Wednesday, August 9, 2017

in response to William Faulkner

"To me, all human behavior is unpredictable and, considering man's frailty... and... the ramshackle universe he functions in, it's... all irrational." - William Faulkner

in response to William Faulkner:

 "The human mind is a super rational and efficient calculating engine. In a container the size of a cantaloupe is housed a little real-time computer that can model and interact with the entire universe. The calculations it performs are done with amazing speed and accuracy. Unfortunately, some of the calculations are only approximations and that is why we have things like optical illusions. More importantly, this little computer is frequently given wrong and bad information by people that should know better like: teachers, religious leaders, parents, politicians, government workers, employers, friends, merchants, and insurance salesman. When presented with all this erroneous data, it is no wonder that this little computer arrives at incorrect conclusions and seems irrational in function and behavior. It is only operating on the assumptions it has been given and these were all intentionally misleading. Therefore it seems that humans are irrational only to the degree that they have been lied to and cheated during their life. The real human mind is a shining paradigm of logic.  It is honest, and straight, and true. It has only become bent and perverted over time, by exposure to other more powerfully bent and broken and selfish hurting minds."

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

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