"I was programmed by the State to be economically exploited by industry. And as a young boy, trusting in the good will of authority, there was no way I could defend myself, or even know.
I was not given any useful skills to manage personal finances, live a healthy lifestyle, or most importantly form lasting friendships throughout my life. I have no friends, because I was programmed in Grade School to have no friends. As an adult, I have no real friendships in the USA. And, I am not alone in this.

I have spent that vast majority of my waking life being employed and pretending to be the good employee that my employers wanted to hire, but at no time was I allowed to be my authentic self while I worked. I had a job to do. I was not allowed to follow my thoughts or inclinations, or inspirations. What I thought did not matter, unless it increased productivity. Even if physically distressed, sick, or ill, I had to ignore my feelings and continue to create productive work, or else I would be disciplined, or fired. This is not unusual in the USA. This seems to me to be a common, "natural" and "normal" relationship of most citizens to their own employment in the USA. Your only value as a human is your "economic value" to industry.
This is the life we want to live?
These are the values we hold most high?
This is our pride and glory?
This is the society we want to continue?" - Whizz Kidder
copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer
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