Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Christian Church crimes against Humanity, #8 “The Book of Revelations”

The Book of Revelations is the last book in the New Testament. As such, it is supposed to be a prophetic description of the inexorable and inevitable future. Given this information, the faithful can use it to their eternal advantage.

 These are some critical observations about the Book of Revelations:

1) The crimes of the guilty are never announced. We never know why they were condemned and for what crime.
2) It is not the first book of “Revelations.” In the “Book of Enoch” there is a book of Revelations. It is shorter than, and not as “colorful” as, The Revelation of Saint John, but the crimes of the guilty are described for all to think about.
3) It is extraordinarily violent. It describes war, and betrayal, and death, and even “Hell” itself in graphic detail. The story itself seems to appeal to sadists, criminals, and violent people. WHY is such a story the final and culminating literary work of the New Testament; which itself is purportedly about “The Prince of Peace?”
4) There is little description of Heaven, Heavenly Bliss, or Eternal Grace. If this is a book of “salvation,” why do we not hear colorful and detailed descriptions of this “state of mind?” Why is the final book of the Bible (and the prediction of the future) NOT joyful, loving, and spiritual? Why is the final book of the Bible a chronology of violence?
5) It sanctifies and legitimizes catastrophic warfare. If presents as “normal” and “expected” scenes of horrific violence and war. These are considered “inevitable?” How can we seriously work to end “World War” if our scripture predicts one more global war (and we better be ready)?
6) It emphasizes the punishments in Hell, instead of the rewards of Heaven. Again, the imagery is violent and painful. Why is a book of divine inspiration emphasizing torments to the body and tortures of the mind?
7) It has no reference to the teachings of Jesus. Despite being future of the story of The Messiah, there is no reference to the Teachings or Life of Jesus. There is no culminating synthesis of the ideas presented in The Sermon on the Mount or the book of Mathew. Instead the life and teaching of Jesus is mostly ignored and a new, fanciful reality is espoused.
8) It does not fulfill and inspire with personal wisdom, and philosophical truth.

 What could a violently written book like this hope to achieve except promoting violence, conflict, rage, and hatred? What could a book like this hope to achieve except to legitimize every future war and violent torture of mankind? What could a book like this hope to achieve except to introduce fear, doubt, confusion, and hatred into the vulnerable and trusting human mind? What possible benefit could the telling of this story possibly have EXCEPT to render the mass of humanity as willing and docile slaves for the plantations, mines, and factories of the rich and violently powerful? Just think...

Copyright © 2019 
William Schaeffer

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