Sunday, July 30, 2017

The Grade School Problem

It seems to me that the common complaints people voice about our society today are: the pervasive and irritating displays of selfish and self-centered behavior manifesting itself in a thirst for material wealth and competitive lack of concern for almost anyone else, a lack of morality, a lack of consideration, and a lack of sympathy for the less fortunate.

Ironically these seem to be similar to behaviors that are repetitively taught in the public grade school systems in America: You must work hard to achieve the highest scores possible in comparison to your school mates.  You cannot help them.  You cannot be worried about them.  You cannot talk to them.  You cannot ask for help.  You cannot get out of your chair.  If someone gets an "A", they are "a good person."   If someone gets a "B" they are not as "good."   If someone fails, that is their problem and not yours.  If someone flunks out, or fails -- they deserve it.  If they flunk out, they are a "bad person"; it is as if they are dead and no longer exist.  They can no longer be your friend.

In my memory, grade school was seen as the public moral standard of correct social behavior.  Anything that occurred outside of the classroom, except in Church, was common and possibly vulgar behavior.  Additionally as children, we had the majority of our waking hours, in the main part of our day, dominated by instruction in this forced and fairly unnatural manner of behavior.  We could not help to accept this as the ideal standard of proper thought and behavior: to be concerned only for yourself and have no sympathy for the weakness of others.

Now, I doubt that any teachers were planning on inducing cruel and selfish behavior in their students as adults.  I doubt they had any but the most noble intentions of teaching the children how to succeed in the modern academic and industrial world.  In fact, the current form of instruction is probably the most efficient and economical way to instruct students in math and science and literature.  This unfortunate side effect has probably never been considered and will likely hardly even be recognized.

However, you must remember that the organization of the school was to teach correct behavior for manufacturing and factory work.  The school bell, orderly arrangement of desks, regular assignments and silence unless called upon, were all necessary behaviors for an optimally operating factory floor.  They were not designed to help bring the student to the fullest realization of his inner potential. In fact almost the opposite is true.  They were designed to eliminate the most unusual and unique behaviors and personal interests and teach the child to expect to conform to a narrowly prescribed set of acceptable behaviors.

In the long run the instructional organization imparts more influence on the student than the subjects being taught.  This happens to such a great extent that the student, and we ourselves, do not realize how much our expectations and our personal behaviors have been pre-programmed by this system.  And, we do not realize how far away from our own true nature we have been taken and how far short of our real inner potential we have fallen.  We have become as robots and ciphers; mere shadows of the people we could have been and ought to have become.

It may be too late for us to undo the mental programming that induced us to be the way we grew and learned, but it is never to late to consider the way the next generations should be instructed and what it really important for them to learn.   And most importantly of all -- it is never too late to reconsider the best methods of  HOW they should go about this process of learning.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Have a Great Day

copyright (c) 2015, 2016, 2017
William A. Schaeffer

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Project Cybersyn in Chile by Allende

Comment on film "The Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein

Project Cybersyn

What is NOT mentioned is that the Allende government with very primitive computers had developed a way to organize production on a national scale so there was no over production, no price gouging, no advertising, or corporate waste. The system worked and it saved the country money and provided necessary goods and services. THIS idea of an efficiently managed economy with no corporate profit margin is what the USA sought to destroy and did destroy.

Since I studied Artificial Intelligence in graduate school (1981 - 1985), this was a fascinating story when I heard it less than ten years ago. The story was about the man who actually designed or programmed the network that organized the economy of Chile. It was impressively efficient and used antiquated and re-purposed machines (and this was in 1970).   It was an interview with him years later describing how he set up the network. I will think more on this. I remember many photographs and even a photo of the machine room. It was a tremendous effort in Artificial Intelligence and scheduling delivery and manufacturing. The reason the military (and the USA) organized the trucking strike was to foul up the working of this computer scheduling network.


Project Cybersyn is the death of capitalism. THAT is why Allende was murdered so violently.   It has taken fifty years and we are still living in the gunpowder stone age trying to kill the competition when we could all be enjoying the fruits of our own labor in an efficiently managed economy.   No homeless.   No hunger.  No unemployment.   No street crime.  No guerrilla warfare or killer drones.   Project Cybersyn is the future of mankind.


During the next World War III, the efficiently managed society that has no over production, or conspicuous consumption, will be more likely to win the war; because their armies will be less likely to suffer critical losses at important times.

Capitalism is extraordinarily inefficient way to convert natural resources into usable goods and services in comparison to Cybersyn.   In the Capitalist system, money is siphoned of at every phase of production and manufacture.  Each stage of Capitalist manufacture is vulnerable to misrepresentation, faulty manufacture, under manufacture, or overpricing.  Cybersyn worked to organize the process and prevent these "unseen expenses."

Eventually the more efficient system will prevail. Capitalism succeeded Feudalism because it was more efficient at providing goods and services and producing armies. The Communists won the Bolshevik and Chinese revolutions because they were more efficient and less wasteful than the Imperial armies they fought. The North Vietnamese defeated the USA in Vietnam partly for the same reason -- North Vietnam was more efficient and less wasteful with their resources.


What is important to remember in this discussion is the way the Allende government organized production on a mass scale with very limited computer resources. Their model was more efficient, and economical, than the market economy it was working to replace. Seeing this, the USA sought to destroy the government and any memory of how it was organized. For the most part they succeeded. There is, however, another way and we have found it....A workable alternative to the Capitalist market economy does exist. Time alone will tell what the future brings. Thanks.


Additional note: This system Cybersyn was conceived and designed by English Cybernetic researcher and computer programmer Stafford Beer.  Here is a good talk on his principle ideas:

Here is a photo of the main command center of Cybersyn sometime in 1970 - 1972.
It reminds me of a hip 70's wood paneled version of the Starship Enterprise bridge.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer


Educated to be selfish

It is the educational system itself in the USA that teaches people to be competitive, heartless, mean, and cruel. To only be concerned about their own grade, NOT help others, NOT work with others, NOT sacrifice for others, ONLY WORK FOR YOURSELF and your own grade point rating,

You are trained to be selfish, five hours a day, for eleven years of the first sixteen years of your life.  No wonder you have no real friends as an adult.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Friday, July 28, 2017

Good Luck

"Luck only comes to those who look for it" - Mr. Atwater

"Save your pennies and they will save you." - Mr. Atwater

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Success Checklist

copyright (c) 2015, 2017
William Schaeffer

A Good Nights Sleep

One sleep cycle = 90 minutes long = 1.5 hours

copyright (c) 2015, 2017
William Schaeffer

Dietary Health Pyramid

"One gram of fiber for every one hundred calories"

copyright (c)2014, 2015, 2017
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Homeless Broken Dog

Vermont and Hollywood Blvd., L.A. 
on the Traffic Island - July 2017

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Got to go...

 corner Wilton and Santa Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA  July 2017
now removed

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Paint in the Street

Hollywood Blvd.
(near Vermont)
July 21 2017

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Sunday, July 23, 2017

How to be appropriate body weight

I like the line I read in a book: "Most Americans are twenty pounds over weight. If you want to be an actor, you must lose that twenty pounds, Or gain forty pounds and be a fat actor. But nobody will hire you if you are twenty pounds overweight like the average American." [paraphrased with no reference -- forgive me in advance]


 I accidentally stumbled on a dietary formula that allows me to come close meeting this objective: "One gram of fiber for every one hundred calories. Only drink water (or coffee or tea)" translation: Only eat food that has dietary fiber. Only drink water. I lost 50 pounds over 16 years ago. I was 215 pounds with a 40 inch waist. Now I am 157 pounds with a 34 inch waist. I do not exercise except taking long walks and "work." I started in 1998 and haven't eaten beef or a cheeseburger in over 18 years. I inspired a friend and he lost ONE HUNDRED POUNDS. This is "GOD'S TRUTH" the method worked for us and it will work for anyone.

 The secret is to not buy food that is not OK. Only purchase food with fiber and only have food with fiber in your house. Period. Eat as much as you like, whenever you like, but ONLY EAT FOOD WITH FIBER. You are morally STRONG when you buy food. You are morally WEAK when you are eating food. Do NOT have the temptation available when you eat. Do not buy it.


The phrase "Moral choice" traditionally refers to making a choice based on personal ethics. I have found that when I decide I do not want to eat a certain food, I am stronger in the exercise of my conviction when I am purchasing food as opposed to when I am actually eating.

If you have made an ethical decision concerning which food is OK to eat, then your dietary choice IS A MORAL CHOICE. A good example, among others, would be religious dietary law.

 copyright (c) 2017 
William Schaeffer

The Destruction of Carthage

Carthage was once a rival with Rome for control of the shipping and trade on the Mediterranean Sea.  The two city states engaged in three major wars to decide preeminence.  These are known by Historians as The Punic Wars.  In the Third Punic War, Carthage was absolutely and completely destroyed.  Rome encircled the city.   Over a period of time, the city was destroyed block by block by block.  This was done by burning the buildings, reducing them to rubble, and killing any inhabitants that tried to escape.  Of the original estimated population of  one million inhabitants, only 50,000 survived to be sold into slavery.

The process of destruction took several years and was presided over by Scipio Africanus the Younger.  At one point, legend has it, one of his assistants saw him crying on the battlefield and asked him why.  This was his reply: "Because I know that one day the order will be given to burn and destroy Rome and the order will be carried out as thoroughly and efficiently as we are doing here today."


The Carthaginians were a Phoenician Colony and a descendant of the Phoenician culture of Tyre, Philistine and Phoenicia itself.  The Carthaginians practiced infanticide and human sacrifice to please their Gods.  The graveyards of sacrificial remains have been found by archaeologists today.

At one point early in the Third Punic War, the Queen of Carthage confronted her husband at his absolute failure to defeat the Romans.  In an completely "blind rage" she threw her four children into the sacred sacrificial fire and then leaped into the flames herself, to her own fiery death.


After the defeat of Carthage, salt was plowed into the farm fields so that nobody could live in the city ever again.  The fields remain barren to this day.

The destruction of Carthage was so complete that not a single complete text of the language remains.  The inscriptions found on the remaining sculptures and ruins are indecipherable, because there are so few of them.  The Carthaginian language remains unknown and indecipherable to this present age.

Nothing remains of the culture of Carthage today.  Not a single story, legend, song, poem, or nursery rhyme.   It has all vanished into timeless silence and all we know is what we can learn from the stories of Rome and a few carved rocks that are left in the desert.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Cell Phone Video Stabilization

Cell Phone Video Stabilization Trick

Problem:  I notice when I shoot cell phone video it is difficult to hold the phone steady and it "jerks" and "swims" all over the place.

Solution:  Hold your elbows against your rib cage.  Tuck your elbows into your side and hold them there. This anchors your arms at your elbows and helps prevent the extra degrees of motion possible when your elbows are moving freely.   The result is a cell phone video where the framing and camera movement is more steady and smooth.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Friday, July 21, 2017

How do I get better at Acting?

Q.  How do I get better at acting if I cannot afford acting lessons?

A1.  Read a book.
A2.  Pay attention to real life and mimic things just for fun.
A3.  Just give up and eat more food.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Possessions don't bring happiness.

Happiness comes from:
 1. Physical health
 2. Personal relations and
 3. The exercise of some physical mastery or talent or ability

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Monday, July 17, 2017

The Dana Point Christmas party

I once played a Christmas party in Dana Point where I did not play a single Christmas Carol. At the time, I was a "belligerent artist" and only played my own compositions. I warned them in advance that I did not know any Christmas songs. Fortunately for them, my compositions were all pretty simple stupid little songs and not adventurous atonal master pieces that ended with the destruction of the piano itself. There was one song that they asked me to play again twice. Perhaps it was the only song they liked. It was the strangest Christmas party of their life. I got paid $100. Moins at System "M' who booked the job also got $100. I was playing piano at his restaurant for lunchtime on Mondays,or Wednesdays, or whenever I had a day off from CST. This was 1987 or 1988.
 copyright (c) 2017 
William Schaeffer

Car shopping

Car shopping
rhymes with
bar hopping.

And also a lot of other stupid things...

copyright (C) 2017
William Schaeffer

Saturday, July 15, 2017

You never know what the future brings

Response to a post in Linkedin

When I write something like that people say I complain too much (Anthony?). However, I understand. I have had my life destroyed when my career was outsourced and I had to rebuild. And then two years ago I broke my neck in an auto accident and almost nobody was there to help me. I could have died. Instead I experienced a miraculous recovery. Life is still difficult and I still have no friends in L.A., or America really, BUT you never know what the future brings.

 Last night I played piano for a wedding of 400 people. The piano was beautiful and perfectly in tune. I played jazz standards and boogie woogie and the people loved it. The children were running around and the women were dancing and the men were tapping their feet.

 My parents never wanted me to be a piano player and I continued despite their advice. There is not one friend in life who was encouraging or supportive of me playing piano. I was not even very talented naturally. However, I have produced 20 CD's of original piano music and even get royalty payments on occasion. Always believe in yourself. Be straight and honest and true and never lose sight of your objective. You never know what the future brings.

copyright (c) 2017
William A. Schaeffer

Friday, July 14, 2017



Fabulicious, adj. 1. Being both fabulous and delicious (and very luscious); as in an expensive food or beautiful woman.  2. Very desirable and prestigious.  3. synonyms: beautiful, lovely, marvelous, wonderful, charming, delightful, captivating, or perfect.

copyright (c) 2017
William A. Schaeffer

Always get a second opinion

No matter what you are doing or who else you are working around, occasionally ask for an opinion on your progress.  Every person, even the most dull witted, slow, and unenlightened, has a unique view and unique experience and they may notice something that you have totally overlooked.

"Always get a second opinion." - Mr. Atwater

copyright (c) 2017
William A. Schaeffer

One Million a Year

Background. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that each year approximately one million people die from suicide, which represents a global mortality rate of 16 people per 100,000 or one death every 40 seconds. It is predicted that by 2020 the rate of death will increase to one every 20 seconds.

"...oops... There goes another one." - Zobo the Clown

copyright (c) 2017
William A. Schaeffer

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Mr. Anonymous

"You have heard all about me, but you don't really know WHO I am.  You wouldn't even recognized me on the street unless I wanted you to and even then you wouldn't really be sure.  I am the person that they do all the research on.  I am your best friend.  I am your first crush.  I am the celebrity unknown.  I am your father's buddy, your mother's confidant, and your grandparent's long time friend.  I am the person who ruined everything for the rest of your life; and even more.  I am your worst dream and your best nightmare.  I am the person you never met but always knew.  I am Mr. Anonymous."

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

The Clown talks

"Stop eating cows. Stop killing pigs." - Zobo the Clown

copyright (c) 2017
William A. Schaeffer

Suicide and 9/11

Every single day in USA America, an average of 123 people commit suicide. For every person who is "successful" at killing themselves, 24 other people have tried and "failed." There are over 3,000 suicide attempts every single day in USA America. This is about the same number of people that died in 9/11. Every single day for the past ten years 3,000 people have tried to kill themselves in the USA America. Where is the news coverage of THAT? Where is the media outrage? Where is the scientific analysis and political "hand wringing?" Who really cares about THOSE 3,000 people who try to kill themselves EVERY SINGLE DAY in USA AMERICA? Who really cares?

 Similarly, in every single month, for the past ten years, over 3,000 people have successfully killed themselves in USA America. As many people die by suicide in every single month, for the past ten years, than died in 9/11. Where is the media outrage about THOSE dead Americans? Since 9/11 over 600,000 people killed themselves by suicide. This is more than TWO HUNDRED TIMES the number of people that died in 9/11 Where is the media outrage?  Where are the demands for change?  Where is the hand wringing examination of cause?  Where is the common human decency in America?  Who really cares?

copyright (c) 2017
William A. Schaeffer

Science versus Sports

The thought occurs to me that "scientific truth testing analysis" type behavior is exactly opposite of "team building socializing" behavior. In Science we look for negative differences. In Team Building we look for positive similarities. In Science, we eliminate all emotions. In Team Building, we nurture positive emotions. In Science, we assume the personal relationship is understood. In Team Building we assume the personal relationship needs constant reaffirmation. In Science we tear things apart. In Team Building we patch things up. In Science we simplify and develop general descriptions. In Team Building, every personal story is unique and special.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Negative Information

In the scientific method and mathematical modelling - negative information is MOST important, because it indicates that the model needs correcting. Positive information tells you NOTHING - it just confirms your suspicions, (but yields no new truth). We give priority to negative information because only negative information indicates significant truth.

When building a model of any aspect of life, the negative information you discover carries the greatest statistical weight of "pointing-to-truth."

Only one repeatable example is necessary to invalidate an entire scientific theory, but even a million confirmations of the equation will not prove it absolutely true. Negative information is much more "valuable" than positive information.

Surprisingly, research seems to indicate that people make better decisions when they are angry, than when calm. When one is angry, they are no longer willing to believe the pleasant "half-truths" they tell themselves about the situation being examined. The anger helps the mind "cut through the crap" and get to the heart of the matter.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Got paper?

"If you weren't a slave, 
  you wouldn't need papers." - Zobo the Clown

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Friday, July 7, 2017

Joy of Life

Life is its own reward -- with all the suffering and pain and disappointment and loss, it is still beautiful and the smallest event is a Universal miracle.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Working on the 4th

 Bill Schaeffer
Yeah, life is short. I need to work and without work, life itself isn't very enjoyable. The people I work with are generally interesting and cool and working with the general public is always an adventure and a "sociological research study"

I, on the other hand, despise my coworkers. They are two faced, backstabbers who always try to get each other fired. The job itself is great. But the co-workers make it harder and harder to go in everyday.

 Bill Schaeffer
 I think the problem is "architectural" and not personal. If you work every day at the same time, in the same chair, in an office, you eventually absolutely hate everyone you work with even if they (and you) are basically decent people. If you work outside, or in different locations with a different crew members each day, you tend to tolerate their existence much more and find kind things to say about them even if they may not really deserve it.

 For example -- for 15 years, I worked elbow to elbow 10 - 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, on VFX projects from 1996 - 2011. I worked with one thousand people in teams of up to 100 - 150 big. I worked on 39 features. Today few of those people stay in touch and I NEVER talk to any of them on the phone. They just don't exist. I don't exist. We shared almost nothing really, even though we sat elbow to elbow and listened to each other's phone conversations and smelled each other's food... The past doesn't even exist...The past never existed... just the credit card payments continue.

 "We always hate the people closest to us the most." - Dr. Tony Bravado

 Seriously, the human mind tends to give greater weight to negative information than it does to  positive information. This is a life saving optimization. Unfortunately, if you have ten interactions with someone and five are positive, but two are negative, we unconsciously remember the negative information more. Over time we grow to hate those closest to us, even though we may recognize intellectually their good and admirable qualities. This is why the practice of "Being Thankful" or "Remembering the positive" is so important -- it helps to balance the equation.

 "Nobody kills the stranger across town, they kill the backdoor neighbor who owes them money and is "too friendly" with other people's good company." - Zobo the Clown

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Monday, July 3, 2017

Clinical Depression

in response to video:

It is the structure of our society itself that causes Clinical Depression. We cannot cure Clinical Depression in America WITHOUT totally restructuring American society. This cannot be accomplished without totally dismantling the society, and THEN reassembling the social organization in a NEW and healthy configuration.

Clinical Depression does not exist in pre-literate societies. The current medications are NOT cures, they are "treatments." This means that they are used to treat the symptoms but not the cause of those symptoms.

Listening Exercise: "Burning Down the House" - by Talking Heads

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Thoughts on Iraq

Comments on "The Shock doctrine" by Naomi Klein

The torture that was used by the USA America in Iraq and Guantanamo against mostly innocent civilians will not be forgotten. It will be used as justification for the goal of absolute and utter destruction of USA America in the next world war. USA America has 6% of the World's population. Imagine playing a football game where you are playing by yourself against a team of nineteen opponents. You have padding and equipment and they have nothing. Who will win?

 The response of ISIS to destroy historical monuments is a perfectly rational response to the torture that was inflicted on them by the USA in the prisons in Iraq. The vast majority of young Iraqi men were arrested without charges, imprisoned and tortured by the USA American forces. What better way to express your rage at this injustice than to attempt to destroy the memory of the culture that attempted to destroy you?

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Raising the minimum wage

There is a murderous and hateful type of thought that is infecting the social dialog in this country. No longer is there any concern for the common good, but only talk of guarantees that "I get mine." There is no longer any talk of tolerating peoples weakness and inefficiencies but only talk of eliminating the problem from the equation. There is no talk of uplifting the rest of the world with our domestic philosophy, but just discussion about better ways to subjugate the rest of the world to better steal their natural resources. There is no concern for the healthy life in mind and body, and just a discussion of good financial investments and job security. I grew up in a country that promised "liberty and justice for all" and now I realize -- even THAT was just another "con job" to keep us off our guard until it was too late for us to realize that our entire lives had already been stolen.

copyright (c) 2017
William A. Schaeffer

Toilet paper

Did you know that toilet paper is an American invention that dates to the first part of the 1800's?

In 1850, it was sold in huge industrial size rolls. Prior to the invention of toilet paper people used old catalogs and papers, cloth rags, left hand, smooth stone, leaves, or just water. The invention of toilet paper is less than two hundred years old. Perhaps a greater advance for civilization than electricity, internal combustion, movie film, radio and television, or computer networking.

And we rarely talk about it.

copyright (c) 2015, 2017
William Schaeffer