Saturday, February 29, 2020

Pigeon Joan R.I.P. ?? - February 27, 2020

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Another Problem with Capitalism

Another problem with Capitalism is that "Nobody is responsible." Prior to 1850 the Corporate business structure was illegal in the USA. In those days, the company was owned by a person and if the company committed a crime the owner was personally liable. After the establishment of corporations and a series of court cases it was decided that "The corporation is a person under the law." Therefore, the corporation could commit crimes and no member of the Governing board of Directors would be personally liable. The corporation as a whole would be "punished" by fines and restrictions if necessary. This arrangement has continued to this day. A corporation can commit crimes and cause injury and no person has any liability. The pharmaceutical industry is a good example presently, when the "rush to market" for new products has caused harmful drugs to be sold in numerous cases. Other industries have similar stories and in no case is any person ever held liable for the injury, monetary loss, or death that were caused by the corporate action. In my opinion this "lack of penalty" for corporate board members has contributed significantly to the economic disparity in the USA, shoddy workmanship, and the "potential danger" of many commercial products.

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Problem with Capitalism

The fundamental problem with Capitalism: Nobody cares about "WHO you are." All they care about is "WHAT you can DO for THEM." This one directional relationship orientation is unbalanced and unstable. Unfortunately it affects and influences ALL our other relationships dramatically(and this is intentional). For example: Since the "At will hire laws" were passed in 1995, your employer has no responsibility to you except to pay you money every two weeks IF you work. In your job function, your personality can actually be a hindrance. The more you perform your task efficiently, without any personal conflict, the more valued employee you are (until you are replaced). Your personality is irrelevant to the task and a potential liability if customers or coworkers dislike your hobbies or interests. In the end analysis, you have no friends in the workplace and if you do your job well, nobody even knows who you really are. In the short term, this working relationship is efficient AND profitable. In the long term, this working relationship causes fear, isolation, loneliness, disappointment and grief. There is no community. There is no common cause. There is no support network. There is no LOVE. There is only work, and pay, and forced retirement until death.

Is this REALLY the economic system you want to live under? Is this really the best possible economic organization and social structure for humans to live in? HAHAHAHA

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Friday, February 21, 2020

Three things to do to alleviate depression

From a post on the internet:

Three suggestions to alleviate depression:

1. Make your bed.

2. Remove clutter from table tops and counter tops.

2. Reduce visual stimulation and remove clutter from your apartment.

copyright (c) 2020 
William Schaeffer

Four Squares Scrolling on a Square

digital archaeology

Early Retirement

Comment on video:

Ask yourself, "How many over fifty age workers are employed in my company?"

As a child, you are lead to believe that once you graduate from college, you will have a career that lasts 40 years until you retire at age 65. This is simply NOT true. Your career, in any chosen industry, is only 20 - 30 years long. Once you reach 45 years of age, your career is subject to end. Newer workers who are 20 years younger than you are, no longer wish to socialize with you.  Soon you find yourself marginalized professionally as well.  The best plan to prepare for this is to:  1. stay healthy,  2. avoid debt,  3. be philosophical in your outlook on life.

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Computer Operating System Failure ?

I thought that my worst dystopian nightmares had come true and my windows 7 operating system had imploded on the internet when mysterious characters appeared on the screen and I was taken to pages that I didn't know existed -- and then I realized that my pet bird was walking on the typewriter keyboard.

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Mental Illness Scam

HAHAHA In a "real" medical problem, something is broken that you can measure. For example, a bone is broken, a pathway is obstructed, a chemical is not present. The diagnosis is scientific detective work with a documented physical problem with the structure of the body. In "mental illness" a practitioner makes a "diagnosis" on their assessment of your assessment of your behavior. Nothing in the body is measured or analysed. Nothing is broken. There is no "real" illness.

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Life is Short

life is short
got to have fun

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Friday, February 14, 2020


Definition: Capitalism n. 1. To turn everything into garbage as fast as possible and extract as much gold as practical in the process.

Although this definition is cynical it emphasizes a part of industrial manufacturing that we conveniently ignore: Waste and Garbage. When a house is constructed, there is probably four times as much garbage waste product (by weight) as there is house, if you also consider the remote manufacturing and transportation necessary to create the building materials used.

copyright (c)2020
William Schaeffer

Marlon Brando Grade School

Comment left on youtube video of Connie Chung interview with Marlon Brando

We were all trained in the USA by grade school classroom to be mercilessly competitive and absolutely self centered. We were imprisoned for most of our waking hours and not allowed to move without permission. we were not allowed to speak and when we did get permission, we were only allowed to say what we were told to say. Never in the entire grade school experience were we ever encouraged or allowed to take control of our schedule, or our bodies, or our minds, and just "goof off" and "waste time" and "enjoy each others company."

 America is a prison and selfish cruelty is the result.

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Government doublespeak

"In the interest of the department to clarify the issue surrounding the allegations of partiality and doublespeak, as-it-were, I have to heartily affirm the positive connotation that we did nothing wrong and were just following the most effective course to enact the least damaging proposals while at the same time seeming to be intelligent and competent public servants in the eyes of the commercial media, or a least in the eyes of our advisers or supervisors whenever they happened to be looking our way. I think that we have learned to be effective at defining the non essential details with such precision that any normal human will give up all attempt to penetrate the obfuscation of truth and they will look upon the confusion of intent as being something entirely praiseworthy and intelligently reliable."

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Movie business VFX


1) Movies are about the suspension of disbelief.
2) "No disbelief" equals "no movie experience" equals "loss of money for the studios"
3) It takes one month to shoot a movie. It takes ten months to edit a movie. It takes two years to plan a movie. The only time the studios want the general public to think about is the time shooting the movie.
4) Fans are encouraged to "know" the actors so they develop a "personal relationship" and this helps the suspension of disbelief. Fans are encouraged to see the movie set and hear about "shooting the picture" because this also helps the fans relate to the movie experience.
5) Fans are not encouraged to know about film stock, lighting specifications, work permits, construction details, editing complications, audio mix details, or any of the thousand technical details that actually are important to get a movie made, because this data detracts from the emotional movie experience.
6) THIS is why VFX is ignored or depreciated, IF fans were aware of the importance of VFX in every shot, it would detract from the movie experience and the studios would lose money.
7) VFX, like the other "technical trades" will never be acknowledged or appreciated, because to do so will be to lose money from the general public.
8) Here is a test:
     a) Name one famous film editor
     b) Name one famous cinematographer
9) Life is tough. Now, get back to work.

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Sea Level Rise due to melting ice in Antarctica

If all the ice in Antarctica melts, the oceans will rise by over 200 feet.

.7 x RISE = (.09 x .3) x 5280

Oceans cover .7 of surface of planet.
Antarctica covers (.09 x .3) surface of a planet.
Average thickness of ice in Antarctica is one mile = 5280 feet.

RISE = 203 feet

(Antarctica is 9% of total landmass which is 30% of surface of the planet)

As simple as this equation is, it has still taken me about five years to refine it. Originally I used .05 for surface area of Antarctica, but that was including the ice mass, which is largely over water. The present calculation assumes the "total landmass is one minus the surface area of the water" and "Antarctica is nine percent of the total landmass"

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Friday, February 7, 2020

Just follow your heart and do the best you can

Advice to novice film maker wondering if they should start a film project:

"Just follow your heart and do the best you can. Don't worry about making mistakes, because mistakes happen. use your mistakes as a learning experience. You never know what the future will bring and you never know what would happen if you do nothing. Go for it. Shoot the movie the best you can, learn from your mistakes, and then shoot he next one. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Don't worry about the detractors, there will always be detractors. Follow your heart and do your best. You will be proud of yourself for it. Good Luck."

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Thursday, February 6, 2020


Interesting thoughts:
 1. Just four weeks ago the Coronavirus DID NOT EXIST. It did not exist.
 2. Last year flu season (November to April),
     an estimated 60,000 people in the USA died of Influenza (the Flu)
 3. Coronavirus Cases (as of 2/6/2020):
28,349 of which
3,863 (14%) in critical condition
Deaths: 565
Recovered: 1,387

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

America in the 1970's

From a youtube comment on a video of Chicago in the 1970's:

In the 1970's a typical job paid enough for an apartment, a car, and extra money left over to save for the future. In the 1970's there was no AIDS, no mass shootings, and no cell phones. There was no cable TV and people still shopped at the Malls. Most jobs were only 40 hours a week and paid benefits. The president of the USA did not boast of breaking the law and there were no homeless people sleeping in doorways and alleys. This was before Ronald Reagan and the Republicans seized control of the government, grew the deficit, and destroyed the tax laws. There were still mental institutions and retirement homes to care for people who were suffering. There were no continual wars overseas and America had peaceful intent. Compared to today, it was a decent country to build a life in. Today, America is a prison by comparison...

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Clown Government

"Government of the Clowns, by the Clowns, and for the Clowns" - Zobo the Clown

copyright (c) 2020
William Schaeffer