Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Greed is not a virtue

Greed is not a virtue.

Much of what we read in essays extolling the virtues of capitalism are the benefits of Greed.  Greed, and especially Monetary Greed, is hailed as "the engine" that powers the motivation to create a great business enterprise.   Much of the literature explaining and extolling the virtues of Capitalism, seem to marvel at the powerful manifestations of Greed.

Unfortunately, Greed is not a virtue.

Nothing that was born of action motivated by Greed will ever yield positive results.  The pictures that we are presented of the "virtues of Greed" are highly distorted and only focus on the small benefits.  They largely ignore the necessary and accompanying features that always follow Greed: Lying, Cheating, Selfishness, Emotional Coldness, and a Lack of Love.  This is what Greed really brings into the world: Economic Strife, Theft, Crime, Homelessness, Hunger, Hatred, and War.

Unfortunately, we are so busy admiring the few small benefits accompanying Greedy behavior, that we do not even notice that society is being destroyed and the protective social relationships we value are dissolving around us.  When we finally do notice, it will be far too late.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

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