"Nothing at last is sacred, but the integrity of your own mind."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (from his essay "On Self Reliance")
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Friday, April 26, 2019
Your Reality is being Modified
Your response is being recorded.
Have a nice day.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Christian Church crimes against Humanity, part 7 – Not Infallibly True
The birth and death narratives of Jesus in the Gospels of Mathew and Luke contradict each other. They are not reconcilable. It is not possible to make a single timeline for either the birth or death that can logically include all the events mentioned in both Mathew and Luke.
If the birth and death narratives of the centrally most import character in Christianity are contradictory then the Bible is not, and cannot be, infallibly true.
If the Bible is not infallibly true, how can it be the Word of God?
If the Bible is not infallibly true, then how can we trust anything it says?
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Christian Church crimes against Humanity, part 5 -- No Evidence (new edit)
There is no evidence for the existence of the “Soul,” “Heaven,” “Hell,” “God,” or the “Afterlife” that is admissible in a court of law or a contemporary scientific journal.
These concepts must all be accepted on “Faith.”
This idea of Faith is essentially “Belief without Evidence.” In any other realm of human existence, belief without evidence is considered to be “Delusional Thought.” In Christianity, the concept of belief without evidence is promoted and encouraged. Is Christian Faith just a form of Delusional Thought, or mental illness?
Consider for example, the concept of the “Soul.”
What is the Soul? Where is the Soul located? Is the Soul in the body? How can we “see” the Soul? What does the Soul look like? How is it attached to the body? By what mechanism is the Soul attached to the body? Where in the body is the Soul attached? If the Soul is NOT in the body, then where is it? Is the Soul in another dimension? If so, then how is it connected, or identified with the body across dimensions? If it is in this dimension, where is it? Can we photograph the Soul? Can we videotape the Soul in action?
Any rational question we might ask about the essential nature of the Soul, tells us nothing and cannot be answered. It is the same for the other basic theological concepts promoted by the Christian Church.
These fundamental concepts of “Soul,” “Heaven,” “Hell,” “God,” or the “Afterlife” are basic to the mindset promoted by the Christian Church. These concepts are essentially delusional beliefs and delusional thought. Usually a delusional belief is considered to be a kind of mental illness. Does the Christian Church promote mental illness?
Copyright © 2019
William Schaeffer
This idea of Faith is essentially “Belief without Evidence.” In any other realm of human existence, belief without evidence is considered to be “Delusional Thought.” In Christianity, the concept of belief without evidence is promoted and encouraged. Is Christian Faith just a form of Delusional Thought, or mental illness?
Consider for example, the concept of the “Soul.”
What is the Soul? Where is the Soul located? Is the Soul in the body? How can we “see” the Soul? What does the Soul look like? How is it attached to the body? By what mechanism is the Soul attached to the body? Where in the body is the Soul attached? If the Soul is NOT in the body, then where is it? Is the Soul in another dimension? If so, then how is it connected, or identified with the body across dimensions? If it is in this dimension, where is it? Can we photograph the Soul? Can we videotape the Soul in action?
Any rational question we might ask about the essential nature of the Soul, tells us nothing and cannot be answered. It is the same for the other basic theological concepts promoted by the Christian Church.
These fundamental concepts of “Soul,” “Heaven,” “Hell,” “God,” or the “Afterlife” are basic to the mindset promoted by the Christian Church. These concepts are essentially delusional beliefs and delusional thought. Usually a delusional belief is considered to be a kind of mental illness. Does the Christian Church promote mental illness?
Copyright © 2019
William Schaeffer
Christian Church crimes against Humanity, #8 “The Book of Revelations”
The Book of Revelations is the last book in the New Testament. As such, it is supposed to be a prophetic description of the inexorable and inevitable future. Given this information, the faithful can use it to their eternal advantage.
These are some critical observations about the Book of Revelations:
1) The crimes of the guilty are never announced. We never know why they were condemned and for what crime.
2) It is not the first book of “Revelations.” In the “Book of Enoch” there is a book of Revelations. It is shorter than, and not as “colorful” as, The Revelation of Saint John, but the crimes of the guilty are described for all to think about.
3) It is extraordinarily violent. It describes war, and betrayal, and death, and even “Hell” itself in graphic detail. The story itself seems to appeal to sadists, criminals, and violent people. WHY is such a story the final and culminating literary work of the New Testament; which itself is purportedly about “The Prince of Peace?”
4) There is little description of Heaven, Heavenly Bliss, or Eternal Grace. If this is a book of “salvation,” why do we not hear colorful and detailed descriptions of this “state of mind?” Why is the final book of the Bible (and the prediction of the future) NOT joyful, loving, and spiritual? Why is the final book of the Bible a chronology of violence?
5) It sanctifies and legitimizes catastrophic warfare. If presents as “normal” and “expected” scenes of horrific violence and war. These are considered “inevitable?” How can we seriously work to end “World War” if our scripture predicts one more global war (and we better be ready)?
6) It emphasizes the punishments in Hell, instead of the rewards of Heaven. Again, the imagery is violent and painful. Why is a book of divine inspiration emphasizing torments to the body and tortures of the mind?
7) It has no reference to the teachings of Jesus. Despite being future of the story of The Messiah, there is no reference to the Teachings or Life of Jesus. There is no culminating synthesis of the ideas presented in The Sermon on the Mount or the book of Mathew. Instead the life and teaching of Jesus is mostly ignored and a new, fanciful reality is espoused.
8) It does not fulfill and inspire with personal wisdom, and philosophical truth.
What could a violently written book like this hope to achieve except promoting violence, conflict, rage, and hatred? What could a book like this hope to achieve except to legitimize every future war and violent torture of mankind? What could a book like this hope to achieve except to introduce fear, doubt, confusion, and hatred into the vulnerable and trusting human mind? What possible benefit could the telling of this story possibly have EXCEPT to render the mass of humanity as willing and docile slaves for the plantations, mines, and factories of the rich and violently powerful? Just think...
Copyright © 2019
William Schaeffer
Sunday, April 21, 2019
What's for Dinner?

What's for Dinner? #8
Assembly art with found objects
5 x 7, framed $30
Copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
The Glass Bead Game

The Glass Bead Game
Assembly art with found objects
5 x 7 framed
Assembly art with found objects
5 x 7 framed
Copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
William Schaeffer
Thursday, April 18, 2019
The World is like a Burning House
5. The World is like a burning house that is forever being destroyed and rebuilt. People, being confused by the darkness of ignorance, lose their minds in anger, displeasure, jealousy, prejudice and worldly passion. They are like babies in need of a mother; everyone must be dependent upon Buddha's mercy.
Buddha is a father to all the world; all human beings are the children of Buddha; Buddha is the most saintly of saints. The world is afire with decrepitude and death; there is suffering everywhere; but people, being engrossed in the vain search for worldly pleasure, are not wise enough to fully realize this.
from "The Teaching of Buddha"
copyright (c) 1966
pp. 35-36
Buddha is a father to all the world; all human beings are the children of Buddha; Buddha is the most saintly of saints. The world is afire with decrepitude and death; there is suffering everywhere; but people, being engrossed in the vain search for worldly pleasure, are not wise enough to fully realize this.
from "The Teaching of Buddha"
copyright (c) 1966
pp. 35-36
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Polly and Perry
Polly and Perry
$75 for the pair
1. Polly Anna
Assembly Art with found objects
8 x 10 canvas board, framed
2. Perry Mason
Assembly Art with found objects
8 x 10 canvas board, framed
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
The future of the USA
Response to a youtube video predicting conflict or civil war in the USA because of the hatred they observed in people while travelling the country:
Interesting observation on the "hatred" in the hearts of Americans. My thought is this: 40% - 47% of Americans are self described "Born Again Christians." These people that subscribe to this ideal, think their philosophy makes them better then anybody else, and it makes them absolutely intolerant of any divergence from their self conception of "TRUTH." Additionally the Born Again Christians tend to interpret events described in the Book of Revelations as the last step before "God" establishes the kingdom of Heaven on Earth. This makes them embrace the concept of "Total War" and "Destruction of the Earth" as a good thing (because it will lead to Heaven on Earth). So -- The Born Again Christians in the Republican Red States will try to secede from the Unity of the USA. They have control of most of missile sites and will use nuclear weapons. Los Angeles or New York may be vaporized. The Red States in the Midwest will be united against the two coasts. At first the Red States will be victorious in most conflicts, but eventually China and Russia and the rest of the world will support the Coastal States of California, Washington, New York, Massachusetts and the tide of the war will change. The Red states will be totally obliterated and almost nothing will be left. As a result, the philosophy of Born Again Christianity will be outlawed world wide. The United States will become a third world country with a mostly agricultural economy.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Interesting observation on the "hatred" in the hearts of Americans. My thought is this: 40% - 47% of Americans are self described "Born Again Christians." These people that subscribe to this ideal, think their philosophy makes them better then anybody else, and it makes them absolutely intolerant of any divergence from their self conception of "TRUTH." Additionally the Born Again Christians tend to interpret events described in the Book of Revelations as the last step before "God" establishes the kingdom of Heaven on Earth. This makes them embrace the concept of "Total War" and "Destruction of the Earth" as a good thing (because it will lead to Heaven on Earth). So -- The Born Again Christians in the Republican Red States will try to secede from the Unity of the USA. They have control of most of missile sites and will use nuclear weapons. Los Angeles or New York may be vaporized. The Red States in the Midwest will be united against the two coasts. At first the Red States will be victorious in most conflicts, but eventually China and Russia and the rest of the world will support the Coastal States of California, Washington, New York, Massachusetts and the tide of the war will change. The Red states will be totally obliterated and almost nothing will be left. As a result, the philosophy of Born Again Christianity will be outlawed world wide. The United States will become a third world country with a mostly agricultural economy.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Los Angeles and Hollywood used to be the "Entertainment Capitol of the World." Today, after "outsourcing" and subcontracting - Hollywood is the "Entertainment Attorney Capitol of the World"
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Pigeons are Monogamous
- Pigeons are monogamous and typically mate for life.
- Female pigeons can reach sexual maturity as early as 7 months of age.
- Pigeons build a flimsy platform nest of straw and sticks, put on ledge, under cover, often located on the window ledges of buildings.
- Eight to 12 days after mating, the females lay 1 to 3 (usually 2) white eggs which hatch after 18 days. Condition at Hatching: Helpless, with sparse yellow or white down.
- Chicks fledge (leave the nest) in 25-32 days (45 days in midwinter).
- The male provides nesting material and guards the female and the nest.
- The young are fed pigeon milk, a liquid/solid substance secreted in the crop of the adult (both male and female) which is regurgitated.
- More eggs are laid before the first clutch leaves the nest. Breeding may occur at all seasons, but peak reproduction occurs in the spring and fall.
- A population of pigeons usually consists of equal numbers of males and females.
- When populations suddenly decrease, pigeon production increases and will soon replenish the flock.
- In captivity, pigeons commonly live up to 15 years and sometimes longer.
- In urban populations, however, pigeons seldom live more than 3 or 4 years.
- Natural mortality factors, such as predation by mammals and other birds, diseases, and stress due to lack of food and water, reduce pigeon populations by approximately 30% annually.
Text from website https://ovocontrol.com/pigeons/
- Female pigeons can reach sexual maturity as early as 7 months of age.
- Pigeons build a flimsy platform nest of straw and sticks, put on ledge, under cover, often located on the window ledges of buildings.
- Eight to 12 days after mating, the females lay 1 to 3 (usually 2) white eggs which hatch after 18 days. Condition at Hatching: Helpless, with sparse yellow or white down.
- Chicks fledge (leave the nest) in 25-32 days (45 days in midwinter).
- The male provides nesting material and guards the female and the nest.
- The young are fed pigeon milk, a liquid/solid substance secreted in the crop of the adult (both male and female) which is regurgitated.
- More eggs are laid before the first clutch leaves the nest. Breeding may occur at all seasons, but peak reproduction occurs in the spring and fall.
- A population of pigeons usually consists of equal numbers of males and females.
- When populations suddenly decrease, pigeon production increases and will soon replenish the flock.
- In captivity, pigeons commonly live up to 15 years and sometimes longer.
- In urban populations, however, pigeons seldom live more than 3 or 4 years.
- Natural mortality factors, such as predation by mammals and other birds, diseases, and stress due to lack of food and water, reduce pigeon populations by approximately 30% annually.
Text from website https://ovocontrol.com/pigeons/
Friday, April 12, 2019
The Profit Motive
The Profit Motive
Assembly art with found objects 8 x 10
framed $50
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Christian Church crimes against Humanity – Part 6 The Children’s Crusade
There are different historical accounts of the Children’s Crusade, but the essential theme, or story, is the same in all of them. In the year 1212 a shepherd named Nicholas in Germany, and a boy named Stephen of Cloyes in France, began preaching for a children’s crusade to convert the Muslims in the Holy Land to Christianity.
Wikipedia reports:
"Nicholas said that the sea would dry up before them and allow his followers to cross into the Holy Land. Rather than intending to fight the Saracens, he said that the Muslim kingdoms would be defeated when their citizens converted to Catholicism.His disciples went off to preach the call for the "Crusade" across the German lands, and they massed in Cologne after a few weeks. Splitting into two groups, the crowds took different roads through Switzerland. Two out of every three people on the journey died, while many others returned to their homes.About 7,000 arrived in Genoa in late August. They immediately marched to the harbor, expecting the sea to divide before them; when it did not many became bitterly disappointed. A few accused Nicholas of betraying them, while others settled down to wait for God to change his mind, since they believed that it was unthinkable he would not eventually do so.
The children were sold into slavery by two merchants (Hugh the Iron and William of Posqueres), who gave free passage on boats to as many of the children as were willing. The pilgrims were then either taken to Tunisia, where they were sold into slavery by the merchants or else died in a shipwreck on San Pietro Island off of Sardinia during a gale."
Up to 30,000 children are given willingly by their families to join the Children’s Crusade. The leaders of the Crusade are Nicholas in Germany, or Stephen of Cloyes in France. They believe that they have God’s protection and they will march to the Holy Land through a dry land bridge caused by a parting of the Mediterranean Sea. They will convert the Muslims to Christianity and save the Holy Land.
After a difficult trip over the Alps where many die, they reach Genoa, Italy and are disappointed the sea isn’t parted. Some leave the crusade to return home. The remaining children are sold into slavery by a ship’s captain who promises to take them to the Holy Land. Some children die in a shipwreck. The children who returned home find that members of their family have died.
None of the children ever reach the Holy Land.
The article based primarily on the Wikipedia.org entry on "The Children's Crusade"
and the historical book series "The Story of Civilization" by Will and Ariel Durant.
Copyright ©2019
William Schaeffer
Man with a Rose
The painting is done by Chris Nolan Fansler
He traded me for a painting of mine
I got an inspiration to add a rose, and Mr Fansler said, "OK"
"He is holding the rose in his teeth"
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
The Lucky Tree
The Lucky Tree
Assembly Art 8 x 10 framed
William Schaeffer
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
The Luck of the Draw
The Luck of the Draw
Assembly art 8 x 10 framed
William Schaeffer
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Melt down the Statue of liberty
William A Schaeffer
We should melt down the Statue of Liberty and sell it for scrap metal. We can use the money to build an immigration prison on Ellis Island. Nobody in the USA wants the "tired and hungry"... The Statue of Liberty is a lie and a deceit.
John Bock
William A Schaeffer thats also a peom and not a policy, you dumb shit.
William A Schaeffer
John Bock that poem purports to be the sentiment of the heart and spirit of the statue herself. Since the statue is supposed to be a symbol of the spirit of the nation, then the poem is MUCH MORE than policy. It represents the spirit of the American people themselves. At one time Americans were proud that the USA represented a sanctuary for the "poor and dispossed" of the world, but today that apparently is not the case. Your rude comment itself would be a good example. Since we no longer believe in helping the miserable outcasts of the world, let's not pretend -- let's not invite people we do not want here in the first place. Let us destroy the poem that is no longer relevant. Let us destroy the statue that no longer means anything and let's see if we can salvage something in the process by selling it for scrap metal. Additionally, if we want to build a wall and close off the boarder, then we certainly will need more immigration prisons to help expedite the process. Since Ellis island won't have any good use without an irrelevant statue, let's build a prison there.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
We should melt down the Statue of Liberty and sell it for scrap metal. We can use the money to build an immigration prison on Ellis Island. Nobody in the USA wants the "tired and hungry"... The Statue of Liberty is a lie and a deceit.
John Bock
William A Schaeffer thats also a peom and not a policy, you dumb shit.
William A Schaeffer
John Bock that poem purports to be the sentiment of the heart and spirit of the statue herself. Since the statue is supposed to be a symbol of the spirit of the nation, then the poem is MUCH MORE than policy. It represents the spirit of the American people themselves. At one time Americans were proud that the USA represented a sanctuary for the "poor and dispossed" of the world, but today that apparently is not the case. Your rude comment itself would be a good example. Since we no longer believe in helping the miserable outcasts of the world, let's not pretend -- let's not invite people we do not want here in the first place. Let us destroy the poem that is no longer relevant. Let us destroy the statue that no longer means anything and let's see if we can salvage something in the process by selling it for scrap metal. Additionally, if we want to build a wall and close off the boarder, then we certainly will need more immigration prisons to help expedite the process. Since Ellis island won't have any good use without an irrelevant statue, let's build a prison there.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Disparity of Wealth in the USA
facebook comment on the disparity of wealth in the USA
William A Schaeffer
Fuck the wealthy. They have hoarded too much. They no longer belong to the family of man. They are no longer human. They stole that money from the rest of us. By using an unfair and unbalanced legal environment the wealthy have hoarded riches that they did not earn in the first place. The common class, blue collar workers earned the money and were not paid their fair share to begin with. Fuck the rich. Bulldoze the gated communities and spread the wealth among the rest of us real people.
David Scott Crew
Do you have any proof for all these claims?
William A Schaeffer
David Scott Crew this is the statistical law of generosity or natural human obligation to share the wealth and be a team player. This is not about following USA law but following the spirit of human heart and brotherly love.
David Scott Crew
Says who and by what right, by what code and by what standard?
Aaron Densmore
How did they steal the money by saving and investing the money that they earned. Just because they were smarter than you and made their money work for them does not mean they stole it.
William A Schaeffer
David Scott Crew Aaron Densmaore It is doubtful that any moralistic argument will satisfy your greedy and selfish natures, so I won't worry about that very much. The USA has a greater disparity of wealth and concentration of wealth than any civilization or nation in history. This affects everyone. The level of crime and violence in society is directly correlated with disparity of wealth. The quality of life, health, and well being are negatively correlated with disparity of wealth. For the good of the entire society and of all mankind, this disparity of wealth must be corrected. Since wealth never divests itself voluntarily, it must be taken and redistributed to the masses. If you disagree, it is likely you are a member of the wealthy class and no argument of the greater human good will satisfy your greedy and selfish natures. Too bad, but it cannot be helped.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
William A Schaeffer
Fuck the wealthy. They have hoarded too much. They no longer belong to the family of man. They are no longer human. They stole that money from the rest of us. By using an unfair and unbalanced legal environment the wealthy have hoarded riches that they did not earn in the first place. The common class, blue collar workers earned the money and were not paid their fair share to begin with. Fuck the rich. Bulldoze the gated communities and spread the wealth among the rest of us real people.
David Scott Crew
Do you have any proof for all these claims?
William A Schaeffer
David Scott Crew this is the statistical law of generosity or natural human obligation to share the wealth and be a team player. This is not about following USA law but following the spirit of human heart and brotherly love.
David Scott Crew
Says who and by what right, by what code and by what standard?
Aaron Densmore
How did they steal the money by saving and investing the money that they earned. Just because they were smarter than you and made their money work for them does not mean they stole it.
William A Schaeffer
David Scott Crew Aaron Densmaore It is doubtful that any moralistic argument will satisfy your greedy and selfish natures, so I won't worry about that very much. The USA has a greater disparity of wealth and concentration of wealth than any civilization or nation in history. This affects everyone. The level of crime and violence in society is directly correlated with disparity of wealth. The quality of life, health, and well being are negatively correlated with disparity of wealth. For the good of the entire society and of all mankind, this disparity of wealth must be corrected. Since wealth never divests itself voluntarily, it must be taken and redistributed to the masses. If you disagree, it is likely you are a member of the wealthy class and no argument of the greater human good will satisfy your greedy and selfish natures. Too bad, but it cannot be helped.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
USA uses H.A.A.R.P. technology to destroy power grids
Venezuela and Sudan have massive blackouts of their electrical power grid
USA has EMF pulse weapons that can destroy the power grid.
USA is starting world war three in Venezuela. It is fairly trivial, really. Overload a few key connections with an energy pulse and burn it out, the section of the grid goes down. Repeat and soon the entire grid goes down. --- In fact, the H.A.A.R.P. technology is exactly what this sounds like and the USA has been researching H.A.A.R.P. for thirty years. If Donald Trump lets his ICE agents rape infant Mexican girls in barbed wire cages in the USA, there is no limit to the destruction he is willing to cause against the civilian population.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
USA has EMF pulse weapons that can destroy the power grid.
USA is starting world war three in Venezuela. It is fairly trivial, really. Overload a few key connections with an energy pulse and burn it out, the section of the grid goes down. Repeat and soon the entire grid goes down. --- In fact, the H.A.A.R.P. technology is exactly what this sounds like and the USA has been researching H.A.A.R.P. for thirty years. If Donald Trump lets his ICE agents rape infant Mexican girls in barbed wire cages in the USA, there is no limit to the destruction he is willing to cause against the civilian population.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Medical description of depression doesn't exist
Comment on symptoms of depression:
This is pharmaceutical corporation propaganda. Illness has a measurable component of the body that is broken. Medicine helps the broken component heal itself. In the classic description of "Depression" there is no part of the body that can be found to be broken, or inoperative. The only "diagnosis" is vague feelings about social situations. There is no thing in the body that is broken or not working. "Biochemical imbalance" is a con job, a lie, a deceit. There is no way to detect, measure, or analyse a "biochemical imbalance" -- It is one of the biggest con jobs in the history of medicine.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
This is pharmaceutical corporation propaganda. Illness has a measurable component of the body that is broken. Medicine helps the broken component heal itself. In the classic description of "Depression" there is no part of the body that can be found to be broken, or inoperative. The only "diagnosis" is vague feelings about social situations. There is no thing in the body that is broken or not working. "Biochemical imbalance" is a con job, a lie, a deceit. There is no way to detect, measure, or analyse a "biochemical imbalance" -- It is one of the biggest con jobs in the history of medicine.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
a Christian Idiot
1) William Schaeffer
Piano player at LAX Renaissance Hotel
There is no evidence for the existence of the “Soul,” “Heaven,” “Hell,” “God,” or the “Afterlife” that is admissible in a court of law or a contemporary scientific journal. These concepts must all be accepted on “Faith.” This idea of Faith is essentially “Belief without Evidence.” In any other realm of human existence, belief without evidence is considered to be “Delusional Thought.” The fundamental concepts that are basic to the mindset promoted by the Christian Church are essentially delusional beliefs and delusional thought. Usually a delusional belief is considered to be a kind of mental illness. Praise Jesus.
2) Jim Magditch
Manufacturing Quality Engineer at GE Appliances, a Haier Company
William, you are incorrect- everybody has a measure of Faith. You, for example have faith that these statements of yours are true., also must have faith that someone might believe what your assertions are and that they're true. The very fact, that you have thoughts, emotions, free will, knowledge, and some wisdom proves the very existence of God.
3) William Schaeffer
Piano player at LAX Renaissance Hotel
Jim Magditch you twist the context of the real meaning of words so your comment is just deceitful. Religious Faith equals belief without evidence -- a delusional belief. What you are referring to is Trust. We trust that our car will work properly. We trust that we understand the meaning of what someone says. You, like most Christians, twist the meaning of words until nothing you say has any real meaning at all. It is only in the delusional universe of superstitious Christianity, that any Christian Theology makes sense at all. Otherwise it is just crazy talk and must be maintained by deception and force. Study the history of the Christian Faith. It is a blood bath of ignorance and superstition. You are repeating knowing falsehoods. The fact that I have thoughts, an illusion of free will and emotions tells us nothing about supernatural "hocus pocus." You are an idiot.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Monday, April 8, 2019
Abolish Grade School
Abolish Grade School and replace it with the one room school house with shorter days. Grade school is designed to destroy children's friendships and to destroy their sense of autonomy. Grade school is designed to make children into service robots to work full time in the factories and warehouse of the rich and powerful. Unfortunately, this destroys society at the same time. It produces adults that are selfish, uncaring, mean, sadistic, and materialistic. The natural result of a government formed by these unfeeling automatons is a hateful, fascist, tyranny that oppresses everyone and destroys any quality of public life their could be. America is like a prison, and most adults have no real friends because of grade school. Soon, (if not already) there is nothing in America worth saving, because America just sucks. The American people are inhuman and behave like selfish robots.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Christian Church crimes Against Humanity, part 5 No Evidence
There is no evidence for the existence of the “Soul,” “Heaven,” “Hell,” “God,” or the “Afterlife” that is admissible in a court of law or a contemporary scientific journal.
These concepts must all be accepted on “Faith.” This idea of Faith is essentially “Belief without Evidence.” In any other realm of human existence, belief without evidence is considered to be “Delusional Thought.”
The fundamental concepts that are basic to the mindset promoted by the Christian Church are essentially delusional beliefs and delusional thought. Usually a delusional belief is considered to be a kind of mental illness. Praise Jesus.
Copyright © 2019
William Schaeffer
These concepts must all be accepted on “Faith.” This idea of Faith is essentially “Belief without Evidence.” In any other realm of human existence, belief without evidence is considered to be “Delusional Thought.”
The fundamental concepts that are basic to the mindset promoted by the Christian Church are essentially delusional beliefs and delusional thought. Usually a delusional belief is considered to be a kind of mental illness. Praise Jesus.
Copyright © 2019
William Schaeffer
It is wrong to think that misfortunes come from the east or from the west; they originate within one's own mind. Therefore, it is foolish to guard against misfortune from the external world and leave the inner mind uncontrolled.
from "The Teaching of Buddha"
by Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai
copyright (c) 1966
from "The Teaching of Buddha"
by Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai
copyright (c) 1966
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Looking at the sun
"We can look toward the sun and know we will never arrive, or we can look away from the sun and only see shadows." - Mr. Atwater
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Friday, April 5, 2019
Christian Church crimes Against Humanity, part 4 The Holy Trinity
Today the Holy Trinity is a fundamental doctrine of the Christian Church. You cannot be a Christian without professing belief in the fact of the Holy Trinity. The basic doctrine is simple. There are three separate divine agents in Christian Belief, but these three separate agents are also, at the same time, all the same divine agent:
1) God the Father Almighty – this is essentially the Yahweh, or Jehovah, of the Old Testament. This is the character that created the entire Universe in Six days and later appeared to the prophets of the Old Testament in the guise of a fire, a voice, or divine light.
2) Jesus himself – being the “Son of God,” Jesus had divine powers of healing, and creating matter out of nothing, in addition to extra sensory perception. Jesus was considered equal to God, or Jehovah, in power and majesty
3) The Holy Ghost – This is a spirit entity, which is similar to the voodoo gods in West African IFA religion. The Holy Ghost can possess your soul and speak through you or reveal divine truth. The Holy Ghost was the agent that impregnated Mary the mother of Jesus.
The Holy Trinity is not mentioned as such anywhere in the Bible and is not mentioned in literature until after 200 A.D. The reason for the existence of the concept is as follows. Judaism was a monotheistic religion, meaning there was only one all powerful “God” named Jehovah, or Yahweh. Christianity claimed to be the replacement of Judaism because Jesus was the Son of God and brought a new message to humanity. But Jesus was more than just a prophet. Jesus was a God himself.
Christianity, being the inheritor of the mantle of Judaism also claimed to be a monotheistic religion. Critics of Christian Theology, at the time, rightly pointed out that one of the superior Ideas of Judaism was that it was truly monotheistic, having only one “God,” but Christianity had Two Gods, or Three if you include the Holy Ghost. Christianity could not be monotheistic as it claimed it was.
This was a serious philosophical dilemma for two hundred years. It was a criticism that could not be overcome, until someone invented the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity, where each member of the Trinity was a unique independent personality, but they also were really -- all the same personality at the same time. Thus Christianity was made into a monotheistic religion because it only had One God.
Any student of logic and logical analysis knows that three independent and separate objects cannot all be the same object. To believe any different makes a mockery of logic and makes a mockery of our understanding of separateness, individuality and identity. It makes a mockery of logic itself. Any critics of the doctrine were told that this was a divine exception to that logic.
Unfortunately, logic stands on its own, like mathematics. It is an independently self-verifying system of thought without any reference to the natural world. To insist on a divine truth that violates logic is like insisting on a divine truth where the mathematical equation 1+ 1 = 3 is true in addition to the rest of mathematical law. A natural consequence of this idea is that BOTH equations 1+1 = 2 AND 1+1=3 are true. This idea renders all of mathematics to be nonsensical supposition because we never know which answer is more appropriate and it becomes impossible to use mathematics to deduce any mathematical answers.
In a similar manner, the doctrine of the Holy Trinity makes a mockery of logic and logical analysis. It openly refutes the basic propositions of object identity and object independence from other objects. It renders the entire practice of logic of questionable value for accurate analysis of truth. And THIS was the intent.
By introducing confusion and doubt into the common understanding of logic, Christianity sought to destroy all concepts of logic altogether with its own brand of “Christian Logic.” This would make it much easier to accept other concepts like the “Soul”, “Heaven”, “Hell”, the “Afterlife” and “God” himself; because there is no direct evidence for the existence of any of those objects that is admissible in a contemporary court of law or a contemporary scientific journal. In scientific terms “God”, “Heaven” “Hell”, the “Afterlife”, and the “Soul” just do not exist. And yet these all are the fundamental motivating ideas of Christian Faith. Additionally, the concept of “Christian Faith” itself means acceptance of these ideas without any verifiable proof.
And this is why the concept of the “Holy Trinity” was so important: it introduced perpetual doubt and uncertainty into the mind of the listener. If he could not be certain of logical proof, or common sense, he could be made to believe almost anything. The listener had no basis at all for refuting any of the basic concepts of Christianity and he had only two choices: 1) Accept the “Truth” of the "Holy Trinity" and be “saved”, or 2) Refuse to accept the idea of the “Holy Trinity” and be damned to an eternal “after life” in the fires of “Hell.”
Few members of the common human community would have enough emotional strength, intellectual insight, or independence of livelihood to take that risk. Mostly they succumbed to the infernal logic of the “Holy Trinity” and became prisoners of delusional thought that violated all common sense and everything they experienced to be true (namely two things cannot be one thing and two things AT THE SAME TIME). Their minds were destroyed and they became intellectual prisoners of Christian thought.
Once Christianity destroyed all the books in the Roman Empire, there was no escape. It was not until one thousand years later, during the Renaissance when Roman Philosophical Texts were found and returned to Europe that people began to relearn the propositions of Logic and could possibly have the tools to achieve their own independent refutation of the concept of “The Holy Trinity.”
Unfortunately, the idea is so insidiously pervasive in the teaching of Children, that many, if not most adults in the West, still play homage to the idea of the Holy Trinity, much to their own philosophical and mathematical disadvantage. Praise Jesus.
Copyright © 2019
William Schaeffer
a man's pot belly
The size of a man's pot belly is a measure of the love he gets from his wife. The bigger the belly, the less love he receives.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
America is a fucking joke
Reply to my assertion on facebook that America is a fucking joke:
Bobby Huber writes:
NO, America is not a fucking joke. This administration is a bad fucking joke. They are tearing our country apart for their own financial gains. And yes there are some that think this man has more than one ounce of integrity. That is the bad joke. The world is watching.
Awaterpub writes:
Bobbi Huber Richard Nixon was a fucking joke. Ronald Reagan was a fucking joke. George Bush Sr. Tried to have him killed and it didn't work. He had to wait 6 more years for his time in the chair. George Bush Sr. was a fucking criminal. Bill Clinton was a pervert and a con man. George Bush Jr. was a real fucking joke. He planned and approved 9/11 and the killing of hundreds of the citizens he was elected to protect. President Barak Obama was the only Statesman who acted respectfully in the past 50 years. and now Donald Trump is a Fascist PIG. Donald Trump is a lying, cheating dog of a man that acts like a PIG.
In the past 40 years corporate profits have tripled. The cost of living has tripled, but wages have remained effectively flat or constant. There is not enough housing and the number of homeless is in the millions. Millions of homeless citizens in the USA and nobody gives a flying fuck. The USA has killed several times more people than any other country in the past 50 years and the numbers are in the millions. In the USA, there is ten times the murder rate per capita of any other industrialized country on Earth. In fact, with only 6% of the population, the USA now houses 25% of the prisoners on Earth. Presently about 1/6 people or 18% of the population are taking anti-depressants for which there is no medical reason. There is no evidence at all that human suffering is caused by a biochemical imbalance in the brain. In fact, long term users of anti-depressants have a life span that is reduced by 20 years. The entire medical establishment is a joke and 50% of ALL bankruptcies are caused by medical bills. Additionally 50% of all mortgage holders have no savings whatsoever and are all on the brink of bankruptcy. The infrastructure is failing throughout the country and much of the drinking water is polluted. Read this list a few times and if you aren't convinced that the USA is a fucking joke, then you are either an idiot, or a wealthy industrialist living off of the misery of your fellow citizens. FACT.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Bobby Huber writes:
NO, America is not a fucking joke. This administration is a bad fucking joke. They are tearing our country apart for their own financial gains. And yes there are some that think this man has more than one ounce of integrity. That is the bad joke. The world is watching.
Awaterpub writes:
Bobbi Huber Richard Nixon was a fucking joke. Ronald Reagan was a fucking joke. George Bush Sr. Tried to have him killed and it didn't work. He had to wait 6 more years for his time in the chair. George Bush Sr. was a fucking criminal. Bill Clinton was a pervert and a con man. George Bush Jr. was a real fucking joke. He planned and approved 9/11 and the killing of hundreds of the citizens he was elected to protect. President Barak Obama was the only Statesman who acted respectfully in the past 50 years. and now Donald Trump is a Fascist PIG. Donald Trump is a lying, cheating dog of a man that acts like a PIG.
In the past 40 years corporate profits have tripled. The cost of living has tripled, but wages have remained effectively flat or constant. There is not enough housing and the number of homeless is in the millions. Millions of homeless citizens in the USA and nobody gives a flying fuck. The USA has killed several times more people than any other country in the past 50 years and the numbers are in the millions. In the USA, there is ten times the murder rate per capita of any other industrialized country on Earth. In fact, with only 6% of the population, the USA now houses 25% of the prisoners on Earth. Presently about 1/6 people or 18% of the population are taking anti-depressants for which there is no medical reason. There is no evidence at all that human suffering is caused by a biochemical imbalance in the brain. In fact, long term users of anti-depressants have a life span that is reduced by 20 years. The entire medical establishment is a joke and 50% of ALL bankruptcies are caused by medical bills. Additionally 50% of all mortgage holders have no savings whatsoever and are all on the brink of bankruptcy. The infrastructure is failing throughout the country and much of the drinking water is polluted. Read this list a few times and if you aren't convinced that the USA is a fucking joke, then you are either an idiot, or a wealthy industrialist living off of the misery of your fellow citizens. FACT.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Talk therapy does not work
Talk Therapy is a joke. Talk Therapy is statistically useless by several measures:
Statistical surveys indicate that after a time in therapy: 1/3 patients improve, 1/3 patients show no change, 1/3 patients get worse. This is identical to what happens when patients do nothing: 1/3 get better, 1/3 show no change, 1/3 third get worse. Statistically, therapy is no more useful than doing NOTHING AT ALL. WHY waste you time and money on a process that is statistically virtually useless? Don't do therapy, it does not work.
In comparison, pain relieving drugs ALWAYS work. If someone is in pain, and they are given a pain relieving drug, they always feel less pain. THINK ABOUT IT.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Statistical surveys indicate that after a time in therapy: 1/3 patients improve, 1/3 patients show no change, 1/3 patients get worse. This is identical to what happens when patients do nothing: 1/3 get better, 1/3 show no change, 1/3 third get worse. Statistically, therapy is no more useful than doing NOTHING AT ALL. WHY waste you time and money on a process that is statistically virtually useless? Don't do therapy, it does not work.
In comparison, pain relieving drugs ALWAYS work. If someone is in pain, and they are given a pain relieving drug, they always feel less pain. THINK ABOUT IT.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Marijuana lecture by Dr. Peter Bregin
Comment on youtube video
Interesting. I smoked marijuana off and on for forty years. I just recently quit for my health and my lungs. I have an IQ of almost 150 (actually 143, 148, 149 as measured on different tests). An IQ = 150 is three standard deviations from the norm. An extremely small number of people score that high (or higher). Statistical studies indicate that men outnumber women at that IQ=150 level by ten to one (women's IQ scores tend to be clustered around 100 and men's IQ scores tend to deviate much more, with more "mentally retarded" men and more "geniuses") I have long told myself that the main reason I smoked weed was so that, "I could be as stupid as everybody else". Working on a crowded production floor, or in an office, where you tend to get annoyed easily by trivial comments, this was very important. I regularly smoked at work (outside on my breaks when no one knew). I generally got along fine and my work was always good and on time. Since I quit smoking, I think much faster and have a better memory, I move fast and get more done. Unfortunately, I am offending many of my long term friends with my "insightful comments" and my girl friend now bores the living hell out of me when she talks. What can I do? I miss being slow and stupid and popular, but I also like the mental power and decisive action with my full mental facilities . I now find most people to be extremely stupid and unable to "think things through" They mostly seem to operate through knee jerk pre-programming and are unable to self reflectively analyze anything they say and do without pre-formed bias. Interesting lecture.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Interesting. I smoked marijuana off and on for forty years. I just recently quit for my health and my lungs. I have an IQ of almost 150 (actually 143, 148, 149 as measured on different tests). An IQ = 150 is three standard deviations from the norm. An extremely small number of people score that high (or higher). Statistical studies indicate that men outnumber women at that IQ=150 level by ten to one (women's IQ scores tend to be clustered around 100 and men's IQ scores tend to deviate much more, with more "mentally retarded" men and more "geniuses") I have long told myself that the main reason I smoked weed was so that, "I could be as stupid as everybody else". Working on a crowded production floor, or in an office, where you tend to get annoyed easily by trivial comments, this was very important. I regularly smoked at work (outside on my breaks when no one knew). I generally got along fine and my work was always good and on time. Since I quit smoking, I think much faster and have a better memory, I move fast and get more done. Unfortunately, I am offending many of my long term friends with my "insightful comments" and my girl friend now bores the living hell out of me when she talks. What can I do? I miss being slow and stupid and popular, but I also like the mental power and decisive action with my full mental facilities . I now find most people to be extremely stupid and unable to "think things through" They mostly seem to operate through knee jerk pre-programming and are unable to self reflectively analyze anything they say and do without pre-formed bias. Interesting lecture.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Gender is inherently physical
Surprise. Men's and Women's brains are fundamentally different. They do not process or store information in the same manner and they are many different fundamental structural differences between them. For example, women cannot rotate a three dimension shape in their mind. This process is trivial for men. Only men are colorblind. Women process language throughout their brain. Men only process language in the speech center in one hemisphere. Women's Corpus Callosum (that connects the two hemispheres) is three times thicker than Man's. Gender is inherently physical and NOT a learned social trait.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
White Supremacy and sunburn
I'm convinced that most White Power advocates are just upset that they get sunburned so easily compared to other peoples. To try and suppress this painful self awareness, they loudly proclaim that they are superior in every (other) way to all other peoples on Earth. Too bad. All they need to do is wear a hat, long sleeves and get a good sunscreen and they could still be a part of the family of man.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Good men and Bad men
11. Good men and bad men differ from each other in their natures. Bad men do not recognize a sinful act as sinful; if its sinfulness is brought to their attention, they do not cease doing it and do not like to have anyone inform them of their sinful acts. Wise men are sensitive to right and wrong; they cease doing anything as soon as they see that it is wrong; they are grateful to anyone who calls their attention to such wrong acts.
Thus good men and bad men differ radically. Bad men never appreciate kindness shown them, but wise men appreciate and are grateful. Wise men try to express their appreciation and gratitude by some return of kindness not only to their benefactor, but to everyone else.
from "The Teaching of Buddha"
by Bukkyo Dendro Kyokai
copyright 1966 p. 134
from "The Teaching of Buddha"
by Bukkyo Dendro Kyokai
copyright 1966 p. 134
Defense of Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez
Natalie wrote a criticism of Alexandria Ocaso-Cortez:
Isn’t there a bar that needs some tending?
Atwaterpub responds:
Natalie, that is a cheap shot and ignorant criticism. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is more articulate when she gargles with salt water than you are when you try to recite anything from memory. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is such a class act that she surprises everyone. People of your limited mental ability just have not been exposed to such brilliant intelligence and spell binding insight that you are to be forgiven for being confused. Remember however, that "what comes around is what goes around" and you probably only insult her because you yourself are a constant inspiration for mockery and insult yourself. Sorry, hope you have a better day soon.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Isn’t there a bar that needs some tending?
Atwaterpub responds:
Natalie, that is a cheap shot and ignorant criticism. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is more articulate when she gargles with salt water than you are when you try to recite anything from memory. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is such a class act that she surprises everyone. People of your limited mental ability just have not been exposed to such brilliant intelligence and spell binding insight that you are to be forgiven for being confused. Remember however, that "what comes around is what goes around" and you probably only insult her because you yourself are a constant inspiration for mockery and insult yourself. Sorry, hope you have a better day soon.
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
The Best Athlete
The best athlete
wants his opponent at his best.
The best general
enters the mind of his opponent.
The best businessman
serves the communal good.
The best leader
follows the will of the people.
excerpt from "Tao te Ching"
by Lao Tzu
translated by Stephen Mitchell
Harper & Row
copyright (c) 1988
The best athlete
wants his opponent at his best.
The best general
enters the mind of his opponent.
The best businessman
serves the communal good.
The best leader
follows the will of the people.
excerpt from "Tao te Ching"
by Lao Tzu
translated by Stephen Mitchell
Harper & Row
copyright (c) 1988
Abuse and Revenge
8. Whenever a person expresses the thought of his mind in action there is always a reaction that follows. If one abuses you, there is a temptation to answer in kind, or to be revenged. One should be on guard against this natural reaction. it is like spitting against the wind, it harms no one but oneself. it is like sweeping dust against the wind, it does not get rid of of the dust, but defiles oneself. Misfortune always dogs the steps of one who gives way to desire for revenge.
from "The Teaching of Buddha"
by Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai
copyright (c) 1966, p. 132
from "The Teaching of Buddha"
by Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai
copyright (c) 1966, p. 132
Monday, April 1, 2019
The Middle Way
To those who choose the path that leads to Enlightenment, there are two extremes that should be carefully avoided, First, there is the extreme of indulgence in the desires of the body. Second, there is the opposite extreme that comes naturally to one who wants to renounce this life and to go to and extreme of ascetic discipline and to torture one's body and mind unreasonably.
The Noble Path, that transcends these two extremes and leads to Enlightenment and wisdom and peace of mind, may be called the Middle Way.
from "The Teaching of Buddha"
by Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai,
copyright (c) 1966
The Noble Path, that transcends these two extremes and leads to Enlightenment and wisdom and peace of mind, may be called the Middle Way.
from "The Teaching of Buddha"
by Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai,
copyright (c) 1966
from a note on facebook
W.S. Men take note... Avoid any contact at all as much as possible for your own self preservation. This is a new era.
D.J. Yeah I'll try real hard to not to nuzzle someone's hair and kiss their head without their consent. I'm sure it'll be a real challenge. Wtf are you talking about?
W.S. Don't look at women. Don't talk to women unless you job requires it. Don't socialize with women unless they are wives of your friends and your friends are there. Avoid any social contact at all costs. I had my life and career destroyed at least twice by spurious allegations that are similar to this. What you as a man might think is an innocent joke or comment can be so misconstrued, you will wonder if you were even in the same Universe, much less the same room. As a man you will lose any contest and any competition in the legal courts with a woman in the USA. Save your life and do not even try. America HATES MEN. Trust me. I KNOW. I believe the short hand these days is M.G.T.O.W. Does THAT answer your question?
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
W.S. Men take note... Avoid any contact at all as much as possible for your own self preservation. This is a new era.
D.J. Yeah I'll try real hard to not to nuzzle someone's hair and kiss their head without their consent. I'm sure it'll be a real challenge. Wtf are you talking about?
W.S. Don't look at women. Don't talk to women unless you job requires it. Don't socialize with women unless they are wives of your friends and your friends are there. Avoid any social contact at all costs. I had my life and career destroyed at least twice by spurious allegations that are similar to this. What you as a man might think is an innocent joke or comment can be so misconstrued, you will wonder if you were even in the same Universe, much less the same room. As a man you will lose any contest and any competition in the legal courts with a woman in the USA. Save your life and do not even try. America HATES MEN. Trust me. I KNOW. I believe the short hand these days is M.G.T.O.W. Does THAT answer your question?
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
Etropy is a measure of disorder. Every process that occurs in the universe creates more disorder than there was before the process started. Living systems create more disorder in their immediate surroundings than any non-living system (except possibly an explosion). Since the entropy of the Universe is constantly increasing until the eventual "Heat Death" of absolute disorder, it is only natural to assume that processes that increase entropy faster (like living systems) will be more favored to survive and flourish.
It is my personal belief that "life" will eventually spread throughout the Universe like mold inside an unplugged refrigerator. Because -- "Life creates more entropy than anything else in the universe. and intelligent goal directed organisms create even more entropy." As Einstein once said, "Entropy is perhaps the only immutable law of nature."
(from a post on linkedin.com)
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
It is my personal belief that "life" will eventually spread throughout the Universe like mold inside an unplugged refrigerator. Because -- "Life creates more entropy than anything else in the universe. and intelligent goal directed organisms create even more entropy." As Einstein once said, "Entropy is perhaps the only immutable law of nature."
(from a post on linkedin.com)
copyright (c) 2019
William Schaeffer
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