Sunday, February 26, 2017

Live Long and Good

Be Brave
Be Strong
Be Honest
Be True
Be Enduring

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Global Warming and the babies who "Don't Ever Change"

Behavior science has found that babies tend to be internally rewarded by either: 1. familiar surroundings and situations, or 2. novel experiences. This seems to be the basis for one's political orientation which appears to be inborn. Conservatives were once babies that liked familiar surroundings and as adults like to keep things unchanging and the same. Liberals were babies that liked novel experiences and as adults want to try something new to "see if we can make it better". It is my suspicion that "Global Warming Deniers" are mostly like conservative Republicans who as babies liked to have a constant and unchanging world.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

19.2 Pounds of Carbon Dioxide

Every gallon of gasoline you burn in your car removes 12 pounds of Oxygen (O2)from the atmosphere and replaces it with 19.2 pounds of Carbon Dioxide (CO2). The carbon atoms from the gasoline are permanently "injected" into the atmosphere. During your life, you have been personally responsible for adding several TONS of Carbon Dioxide to the atmosphere. The Oxygen is gone and the Carbon Dioxide is up there to stay. The CO2 will never leave the atmosphere during your lifetime. This is a fact.

700 - 400 million years ago, one celled plankton grew and died and fell to the bottom of the ocean. The cellulose in the cell wall is make of Carbon. Over time this slow process removed so much Carbon from the atmosphere that the gas content changed dramatically and the Earth climate cooled. Now, we are digging this Carbon up out of the ground (as oil and coal) and re-injecting it back into the atmosphere by burning. When the process is complete, Earth climate will have changed back to the "primordial tropical hot house" it once was. The polar ice caps will be gone and Humans will live in Antarctica because most of the rest of the world the climate will be too hot to be comfortable or to survive.

The relative time scales are difficult to appreciate. Humans have only existed as Humans for 200,000 years. Civilization of cities and towns has only existed for 10,000 years. The Ice Age ended 20,000 years ago. The migration out of Africa began 60,000 years ago. Plankton first appeared 700,000,000 years ago.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Nobody cares if you are dead.

Always remember: Nobody in America really cares if you are alive or dead. You are just a commodity. You are not human. Your next door neighbors and coworkers will just sit and watch you die and make little jokes about the amusing contortions you make while in agony. But they could care less if you are dead, unless you made a mess or didn't pay your bills.They may tell a cute story about you while you were alive, but they will do nothing to help you when you need it. Trust me, nobody in America will ever care if you are dead. I know. Prepare for doom. Good luck sucker.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

The American Economy

As an employee in America, you have no rights and no job security.  You will invest your life in a company, but they have not made any investment in you. You are nothing but a resource.  You are not human.  Do not make assumptions or generalizations about the future. You will live for 40 to 60 adult working years. The average career lasts for about 5 years.  Do not assume any debt.  Do not buy a house. Save your money. Learn several marketable skills.

Prepare for doom.

 copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Friday, February 24, 2017

Computer Graphics Before the Beginning

I tell people that I started in computer graphics before the mouse was invented. The funny thing is that it is true. The mouse was developed by Xerox PARC circa 1980 and then released into consumer production models by Apple Macintosh in 1984. I started programming at the University of Illinois on the PLATO computer and visualizing math equations in classroom assignments as early as 1977. Fact.

copyright (c)  2017
William Schaeffer

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Ralph Waldo Emerson and the Rotoscope Artist

When Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds" -- he was not talking about the rotoscope artist.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Monday, February 20, 2017

That's Crazy, Man

I went to an exhibit of "Outsider Art" at LACMA with a friend, more than twenty years ago. The art was a beautiful record of creations by the certifiably insane and highlighted the similarity to known works of modern art. I felt enlightened. Then, we went to Farmer's Market to eat lunch. We sat at a table near a person who must have been certifiably insane, because he ranted and raved at imaginary personages during the entire lunch. Despite my earlier delightful acceptance of the art of the insane, I found the actual presence of an insane person to be tedious and bothersome.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Playing Piano

Except for the first year or two of piano lessons, there is not one person on Earth who encouraged me or "took me seriously" in my desire to learn to play piano better. I was not very good at it for many adult years. Now, I can play piano for parties or wedding receptions of up to 500 people and almost everyone is happy with the music. I feel lucky when I play piano.

"Following your heart is its own reward." - Dr. Tony Bravado

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Here and Now

The future is a illusion.
The past is a lie.
Only the present is real.

Here and Now

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Friday, February 17, 2017

The Human Machine and the Death of the Soul

Our economic system in this modern society leaves us all isolated and pigeon holed by job classification. It is most economically efficient for each human to perform only one particular task for all their waking hours. Unfortunately, that is an absolutely unsatisfying and empty life for the human heart and the human soul. We have been turned into machines and we are dying inside.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Sad Sniff Story

Q. What happened?
A. He died sniffing glue.

Q. Sniffing glue?
A. Yeah.  It was "Super Glue" and he glued his nose shut.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Thursday, February 9, 2017


copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Antarctica -- Prepare for doom

The ice cap in Antarctica is one mile to a mile and a half thick. It weighs so much that it actually deforms the Earth's crust by hundreds of feet. When that Ice melts (and it will) the ocean's sea level will raise 377 feet. The calculation is EASY. Antarctica covers 5% of the surface of the Earth. The oceans cover 66% of the surface which we round to 70% for convenience. So 5,280 feet times .05 = X feet times .70 or X = 377 feet sea level rise. Prepare for doom.

Humans will not stop burning fossil fuels and there is no known viable alternative. Gasoline is the safest AND most compact AND most portable form of potential energy in the universe. We will continue to use fossil fuels until they are gone. When you burn one gallon of gasoline you remove 12 pounds of oxygen from the atmosphere and replace it with 19.2 pounds of carbon dioxide. The change in the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is significant and measurable and is presently at the highest level it has ever been in the entire history of mankind. The Earth's mean temperature is proportional to the percentage of Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and will continue to rise over time. The melting of the entire Ice cap in Antarctica is inevitable in the future.

The crack in Antarctica is very significant, During the next twenty years ALL the ice shelves will be in danger of breaking off into the ocean. Although this won't represent a major rise in sea level it will accelerate the melting of the entire ice cap on Antarctica significantly. This all above is a layman's opinion and subject to extreme over simplification and "rounding error" but seems to represent the most likely course of events.

Additionally. there is a range of ten active underwater volcanoes off the coast of Antarctica. This includes one of the largest volcanoes on the planet. As the ice on Antarctica melts, the continent will "lift". This mechanical activity will lessen the physical pressure keeping the volcanoes "closed" and will make them more likely to erupt. The eruption of one or more of these underwater volcanoes will hasten the melting of the Ice cap on Antarctica which will in turn make another volcanic eruption even more likely in the future.

If an Ice Shelf of significant size does fall into the ocean it could cause a Tsunami to fan out across the ocean and strike all the nearest land in the southern hemisphere. The Indonesian Tsunami from the earthquake in 2005, was over two hundred feet tall and killed almost 200,000 people (125,000 dead 95,000 missing) on the Island nation. It was so powerful that it swept across the Indian Ocean and hit Sri Lanka, It destroyed a railroad, and left debris sixty feet up the mountain side. Do a google search on these geographical "facts". I think you will find them to be largely accurate. The sequence of events and imminence of certain events is debatable, but the inevitable conclusion seems certain. The Earth climate will change dramatically.


"Prepare for doom" We are at the beginning of the ten thousand year dark ages. Everything we know will be swept away and buried under water. We are at the beginning of the great transition. While we are living in it -- it wont seem that unusual, because that is all we know; but future generations will marvel at the rapidity of change we will experience and our adaption to it.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Simplicity and Complexity in Personality

From the book "Creativity and Psychological Health" by Frank Barron, published by Van Nostrand Company, Inc., Princeton, New Jersey, 1963

Page 195

Chapter 15
Simplicity and Complexity in Personality

Table 15.7

Answered True by High Scorers on complexity:
1. The unfinished and the imperfect often have greater appeal for me than the completed and the polished.
2. I could cut my moorings ... quit my home, my parents, and my friends ... without suffering great regrets.
3. Politically I am probably something of a radical.
4. I think I take primarily an aesthetic view of experience.
5. I would enjoy the experience of living and working in a foreign country.
6. Many of my friends would probably be considered unconventional by other people.
7. Some of my friends think that my ideas are impractical, if not a bit wild.
8. I enjoy discarding the old and accepting the new.
9. When someone talks against certain groups or nationalities, I always speak up against such talk, even though it makes me unpopular

Answered True by Low Scorers on complexity
1. I don't like modern art.
2. Disobedience to the government is never justified.
3. Perfect balance is the essence of all good composition.
4. Straightforward reasoning appeals to me more than metaphors and the search for analogies.
5. It is a pretty callous person who does not feel love and gratitude toward his parents.
6. Things seem simpler as you learn more about them.
7. I much prefer symmetry to asymmetry.
8. Kindness and generosity are the most important qualities for a wife to have.
9. When a person has a problem or worry, it is best for him not to think about it, but to keep busy with more cheerful things.
10. It is the duty of a citizen to support his country, right or wrong.
11. Barring emergencies, I have a pretty good idea what I'll be doing for the next ten years.
12. I prefer team games to games in which one individual competes against another.
13. An invention which takes jobs away from people should be suppressed until new work can be found for them.
copyright (C) 2017
William Schaeffer

Monday, February 6, 2017

Driving a fresh lemon, or maybe a cherry coupe

It is curious that we have a preference for cars that are smooth and solid color like a fresh piece of fruit. We could have cars that have a rough texture, or bumpy, or sharp with thorns, or furry, or streaked with a wood grain, or have a droopy saggy skin, but we prefer a car that is painted like a nice plump piece of fresh fruit.

I want a car that changes color with a variable electric charge, so I can choose whatever color I want.

copyright (c) 2017
WIlliam Schaeffer


copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Friday, February 3, 2017

For Background Actors

My advice: 1. Clean up after yourself and don't leave your garbage and empty cups anywhere except a garbage can. Promptly remove food waste from holding. 2. Don't talk too loudly and practice being quiet. Don't talk on the set at all. not even in a whisper. 3. Be respectful and polite. Hold the door for people with luggage and packages. Let other people go first for coffee and snacks. Help put away chairs. 4. Load in "back to front" in the shuttle bus. 5. Keep it light and try to have fun and be happy even under uncomfortable temperatures or wardrobe confinement.

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer

Take a Break

It is important to take a break sometimes. We need to sleep to rejuvenate the mind and body. Farmers should let the fields lay fallow [unplanted] every seven years. Ginseng should be taken for a duration and then abstained from. The stretching and cool down rest time are an important and vital part of the strength training workout. So, "Give yourself a break. Relax, let go, and trust your instincts."

copyright (c) 2017
William Schaeffer