Monday, June 20, 2016

Happy father's day - glad you're dead

When I was four and a half years old, my father got angry at me and slammed my face into the wall. The impact split my lower lip open and I bled all over the place. I had to go to the emergency room and have three stitches put in my lower lip. I still remember laying on the table with gauze on my face as the doctor stitched my lip without anesthetic; while my father was faint at the sight of blood. The doctor sternly told my father to sit with his head between his own legs to prevent fainting. I still remember thinking that it was kind of odd that I was experiencing all the pain and my father was having all the difficulty. For the next two weeks, my father joked about how stoic I was and how he could barely stand the sight of blood. I was surprised when they took the stitches out that there was no pain and the threads just "slipped out" after they were cut. I do not remember my father ever apologizing to me or even asking me how I felt. Happy father's day. Glad you're dead.

I feel sorry for him, because he and my mother were all by themselves in a strange city and there was no one to help them. His parents, and brother were (perhaps understandably) self centered jerks as I remember. There was no community in our neighborhood and there never really was the rest of my life. People laugh at me when I say, "There is no love in America" and they do not understand how true this is, because they haven't really had any serious problems, yet. Look at all the homeless people living on our streets right now. Who loves them? Who cares about them? Where IS the love in America?

Answer: The LOVE in America is in your heart. It is not what you get, but what you give that counts. You forgive the past and strive to be the person that you wish everyone else could be. I post this story so that some young adult somewhere will maybe think twice before beating the living shit out of their child. Maybe one day there will be a little more LOVE in America, but not as long as we spend HALF of the GNP on weapons of mass destruction, as we have for every single year of the past 50 years of my life. Good luck.

For the cost of the Iraq war, the USA could have built a brand new house for every single family in Iraq. Do the math and figure it out for yourself. Imagine how different the world would be if we put our money where our mouth was and actually acted out of LOVE instead of HATRED. Imagine how different Iraq would be today if we had built all those houses. Imagine how different the USA would be. Good Luck Everyone. Good Luck.

 copyright (c) 2016 
William schaeffer

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