The present bee population in North America is estimated to be only 10% of what it was just fifty years ago. Bees pollinate one third (i.e. 1/3) of all agricultural products used by humans on Earth. If bees become extinct, then there will be a mass starvation and famine in human society. The phenomenon of individual bees dying is new within the past twenty years. It is a symptom of the problem affecting bees called Colony Collapse Disorder. When I had a condo (1977 - 2010), bees would come to die on the front steps, one at a time. I would save them and use their bodies in assembly art projects. When I was a child in the 1960's, you NEVER saw individual bees laying dead on the ground. The fact that you see individual bees laying DEAD on the ground now is a very serious warning to humanity and to all the Earth. You have been warned. The future of the bees is the future of man. "Prepare for doom."
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
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