By William Schaeffer
On September 9, 2016 at the Animation Guild Gallery from 6pm – 9pm
Animation Guild 839
1105 N. Hollywood Way
Burbank, CA 91505

William “Bill” Schaeffer will present a series of assembly art pieces and drawings from his personal collection. The show will consist of three types of artworks: 1. Found Object Assembly Art. Bill finds many unique items on the ground in his ordinary life like playing cards, toys, and strings of pearls and he likes to incorporate these into assembly art work. 2. Flashing light L.E.D. Art. Bill likes to use flashing L.E.D. lights and bicycle flashers to create dynamic kinetic art. 3. Completed paintings. Bill will purchase unfinished paintings at GoodWill and then “finish the painting” with magic markers without destroying the original unknown artist’s efforts.
1. Revolution Freedom $150
I found both stickers lying face down in a parking garage in Santa Monica.
2. Breaking Free #2 $20
3. Breakfast of Champions $20
4. The Nose Knows $20 SOLD
Uses three AA batteries to power the blinking L.E.D.’s in the nose.
5. Sign of the Times $20 SOLD
6. Rooster Photo $20
This Rooster lived somewhere in Echo Park next to the freeway.
7. Ace of Hearts $20 SOLD
I found these three cards at a bus stop on Hollywood Blvd.
8. Scorpion Fish $20 SOLD
Except for the number label, these were all prizes in boxes of food or cereal.
9. Let’s be Friends $20 SOLD
10. Two of Hearts $20 SOLD
11. PEACE $20
12. Landscape with phone $100
I bought this painting at GoodWill. The lower rectangular space was
supposed to be a book. I made it a subterranean phone booth.
13. The Proud Tower $150
I found this picture frame on the sidewalk. I painted the painting myself. I added the toy animals.
14. Haiku $150
Uses 3 AA batteries or powered by AC adaptor.
15. Log Box $20
The unfinished log just barely fits into the box. A lucky coincidence.
16. Log with handle $20
I would like to make this into a purse, but cutting it lengthwise, hollowing
it out and adding hinges and a clasp.
17. The Fork in the Road $150
Inspired by construction saw horse blinkers and the random patterns they make.
The blinkers are attached with Velcro to allow on/off access and battery service.
18. The Angel $150
My cousin severely injured herself by grabbing a power transformer.
She survived, but I haven’t seen her in 20 years.
I bought the angels in a vending machine and got four identical angels in a row.
The blinker is attached with Velcro to allow on/off access and battery service.
19. The Tree of Life $150
The temptation of Eve.
The blinkers are attached with Velcro to allow on/off access and battery service.
20. Still Life with Shrunken Head $100
I bought this painting at Good Will and added the spider plant statue and head.
When I was on a 5th grade field trip we went to the Field Museum in Chicago.
A group of us boys found a display case filled with shrunken heads.
21. Tsunami Sam $50
Inspired by the real life Tsunami in Indonesia 12-26-2005
22. St. Francis $50
23. Toy Collection $20
I bought most of this toy collection as a collection at a garage sale.
The toys in the piece “You Have Friends” are from this same collection.
24. Lemon Heads $50
I bought this painting at GoodWill and added the faces.
25. A Light Meal $100
I love watching the different patterns the LED lights make. Runs on 3 AA
Batteries or AC power adaptor.
26. Incredible Hulk Bank $20
This is almost 40 years old. I bought it in Illinois and brought it to California.
27. Magic Lantern Theater – Nine of Clubs $150
28. Magic Lantern Theater – Four of Clubs $150
This was the first one I made and used this one as a pattern for the other two.
29. Magic Lantern Theater – Six of Clubs $150
30. Ceramic rooster and plastic army soldiers $20
31. Iguana and Necklace $20
I found the necklace in Anaheim at the recent Youtube convention.
32. You Have Friends $20
I found the fruits on the ground and the toys at a garage sale.
33. Jacob’s Ladder $150
“Every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings”
Powered with three AA batteries or AC adaptor.
34. Brainless Bee Man with Army $20
I found this blue brain in the gutter just recently on 9-7-16
35. The Natural Language Instinct $150
Arranged like hieroglyphic writing and organized into five rows like
the five lines on the music staff.
36. Saint Mort $50
Morte means Death in French. This was made using glitter glue
and took almost two weeks to dry
37. Bernie the Clown says, “Don’t Play with Matches.” $50
This was made using glitter glue and took almost two weeks to dry.
38. Joker Man $50
“He does what he can” The blinker is attached with Velcro to
allow on/off access and battery service.
39. The Doctrine of Original Sin $50
40. Facing the Fear $50
41. Paint by Number by Emi Ichihara $50
Emi is a talented paint by number artist and I am lucky to include this painting.
42. The Hand of Man $20
44. Refutation of Truth $50
This is something that I hear people trying to do every day. I also call it
“building a consensus reality.” The skull whistles are very fragile.
45. Red Sky at Night $50
46. Legends of the Ark $30 SOLD
I found that seed pod in Venice and it reminds me of Noah’s Ark.
47. Grace and Simplicity $30 SOLD
48. Special Delivery $20
Inspired by the image of Santa Claus smoking his pipe.
49. The Machinery of Joy $20 SOLD
50. The Sounding Room #1 $20
51. Creative and Alert $20
Creative ART Alert.
52. The Ghost in the Machine $20
53. The Sounding Room #3 $20 SOLD
Copyright © 2016 William Schaeffer
You have a combination of a unusually rich ground findings along with a talent for assembling them in interesting arrangements. I have one of your works on a wall of my house just next to the main stairwell...