Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Do it NOW!

Do it NOW!

Frequently the only thing that keeps us from solving the problems that face us is inaction -- not doing anything.  Therefore, if you see something that needs to be done, no matter how trivial, do it now.  It may be unrelated to the problem at hand, but if it needs to be done, then finishing the task will clear your mind and make you more able to solve the serious problems you face.  Often times a complex problem can be solved by "chipping away at it" and resolving little aspects of the problem one at a time.  And then, before you know it, the "big problem" is now a manageable task.

In any event, the best policy for successful living is to stop being lazy, stop avoiding difficult issues, stop hiding from the obvious.  Roll up your sleeves, find something that you can accomplish and then: Do it NOW!

You will feel much better about yourself and in the long run you will be successful.

William Schaeffer

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