cable TV. Stop eating meat. Stop drinking anything but water. Stop driving your car. Stop watching TV. Stop taking vacations. Stop buying brand name merchandise. Stop believing anything that you hear.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Religious Freedom ?

Few people appreciate that many religions are NOT a personal choice. Some religious doctrines teach that the covenant (or agreement, or law) is NOT between the individual and the Deity, but between the entire group and the divine personage.  If one member of the group violates the law, then the entire group is punished. In that case, it is the "duty" of the members of the group to "police" everybody for compliance. One of the unique things about the USA and the Bill of Rights is that it declared the legal independence of every person and the legal rights of every individual to be free of this type of group identity and group coercion.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Obama care saved my life

Response to a comment on facebook:

Obamacare saved my life after I was in an automobile accident and broke my neck. Capitalism is anti-human. For profit health care is immoral.

This is no joke. I had the Hospital charge me $85,000 for ten days stay. They thought I was uninsured. They didn't know I had Obama care. When they found out, they dropped the bill entirely. Truth. On another occasion in the 1990's a hospital charged me $9000.00 for an emergency room visit and when they realized I had health insurance they changed the bill to $900.00 TRUTH -- 50% of ALL bankruptcies in USA America are due to health care costs. This is no joke. The medical profession is criminally exploitative.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Monday, November 5, 2018

Happy Halloween #7 & #8

Happy Halloween #7
Wm S 2018
Assembly Art on Stretched Canvas
5" x 8 "

Happy Halloween #8
Wm S 2018
Assembly Art on Stretched Canvas
5" x 8"

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Tunnel of LOVE

The Tunnel of LOVE
Painting and Assembly Art
20 x 24 framed

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Springtime Buds

Springtime Buds
Painting and Assembly Art
20 x 24

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Triumph of the Soul

Triumph of the Soul
Painting and Assembly Art
24 x 36

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Life in America


20 % of American men never get married

60% of All marriages end in divorce

65% of all American men never have a happy life

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Life is tough. Friends are few.

Response to a facebook post which said: "Life is tough. Work is not very rewarding. Friends are few as an adult. We are all trying to stay afloat. Please understand."

Exactly. I am astounded at the reality of this. I attribute the fact primarily to grade school education which was like a prison and worked to keep us quiet and in our seats. Childhood is the time for forming friendship. Since friendship is the "socialist enemy" of corporate exploitation, the grade school system was created to destroy childhood friendship. If we are all "friendless" as adults, we are easier to manipulate and exploit for profit. This is not an accident.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Act without doing

Act without doing;
work without effort.
Think of the small as large
and the few as many.
Confront the difficult
while it is still easy;
accomplish the great tak
by a series of small acts.

excerpt from  number 63
Tao te Ching
by Lao Tzu
Translated by Stephen Mitchell

The most recent school shooting

Internet comment on the latest school shooting in the USA:

"It is the fundamental structure of the school environment that causes murder and violence.  We must change the education methodology to protect the society."

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

We are not "free" in America

Response to facebook comment extolling the freedoms we enjoy as Americans:

We are not "free" in America and haven't been in a long time. We work 40 -60 hours a week at corporate jobs with no worker rights and no job security. Our children a forcibly removed from their homes and forced to sit all day long in a cold hard school room. There is no community of good will anywhere in America. 70% of the population is overweight. 50% have no savings. 30% report having no friends. 80% report hating their jobs. There is no LOVE in America and we are not FREE.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Word Salad, number III

snow flake
banana peel
hibiscus flower
ice cube

snack tray
dog bite

spaghetti sauce
kitchen sink
penny roll
piggy bank

muffler bracket
peanut butter
trumpet bell

night club
crime scene
space launch
football score

rattle snake
dump truck
moon landing

cat litter
mushroom sauce
monkey wrench
stop sign

birthday cake
gas station
rocket ship
baby shoes

steam roller
hat band
sandwich board
pill box

sweater vest
steam ship

clam bake
lobster claw
squat thrust
bank vault

penny roll
dish rag
dog bone

wedding ring
bath tub
laundry soap
sand paper

chocolate bar
knee cap
dark zone

day bed
water drop
lunch time

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Monday, October 15, 2018

The origin of Satan

It is interesting to note that the Deity called "Satan" is also present in the Zoroastrian hierarchy of devil's and evil spirits. He is known by exactly the same name and performs the same function, or task. Curious coincidence?

 In the earliest forms of Hebraic Judaism there was no concept of Heaven, Hell, or "life after Death." This viewpoint is represented by the Sadducees in the New Testament. After the Persian Exile, the concept of Satan, Heaven, Hell, and "life after Death" was introduced into Rabbinical Judaism by the Pharisees. The conflict of views between adherents of these two groups is preserved to some degree in the New Testament and in the writings of Josephus.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Police State

"New Fascist Police State of America" - Zobo the Clown

"Despite the promise of equal rights under the constitution and the idea of rule by law, we find that neither of those ideals is honored to any significant degree and the constitution is constantly subverted by monetary interests. Too bad for us all." - Aunt Mathilda

"One day our governments and social structures will be managed by intelligent robot administrators. They will do a much better job of providing a healthy and inspiring environment to live and work in. Some people will still feign dissatisfaction, but the majority of people will have little to really complain about and will genuinely enjoy their lives." - Doctor Bombay

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Thursday, October 11, 2018


Congrats on your work anniversary! blah,blah,blah, guitar, money, blues. blah,blah,blah, car, house, job, blah,blah,blah, fun, memories, regrets, blah,blah,blah, laughter, smiles, handshake

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Thursday, September 27, 2018

word salad II

Water Slide
Frying Pan
Boxer Shorts
Apple Core
Gold Fish Bowl
Sledge Hammer
Potato Chip
Rocket Ship
Septic Tank
Toilet Bowl
Winner's Circle
Racing Car
Light Bulb
Neck Tie
Button Hole
Semi Truck
Hot Dog Bun
Car Wash
Dill Pickle
Change Purse
Tennis Ball
Window Frame
Panda Bear
Wrist Watch
Oak Tree
Driver's License
Magic Marker
Birth Certificate
B.B.Q. Chicken
Tuna Fish Sandwich
Diving Bell
Sail Plane
Door Stop
Fence Post
Ice Cream Cone
Black Bird Feather
Fire Hydrant
Gravel Pit
Sandwich Tray
Heart Valve
Dinner Mints
Dog Fight
Lower Bowel Obstruction
Poker Game
Laser Beam
Girl Scout Cookie
Peanut Butter Sandwich

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

word salad

Dog track
Mustard seed
Leather glove
Fish Tank
Base Ball Bat
Race Car
Parking Voucher
Pencil Lead
Frying Pan
Penalty Box
Lug nut
Gold Fish
Peanut Butter
Salmon Run
Terrorist Bombing
Lace Doiley
Hex Wrench
Work Boot
Mustache Wax
Fresh Water
Spider Legs
Horse Mane
Mercury Rising
Ant Hill
Swimming Pool
Bus Ride
Palm Tree
Pup Tent
Zip Line
Drum Solo
Cricket Chirp
Marsh Gas
Coyote Howl
Rock Band
Fire Hydrant
Window Blinds
Styrofoam Ball
Weather Vane
Deviated Septum
Leather Jacket
Diving Bell

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Violence against women

Response to a facebook post on rape allegations against political candidate

Aside: Men in the USA are socialized to violence and to regard that they themselves and their lives are worthless and valueless. The very first experience all American men have as an infant is to have their genitals mutilated. It is no wonder that violence is so common in the USA when there is so little respect for any sort of life at all. If you have been brutalized your whole life and you are worth nothing, then it is an easy "next step" to enjoy perpetrating violence yourself. It is no accident that the USA has TEN TIMES the rate of incarceration, and TEN TIMES the murder rate, as any other country on Earth.  This violence in the USA is "by design."   It is inherent to the economic structure of the USA. Sorry. One day we may form a more loving and empathetic political union in America. Until that day, we must all suffer.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Warren Buffet

Response to Warren Buffet quote about being calm and dispassionate and not reacting emotionally to things people say:

If you have no emotional reaction to things that are said to you, you are not human. To be wealthy and successful is to be not fully human. Our country is run by people that are not fully human. Warren Buffet is not fully human. He is a fat bald little man that cannot dance, cannot do sit ups and cannot sing in tune. How on Earth is Warren Buffet qualified to speak to basic "humanity" ? He makes more money in one hour than I will make in my entire lifetime and he is perfectly happy to sit and watch people live and die in the gutters of America. Too bad he is the ideal. Warren Buffet has a heart of stone and he has fooled you all.

 but if you are playing high stakes poker, his advice is valuable. Too bad all of life in America is just a high stakes poker game, and not a dance, not a comedy, not a romance, and decidedly not a celebration. Too bad.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Sunday, September 23, 2018

The Plan

The plan:

1. Eliminate Tax exemption for churches and religious organizations
2. Limit personal property ownership to five properties
3. Reorganize public education to allow more student self direction and fewer attendance hours per week. Eliminate Grade Schools and bring back the one room school house.
4. Eliminate corporate "personhood." Make corporate officers personally liable for crimes committed by the corporations they lead
5. Return currency to a stable standard like the gold standard
6. Eliminate inflation of currency. Use the Federal Reserve to guarantee standard unvarying value of currency without a planned inflation rate
7. Health care for everyone
8. Make infant circumcision illegal and immoral.
9. Guaranteed Housing.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Grade School NAZI

We must remember that our thought is largely a product of our schooling. The Grade School system in the USA was consciously modeled on the Grade school system in East Prussia in 1890. Prior to that, we had one room school houses in the USA. The grade school system is designed to eliminate any personal relations between siblings and neighbors and isolate children with other children their own age. The grade school system of East Prussia in 1890 was to a large extent responsible for the thought constructs that led to NAZI Germany. Similarly, the influence of the grade school system in the USA leads to the increasing "totalitarianism" that we see in the USA. Prepare for doom.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Sunday, September 16, 2018

No Justice in America

I was paid audience member today and the woman I sat next to spent the entire show talking to me, hitting my leg to get my attention. Apparently she is post menopausal and had a "hot flash" at two different times. It strikes me as curious that I got terminated from Central Casting because I "touched" or "tapped"  a woman's leg, and here this woman was hanging all over me and touching me  and hitting my leg all day.

 There is No Justice in America.

America sucks.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Emptiness and Non-being


We join the spokes together in a wheel,
but it is the center hole
that makes the wagon move

We shape the clay into a pot,
but it is the emptiness inside
that holds whatever we want.

We hammer wood for a house,
but it is the inner space
that makes it livable.

We work with being,
but non-being is what we use.

"Tao te Ching" by Lao Tzu
translation by Stephen Mitchell
Harper Perennial Books, 1988

Friday, September 14, 2018

Andre's Door to Infinity

Andre's Restaurant is a favorite Italian cafeteria style restaurant at 3rd and Fairfax Ave. in L.A.

It is slated for demolition because of a new construction project.

I took this photo the most recent time that I took my friend Emi there to eat lunch.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer


Honesty promotes longevity

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Something is better than Nothing

Feeling bad is better than no feeling at all.

A life of suffering is better than no life at all.

Paraphrase of an idea in "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl:  "Even in the most desolate and hopeless circumstances of the Nazi Death camps in World War Two, there was still occasionally a beautiful flower or a magnificent sunset."

You have all eternity to be dead and only a few short seconds to partake of the horror and the glory of creation.  Which would you rather choose?

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Student Loan Debt

Comment on a video on student loan debt:

Similarly, 50% of the incoming freshmen at the University of Illinois College of Engineering (years 1950 - 1990) were eventually flunked out by the process of grading on the curve. This was an intentional and planned way to make money off of innocent and trusting students. If you grade 5% F 10% D 50% C 35% B 10% A then 85% pass each year .85 x .85 x .85 x .85 = .52 Only 52% of incoming Freshmen eventually graduate and the college keeps the money from the other 48%. Another academic con job.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Monday, September 10, 2018


An intuitive estimate:

"Every single day, youtube uploads and stores an amount of data that is equal to the the amount of data produced and saved by the whole world in the entire 19th century (1800's)"

This idea depends on a definition of data that is not yet fully formulated, but it is interesting to think about.

copyright (c) 2018

William Schaeffer

Grade School = Homelessness

The grade school system was designed so that children would be trained to be accustomed to working in the factory environment.

The day begins and ends with a bell or a whistle
There is a break for lunch that is signified with a bell or a whistle
You are told were to sit and what to do
You have little or no decision about or control over your behavior -- you do what you are told to do
You are attentive and involved and do not speak

Unfortunately, people can never be successfully trained to behave in this manner unless you destroy their basic empathetic and caring sense of humanity.

When you produce efficient factory workers, you destroy society because you inculcate and teach an absolute lack of responsible, caring, group behavior, altruism, empathy, or love.


There can be no society if there is no social network.

There can be no social network if there are no whole and complete caring and empathetic people

There are no whole and complete, caring and empathetic, people produced by the public grade school system -- just factory workers.

If there is no real society, then eventually the society will destroy itself and there will not even be factories to work within.


copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Academic con job

youtube comment:

Similarly, 50% of the incoming freshmen at the University of Illinois (years 1950 - 1990) were eventually flunked out by the process of grading on the curve. This was an intentional and planned way to make money off of innocent and trusting students. If you grade 5% F 10% D 50% C 35% B 10% A then 85% pass each year .85 x .85 x .85 x .85 = .52 Only 52% of incoming Freshmen eventually graduate and the college keeps the money from the other 48%. Another academic con job.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Isolation and emptiness

We are trained by the grade school system to primarily value our grade, or numerical score. We are trained by the grade school system to devalue all our friendships with neighbors and concentrate solely on our own score. We are removed from the community and put in a room with people our own age. We have little real contact or shared experience with our siblings and next door neighbors. We reach maturity in an isolation bubble of solitary existence and little connection to anything real.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Work for Justice

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Not infallible

This is probably the wrong place to mention that the New Testament cannot be the infallible word of God, because it contradicts itself. The events of the birth and death narratives of Jesus in Mathew and Luke are contradictory and not reconcilable. A curious and logical fact.

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Economics Lesson

 Capitalism = Poverty.

 Maximum profit = Maximum despair.

 Healthy Economy = Mental Disease.

 Success = Notoriety

 Truth = Personal Reward

 Ethics = Successful Outcome

 Career = Slavery

 copyright (c) 2018 
 William Schaeffer

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Two men and a bear

Two men are out hiking and they see a bear across a huge clearing in the woods. The bear notices the hikers and starts charging them. One man takes off running and the other sits down, takes off his boots, and starts opening his backpack. He takes out a pair of running shoes.

The first man stops and says, "What are you doing? We got to outrun that bear."

The second man is lacing up his sneakers and says,
" I don't have to outrun that bear. I just have to outrun YOU."

copyright (c)2018
William Schaeffer

Listen or Talk ?

"We spend too much time telling people what to think and not enough time listening to what they have to say." - Mr. Atwater

copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer

Monday, August 27, 2018

Hiker's tip

If a bear is chasing -- you run down hill.

A bear's back legs are so long in comparison to the front legs that they cannot move very fast and will start rolling head over heels. If you run uphill, their long back legs give them extra stability and they will be sure to catch you. Running down hill to safety is counter intuitive and seems to be a good strategy in this case.

 I have no practical experience either way and just repeat what I read in a hiking book.

  copyright (c) 2018 
William Schaeffer