Monday, December 26, 2016

Happy New Year

Have an elegant, happy, and sophisticated New Year; with a dash of earthy humor and potentially scandalous fun.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Straight Pool

Forty years ago, I was at a biker bar in Michigan drinking with some friends over the holiday.  We were staying at one of the fellow's cabins.  The room was only heated with a wood stove and it was cold, so we went to a bar.  After a few drinks, I saw a pool table and some guys playing.  Thinking I knew the rules, I put $0.50 on the edge of the table to "challenge" the winner.

After a while, a gentleman at the table loudly inquired who was next.  It appeared that it was my turn.  He was dressed in nondescript jeans with his wallet attached to his belt with a chain.  I asked what we were playing and he said, "Straight pool."

Everything went fine for several turns.  I played well and sank at least one ball on every turn.  He played equally well and with confidence.  And then, I drilled the "8 ball" in the corner pocket.

He was aghast.  "Why did you do THAT?" he demanded.

I had just ruined the game and he was irritated.  I thought we were playing "straight pool" where the first one to 25 wins.  He thought we were playing "8 ball" or "stripes and solids".  It was just by coincidence that I had sunk all the balls of the same classification up until the point where I sunk the "8 ball"   Sinking the "8 ball" out of turn automatically loses the game and is a stupid thing to do.

I paid for the game and bought the gentleman a beer and explained the mistake.  He still didn't really believe me and I decided that I had better not play pool for the rest of the night.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Christmas Poem

Thank you Holy Jesus for the blessings.
Thank you Mother Mary for the blessings.

Merry Christmas
Peace on Earth

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Peace on Earth

If everyone on EARTH could learn to play music and really understand music, THEN (and only THEN) the entire world would be at peace and we would all play in harmony.

 copyright (c) 2016 
William Schaeffer

Friday, December 23, 2016

Born Again Magical Thought

Between 22 % and 47 % of the population of USA America are self described born again Christians. This is the biggest proponent of magic thinking in our society and perhaps on Earth. The entire worldview has no logical correlation with history, physics, physiology, or any single provable event or scientific theory. The belief is entirely a fabrication with no correlation to anything that actually exists. THIS IS MAGICAL THINKING.  This is fantasy mind, not real mind.

It cannot be underestimated the role that born again Christian thought has played in the anti-science movement in USA America. Christianity, Christian thought, Born again Christianity and the "Christian worldview" are the eternal mortal and philosophical enemies of scientific thought and observation.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Northridge Quake, Los Angeles, 1994

The day of the Northridge Quake in 1994 I was working as colorization art director on an ESPN commercial and had a meeting with the client that morning. He was an ex football player and we were going to finalize design for the new spot. After the quake, I made a strategy on how to get to work and which streets did not have bridges and were most likely passable. I got to work about a half an hour late and the building was deserted. The client flew out of LA on the first plane he could find. There wasn't even electricity in the facility for a few hours. Most the staff called in sick the entire week and had a little vacation. Silly me.

William Schaeffer
copyright (c) 2016

Wednesday, December 21, 2016


"Humor is a funny thing." - Zobo the Clown

"Comedy is a deadly serious business." - Dr. Tony Bravado

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Robert Johnson 1911 - 1938

It is interesting to note that the music of Robert Johnson on guitar was mostly unheard and unknown during his life in the 1930's   Many other musicians were much better known and made much more money.   And yet today, the music of Robert Johnson is more influential and holds more contemporary interest than almost any other musician of the era.   For example, does anyone remember a single song by the Dorsey Brothers or has anyone ever even heard the sound of the Jack Teagarden Orchestra?

What largely unknown musical ideas exist today that will likewise become all important models of thought for music students of the future?

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Suicide risk

Every single day in USA America, more people die from suicide than die by murder and traffic accidents combined.  Why do we never hear about it?

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Money and the corporate balance sheet

"When money is the sole determinant of value,
then human life is worth nothing." - Zobo the Clown

Where in any economic assessment balance sheet of the "costs and benefits" of doing business are there any considerations for the value of:  1. truth,  2. love,  3. happiness,  4. ecology,  5. mental health,  6. community benefit, or  7. world peace?

These are not on any balance sheet because they do not really exist.  The ONLY value that has any real merit in a profit driven society is money.  Human life is worth nothing.  YOU, yourself, are only "worth" your hourly wage and your economic assets.  YOU, yourself, have no other value because there is no other way available (that even exists as a concept) to measure or quantify value EXCEPT as money.

You yourself are worth nothing.  Only the money you possess has value.  Just ask the homeless in our society today -- they'll tell you.  They are worth nothing to nobody -- and  so are you.

Welcome to the future.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Sunday, December 11, 2016

CIA memos

Response to a comment that a secret CIA memo said Russia tried to influence USA elections:

We live in a country that has regularly "paid off" other government officials of other countries as a routine matter of business. We assassinate world leaders. We install criminal organizations as governing bodies of many different countries during my lifetime including Iraq, Iran, South Vietnam, Columbia,Nicaragua, Panama, and many others. We routinely deploy military and kill thousands every week. How can we possibly be surprised or even concerned that another foreign government is trying to do the same thing? Why are we not alarmed at what our own government is doing in our name, with our approval and our blessings?

Is the CIA that incompetent that we have access to their secret documents on current events, or are we so stupid that we actually believe this "news" ? Who knows the truth? The CIA is the largest and most effective covert action agency in the world. They single-handed have overturned entire governments through propaganda and strategic violence with very few operating agents. Are we to believe they are really incompetent bumbling idiots that let their secret memos be viewed?

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Saturday, December 10, 2016

The Indian Wars

It is now long forgotten, but the Native Americans did not build fences, because they had no stock animals that "needed" to be fenced in (like the pig, goat, or chicken). When the European Settlers arrived, their livestock would wantonly dig up the Native American farm fields and destroy the crops for the year. When the Settlers were asked to pay reparations for the damage their livestock caused, they told the plaintiffs to "build a fence." If the offending pig was killed, the killer was expected by the settlers to be punished and reparation paid. This difference of understanding is one major irritation that led to the Jamestown massacre and the beginning of 250 years of relentless"Indian Wars"...

copyright (c) 2016

William Schaeffer


Possessions n. 1.Items of manufacture used by the mediocre and average to prove to the world that they really are "special" after all.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Born Again Science

If you use Evangelical Born Again Theological arguments to debate scientific facts, you are an idiot.   You have no data that is worth serious consideration as valid.  Your opinion is just noise in the system.

Sorry, the truth hurts.   History will be the judge.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

The Ten Thousand Year Dark Ages

We are at the beginning of what I call "the ten thousand year dark ages for humanity". Most of what we understand to be human history and human culture will be swept away and lost. In ten thousand years a "life centered" distributed information economy will work in harmony with Earth's natural biosphere and the rest of the solar, or planetary, economy. People that are alive at that time will enjoy their lives and live in a realistic spirit of love and peace. Suicide and homelessness will be abhorrent and unheard of. We ourselves will not live to see these final results. We will not even witness all the initial breakdown of current social organizations which itself will take well over 500 years. All we really have to look forward to is chaos and darkness. All we have for nourishment is our own hope and ideals. Good Luck.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Corporate Ideal

The goal of American society is nice little group of well ordered machines that work fifty hours a week for forty years and then at age 65 just roll over and die. This IS the corporate ideal. There is no ecstasy, there is no wonderment, there is no drama, there is no heart, there is no "life," just profit.

 copyright (c) 2016 
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

St. Lucy's Day December 13

Santa Lucia, or St. Lucy, is the patron Saint of December 13. She is typically portrayed as holding a plate with a pair of eyeballs on it, because she is reported to have plucked out her own eyes instead of renounce her faith. Prior to the adoption of the Gregorian calendar in the 16th century, December 13 fell on the Winter Solstice and St. Lucy's Day was more closely associated with Christmas.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Where there's smoke, there's fire

I am reminded of the time 25 years ago when I saw so much black smoke coming from the neighbors chimney that I called the fire department 911. I thought the apartment was on fire. It turns out that she was "just" burning WAY too much stuff in her fireplace and got sternly reprimanded by the fireman in the raincoat that went to her door. I actually saw the fireplace and it was an unbelievable sheet of fire inside that STILL stands out in my memory. I think I must have knocked on her door before I called 911, but I cannot remember. Later she was very angry at me and insisted she knew exactly what she was doing the entire time.


OK, I remember now --- I called 911, Then I called 911 BACK and told them it was a false alarm because it was smoke out of the chimney, but they said the Fire Engine had already been dispatched. I waited on the street for the Fire Engine to tell them and THAT is why I was standing by the fireman when he went to the door -- and I saw inside my neighbors apartment.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Reasons or Results

Nobody cares about Reasons
All they care about is Results

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Planning ahead

Smoke it now.
Smoke it later.
Smoke it in
the elevator.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Friday, December 2, 2016

How to change your habits slowly.

From a comment on a Hugh Prather video on youtube in 2014

At the museum, I saw an exhibit of large sculptures of logs cut from tree trunks that were bent and tied in knots. When we work wood to bend it to a form (for rocking chairs and other wood working crafts) we steam the wood. After soaking with hot steam, we bend it a small amount and fix the wood to a peg board and let it dry. After a while, we steam the wood again and bend it a little more and fix the new shape to a peg board and let it dry. Over time, we can bend the wood into a right angle. If we had tried to force the wood into a right angle all at once, the board would snap in two.

 "Slow and steady wins the race." - The Turtle

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer