William A Schaeffer "Wealth never divests itself voluntarily"
Silvana G. William A Schaeffer so let's force them like a communist country.Or like Cuba when Castro took all top business .Or like Venezuela .Are you serious?Jealousy is a bad thing!!!
William A Schaeffer Yes, let's do that. The rich have been stealing from the rest of us since the Nixon administration
It is time to restore some balance. I have no love for the rich or the gated communities. They had their chance to "improve" America and they just took everything for themselves.
William A Schaeffer I am not jealous. I don't want to be filthy rich and mindlessly selfish. I want to give the homeless a place to live I want to fix the Infra structure. I want healthcare for everyone. I want to build more parks and libraries
I want to take away the tax exempt status for religious organizations.
I want to help ALL the less fortunate that have been displaced and dispossessed by the greed of the corporations and the ultra wealthy. I want to limit property ownership to five properties. I want to open up the "gated communities" to the whole world.
William A Schaeffer Wealth is inherently selfish, hateful, and greedy. I want to help them open their hearts to the world and rejoin the community of man instead of sitting aloof and feeling superior. Yes == that would be a good thing.
Silvana G William A Schaeffer If you dont have any money that is dispensable income you cant help anyone not even yourself.If trickle down economics is bullshit to you how does trickle up economics sound Here come the poor to rescue us.Help yourself then help others
Aron S William A Schaeffer ... Go make your own money thief!
John S William A Schaeffer that is not entirely true! Plenty of wealthy people invest in communities voluntarily.
William A Schaeffer John S The wealthy obviously do not invest enough. Just look at the homeless sleeping in the street. And the wealthy should not think of it as an investment. They should think of it as an "obligatory loss" because they are not doing it for themselves, they are contributing just for the other people with no thought of personal gain.
Todd Tho Q. Why do all the nuts🥜🤪 come from California?
William A Schaeffer Todd Tho Q. How is California like Granola? A. Take out all the fruits and nuts and all you have left is flakes.
Todd Tho Q. California doesn’t pay out welfare? How about the State funded heroine dens?
William A Schaeffer The Rich do not help anyone. The GOVERNMENT helps people. The government creates and guarantees the money value. We should NOT rely on the wealthy to help society, we should rely on the government to help society. THAT IS WHAT GOVERNMENT IS FOR. The wealthy never really helped anyone except themselves.
copyright (c) 2019 William Schaeffer