Here are some interesting facts about oil that lead to some disturbing possibilities. I leave the future calculations to you:
England and France have no natural resources at all and especially NO petroleum. USA does not have enough fossil fuel and no real petroleum reserves.
In Siberia, Russia has oil fields of a size that is equal to or greater than all the oil fields in the Mid East combined. Russia has control of an estimated 1/3 of ALL the worlds petroleum reserves, within her political boarders.
China has a population that is four times greater than the USA. China has almost as many men of military age as the entire population of the USA. China has perfected underwater super-cavitation torpedoes allowing them to travel underwater as fast as missiles in the air virtually undetected.
Most USA Americans are ignorant and superstitious about history. In WWII the Eastern front (in Russia) was over 200 miles long and Germany had over 150 Divisions. On the Western Front at Normandy, Germany had 11 or 12 divisions. Only 40% of the Russian soldiers survived to return home. Only about 10% or less of the German fighters survived to return home. In the American Civil War, 75% of the male population of the South was killed.
USA, France, England must unite to preserve their distinct trading advantage and maintain control of the world oil market. Otherwise their societies will collapse in economic disaster and upheaval. China won't forget the Opium Wars, and Russia won't forget the White Russians in the Bolshevik Revolution.
The future will be interesting and you will be lucky if you speak two languages.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Monday, April 30, 2018
Saturday, April 28, 2018
The Future of homelessness in the USA
At the time of the Bolshevik Revolution, 60% of the Factory workforce in Moscow was homeless and slept beneath their factory work benches with their families. As long as the primary motivating ethic in the USA is maximum profit, then the numbers of homeless in the USA will just increase. Wealth NEVER divests itself voluntarily.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Friday, April 27, 2018
Math Day
Today is a favorite day I call math day. 4/27
4 = 2 x 2 , 4 = 2**2 ,
27 = 3 x 3 x 3 , 27 = 3**3.
4/27 = 2**2 / 3**3
William Schaeffer
Bee Trivia
Bee Trivia:
1. One Third of all agricultural products World wide are pollinated by bees. If bees become extinct, there will most likely be a human famine and mass starvation.
2. The population of Bees in North America is about 10% of what it was just 50 or 60 years ago.
3. The Bee DNA is more statistically similar to Human DNA than any other insect's DNA.
4. Bees have a language that is communicated by movements. To the untrained eye these moves look similar to a dance choreography. However, Bees have a language.
5. Bees have a historical beginning about 100 million years ago. That is more ancient (i.e. longer ago in time) than Humans, primates, and most all the other warm blooded mammals.
6 Only the female Bee has the capacity to sting.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
1. One Third of all agricultural products World wide are pollinated by bees. If bees become extinct, there will most likely be a human famine and mass starvation.
2. The population of Bees in North America is about 10% of what it was just 50 or 60 years ago.
3. The Bee DNA is more statistically similar to Human DNA than any other insect's DNA.
4. Bees have a language that is communicated by movements. To the untrained eye these moves look similar to a dance choreography. However, Bees have a language.
5. Bees have a historical beginning about 100 million years ago. That is more ancient (i.e. longer ago in time) than Humans, primates, and most all the other warm blooded mammals.
6 Only the female Bee has the capacity to sting.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Why you are alone
Public and Private Grade School Education destroyed your natural relationships to your siblings and neighborhood children. You grew up in a police state educational system and reached adulthood with no natural friends. This was not accidental. This isolation was a planned feature of the Corporate Capitalist Bureaucracy that runs your life. If you have no support network, you make a more submissive, docile, and productive employee, If you are isolated and alone -- it is much easier to exploit your very existence for the profit of others.
Your sense of isolation and loneliness was intentional and planned.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Your sense of isolation and loneliness was intentional and planned.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
email observations
Note on internet communications: a related phenomenon, once we had email in the 1990's and we could easily communicate with friends and family with little or no added expense, I enthusiastically corresponded with all my associates and promptly lost relationships with most all my family and friends. The opportunity for unfettered sharing of ideas and concepts was not beneficial for the preservation tenuous social relationships based on "propriety" and class. It is curious to note a universal phenomenon: we all got hundreds of friendly emails in the 1990's and the only email we get today is mostly advertisements or mass mailings. Curious.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer a related phenomenon, once we had email in the 1990's and we could easily communicate with friends and family with little or no added expense, I enthusiastically corresponded with all my associates and promptly lost relationships with most all my family and friends. The opportunity for unfettered sharing of ideas and concepts was not beneficial for the preservation tenuous social relationships based on "propriety" and class. It is curious to note a universal phenomenon: we all got hundreds of friendly emails in the 1990's and the only email we get today is mostly advertisements or mass mailings. Curious.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Psychiatric Disorder
Statistical evaluation of behavior does not reveal sickness or illness. This is not a "health" issue. It is a normative behavior modification exercise of social censure. Many people who are currently diagnosed as "autistic" or "schizophrenic" are perfectly well functional people with jobs and lives. It is the intolerance of the social planners and capitalist efficiency experts that seeks to "cull the herd" and "remove the eccentric personalities" that seeks to stigmatize and label normal psychological behavior and personalities as extreme, sick, or dangerous. It is society itself that is dangerous, NOT these people.
Behavioral analysis of herd behavior in deer reveal that there is a diversity of reaction times among deer. Some deer have a high sensitivity and are easily startled. Other deer have a low sensitivity and almost nothing unusual disturbs them. The rest of the herd's reaction times are statistically distributed between these two extremes. To have a variance in behavior among individual deer is good for the survival of the herd. Any possible external threat will be signaled to the rest of the herd by the highly sensitive deer. If it is a "real threat" the majority of the herd will recognize it and act accordingly. If it is not a real threat, the herd will not react and the skittish deer will then settle down.
Aside: in a way this herd behavior could be a form of behavioral "voting" in animal organizations. The reaction is a vote. If an initial proposal (the startled deer) gets enough votes (positive reactions from the other deer), then the entire herd runs away together.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Behavioral analysis of herd behavior in deer reveal that there is a diversity of reaction times among deer. Some deer have a high sensitivity and are easily startled. Other deer have a low sensitivity and almost nothing unusual disturbs them. The rest of the herd's reaction times are statistically distributed between these two extremes. To have a variance in behavior among individual deer is good for the survival of the herd. Any possible external threat will be signaled to the rest of the herd by the highly sensitive deer. If it is a "real threat" the majority of the herd will recognize it and act accordingly. If it is not a real threat, the herd will not react and the skittish deer will then settle down.
Aside: in a way this herd behavior could be a form of behavioral "voting" in animal organizations. The reaction is a vote. If an initial proposal (the startled deer) gets enough votes (positive reactions from the other deer), then the entire herd runs away together.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Look at documentary footage of people and teenagers in the 1960's (Woodstock is a good example). Then go outside and look at teenagers today. Look at the difference -- High fructose corn syrup. AND, the ONLY reason we stopped using sugar is to cripple the economy of Cuba. All we ended up doing was crippling our children. THIS is the legacy of capitalism: High fructose corn syrup and early death.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Monday, April 23, 2018
The future of bees

The present bee population in North America is estimated to be only 10% of what it was just fifty years ago. Bees pollinate one third (i.e. 1/3) of all agricultural products used by humans on Earth. If bees become extinct, then there will be a mass starvation and famine in human society. The phenomenon of individual bees dying is new within the past twenty years. It is a symptom of the problem affecting bees called Colony Collapse Disorder. When I had a condo (1977 - 2010), bees would come to die on the front steps, one at a time. I would save them and use their bodies in assembly art projects. When I was a child in the 1960's, you NEVER saw individual bees laying dead on the ground. The fact that you see individual bees laying DEAD on the ground now is a very serious warning to humanity and to all the Earth. You have been warned. The future of the bees is the future of man. "Prepare for doom."
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Sunday, April 22, 2018
The Purpose of Life
It could be argued that the purpose of life is to shit as much as you can. Stay alive for as long as you can so you can eat enough food to shit as much as possible. The more lifetime food consumption (and elimination) the better survival score.
If you eat too much food too quickly, you get sick and die. So, even though you might be ahead early in the game, you have to drop out.
If you eat moderately and healthy, you might not shit as much, but you will live much longer so the lifetime average will lift your score.
Vegetarians would have a slight advantage in this system of analysis because plant based food is naturally high in fiber. This will produce a larger and heavier volume of excrement that a diet based on animal food.
A more accurate measure of survival value could possibly be expressed as a ratio of "mass of excrement to body mass in a given period of time". This ratio would yield a normalized method of more accurately comparing different sized persons.
If this analysis is found to have some merit, then it might give a whole new meaning to the common expression, "He is full of shit."
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
If you eat too much food too quickly, you get sick and die. So, even though you might be ahead early in the game, you have to drop out.
If you eat moderately and healthy, you might not shit as much, but you will live much longer so the lifetime average will lift your score.
Vegetarians would have a slight advantage in this system of analysis because plant based food is naturally high in fiber. This will produce a larger and heavier volume of excrement that a diet based on animal food.
A more accurate measure of survival value could possibly be expressed as a ratio of "mass of excrement to body mass in a given period of time". This ratio would yield a normalized method of more accurately comparing different sized persons.
If this analysis is found to have some merit, then it might give a whole new meaning to the common expression, "He is full of shit."
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Fighting an Eviction
I helped a friend fight a ruthless and unlawful eviction attempt by going to court and playing hardball by the rules. A new owner had bought the building and wanted to raise rents by 50% to pay for remodeling. This was in violation of rent control, so he tried to evict everyone who wouldn't move.
My friend obtained services of a lawyer and I "helped" (by being there at all the appointments and listening carefully). It was astounding how excruciatingly difficult the process was and how much time it took. I am lucky I had the time to spend to help. She won the fight and is still living at the same residence at her old rent. The new owner got a new management company. However, the effort was extreme, the cost was high, and because of it, I have almost lost all respect for American civil society and America itself. "America is a prison"
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
My friend obtained services of a lawyer and I "helped" (by being there at all the appointments and listening carefully). It was astounding how excruciatingly difficult the process was and how much time it took. I am lucky I had the time to spend to help. She won the fight and is still living at the same residence at her old rent. The new owner got a new management company. However, the effort was extreme, the cost was high, and because of it, I have almost lost all respect for American civil society and America itself. "America is a prison"
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Representative Democracy is obsolete
The present form of Representative Democracy appears to be almost obsolete.
The internet and computer data processing has changed the world we live in. It is now possible to have every single interested citizen vote over the internet and get an accurate tally of the results. We no longer have to elect someone to travel to Washington D.C. to deliberate law and then to vote the way we hoped. We could vote directly on all law right through the internet. We could establish a TRUE DEMOCRACY in the tradition of Ancient Athens, and we could do it on a scale that is unimaginable.
Advantages of a citizen empowered internet based direct voting government:
1. No lobbying. No special interests lobby.
2. No corporate influence. No corporation buying votes.
3. Transparency of voting record and results
4. Direct citizen accountability and responsibility
5. More representation for disenfranchised population groups.
6. Less corruption and fraud.
An interesting idea that I suspect we will hear more about in the future.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
The internet and computer data processing has changed the world we live in. It is now possible to have every single interested citizen vote over the internet and get an accurate tally of the results. We no longer have to elect someone to travel to Washington D.C. to deliberate law and then to vote the way we hoped. We could vote directly on all law right through the internet. We could establish a TRUE DEMOCRACY in the tradition of Ancient Athens, and we could do it on a scale that is unimaginable.
Advantages of a citizen empowered internet based direct voting government:
1. No lobbying. No special interests lobby.
2. No corporate influence. No corporation buying votes.
3. Transparency of voting record and results
4. Direct citizen accountability and responsibility
5. More representation for disenfranchised population groups.
6. Less corruption and fraud.
An interesting idea that I suspect we will hear more about in the future.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
High School shootings
Re: school shooting in High Schools in the USA
1. Has anyone else thought that since ALL these shooting take place in High School buildings, then maybe High School itself is the cause of the problems?
2. Do you hear of this phenomenon happening in any other country on Earth? Why is this only happening in the USA? What does this tell us about our society when our children are violently killing anonymous strangers?
3. How do you think this looks to our political allies in the international arena that we have a "rash of gun violence in our High Schools"? Do you think other countries will want to emulate our social structure? Do you think other countries will trust us as political allies?
4. This is a sad and tragic phenomenon that needs to be stopped and as a nation we seem unable to recognize the real causes or effects.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
1. Has anyone else thought that since ALL these shooting take place in High School buildings, then maybe High School itself is the cause of the problems?
2. Do you hear of this phenomenon happening in any other country on Earth? Why is this only happening in the USA? What does this tell us about our society when our children are violently killing anonymous strangers?
3. How do you think this looks to our political allies in the international arena that we have a "rash of gun violence in our High Schools"? Do you think other countries will want to emulate our social structure? Do you think other countries will trust us as political allies?
4. This is a sad and tragic phenomenon that needs to be stopped and as a nation we seem unable to recognize the real causes or effects.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Friday, April 20, 2018
5 AM Air Traffic
comment on a DAHBOO video on youtube.
Curiously, there was a phenomenal amount of air traffic this morning in Los Angeles before 5 AM. I live in Hollywood and can lay in my bed and listen to the skies early in the morning. It is my understanding that commercial airspace in Los Angeles is "closed" from Midnight to 6AM. Except for police helicopters and private jets, almost any air traffic you hear at night (in L.A.) is military air traffic. I first noticed this phenomenon while living at the Beach in 2002 - 2003. I was aware that December January that I was constantly being awakened by air traffic at 4 AM After a few weeks, I figured out that it must be military air traffic and that WE WERE GOING TO WAR IN IRAQ. It turns out that I was correct in that assumption. Presently, England, France, and the USA have no significant petroleum natural resources. Society runs on Petroleum. Petroleum is the defacto standard of currency for a technologically advanced society. The USA NEEDS to control oil distribution or USA society will grind to a halt in the worst depression you have ever seen. We need the petroleum to make the gated communities an economically viable place to live. "It will be an interesting summer" -- Keep looking up and keep listening for air traffic in the middle of the night.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Curiously, there was a phenomenal amount of air traffic this morning in Los Angeles before 5 AM. I live in Hollywood and can lay in my bed and listen to the skies early in the morning. It is my understanding that commercial airspace in Los Angeles is "closed" from Midnight to 6AM. Except for police helicopters and private jets, almost any air traffic you hear at night (in L.A.) is military air traffic. I first noticed this phenomenon while living at the Beach in 2002 - 2003. I was aware that December January that I was constantly being awakened by air traffic at 4 AM After a few weeks, I figured out that it must be military air traffic and that WE WERE GOING TO WAR IN IRAQ. It turns out that I was correct in that assumption. Presently, England, France, and the USA have no significant petroleum natural resources. Society runs on Petroleum. Petroleum is the defacto standard of currency for a technologically advanced society. The USA NEEDS to control oil distribution or USA society will grind to a halt in the worst depression you have ever seen. We need the petroleum to make the gated communities an economically viable place to live. "It will be an interesting summer" -- Keep looking up and keep listening for air traffic in the middle of the night.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Violence is a meme
Violence is a "meme" that replicates itself by controlling your actions. Violence creates more violence and that is the intent of violence. A "meme" is an idea that replicates itself (look it up) by controlling your thoughts. This is what advertising slogans are based on. A meme uses your brain to replicate itself -- similar to the way a virus uses a living cell to replicate itself.
For example) a victim of violence is "infected" with the violence meme. The meme lays dormant until the right moment and then explodes into consciousness of the victim as he perpetrates more violence on other unsuspecting people. The violence meme has been reproduced in those other people.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
For example) a victim of violence is "infected" with the violence meme. The meme lays dormant until the right moment and then explodes into consciousness of the victim as he perpetrates more violence on other unsuspecting people. The violence meme has been reproduced in those other people.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
HAHA... I was going to write how I attended HASH WEDNESDAY at University of Illinois in spring 1977. This was before anyone thought of 4:20... It was a beautiful exercise in civil disobedience. Someone bombed the entire campus with chalk messages indicating that a certain Wednesday was Hash Wednesday. Nobody knew what was up and there was no news coverage. On the Wednesday indicated, about one thousand people spontaneously showed up on the University quad with pipes and bongs and tents and drums and Frisbees and we took over the campus for the afternoon with peaceful loving vibes of a pre-Regan era "smoke out." Marijuana was illegal. 18 year olds could vote, but they couldn't buy beer. There was no AIDS, no Air Controllers Strike, No Tehran Embasy take over, no Ronald Regan, no RAP, no stock market crash, no internet, no ISIS, no George Bush, no sex change operations, no remote control drones, no killer military robot dogs, no 9-1-1, ... nothing but sun and smoke and Frisbee and fun. We still believed we would have a forty hour week job, a house, family and our employer would pay for medical insurance and vacations. The only homeless people were Vietnam veterans and there were no SUV's or cell phones in existence. VHS and Beta did not exist. CD's did not exist. People did not own camcorders and cable TV did not exist. Enjoy the day.
In 1977 there was no Saddam Hussein, no Moamar Kaddhafi. Tectonic plates and continental drift was just started to be taken seriously in the general public. There was no talk of Global Warming. There was no child autism, and young boys were not regularly given powerful psychoactive drugs by their doctors and parents to sedate them and destroy their minds.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
In 1977 there was no Saddam Hussein, no Moamar Kaddhafi. Tectonic plates and continental drift was just started to be taken seriously in the general public. There was no talk of Global Warming. There was no child autism, and young boys were not regularly given powerful psychoactive drugs by their doctors and parents to sedate them and destroy their minds.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Symptoms of Depression
Comment on a News Article on depression.
The reason you are depressed is because the network of friends, family, and associates have been dishonest, lied to you, cheated you, beat you, or stole your possessions. Depression signals a lack of honest trusting relationships that manifests itself in individual people. The USA economy is largely dishonest and exploitative. THAT is why depression is rampant in USA America today. Depression is a normal reaction to an abusive and exploitative living arrangement like many of us are subject to that live and work in the USA.
To avoid the feelings of depression, many of us choose not to feel anything at all instead and become "unfeeling social robots."
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
The reason you are depressed is because the network of friends, family, and associates have been dishonest, lied to you, cheated you, beat you, or stole your possessions. Depression signals a lack of honest trusting relationships that manifests itself in individual people. The USA economy is largely dishonest and exploitative. THAT is why depression is rampant in USA America today. Depression is a normal reaction to an abusive and exploitative living arrangement like many of us are subject to that live and work in the USA.
To avoid the feelings of depression, many of us choose not to feel anything at all instead and become "unfeeling social robots."
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Watts Towers
I have actually been inside Watts Towers and was lucky enough to happen upon a tour previously scheduled that was just starting. The legacy of Simon Rodia is an inspiration to us all who live and create outside the mainstream of "acceptable" commercial activity.
The history of the Watts Towers and the story of Simon Rodia is amazing. An example to us all in how to create magnificence and wonder from nothing at all ...without money, friends, support, love, or recognition. If he can make something out of nothing...then so can you.
"The possibilities are infinite and the limitations are mostly self imposed." - Mr. Atwater
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
The history of the Watts Towers and the story of Simon Rodia is amazing. An example to us all in how to create magnificence and wonder from nothing at all ...without money, friends, support, love, or recognition. If he can make something out of nothing...then so can you.
"The possibilities are infinite and the limitations are mostly self imposed." - Mr. Atwater
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Saturday, April 14, 2018
The Final Battle
Imagine a fight between two parties: (1). A spoiled little rich boy with no moral sense at all, that bullies people to get what he wants. He cheats and steals, and then just buys he way out of trouble if things don't work out. He also sponsored a University that was openly a total fraud, built buildings that violate building codes, and tried to subvert the operation of the FBI. (2). A trained gutter rat from the lower classes of society. Worked as a double agent in a national military spy agency and climbed his way to the top of that huge organization with intelligence and luck. Managed to get elected president and has successfully guided the country for twenty years. Has successfully conquered and incorporated new territory peacefully into the country's existing territory. NOW ASK YOURSELF, "Who is more likely to plan an effective strategy for lasting success in any endeavor at all?"
If the Russians were successfully meddling in the USA election to get Donald Trump elected, nobody asked the question, "WHY do the Russians WANT Donald Trump???" Speculative Answer: Donald Trump doesn't understand warfare and can be bluffed into making stupid military actions that will result in the total destruction of his forces.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Friday, April 13, 2018
The Jewish War and destruction of the Temple
If you read "The Jewish War" by Josephus, you will be interested to know that for twenty years before the Jewish Rebellion, there was a crazy man in the town square that kept yelling "The Temple will be destroyed. The Temple will be destroyed." Naturally everyone thought he was a lunatic. Then, in 66 AD shortly after the Rebellion began, he was found murdered. Four years later, the Temple was destroyed.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Information and survival
Response to a friend who documented many different internet news sources to get accurate world news. The effort was phenomenally detailed and I admire his resourcefulness and dedication:
This was developed by me starting almost forty years ago after studying research on human information processing and artificial intelligence:
1. The human mind is incapable of storing and sorting data without error creeping in. Even if you judge a fact to be false when you read it, you will remember it as a fact (just a "fact"). Your mind DOES NOT STORE truth evaluations with the data. Even if you know the reliability of the data when you read it, your mind will remember it as TRUE or FALSE (1 or 0). This is NOT a trivial feature of the human mind. (This is how you remember bad information and it happens all the time: "Oh yeah --- I remember hearing about that...:") Because of this, I stopped reading National Enquirer and other junk news almost forty years ago.
I eventually stopped reading the news or watching TV for the same reason. Your consciousness is not an effective gatekeeper for information storage and retrieval at a dependability level of archival reliability.
The human mind does not store memory like a video recorder, but reconstructs the memory out of different bits and pieces each time an event is "remembered" This is how solid, factual memories themselves can change over time. That is why it is so interesting and disturbing to see old movies and videos of ourselves.
2. Therefore, to avoid my head being filled with propaganda, I just don't listen. Your brain is NOT an effective gate keeper for propaganda and your memory will accept a fact as true even if you disbelieve and discount it when you hear it. This is an astounding (and disappointing) feature of the "optimization strategy" of the human mind.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
This was developed by me starting almost forty years ago after studying research on human information processing and artificial intelligence:
1. The human mind is incapable of storing and sorting data without error creeping in. Even if you judge a fact to be false when you read it, you will remember it as a fact (just a "fact"). Your mind DOES NOT STORE truth evaluations with the data. Even if you know the reliability of the data when you read it, your mind will remember it as TRUE or FALSE (1 or 0). This is NOT a trivial feature of the human mind. (This is how you remember bad information and it happens all the time: "Oh yeah --- I remember hearing about that...:") Because of this, I stopped reading National Enquirer and other junk news almost forty years ago.
I eventually stopped reading the news or watching TV for the same reason. Your consciousness is not an effective gatekeeper for information storage and retrieval at a dependability level of archival reliability.
2. Therefore, to avoid my head being filled with propaganda, I just don't listen. Your brain is NOT an effective gate keeper for propaganda and your memory will accept a fact as true even if you disbelieve and discount it when you hear it. This is an astounding (and disappointing) feature of the "optimization strategy" of the human mind.
Anything that is very important for me to know will be relayed to me by my friends and associates. The only thing that really affects me now is food, sleep, hot and cold. ...
3. Curiously, Except for Fox news, I have not even heard of a single news source on this list. I am reminded of the phrase "How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go?"
William Schaeffer
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
facebook data
facebook comment on the Zuckerberg testimony
What we are watching is the irrelevance of the existing social and political organizational systems. The entire society is beginning to collapse and will be replaced with a digital network tracking system that we do not yet fully understand or appreciate. You cannot escape.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
What we are watching is the irrelevance of the existing social and political organizational systems. The entire society is beginning to collapse and will be replaced with a digital network tracking system that we do not yet fully understand or appreciate. You cannot escape.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Rules for success and survival
I was working security at an event last night and we were talking about the future and the uncertainty of present life and a young woman asked me what I thought the most important things for success and survival were. I was surprised at the question, but this is what I said:
1. Work to develop a few good friendships with people you trust and people who trust you. It is difficult and most people are dishonest, and deceitful. Find people that you respect and value their opinion. Find people that will help you out when you are in trouble. Find people that you will want to help out when they are in trouble. All of life in USA America works to destroy your supportive and trusting relationships, so it is imperative that you give top priority to having solid network of good friends and relations.
2. Always learn new things. Read a book. Take a class. Keep reading and studying new material. Keep appraised of current events and develop your natural abilities. Don't just sit around complacently wasting time, but make your time count. Life is short and it is a big Universe. Learn a new skill, practice a skill you already have, listen, read, exercise, think, ponder, share, create. Make every minute count and don't be lazy. Stay busy with enjoyable and productive effort your entire life.
3. Be honest and straight and true. Strive to be honest and honorable in everything you do. If you try to cheat or steal, your dishonesty will always catch up with you. It will be difficult to keep track of all the lies and half truths, and eventually you will be exposed. It is much easier to always be honest and straight and true. Do what you say. Say what you mean. Don't cheat or steal. Respect people and deal with them fairly and squarely. Don't tell half lies or half truths. Walk the straight and narrow with good posture and concentrate primarily on monitoring your own behavior. It is less work, less stress, and you will live a longer life with more genuine happiness if you strive for gentle honesty and genuine truth.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
1. Work to develop a few good friendships with people you trust and people who trust you. It is difficult and most people are dishonest, and deceitful. Find people that you respect and value their opinion. Find people that will help you out when you are in trouble. Find people that you will want to help out when they are in trouble. All of life in USA America works to destroy your supportive and trusting relationships, so it is imperative that you give top priority to having solid network of good friends and relations.
2. Always learn new things. Read a book. Take a class. Keep reading and studying new material. Keep appraised of current events and develop your natural abilities. Don't just sit around complacently wasting time, but make your time count. Life is short and it is a big Universe. Learn a new skill, practice a skill you already have, listen, read, exercise, think, ponder, share, create. Make every minute count and don't be lazy. Stay busy with enjoyable and productive effort your entire life.
3. Be honest and straight and true. Strive to be honest and honorable in everything you do. If you try to cheat or steal, your dishonesty will always catch up with you. It will be difficult to keep track of all the lies and half truths, and eventually you will be exposed. It is much easier to always be honest and straight and true. Do what you say. Say what you mean. Don't cheat or steal. Respect people and deal with them fairly and squarely. Don't tell half lies or half truths. Walk the straight and narrow with good posture and concentrate primarily on monitoring your own behavior. It is less work, less stress, and you will live a longer life with more genuine happiness if you strive for gentle honesty and genuine truth.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
No help for the homeless
In USA America there is no help for the homeless. Nobody cares if you live or die in the streets. You pitch a tent and you are alone. There is no society. There is no culture. There is no family. There is no nation. There is no state. There is nothing. Nobody cares if you are dead or alive. Just don't make a mess. Welcome to USA America.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
God does not exist
a comment on yahoo:
HAHA. There is no God There is no proof that any entity like "God" exists. Show me a photograph of God. Play me an audio recording of God speaking. Tell me how I can talk to him and record his response. There is NO "non-hearsay," objective evidence of the existence of any entity similar to what you describe as God. If you cannot produce "scientific proof" with "legally admissible evidence" that the entity called God really exists, then the belief in God is a delusional belief. To believe in something that does not exist is a delusional belief (by definition). Too bad.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
HAHA. There is no God There is no proof that any entity like "God" exists. Show me a photograph of God. Play me an audio recording of God speaking. Tell me how I can talk to him and record his response. There is NO "non-hearsay," objective evidence of the existence of any entity similar to what you describe as God. If you cannot produce "scientific proof" with "legally admissible evidence" that the entity called God really exists, then the belief in God is a delusional belief. To believe in something that does not exist is a delusional belief (by definition). Too bad.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Meat eating is an addiction
Astounding as it may seem, it appears that meat eating is an addiction. Cooking meat breaks down the protein strings and causes them to behave similar to Casein in milk. Casein in the short protein strings in milk that cause a sedated, pleasurable addictive response in babies. This is why we like cheese -- it literally acts as a drug and sedates us with pleasurable emotions. Meat eating causes the same response and can be given up only with great effort. However, eating meat is almost totally unnecessary for good health. It is possible to be totally happy, healthy, and eat good tasting, enjoyable food without eating meat. Fight the addiction. Eat more fiber.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Monday, April 9, 2018
Cultural deceit?
One out of six people in the entire USA are currently taking prescribed anti-depressant for which there is no proven workable theory of how they work and no statistical proof of their effectiveness. If 18% of the population is conned into taking mind altering drugs for which there is no logical justification, then how can you be surprised at any abuses, or deceits, in the rest of the culture?
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Sunday, April 8, 2018
Saturday, April 7, 2018
High School school shootings
Does anyone else think it strange that these child victims are being used as spokesmen, but there are NO ADULTS speaking with them. No LAWYERS, no DOCTORS, no TEACHERS, no POLICE, no Government officials. These children are forced to debate one side of an issue in a national forum after being victims of an horrific attack and NOT ONE ADULT IN THE ENTIRE USA HAS EVER BEEN SEEN AS THEIR adviser, spokesman, or lawyer (in the "public photo arena"). Are we letting our children debate our important decisions? We should be ashamed.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Friday, April 6, 2018
More Art for sale - SOLD (and broken)
5 x 7 framed
A Boy and his Dog
6 x 8 unframed
broken Looking for LOVE broken
4 x 6 framed
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Pancakes and Bitterness
I applied for the "Pancakes and Booze" art show too late, but that's OK anyway:
1. for your love
assembly art framed
8 x 10
2. oh happy day
assembly art framed
8 x 10
3. prepare for doom
assembly art
11 x 14 unframed
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Undead DADA zombie drummer says:
I need a personal servant
I need your money
I need to bitch and moan
I need to fabricate truth
I need a hammer and nail
I need my garden plowed
I need a drink
I need a fruit juice enema
I need a frontal lobotomy
I need a manicure
I need a new hobby
I need a new wardrobe
I need a makeover
I need a bikini wax
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Thursday, April 5, 2018
More on Detroit
atwaterpub, so what you are saying is that the destruction of all major cities is due entirely to business moving out? I suppose that is possible. However, if that is the case, then only Americans are to blame, for continuing to purchase the products made by those companies. If they stopped buying them, then the companies would have gone under totally, and something else would have replaced them entirely. And why did those companies move in the first place? Did government have anything to do with it? Did unions have anything to do with it? More questions than answers in this thread.
atwaterpub atwaterpub 2 minutes ago:
kyokogodal I do not know all the answers or understand all the connections, but to me the predominant factor is MONEY. Follow the Money and that will lead to the main answers. I am 60 years old and my entire life in school and business we have placed primary value on profit and negated personal relations and personal ethics. It seems to me that we are paying the price for this imbalanced perspective. There are 60,000 homeless in Los Angeles. There are FOUR or FIVE homeless camps within three blocks of my apartment (depending on police activity). The collapse has already begun and only a restructuring of the economy will stop it. HALF OF ALL SINGLE FAMILY HOMEOWNERS in the USA HAVE NO MONETARY SAVINGS AT ALL (i.e. they do not have any money in the bank at all). The system cannot stand any slight instability or it will really collapse. Just wait and see.
kyokogodal: Your assumption that the business HAD to move out or they would go bankrupt is not valid. Presently in the USA, the average CEO earns 200 - 2000 times what the average worker earns. In most Japanese corporations the average CEO earns 10 - 20 times what the average worker earns. American corporations are very "top heavy" with executive pay. Also the structure of the quarterly profit motive encourages short term financial gain at the expense of long term growth. This encourages CEO to seek personal gain at the expense of the entire corporation. Also the fact that all CEO's are largely exempt from personal criminal prosecution when the corporation engages in illegal activity encourages dishonest and unethical business practices. There are many inefficiencies built into the USA American economy that actually encourages this type of waste and exploitation of people and natural resources instead of actually building a stable economy and stable society.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
atwaterpub, so what you are saying is that the destruction of all major cities is due entirely to business moving out? I suppose that is possible. However, if that is the case, then only Americans are to blame, for continuing to purchase the products made by those companies. If they stopped buying them, then the companies would have gone under totally, and something else would have replaced them entirely. And why did those companies move in the first place? Did government have anything to do with it? Did unions have anything to do with it? More questions than answers in this thread.
atwaterpub atwaterpub 2 minutes ago:
kyokogodal I do not know all the answers or understand all the connections, but to me the predominant factor is MONEY. Follow the Money and that will lead to the main answers. I am 60 years old and my entire life in school and business we have placed primary value on profit and negated personal relations and personal ethics. It seems to me that we are paying the price for this imbalanced perspective. There are 60,000 homeless in Los Angeles. There are FOUR or FIVE homeless camps within three blocks of my apartment (depending on police activity). The collapse has already begun and only a restructuring of the economy will stop it. HALF OF ALL SINGLE FAMILY HOMEOWNERS in the USA HAVE NO MONETARY SAVINGS AT ALL (i.e. they do not have any money in the bank at all). The system cannot stand any slight instability or it will really collapse. Just wait and see.
kyokogodal: Your assumption that the business HAD to move out or they would go bankrupt is not valid. Presently in the USA, the average CEO earns 200 - 2000 times what the average worker earns. In most Japanese corporations the average CEO earns 10 - 20 times what the average worker earns. American corporations are very "top heavy" with executive pay. Also the structure of the quarterly profit motive encourages short term financial gain at the expense of long term growth. This encourages CEO to seek personal gain at the expense of the entire corporation. Also the fact that all CEO's are largely exempt from personal criminal prosecution when the corporation engages in illegal activity encourages dishonest and unethical business practices. There are many inefficiencies built into the USA American economy that actually encourages this type of waste and exploitation of people and natural resources instead of actually building a stable economy and stable society.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Detroit recap
Comment on the urban plight in Detroit
This is caused entirely by Automotive manufacturers not living up to their implied commitment to their employees and just moving their production out of Detroit. Capitalism is inherently unstable. Capitalism is a self cannibalizing form of social organization where nothing is permanent or predictable. Seventy five percent of the single family homes in Detroit are abandoned or destroyed. Seventy five percent of the lives in Detroit were ruined by the automotive industry leaving town. This is the future of America. Pay close attention. Prepare for doom.
Novusod Highlighted reply Novusod 14 minutes ago:
Wrong. Detroit is the result of Democrats and Unions killing the golden goose through high taxation and constant labor strikes.
atwaterpub 2 seconds ago;
Novusod --- "The Golden Goose has now been outsourced to China and you still protect the self indulgent and self aggrandizing philosophies of the Golden Goose?" Detroit is the future of ALL America unless we change the rules of the corporate economy. I just visited Cerritos, CA in Orange County this morning and was genuinely surprised and the number of new store closings. Large Department stores were abandoned and small mom and pop stores were closed also. Orange country is traditionally affluent compared to Los Angeles county. It seems that Detroit is being repeated all over the USA as we speak because business has no ethical responsibility to the people it employs. Business only has an ethical responsibility to the stock shareholders. Corporations have no legal responsibility to their employees beyond a paycheck every two weeks. Even the employee contracts are being challenged in the court system. Business has no ethics or responsibility beyond insuring a quarterly profit and THAT is why Detroit was destroyed. Detroit was destroyed because it is good for business to destroy it. It is easier and less expensive to destroy Detroit than it is to try and preserve it. It is easier and less expensive to build a new factory in an impoverished rural community, than it is to preserve an existing business in a teeming metropolis. It is easier and less expensive to let the USA destroy itself and build new factories in India and China, than it is to try and preserve the economy we had.
copyright (c)2018
William Schaeffer
This is caused entirely by Automotive manufacturers not living up to their implied commitment to their employees and just moving their production out of Detroit. Capitalism is inherently unstable. Capitalism is a self cannibalizing form of social organization where nothing is permanent or predictable. Seventy five percent of the single family homes in Detroit are abandoned or destroyed. Seventy five percent of the lives in Detroit were ruined by the automotive industry leaving town. This is the future of America. Pay close attention. Prepare for doom.
Novusod Highlighted reply Novusod 14 minutes ago:
Wrong. Detroit is the result of Democrats and Unions killing the golden goose through high taxation and constant labor strikes.
atwaterpub 2 seconds ago;
Novusod --- "The Golden Goose has now been outsourced to China and you still protect the self indulgent and self aggrandizing philosophies of the Golden Goose?" Detroit is the future of ALL America unless we change the rules of the corporate economy. I just visited Cerritos, CA in Orange County this morning and was genuinely surprised and the number of new store closings. Large Department stores were abandoned and small mom and pop stores were closed also. Orange country is traditionally affluent compared to Los Angeles county. It seems that Detroit is being repeated all over the USA as we speak because business has no ethical responsibility to the people it employs. Business only has an ethical responsibility to the stock shareholders. Corporations have no legal responsibility to their employees beyond a paycheck every two weeks. Even the employee contracts are being challenged in the court system. Business has no ethics or responsibility beyond insuring a quarterly profit and THAT is why Detroit was destroyed. Detroit was destroyed because it is good for business to destroy it. It is easier and less expensive to destroy Detroit than it is to try and preserve it. It is easier and less expensive to build a new factory in an impoverished rural community, than it is to preserve an existing business in a teeming metropolis. It is easier and less expensive to let the USA destroy itself and build new factories in India and China, than it is to try and preserve the economy we had.
copyright (c)2018
William Schaeffer
Mystery Quake
One day 20 years ago when I lived in Redondo Beach: I got home from work and went to the mail box. Right when I took out my key, I became very unstable and could not get the key in the lock. I thought I was having some kind of flashback. Finally, I got my mail. Then when I turned and walked back into the courtyard, ALL my neighbors came running out of their apartments and stood there by their doors, looking at me. Then I realized that we just had an Earthquake. That was strange.
(right when I tried to open the mailbox the whole building started moving due to the Earthquake and I didn't notice)
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
(right when I tried to open the mailbox the whole building started moving due to the Earthquake and I didn't notice)
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Where are your friends?
Do you still communicate with your childhood friends? Do you stay in touch with your childhood friends? Are you still friends with your childhood friends? In most cultures, at most times in history, the friends you made in childhood were your companions and associates for life. You were never alone. In USA America the school system was designed to destroy childhood friendships so all adults would be more effective solitary factory workers. Most Americans have no contact with their friends from childhood. Most Americans have few authentic, supportive and nurturing friendships. This is not an accident. It is the result of a careful design of the public school system and nobody was really paying attention. Today we are paying the price and the social unrest you see is a direct result of the public school system and the lack of genuine friendships, or relationships, that we all experience.
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
Sunday, April 1, 2018
The DADA Zombie speaks
What did I say?
Are you an Idiot?
Are you stupid?
Did you hear me?
Do you have a brain?
Does it hurt?
What are you saying?
Are you even human?
Do you enjoy suffering?
Where is your brain?
You always say that?
Are you serious?
Are you paying attention?
Are you even trying?
Do you even think?
Do you have dandruff?
Do you have insomnia?
Do you have back pain?
Do you have neurosis?
Do you have any feeling?
Do you have an excuse?
Do you have a plan?
Do you have a clue?
Do you have a backbone?
Do you have a spine?
Once again, you failed
Once again, you broke it
Once again, you blew it
Once again, you lost it
Once again, you ruined it
You embarrass yourself
You have problems?
You have difficulties?
copyright (c) 2018
William Schaeffer
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